《Du Fyrn Vanyali》Chapter 12: The Torinsias
My first attempts at eroticism. If there are any good guides or anything you want to teach me, feel free to leave a comment. Once again not proofread, so there might be some mistakes. I hope you enjoy the chapter.
“So?” Hiro asked while laid down on the green grass staring up at the clear blue sky through the opening in the leaves, “What have you been doing these past 6 years?”
“I was so lonely…” Lena replied while lying next to him, “When we left, I didn’t know if I was ever going to see you again Hiro.” She grabbed onto his hand.
“You’ve changed a lot Lena…” Hiro turned towards Lena and glanced shyly at her moderately sized chest, “You weren’t as clingy back when we were in Torin.”
She looked at him, “Is that a bad thing?” Her eyebrows were furrowed in a frown.
“Eh, ah, No it’s not a bad thing. It’s just…” He struggled to answer.
‘How do I tell her it’s making me uncomfortable… And that kiss from earlier…’ Hiro didn’t know how to reply, because he only saw her as a close friend and nothing more. Now that she’s all grown up, and quite aggressive, compared to his low exposure to women, his memories of the little girl that used to follow him around is changing.
“It’s just, I’m not used to this kind of thing.” He answered while slightly blushing.
She turned over so she was facing Hiro on the grass, “Not used to what, Hiro?” The small action pushed her breasts together, giving off a seductive, yet innocent look.
“Eh… Look Lena, if it’s what I think it is… Then I’m sorry…” He hesitantly answered.
Hearing Hiro apologize, Lena’s cheerful expression doesn’t change one bit. “What do you mean sorry Hiro? We’re going to be together forever aren’t we?”
‘Did she not hear me?’
“That’s what I mean, I’m afraid I can’t stay with you. I have a favor that I need to repay and to do that I have to become strong.” He reasoned.
“That won’t be a problem at all. I’ll protect you Hiro, just stay with me.” She began to inch even closer together, nearly touching their foreheads.
“No that won’t do Lena… It’s not that I don’t want your help, but because this is a favor that I must repay myself.” Hiro was slowly losing his will, the smell of her peppermint scent was slowly wafting to his nose and bringing back memories of his first kiss.
“Then…” Lena began to say, as her quivering lips invitingly drew his closer, “Will you come and see Papa and Mama before you go?” Her lips stopped right next to his, so close that he could feel the warmth of her breadth as she exhaled.
Hiro’s heart began to beat faster, his pulse began to race. He wanted to experience the same high that he had felt earlier, but he knew that if he were to initiate it, there would be no going back. Forcing his head back to look up at the sky, Hiro answered, “Alright, I should go and pay my respects to your parents. Is Aunt Milly still baking her heavenly pies?” He asked.
“Un!” She smiled and nodded gleefully, “Mama doesn’t cook that often anymore, mainly the servants do it. But she does bake her famous apple pies from time to time. Wanna go right now?”
“Don’t you still have class? Ah which reminds me, is there a library in Oros Academy?”
“I still have class, but I don’t have to go to them if I don’t want to.” She replied in a light tone, “There is a library, that’s where I spent most of my time anyways.”
“You don’t go to class?” He questioned, “Then why are you here at the academy?”
“My professors said that I’m way ahead of my age group, so they let me free study instead.” She answered, “That was last fall, so now I’m just reading about magical concepts in the Academy’s archives. If you ask me, it’s sooo boring~.” She let go of Hiro’s hand and got up, dusting the grass off her blue robe-like uniform, she waited for Hiro to get up.
Getting up, Hiro asked, “Can you show me the archives?”
‘Maybe I can find something there about soulstones.’
“I don’t know… We’re not supposed to let anyone unaffiliated with the academy to enter…” She replied hesitantly, “Though, if you tell me what you’re looking for, I might be able to go and find it for you.”
“Really?” Hiro’s eyes lit up.
[Tenga, can I tell Lena about you?]
There was a short pause then, [Tell her about soulstones, but don’t mention anything about me. If I fall into the hands of a powerful mage, then I fear I will be doomed for eternity.]
“Lena what I’m looking for is anything about Soulstones.” He energetically stated.
“What are ‘Soulstones’?” She asked while tilting her head to the side.
“Erm, they are crystallizations of a soul, that’s all I know… Sorry…” Hiro scratched the back of his head, in disappointment.
