《Witch's pet》CHAP 23: Frozen abyss II
I nearly died again. As I was making my way toward the second tower, I sutmbled upon a large clearing without rocks or anything. It was just ice covered ground for about ten meters. The whole place gave off an displeasing feeling but I didn't mind a crossed it full speed to avoid staying without cover for too long.
Terrible mistake, bone-like spike erupted from the ground and started cutting the ground, slowly dissecting the ice like a butcher cutting venison. I had to turn into a horse and rush with all my might to barely escape that hellhole.
At first I thought it was a sand worm variant but it didn't make sense, it didn't move or make any noise other than the cutting and the stone wasn't thrashed when I first came. Then I noticed some runes were carved on nearby stones. Common patterns used to make monster flee, the power infused in them is making up for the poor rune quality. It means this trap isn't here to kill monsters. Is this a measure against intruders?
Once the cutting was done I looked at what was underneath. I barely caught a glimpse of a iron pipe and ice attuned mana with magic sight before the ice grew back as if it was water during a flood. It soon looked as if nothing happened. I still don't understand. I should go to the tower but I'm curious.
And so I took a piece of rock with telekinesis and placed it on top of the trap. It triggered again, cutting the stone as easily as it cut the ice, but when the ice grew back, the stone was on it, cut in strange rectangular shape.
That's a brick isn't it? Is this how the towers were built?
That is a really dangerous way of refining stone. I like it.
Now that my curiosity is satiated I can go back to my initial objective. I made my way through several stony hills and crossed a pond or large puddle of dirty water, depending of your point of view. I managed to avoid most encounters while still looking for my potential targets of magic mimicry. At one point I thought I heard a snake hissing but ended up being fooled by the sound of wind going through a small gap in the rocky terrain.
I reached the second tower without any other problems. It has the same dimensions and layout as the other tower but is in much better conditions. There are no informations here though, only experiments. I can see several ice runes carved on differents supports and other magic contraptions. Again, the lack of data proves it must be stored somwhere else, I'm not sure where but I'll find it.
Now, while I may be dissapointed by what I found here, there is still some use for this place. With the knowledge from my previous life, I can easily obtain a great skill.
Since I have ice affinity, attempting to decipher one of the ice enchantments for a bit should get me...
You have unlocked a new skill: Spell deciphering(General skill).
You have unlocked a new perk: Scholar(Achievement).
Spell deciphering is useful to learn new magics by analysing enchanted items, if the enchantment contains a spell, like a wand that automatically casts if you feed it mana, it will give me acces to the spell. I didn't expect I would get scholar but it's a good surprise, it grants extra knowledge.
I started deciphering the different runes. They were extremely intricate and it took me several hours to analyse the simplest ones. Most of the enchants are experimental magics that didn't have spell components, but studying them still is facinating. I'm now convinced that the person who worked on this is a genius! The enchantments are extremely unstable but their effects are surprising. One of them can supply cold air for hours with merely 20 mp, another casts an echo of any ice spell that costs less than 50mp for half it's price.
Though the most interesting one is a spell that can freeze something or someone while using water magic to keep blood flowing and prevent freezing of internal fluids without raising temperature. The spell is incomplete, it lacks a sequence to revert from the frozen state to normal. It probably needs fire magic, something it's creator seemed to lack knowledge of.
I managed to mimic the water spells and one of the ice spells used in the enchantment.
New spells learnt : Slow freeze, Evermelting.
I really want to look at the five other enchantments but Lein will start to worry if I don't come back. I'm not scared of us leaving before I can explore this place, Lein is studying magic under one of the iceborn mages and Albius is training with Vatel and judging by the way he stares at her, I think he is fine staying here. Veria is the only one without a real reason to stay but she will for Lein's sake, plus she seems to enjoy the free food and room. She also sneaks out quite often to do something. I don't know what, she always manage to dissapear.
Anyways, I came back for dinner, snuggled with Lein, slept for a bit and came back to the cave the next day.
I picked up the deciphering where I left it, doing it for almost a whole day. The others enchanted items had even more innovative uses, one is a big box that freezes food to keep it fresh until consumption where it is quickly re-heated, it's sad that the same tactic can't be applied to the live specimen freezing. Out of the four remaining ones, two are too incomplete to understand, the only thing I know is that it takes in something, use a combination of ice and electric magic on it and send back the result. The last two are a set of two metal boxes that use ice magic to generate a field between them where anything that goes above a certain speed is frozen. I don't really understand how it works since it doesn't actually need any detection magic to know how fast the target is going.
Once I was finished with the runes I decided to come back early and watch Lein's training. She was in a small room, repeatedly using the same spell against a training dummy. No tutor in sight. I guess iceborns have slackers too. I stood on the window's ledge and watch as Lein emptied her mana pool by chaining frost bolts, each shot getting stronger and more accurate than the previous.
Once she was done, her focus leaving the spells and dummy, she noticed me and gave me a bright smile, opened her arms and charged at me until she could grab me. She really acts like a young girl, I tend to forget it because of how mature she forced herself to be since the events at Ternit.
