《I´m the Dog of a young Mageknight》Chapter 2: Being bought?


Chapter 2 Being bought?

Since we were put into the store three days passed and some of my sibling were already sold, it was quite saddening to part. Now every time someone came over to our box I felt the tenseness of my sibling and mother, even I was a bit tense, but unlike the others I was n´t frightened. I knew what would happen to the other that were sold, so I was a bit happy for them, Because I was happy when one of my sibling was sold the other´s started to pick on me or at last I felt like it. The bit me more often and tackled me a bit more.

I was playing with my sibling or picked on by them, when I was suddenly grabbed by the store owner. I looked around and saw a girl with chestnut brown hair. She had a rather short with 1,56, but was standing tall and with grace, her green eyes looked at me while she talked with the store owner. But the girl was n´t alone there was another girl with her and a tall a bit old guy, they both had brown hair and the girl´s eyes were green. In all, the two girls looked similar to each other, expect the other girl was much younger. The guy was properly the father of the two. The little girl wanted to hold me and the store owner handed me over to her.

I looked at them and wished I could understand them suddenly I felt some kind of energy moving inside me, and I really could understand what they were saying. The little girl was going "Sis let´s take him he is so fluffy please let´s take him, please. Sis are you listening." and started to pull on the older girls clothes while still holding me. While the older girl said the Owner "An unknown trait that could be troublesome, so expect the exceedingly large Manapool is there something else special about him?" the pulling of the little sister started at the word special.


The older sister angrily turned towards her little sister."Sophie, shut up!" and the little one started to cry. The Father went and hugged Sophie with me in her arms and said to his older daughter, "Alicia, I know it is an important decision for you, but you should n´t yell at your sister." I licked Sophie´s tears away and she started to giggle, both Alicia and her father looked in our direction.

That was when the Store owner came to word once again answering Alicia´s question "He has the protective and loyal traits that are nice personal traits and if you want a dog that is suited to battle he has the large brain trait that will help with skills and his intelligent and he has strong claw trait like his father, if it were n´t for the unknown trait he wouldn't be sold, but kept for further breeding." Alicia turned back to the store owner and asked "I´m not that educated in dog traits so could you explain the strong claw trait?" while her father talked to Sophie "Your sister makes the decision it will be her partner for a long time, OK?" Sophie nodded.

The store owner answered right away with" The strong claw trait is a trait that makes the claw of a dog stronger and sharper it helps them digging and clawing at things, it will be easier for him to pin something down." Alicia thought about something a short while, at the same time Sophie kept to petting me.

Alicia took a deep breath before asking,"What type of Familiar contract would you recommend putting on him." The owner looked at Alicia before he asked "Oh so you are going to be a mage in a short time." but Alicia instantly corrected him, "a Mageknight not a mage".


The owner seemingly surprised at this "Oh so young and already becoming a Mageknight impressive." At this, I felt how Alicia got a bit upset, but the owner did n´t notice it and continued non the less," if I were in your place I would choose a mix out of the Battle and magic contract. It would be a bit risky, but I would try to get him to evolve into a Mage dog while at the same time making sure he can get the Battle dog evolution unlocked."

The father now got involved into the talk:"Alicia, you should now that the Mage dog and battle dog evolution´s are pretty hard to unlock, you should go for a hunting dog evolution not or something other, we don´t know how high the level cap of this dog is." It was interesting listening to the conversation and I found it really interesting what that was all about I understood their language, but that did n´t mean I knew everything they were talking about questions like 'what is a Familiar contact' or 'what type of evolution are they?'

What Alicia said next kind of made me panic "Your right Dad, Could you show us an other Dog more suited for physical activities". hearing this Sophie started to hug me and screamed "Nooo!" Her father sat down next to Sophie and tried to calm her down,"Sophie, cutie listen to me, Alicia is looking for a dog she can depend on in times of need, so she needs to make this important decision." Sophie started to whisper "But, but"

all I thought about was I want to be bought by Alicia, but how should I do it.

A new chapter and at the end a new desicion this time you all can be a bit creative and give me a way that Alicia will buy our little Mc. And the question from last time is still not over so everyone may still post a name for our little Mc.

I hope you liked this little chapter and aren´t to confuse with the switching conversations i tried to make the scene a bit more livly.

And like alwasy thanks for reading :)

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