“That’s ok, isn’t that why you want to know more about it?” She smiled, “Wait here I’ll be right back!” She waved at him as she ran into the academy.
“Hah~” Hiro sighed as he watched her figure disappeared into the doorway of the academy, “She sure changed a lot.”
A couple hours later
“I’m sorry Hiro~!!!” Lena was blundering towards Hiro woke up from the short nap. “I couldn’t find anything *Hic* I looked all over, but there wasn’t anything under ‘Soulstone’ *Hic*.” She started sobbing.
‘Hah~ Guess it wouldn’t be this convenient.’ Hiro had already accepted that there wasn’t anything about it after the first hour that Lena was away.
“That’s fine.” He patted her head, “At least you tried right Lena?”
“Un!” She once more pulled him into a hug and pushed those plump mounds against him, “Can we go see Papa and Mama now?”
“Erm, sure…” Hiro was slowly becoming used to her overly intimate way of interaction.
Leading him by the hand, Lena pulled Hiro along the inner side of the fence. They had walked past the academy buildings and were heading in the opposite direction that Hiro had entered the area in. Along the way, Hiro could see many students staring at him, some were glaring, while others squealed in joy. It seems rumor of their passionate kiss had already spread around the academy.
“So… Lena where’s Aunt Milly and Uncle Kent?” Hiro was curious, because when Lena left Torin Village, it was through her parents’ agreement.
“You’ll see.” She beamed back at him and continued leading the way.
Soon they were out of the Academy grounds and were once again on the streets, only this time, the houses looked even fancier. Instead of buildings close together with small alleyways in between, these buildings were larger and have fences around them.
“Welcome to the Noble District Hiro.”
“Eh~?” Hiro was stunned, the size of the mansion like houses were so neat and beautiful, Hiro couldn’t have imagined how expensive it was to build them. The only thing Hiro could do was stare at the architectural buildings as Lena continued to lead him along the emptier main road.
Soon they came to a stop at the side entrance of a walled off property, the guard stationed outside stared at her wide-eyed, “Milady! What are you doing here?! If you would’ve waited, a carriage would’ve come and picked you up!”
She smiled politely at Hiro and turned to the guard, “That’s alright, I have an important guest with me. Let us in.”
The guard finally noticed Hiro’s existence and began to study the rural looking young man. Finally, in an indefinite tone, “As you wish Milady.” He held the gate open for Lena and Hiro while continuing to glare at Hiro’s direction.
“Why don’t we go inside Hiro?” She moved from his hands and grabbed onto his arms, “Papa and Mama should be having their late afternoon tea at this time. Come one.” She pulled him from the gate all the way up the walkway until they were in front of the building.
“Erm, Lena… I don’t think it’s a good idea to walk like this.” He stopped in front of the door, “I mean they might misunderstand.”
She stared at him unabashed, “What’s there to misunderstand? You’re here to see Papa and Mama right? Let’s go!” She ignored his feeble attempts to make her let go of his arm and opened the door.
Inside the mansion was quite spacious from Hiro’s observations. Across from the front door of the mansion was another door leading to the veranda in the back. He could see a maid sweeping the area in front of a flight of stairs that lead up to the upper floors. Many giant pictures of Lena and her family were lining the walls on the second floor.
“Wow.” Hiro’s eyes grew wide, “How did you-“
Before Hiro could ask, Lena put a finger to his lips, “Let’s go see Papa and Mama first.”
Noticing the two, the maid stopped sweeping and bowed, “Welcome back, Milady.”
“Ah Aleya! Where’s Papa and Mama?”
“Milord and Milady are having tea out on the veranda.” She answered, “Shall I bring out a set for you and your guest?” She looked over at Hiro.
“That won’t be needed.” She turned to Hiro, “Let’s go.”
‘Ah, why is she so eager to bring me to Uncle and Aunty so much?’ Hiro let himself get pulled to the opposite side of the room, and out onto the veranda.
Once through the doorway, he could see a peaceful back yard, with garden full of blooming flowers. Sitting at a small round table on the side were two couples, around their mid-thirties sipping tea and enjoying the late afternoon.
“Papa! Mama!” Lena called out to the couple, “Look! Look!” She ran to her parents and presented the embarrassed Hiro to them, “Guess who this is?”
“*PFFFF**Cough* Hiro?!” Uncle Kent, who was taking a sip of tea when Lena surprised them suddenly spat it out. “How did you get here?!”