She took a seat on a nearby armchair, droping me on her lap and grooming me with a brush she got from her bag. The brush is made of grey wood with a silver handle, probably a gift from Sylm. She kept doing it until her teacher came back, the old man entered without knocking and stared at me as soon as he entered.
"Miss Ardegarde, I think you should focus on your spells instead of that furball."
"But using the same spell over and over is boring."
"Practice makes perfect, that wise beast should know too. If you master the low rank spells it'll help with the more complicated ones. Once you are done with this one I promise that we will be studying higher tiered spells. If your cat is willing, he can join the lesson to alleviate your boredom."
… heh why not?
I summoned light right next to me and began burning the dummy with matchstick. My spell barely did anything, throwing a few embers was the best I could do against a dummy reingforced by magic.
Lein reluctantly got up. She started casting again. The old man carefully observed her stance and corrected her casting. He is quite good at teaching, even I can easily understand his instructions even though I never had any formal magic teachings.
New spells copied : Frost bolt.
Finally this spell copying worked! Lein's face when i started using the same spells as her was priceless.
"Don't make that face lady, that's how amethyst cats learn new spells. They can't learn some from teachers so they just copy whatever they see."
"That's cool!"
"Wise beasts are all as powerful as that, but the amethyst cat's ability allows it to gain tremendous amount of firepower with just one ability and a bit of luck. You should train more to keep your advantage before he surpass you."
That little speech seemed to have invigorated Lein and she trained with all her might.
An hour later, Lein emptied her mana pool a second time and the old iceborn told her it was enough for today. We went to the hall to eat and met sylm on the way. She was still dealing with the aftermath of the assasination attempt and barely spoke during the meal.
As Lein was about to lay in her bed, Veria came in the room.
"Lein, how long do you think your training will last?"
"About a month, it's just basic ice magic understanding, the teacher said I could learn the rest myself with the books he gave me."
"Are you bored of this place?"
"No I just think we should be careful not to stay too long, things could happen to Reus now that Terrnit is gona and the cult of Araneir is going wild."
"So you are worrying about the others. I'm pretty sure they are fine but I'll try to finish my training as soon as possible."
That maid really has a sense of responsibility. Well that's what you'd expect from a retired soldier.
Lein blew the candle as soon as Veria left and another day in the ice palace ended.
Name: Fenrir
Master: Lein Ardegarde
Age: 3 weeks
Specie: Witch's beast (Rank:2)
Gender: Male
Level: 83
STR:27 END:32 DEX:29 INT:41 LCK:28
AGI:60 VIT:35 PER:29 WIS:31 CHR:17
Feline seer lvl 64(32%)
Black horse lvl 19(11%) 36
Metamorphosis (Active) lvl 1(25%)
Change between availables forms.(2 min duration,1 h cooldown, unlocked forms: Black cat)
Cat's eye (Passive) lvl 2(21%)
Enhanced vision in low light environments.(55% increase)
Stealth (Active) lvl 3(29%)
When activated, you are harder to notice . (-14% presence, affected by agility)
Plague eater (Passive) lvl 0(81%)
You have less chance of being infected by diseased food. (20% reduced infectivity of food)
Track (Active) lvl 1(37%)
You can follow the traces of preys that will appear as colored trails.(Range 3km, precision based on lvl and target)
Luck stealer (Passive) lvl 2(12%)
Reducing someone's luck will boost yours.(+5% of stolen LCK for 20% of duration)
Pounce (Active) lvl 2(27%)
You lunge at an enemy, damage increased on unalerted targets. (2.10m range, +45% stealth damage, damage based on strength and dexterity)
Natural weapons (Passive) lvl 1(9%)
Your claws, fangs or other biological weapons are strenghtened. (+20% damage)
Stalk (Passive) lvl 2(7%)
Increase speed when following a target in stealth.(+15% speed, affected by agility)
Curse perception (Toggle) lvl 0(78%)
When used you will be able to see curses. Higher levels allows to see with more precision and to differentiate curses. (affected by perception)
Telekinesis (Active)(Linked:cat) lvl 1(42%)
You can generate force by will.(4.5m range, 1.2kg max weight, affected by intelligence)
Magic sight (Toggle) lvl 2(03%)
Allows one to see mana. Higher level will allow to differentiate magic types and mana concentration.(affected by perception)
Mind cast (Toggle) lvl 0(68%)
When the skill is active, known spells can be casted by thought but cost extra mana and are less efficient(+30% mana cost increase,-40% spell power)
Spell copying (Passive) lvl 0(63%)
You can learn spell by watching peoples use them. The more you see and the more you learn about a spell will increase chance of obtention. The more complex and powerful a spell is the harder it will be to imitate. You will still need to meet the spell's requirements.
Sugestion (Active) lvl 0(76%)
You can incite the mind of others. Your suggestions can be resisted or blocked but are near impossible to ignore. Higher level will allow use in combat.(5m range, efficiency based on intelligence and wisdom)
Forced empathy (Active) lvl 1(23%)
You forcefully send your feeling to someone. Can only be used when in contact. Higher level will allow the transmition of fabricated feelings.
