《World Game》Patch 1.0


Sam and Jack reached the fifth floor, when the world turned dark again!

' Patch 1.0

Hey guuuuys, it's God! I have to make a few announcements after watching my new game unfold the last days.

Well, first of all, it seems I overestimated the players! You people suck!! I picked two billion players and turned the rest into weak monsters. I spawned a few more myself to help you level up. I mean it's common sense that people start kiting and fighting over exp when they start a new RPG, but who would have thought that after this short amount of time already one billion players died!! Humans are too weak, it's not enjoyable for me to watch cowards die, while crying and yelling for their moms! Now that half the participants died and most of them turned into zombies you guys are going to have a hard time.

I racked my brain, not to make it easier for you, but more enjoyable for me to watch! There are some interesting individuals after all and I can't wait to see them level, build up some forces and engage in PKing Hahahaha!!!

The first change will be the guild system.

From now on you can form party's. The biggest advantage is the exp distribution. The one who kills the zombie gets 50% of its exp, while the rest of the guild shares the other 50%. This way you can help weaker players level up. There is also a 'call' function for guild members. This way you can communicate with each other like with a phone.

Gulid members can be kicked with a majority voting. I think, that this way, you won't die so easily anymore.

Furthermore I am changing the odds to stumble upon equipment. When players reach Level 3 or even Level 4 without finding a single piece of equipment, I most likely made a mistake.

So the chances to find new armor or weapons will be improved.

The biggest change is my creation of NPC villages, castles and ruins all over the countryside. These are going to be new places for you to live at, explore and maybe even to govern. The NPC's can be killed too, but they can also level up and fight alongside you players. They are as much human as you, with feelings, needs and no respawn.


It is your choice if you want to enslave or kill them, or if you lead them rightly and help them to survive. Every choice you make has it's pros and cons and will change your future to the worse or better.

Your actions decide, if the NPCs like you or not.

The NPC's will also be the people to give quests! In every settlement will be a trader, where you can trade unusable gear into equipment that benefits you.

Lastly, to all the people hiding in the bigger cities, you should leave as fast as possible cause from tomorrow onwards, these will be roamed by higher leveled monsters...Hahahaha. The cities will be hunting grounds for players higher than Level 10!

To open the guild menu just think about it and it will show you all the necessary information.

That's it from me for now...oh I almost forgot. When you guys reach Level 5 there will be two big surprises for you, that you should look forward to.

See you, have fun, survive and until the next announcement!"

Sam stood on the fifth floor again. He and Jack looked worried at each other at this moment. The town they were situated at will turn into some sort of dungeon!

"We need to find the others and leave immediately!" Jack spoke.

"Yeah, let's find them, pack some provisions and flee." Sam agreed.

Even though, he was quite confident in his abilities, Sam would never try and enter a Level 10 dungeon at Level 4.

They had to find a new settlement, where they could live and establish a guild.

Sam and Jack went to the last apartment on the floor. Sam remembered one was locked,while in the others bedroom a young guy killed himself and dyed the bed with his blood.

They wouldn't sleep in there, so Sam suggested to check the last one first.

They opened the apartment door and entered the living room. Sounds were coming from the bedroom, so Sam went over and opened the door for a few centimeters to look inside.

He was shocked and stared inside a couple seconds before closing the door again. Jack saw his weird actions and asked "What's going on man...are they inside? Are they zombies??"


"Look inside and tell me honestly, if you knew what they were doing!" Sam gestured to Jack.

After Jack checked the bedroom, he went back into the living room where Sam was waiting.

"You have to believe me, I didnt know!" Jack defended himself.

Both of them had seen the inside of the bedroom.

The remaining three people of Jack's group were in there.

Han had tied the hands of both females, as well as their eyes and ripped their clothing. He whipped them and made small cuts with his knife on their smooth skin. He groped and fucked them as well but both of the females weren't struggling. The opposite, they liked it and moaned in pleasure.

"I can't believe he ties,whips,cuts and fucks them! Furthermore one of them is his sister!" Jack was baffled and Sam added " Also all of them seem to like it. I can't believe they fuck around after the announcement a moment ago. Maybe they became crazy?"

"It doesn't really matter, after seeing this I won't travel with them anymore. They simply ignored the announcement and keep on drowning in pleasure at times like this. Even in times like these with no laws anymore incest is disgusting and shouldn't be done!!

The most important thing right now is to leave this city and get stronger, both as fast as possible!" Jack made up his mind.

They went down and packed up all the necessities for the travel.

Sam thought about something and said " Hey Jack, how about we make a guild together? This way we can both earn exp when fighting. Maybe we can reach Level 5 before reaching a new settlement!"

"Good idea, the advantages are obvious. How about you create it, that way you will be the guild leader, I don't want to have a position like this, where I am responsible for human lives."

" I don't want this responsibility as well, but we can keep the guild small for now. If we don't know much about them, we shouldn't invite them.

Trust is really important! When we invite 3 people, they can band together and veto our votes, or they could possibly kick us out of our own guild!" Sam explained.

He opened the guild menu and chose 'create guild'. He named it 'Nightwatch' because of his favorite series Game of Thrones and invited Jack with a look at him.

Jack accepted and the member count rose to two.

"Nightwatch? Isn't that from Game of Thrones? Nice idea!" Jack laughed and finished packing his backpack.

Sam had finished too. They only took water and food that wouldn't get moldy too fast. Jack had a self built quiver at his belt with nine arrows and bow in hand. He also wore leather boots, that he got from Sam.

They made their way down the staircase but didn't search the lower floors. It was already past 1 pm and they couldn't carry too much anyways.

After five days, Sam finally took a step outside the apartment building and took a deep breath of air.

They started heading south, to where Jack's group originally came from.

The factory both of them had worked at was located at the outskirts of the town. The way took them more than five hours and they engaged in countless fights against zombies. They found a simple chainmail that only Sam could wear and a leather quiver, with room for 20 arrows and speed +1!

'God didn't lie, two equipments in 5 hours is not bad' Sam thought.

Jack also leveled up to Level 4 putting a point in accuracy.

Like this, they reached the forest on the outskirts at about 7pm and started crossing it.

Half an hour later, it was still bright outside,because of the summer season, Sam and Jack could see a small village in the distance. Because of the wooden defense wall around it, they concluded that it was a spawned village and made their way towards it.

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