“Oh my, if it isn’t Hiro.” Aunt Milly beamed in a bubbly manner.
“Err… Hi Uncle and Auntie. Yea, it’s me.” Hiro said awkwardly while still being held by the arms.
“Oh Ken, obviously Hiro came to see our Lena.” Aunt Milly put her hands to her cheeks and squealed like a teenage girl.
“Ah, Oh… Errr…” Uncle Kent looked back and forth between Lena and Hiro, in a disturbed way.
“Papa! Mama! We have something to tell you!” She exuberantly said.
‘We do? I thought I was just here to greet them, since it’s been so long since we’ve met.’
“What is it dear?” Her mother asked.
“We’re going to get married!” She dropped a heavy statement, causing the whole atmosphere to go quiet.
‘Eh?’ Hiro stared wide-eyed in shock at the aggressive girl beside him.
Kent who had just about to take another sip of tea stood frozen in place, tea cup in hand, and jaw dropped. Milly continued to look bubbly and spaced off into her dream-like state, fantasizing about being a grandmother.
The first one to speak was Hiro, “What?!” He exclaimed.
“What do you mean what? Isn’t that why we’re here?” She tilted her head, “You wanted to get Papa and Mama’s blessing right?”
‘No! Definitely no! I came here to pay my respects, that’s it! Argghh! What’s going on?!’ Hiro’s mind was going haywire, he couldn’t understand what was going on inside Lena’s head.
“My my!” Milly was the next to recover, “I didn’t think you two have already gone so far! So when do you think the wed-“
“*Cough*” Kent drew attention to himself and began talking, “Milly, can you two go and bake us your famous apple pie? Lena you should go help out Mama, this is a time to celebrate right?” He winked at Lena, who smiled in agreement.
“Un! Come on Mama, let’s go.” She grabbed onto her mother’s hand and went back inside. Hiro and Kent were left there, silently staring at the two women as they left.
Hiro slowly turned his head back to look at Kent, he had expected Kent to burst out in rage. However that wasn’t what happened. Instead of seeing an enraged face, he saw a look of pity. “Have a seat Hiro.” He gestured towards Milly’s seat, “I can guess that you were a victim correct?”
“Yea, I have no idea what’s going on at all.” Hiro tried to explain, “First of all I’m here to see Lena because of a promise that I made.”
“What kind of promise?” Kent interrupted.
“I promised her that I will come see her once I passed my Rite of Passage, I felt bad for her, because she’s been writing so many letters to me. That’s why I thought that if I came to see her, then she’ll stop worrying so much about me.”
“Are you sure it wasn’t something else?” Kent asked in a curious manner.
“No, if you are referring to staying by her side forever, that was from when we were playing Hero vs Demon Lord. I think Lena must’ve misinterpreted that game for reality, I’m not sure.” Hiro desperately explained.
“Hah~” Kent let out a long and slow sigh, “I had a feeling it was something like this.” Kent replied solemnly.
“Eh? What do you mean?” Hiro questioned.
“Hiro let me tell you about us these past 6 years.” Kent began to tell Hiro about what happened during the magic test in Torin Village. “During that time, I wanted my wife and daughter to live in a better and livelier place. I hated to see how at times we hardly have enough to eat and have to accept help from others.”
‘Yea I remember, father used to help them out a lot by bringing some rabbits or a leg of venison whenever he came back from a hunt.’
“So when we had found out that Lena was gifted with a strong astral body, we-“
“She’s what?” Hiro couldn’t help but interrupt, he hadn’t heard about that before. He only knew that Lena had left because she could use magic.
“As I said, she was a gifted child. She had ten times the amount of mana a child her age should have. The people who conducted the test, said that she was a 1 in 100 prodigy. They promised that if Lena were to train to become a magician in the king’s court, then we would be endowed with riches and power…” Kent began to shake, “I shouldn’t have done it, and I still regret it to this day.”
“Huh?” Hiro grew worried, “What do you mean?”
“Because of my greed for a better living, I agreed to the deal. We moved to here in Adetia and became a lesser noble. I’m sure you don’t know this, but my name is now Kent Torinsia, I chose to be named after the village. Anyways, we moved to Adetia and Lena was quickly sent to see King Forst.”
“So what happened then?” Hiro urged him to continue after he had paused.