Mind read (Active) lvl 0(29%)
You can read the mind of peoples. Higher levels will allow acces to memories and feelings.(3m range, efficiency based on intelligence)
Gallop (Active)(Linked:horse) lvl 1(31%)
Greatly increase speed but takes increased time to slow down and rapidly consume stamina.(60%speed increase,20% extra stamina cost,40%less deceleration efficiency, efficiency based on strenght and endurance)
Heavy charge(Active) lvl 0(98%)
You are able to make good use of your weight when charging.(25% of weight added as extra damage when charging, increased by an extra 25% if target is less than half your weight)
Natural resistances(Passive) lvl (36%)
You are an expert at resisting the dangers of the wild.(30% extra resistance to wild poisonous plants and diseases, weather effect on stamina, mp and hp are reduced by 20%, scales with endurance and vitality)
Nightmare ride(Active) lvl 0(68%)
You are the perfect steed for a terrifying ride, you inflict fear on nearby ennemies when someone is mounting you. (10m range, scales with charisma)
Stampede(Passive) lvl 0(0%)
When in a moving group, speed reduction due to team movement is reduced and charge damage are increased. (50% reduction,30% increase)
Premonition(Passive) lvl 0(10%)
You may see important future events that you can influence. Chance of triggering are divided by two if the user is awake and reduced to zero if he is engaged in an action. (1% chance of triggering)
Spell deciphering(Passive) lvl 0(0%)
You can analyse runes, sigils and other graphical representation of spells to understand them. Effect increase if you have a matching mastery with the spell.
Fire mastery (Passive) lvl 0(46%)
Fire magic's damage and efficiency are increased.(10% extra damage,-5% mana cost)
Ice mastery (Passive) lvl 0(54%)
Ice magic's damage and efficiency are increased.(10% extra damage,-5% mana cost)
Gigantification (Active) lvl 1(43%)
You temporarily gain size and the strenght to move with said size. The spell constantly drains mana and cost more for bigger sizes.(2.9s base transformation time, 9.5 min cooldown after end of effect)
Winter witch's guardian (Achievement)
The great ice witch choose you! Ice affinity and mastery granted.
Reborn (Achievement)
You were given a second chance as a new being ! EXP and Proficiency gained +10%
Black cat's curse (Specie)
You are an omen of bad luck. LCK -20% for 2 h to anyone who looks at you. Can't be stacked, doesn't affect allies.
Your claws can be retracted.Your steps are lighter. (-40% noise generated by movement.)
Curse affinity(Specie)
Curses are 30% less efficient on you and 30% more on your enemies.
Ice affinity(Special)
Ice imbued attacks are 30% less efficient on you and 30% more on your enemies.
Man's best friend(Achievement)
You helped your master selflessly, affinity with all master's increased. In addition, you gain extra experience by helping your master.
Strong mind(Specie)
Your mind is powerful, mind attacks are reduced by 20%, mind magic is 20% more efficient.
You are an trained steed, stablility of rider is increased by 40%, rider weight impact on endurance consumption is reduced by 20%.
Night traveler(Specie: Black Horse)
Night is the perfect time to travel unoticed. While undetected, you make 20% less noise at night and are 20% faster.
You lived through war and battles. When in a medium or large scale battle, you have 20% less chance of being hit by a stray shot and stamina regenerates 10% faster.
You are part of the ones that thirst for knowledge. Discovering informations grants experience, the amount is increased if the information is complex, valuable scientificaly or a new discovery.
Known Spells:
Generate a small flame on contact.(mana cost:20)
Wound reduction(Life)
Reduce the size of targeted external wound. Mana cost will increase the size of the wound. Doesn't give the lost health and blood back.(base mana cost: 20)
Remove the effects of harmful components in target's blood. Doesn't work on living oragnisms. (mana cost: 40)
Continuously burn mana to generate a small lightsource in proximity to the caster.(mana cost per second: 5)
Slow freeze(Ice)
Slowly release barely noticeable amounts of ice magic, freezing the target without it being perceptible. No range limit but can only be used in cold environments, magic will dissipate or go haywire in hot ones.(mana cost per second: 7, speed 10km/h)
Frost bolt(Ice)
Fire a bolt of cold mana at the opponent, dealing low damage and freezing the affected area.(mana cost: 30, range: 10m)
Prevents target liquid from solidifying by reducing pressure and forcibly keeping it moving.
Known curses:
Curse of sloth
Greatly lowers the target's agility, perception and endurance for the duration of the curse.(2min base duration,mana cost: 300)
Visions of madness
Fill the target's mind with images of insanity, causing great chaos in it's mind. Can give random abnormal mental status with a probability set by the user's intelligence and the target's wisdom.(5min effect max duration,mana cost per second: 150)
Brand of decay
Place a brand of decay upon the target, reducing it's health, mana and stamina over time until the caster or the target dies.(mana cost: 2.000)
Prelude to the end of times
Summon the apocalypse! The first act of the symphony of the end. This spell's mana cost cannot be reduced by more than 50%.(mana cost: 10.000)
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