《I´m the Dog of a young Mageknight》Chapter 29 break fast


Chapter 29 break fast

Still surprised that Monica suddenly left, we started to eat breakfast. Sophie did overfill my bowl, she probably thought that with this she could convince me to let her hug me again, but I wouldn't be lured that easily.

I was eating when Hank spoke to Alicia," Alicia, today will get pretty dangerous, so you should take this.". Hank was handing over a pouch to Alicia. She opened the pouch and looked at her father. "Dad, I know you are worried about me, but I am now a guard like many other else, you as one of the commanders can't favor me over anyone else." she lectured her father.

"So, it isn't allowed for a father to make his daughter a present before a difficult mission?",Hank asked. Alicia looked at her father buffed, before she said,"But if you give me more supplies than other guards it is unfair isn't it?". "Only if those would be official supplies, but if I give you the ones I bought myself then there is no problem," Hank said to his daughter with a big smile on his face.

"Thanks, but you and Rob don't need to worry that much about me. I'm a Paladin and I pushed my Life when I got the Class. Now I get 6 times as much Life per level. So, please stop worrying." Alicia said getting a bit louder at the end and I felt that she was a bit annoyed.

Just as Alicia was about to push the pouch back to her father, Monica came back with a book in her hand. She looked at me, put the book down before me and asked, "Pochi can you read this?".

I saw how Alicia pushed the pouch back to her father before I began reading the book.


What was written was an erotic scene, I quickly stopped reading and looked at Monica with big eyes, in the background I saw how Hank, with a sad expression on his face, was patted on the back by Sophie. I connected to Monica and told her," Pochi can, no known word tell Monica.". Monica looked at me and a big smile appeared on her face before she went and hugged me, I was so surprised by this that I didn't even try to evade.

"Pochi, that are wonderful news, finally we can regain some of the forgotten wisdom from before the war." she said while I shifted into astral form to escape her grasp.

"Pochi, I will teach you the human language the entire day today." she said happily, but Sophie put a stop to that,"Mom you can't today, we need to attend the Hero summoning today.". Monica looked at Sophie for a bit before she said," You are right dear. Pochi, I will teach you tomorrow."

I was overwhelmed by this quick development and didn't know what to answer. So, I thought a bit about it and decided that I didn't want to be thought the language a full day long so I told Monica, "No. Pochi no day, Pochi ... ", but I didn't have enough words to say what I wanted so I pondered about it a bit more.

Before I could express myself fully Monica already answered back," Ohh, so you don't want to learn the language, but I will make sure you learn the language properly and if it is the last that I will do.". At this, Hank stood up, walked over to Monica and told her, "Dear you are overreacting again, calm down, eat something and maybe Pochi will come to you to learn on his own. Please. Stop forcing him."


At this Alicia said," good advice Dad maybe you should follow it too," and returned the pouch to him once more.

I wondered why Alicia had the pouch once again and what was inside the pouch. So I just asked," Inside Bag?".

As Hank once more had the pouch he told me,"There are two healing Potion inside of it. Do you know what that is Pochi?"

"Yes, Pochi know. Alicia No take ... reahs son? Reas on? "I asked with a bit of difficult for the last word as I didn't made it sound right even with telepathy.

Alicia looked at me before she said," Pochi. I joined the guards less than two weeks ago and I feel like dad is treating me differently than the other guards. I don't want to be seen as just the commander's daughter. But if dad does things like that, that will be just what I'm."

Hank looked at his daughter bluffed and then told her," If that is how you feel why didn't you just tell me, I would have ..... tried not to treat you differently."

"Then Show it, Dad, Show me that you can treat me like any other guard and don't put me in the safest position." she almost yelled at her father. Alicia looked kinda sad and desperate.

Before Hank could say anything Alicia grabbed her weapon and left the house, it was dead silent inside the room.

Hank wanted to follow her but stopped right in front of the door. He hesitated.

This remembered me of something that happened in my last life and this one memory wasn't a happy one. One time I had a quarrel with my daughter following that she ran out of the door just like Alicia right now, later that evening I got a call that she got into an accident, she wasn't dead, but still, I blamed myself for it.

So I told Hank, "follow.", but he just turned around and looked at me.

I just shook my head at hanks reaction. If he doesn't follow her I will.

I shifted to astral form and told them, "Hank no follow, Pochi follows".

I tried to walk out of the outer wall but was stopped by it. Wondering what happened I shifted back.

As if expecting that I couldn't walk through the wall Monica opened the door for me and said, "Go after her, while I'm knocking some sense into my husband."

I stormed out of the door and tried to find Alicia.

It didn't even take 5 minutes till I found her, she was in the backyard of the house crying. I went to her and poked her with my nose.

She looked at me and just said,"Pochi" before hugging me and crying her eyes out.

I didn't say anything I was just there for her.

After she calmed down she removed me from the hug, looked into my eyes and said, "Thank you, Pochi. I ..... . would you come with me today?"

I tried to smile and told her with telepathy, "Yes". Alicia slowly stood up and wiped her tears away, "then we need to tell Sophie that you will come with me today.",she said in a calm voice, but I still felt that she was sad.

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