“Of course, Lena who was only ten years of age then didn’t know what was happening around her. We were told to wait outside the throne room while she went on in alone. After it was all over, she came running back in tears into her mother’s arms and calling out your name. That was the start of the troubles.” Kent once again seemed to looked off into the distance as if remembering a tragic event.
“Is there something wrong with Lena?” Hiro grew worried, “Is that why she acts that way?”
“Yes, She was enrolled into Oros academy with King Forst as her Sponsor. Of course because of being named a prodigy and with King Forst as her sponsor she drew the attention of many students there. She was shunned by students with noble backgrounds and feared by those who aren’t. Even many professors fear to teach her, because of hurting her. That’s how terrifying King Forst’s name is. Lena was going to be the first court magician for King Forst and he’s invested a lot in her.”
“Why’s he so focused on Lena? Did he tell you?”
“I don’t know, all I know is that he needs her strength in order to achieve something. Once Lena turns 20, King Forst would officially announce Lena as his court magician. Until then Lena is supposed to stay at Oros Academy and study there. However, what I’m more worried about is my daughter’s mental state.” Kent cautioned.
“What do you mean?”
“I fear that her emotional and mental growth has been stunted ever since she and you were separated.” Kent looked down at the cup of tea, “You know Hiro, back in Torin, Lena would always tell me and her mother what exciting adventures you two went on every single day. I guess you could say she admired you, and I just had to tear you two apart and satisfy my own greed.” He slammed his fist down on the table.
“Uncle please, don’t hurt yourself!” Hiro was shocked at the amount of force that Kent used. It had knocked over both cups of tea and spilled them.
“It’s fine Hiro, continuing on with my story. Lena was isolated, she had no one to rely on. At first she looked at me with a look of disgust and betrayal, but soon came to accept her fate. At the academy, she was ignored and feared, yet she goes anyways, because of her love for me and her mother. She was trapped, no one to talk to, no one to trust, and no one to believe in. That’s why in her desperation she turned to you.” He pointed across to Hiro.
“Yes, you. She began to dwell upon the past, always talking about what you and her were doing every day. It was as if her time stopped when she left Torin, she would always mention how you got beat up, or how you found a strange bug. I’ll be honest, I was at the end of my rope then. I couldn’t return back to Torin, yet I couldn’t allow Lena to see you. If you were to meet, I feared that she would want to stay in Torin with you. That’s why I allowed her to write to you, that was the only compromise that I allowed, however that only resulted in a greater desire to see you.”
“So then what happened?”
“I assume her burning desire to see her one and only friend changed into a desire for contact. I’m surprised she hasn’t done anything lascivious to you yet.” He paused, “Did she?” He asked in an irritated tone.
“Erm… I’m not sure how to answer that…” Hiro scratched his cheek while reddening.
“Hah~ I have no right to be mad. All this time I hardly cared about my daughter, and now that she can finally be happy here I am trying to stop it…” Kent began to get depressed.
“No! You do care about your daughter or else you wouldn’t be explaining her circumstances to me!” Hiro reasoned, “So what you are trying to say is, in her desperate need for contact and someone to confide in, she turned to me?”
Kent slowly nodded, “However, because I have been preventing it, she has been suppressing all those desires for 6 years now. Now that you’re here I’m afraid the dam will break and all those emotions will flood out. Hiro-“ Kent grabbed his hands, “How do you feel about my daughter?”
Hiro was unprepared for the sudden question.
‘How? I don’t know… So many things are happening, I just don’t know! I mean I see her only as a close friend, nothing more. If I had more time to see her maybe…’
“We haven’t seen each other for 6 years, things such as circumstances and feelings may have changed since then.” He dodged the question.
“I mean, will you be able to accept her into your life? I know it’s hard for me to say this as her father, but I want her to be happy; I’ve already ruined enough of her life.” Kent wouldn’t let up and pressed Hiro for an answer.
‘Ah…’ Hiro didn’t know how to answer.
“Please give me more time!” He bowed, “I’m not sure how I feel about her becoming my wife, we’re both still young, and so things may change! I think Lena and I both should get to know more about the current us, before deciding on such things as m-m-marriage!” Hiro grew red at the mention of marriage.
Satisfied with his answer, Kent let go of Hiro’s arm. “Fumu. I’ll accept that answer. So…” He clasped his hands together and in a grumbling voice, “What did you do to my Lena.”
“Eh?” The sudden change in the serious atmosphere confused Hiro.
“She did something to you when you met right?” A vein began to form on Kent’s forehead, “Listen Hiro, if I find out you’ve already plucked her bud, I will kill you!” He stood up and grabbed onto Hiro’s collar.
“HEEE! It was nothing like that!” Hiro panicked, “She just sort of k-k-kissed me…” Hiro shut his eyes, waiting for a fist to come crashing down onto his face.
‘Eh?’ He opened his eyes again, only to see a protective father sigh and let go of his collar.
“Hah~ I guess this will be my way of making up to her.” He reasoned, “But no more! If I catch you two doing that again, I swear I will make you regret it!” He yelled.
“Doing what Papa?” Lena asked as her figure appeared in the doorway.
“Gah! Lena, nothing. Hiro and I were just having a manly talk right Hiro? Hahaha.” Kent nudged Hiro’s foot to get him to agree.
“A-ah, yea we were just talking about how my day was going. Heheh…” Hiro awkwardly replied.
“Heh~ Really? Anyways, the pie is baking right now so there’s nothing for me to do.” She looked at her father, “Don’t you miss Hiro too Papa?”
“Y-yea, I miss him too Lena.” Kent hesitantly replied.
“Hiro~!” She ran up to Hiro and hugged his arm, “Let’s go to my room, I want to show you something.” She began to pull a fearful Hiro into the building.
From behind Kent yelled, “You two go and have fun now! Hahaha!” Although he was laughing, the glare in Kent’s eyes told Hiro everything he needed to know, ‘Be careful of what you do, one wrong move and you’ll regret it.’
Lena brought Hiro up the stairs and continued down the hallway until they came to her door. Without as much as a pause, she crashed through the door and led him inside, slamming the door behind them. Inside the room was a large canopy bed with velvet curtains, big enough to fit 3 people with room to spare. There was a large shelf full of books along the left wall with a sizable desk place by it. On the other side of the room was a door that led to the closet. The setting sun was visible through the two windows present in her chamber.
Lena pulled her over to the bed and sat him down, then she sat down right next to him. Propping her head against his shoulder, “You see this room?” She asked innocently.
“Yea, what about it?” Hiro replied.
“This will be our room soon.” She whispered gently into his ears, causing Hiro to flare up in embarrassment.
“Err… About that Lena…” He tried to say.
“Hold on a moment.” She put a finger to his lips, then got up and walked to the closet door. “Let me change into something more comfortable.” She opened the closet door and began to look for something else to wear, aside from her Academy uniform.
‘Eh?’ Hiro turned around reddening, ‘Why didn’t she close the door?!’ He thought. Lena had left the door to the closet open, exposing herself to Hiro and began to undress.
“Um Lena… The door…” He tried to tell her.
“Ah? Leave it open, we’re gonna get married anyways.” She replied.
“About that Lena…” Hiro’s eyes began to wander around the opposite side of the room in order to avoid looking at Lena. Noticing something familiar, he walked over to her desk. On the desk were a couple books, marked with a bookmark and looked like it was thoroughly read.
”How to treat your man”
“100 techniques to please your spouse”
“Romeo and Juliet”
‘Eh? Aside from the last one, isn’t the first two books kind of strange?’ A strange chill seemed to crawl down his spine.
“Hiro~! What are you doing over there?”
“Wah!” Hiro jumped, while he was busy looking at the books, Lena had changed into a blue skirt that stopped above the knee. She was wearing a yellow top that showed her smooth and soft looking shoulders. The straps that hung on her shoulder told Hiro that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath her top, causing him to become anxious. “I wasn’t doing anything!” He quickly ran back and sat down on the bed.
“Hm~” She wondered, then walked back and sat next to Hiro. “Neh~ Hiro, what were you going to tell me?” She gently pressed her supple, bra-less breasts against Hiro’s left arm, while whispering in his ear.
“Hya!” Hiro flinched, “*Cough* Look here, Lena.” He grabbed her soft warm shoulders and pushed her away, “I want to talk about our relationship.”
Noticing his hesitance and tone, the smile on Lena’s face began to fade, “What about our relationship?”
“You see… I think… Don’t you think we’re skipping some steps?” He reddened and looked down. He was thinking back to his first kiss.
“Hm?” She paused to think, “Nope, it’s all going like I planned.”
“That’s not what I mean!” He blurted out, “I mean, it’s been a long time since we’ve met. I don’t know how much you’ve changed nor do you know about me. So… I think we should get to know more about each-“
Before Hiro could finish, Lena knocked away his arms and pulled him in for a passionate kiss.
‘It’s happening again… My mind is going blank…’
Hiro once again felt the intense pleasure as her tongue teasingly darts back and forth in their mouths. Hiro’s tongue was reluctant at first, but with a bit of teasing, soon began to venture forth and taste the sweet saliva that her mouth contains. The taste of apples was mixed into her saliva, probably from when she helped her mother bake the pie. The cute sound that Lena was making whenever his tongue brushed the roof of her mouth, caused him to heat up.
‘Why does it feel so good?’ Hiro was pushed down onto the bed and was currently beneath Lena, as he ferociously attacks his lips. Her soft red lips were teasingly clamping down on his tongue whenever he ventured too far out into her mouth.
While their mouths were locked in ecstasy together, their bodies’ were slowly but surely beginning to heat up. Hiro could feel her two springy yet soft mounds rubbing against him, as they both continue their kiss. He could feel the blood slowly rush towards his manhood, as if expecting to be released from his pants.
‘I can’t let… this… go on…’ He slowly began to move his arms up to push Lena off of him. However, this only further escalated the issue as his hands found their way to her supple breasts. ‘It fits perfectly…’ With this, his last shred of willpower was torn away and he became ensnared in her seductive prowess.
He wasn’t sure how much time had passed, all he knew was that he was in a world of pleasure. His eyes were half-opened, blankly staring at her deep blue eyes which were focused on his. He could tell that Lena was also enjoying the moment, at times she would stop her aggressive attack on his lips and let a stifled moan out from in between hers. His hands were casually caressing her voluptuous breasts, he could feel two firm points on the palm of his hands. By this point, Hiro was fully erect, but he paid no mind to it, because he and Lena were still both absorbed into their little bubble of ecstasy.
“Neh~ Hiro~” She managed to gasp out loud, “Wanna go even further?” She looked longingly into his eyes.
“….” Hiro couldn’t think of anything, his mind was currently overheating from trying to process all the pleasure he was feeling.
“Did you hear me Hiro~?” She teased, as she rubbed her breasts up and down his chest.
Slowly coming back to reality, “…Huh..?”
“I’ll take that as a yes~.” She slowly began to slide her body down the length of his. Soon her face was level with the belt buckle that held his fully erect manhood. “Oh my~ Hiro has been such a naughty boy~.”
“N-n-no…” Hiro was struggle to prevent her from unleashing his passion. His hands were hardly responding to his desperate attempts to sit himself up.
“Just lay back and relax Hiro. I’ve studied all I can about this.” She giggled as she slowly reached towards his belt buckle. She could feel the heat that Hiro’s manhood was letting off as her hand ‘accidently’ brushed over it. “My~ he’s ready to go isn’t he.”
“S-stop it!” He began to get up, “I don’t want this!”
“Just lay back~” She pushed him back down again, now she was fumbling with the buckle. “Ah! Here we go~” She had just managed to loosen the belt and was now beginning to slowly pull it out of its buckle. “Hehe~ it’s already twitching.” She placed her soft hand on his excited bulge. “Well there goes the belt, now all that’s left…”
Lena’s nimble fingers began to teasingly trace their way back up towards his waistline. Hiro could feel every little movement as her fingers slowly made their ascent. Finally, they rested on the edge of his trousers, “Are you ready Hiro~?” She teased, as she looked down on his helpless face. She could tell that he was enjoying it, but his morality was preventing him from taking that final step. She had read about it in during one of her studies, if she were to smash and tear apart all of Hiro’s morals, she would be able to slowly train him to become hers and only hers. “Let’s take the final plunge together~ 3! 2!... and… 1~!”
*Knock Knock*
The sudden knock jolted Hiro brain, as if doused in freezing cold water, his brain woke up.
‘Oh Shit! Uncle Kent is going to kill me if he sees this!’ His mind suddenly flashed back to their earlier conversation, ‘Stupid Stupid Stupid! I was going to resolve this issue, not make it worse!’ Hiro was fully in control of his body once more and with that control he pushed Lena away, rather roughly.
“Ah~! Why did you do that Hiro~?” She cried and then turn towards the door, “Who is it?”
“It’s Cataleya Milady. I’ve been instructed to lead Milady and her guest to the dining room for dinner.” The voice behind the door answered back.
‘Thank you Cataleya, I won’t ever forget this.’ Hiro mentally promised himself that he would repay the maid for preventing him from committing a grave mistake.
“Aw~ Fine, you go on ahead, we’ll be right down.” Lena was sulking, she had just lost possibly her best chance at conquering Hiro. From now on, Hiro would more than likely be on guard.
Hiro quickly buckled his belt and wiped off the remaining saliva on his mouth, “Actually wait! We’re coming out right now!” He called out to her. He didn’t want to stay alone together with Lena for any moment longer.
Without another thought, he ran to the door and opened it, revealing a shocked maid. “Sorry!” He yelled as he closed the door behind him.
“Be careful, you might hurt someone!” Cataleya yelled as he closed the door.
Hiro quickly turned to the maid and grabbed onto her shoulders, “I’m sorry, but can you tell Uncle Kent that I have an urgent job that I must do?” He asked.
“Nya?” The maid flinched from the contact and fell down to her knees, “Eh…ah…Un.” She looked up at him and nodded.
“Great thanks!” He yelled back as he ran down the stair and out the front entrance.
‘That was too close… I shouldn’t go back for a while. Sorry Lena, but now isn’t the time for me to settle down.’ Hiro took out the blue soulstone, ‘My adventure is just beginning.’
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8 1234 - In Serial57 Chapters
The Power of Descent
A tale of two. One was a young man who had joined the army in hopes of changing his broken life. Little did young Cedric know, he would find what he was looking for. However, power is never given freely and Cedric will be thrust into a war he had never imagined fighting in. Determined he was to repay the kingdom for what they had given him, but can he truly understand what that entails. Granted a holy elixir to fix his body and make him whole, Cedric was granted power beyond mortal men, for that was the only to compete with the Chanters. Wilt worked at a library, in hopes of one day inheriting it from his father. His plans never came to fruition though, as he discovered a talent for chanting. That discovery leads him to apply to the biggest school in the kingdom, a place known as the Institute of Chanting Studies. A decision made on a whim will change his life, thrusting him to the forefront and revealing his incredible talent. Destined to become one of the most powerful chanters alive, Wilt was made to walk a path he was not prepared for. How will he adapt to the growing tensions between the neighboring kingdom, and an old war restarted because of new power? This is a story of two individuals, both having found their way to power and war. What do their futures hold in store for them? Schedule: Chapters Every Monday, Thursday at 6-7 pm CST P.S. This is a much more structured story than my previous one, so it will be a bit different in its flow.
8 190 - In Serial28 Chapters
Conquest Online
After being betrayed and killed by his own uncle, Jamie goes back in time just 1 day before the launch of the new VR game conquest online . This time he will not repeat his past mistakes, this time he will aim for world domination .
8 175 - In Serial13 Chapters
Logius Code
A hermitic god, betrayed by the Realm of Deities and its denizens for his past, and framed for interfering with the mortal realm, is cast into the oblivion that begets creation: The Exodus, the dark portal from whence all the gods originate. If this wasn't a tragedy by itself, what came next certainly was. Through the Exodus, his spirit is ejected from its depths, and into the world he risked his safety for; into the body of a mortal no less. Can Dorusc the Aloof, the fallen god, regain his divine power to avenge himself, and bring the all-powerful Majestic, Lord of the Deities and mastermind behind the world's coming destruction, to his knees? Or will he lose himself to the impending darkness that threatens the world he finds himself in, perishing before learning the true reason it was chosen for ruin?
8 72 - In Serial25 Chapters
Arachnids ; BW
"You forgetting anything?" Her husky voice rasped at me, pushing back the lump in her throat. My eyes began to water as I looked down to the ground, watching a small ant crawl by my shoe. One foot was inside the small apartment we had shared and the other, the other was planted firmly on the cement step outside. Her words echoed around in my head. Am I forgetting anything? I was forgetting you I wanted to reply. Home to me was always a person. And now.... I was homeless. [-]Black Widow x ReaderParker!Reader(GxG)
8 250 - In Serial6 Chapters
aphmau meets dream-wastaken
in a crazy attempt to get away from everyone because dream was in prison and escaped, dream ends up in another dimension because he ran away but ended up falling into a steep hole after waking up he fined out that he was in another dimension after that he finds a girl who is braking a tree down dream and the girl become friends they were next to a village that looks cool and is named phoenix drop. finished
8 163