《Dragon Ball: Terror of the Gods》Chapter 24
A few months passed as the snow came and went, but Zaraf and his group of four girls never stopped training. They decided they would go to the magical mountain at the start of Spring as they would have a disadvantage in a new land. Why would they add a disadvantage that could easily avoided.
So, they began to train harder as they want to get to the best they could in the few months winter was there. It has proven to be fruitful as all of them either reached the peak of their current rank or breakthrough towards the end. At their rate of improvement, Zaraf estimated they could pass their graduation exams in about a year or two if they keep this speed. Of course they need to be rank six magus, but they probably could make it to rank seven if they want.
Zaraf was proud he managed to become a rank five magus and a peak four warrior. He has yet to breakthrough as a warrior due to lack of battle in the last year. Sparring only got him so far and no danger of being killed or seriously wounded didn’t help. So he has hope it will come from their adventure into the magical mountain filled with dangerous beast, people, and hopefully ruins.
Lily and Towa also managed to breakthrough as a rank five magus while Delia and Lyana reached peak of rank four and three. During the time they also began training team formations and how to work in pairs efficiently. It was brought to their attention when they were researching battle tactics and realized most relied on brute strength.
Sadly, Zaraf realized this was similar to them in the DragonBall universe as they mostly one on one fights. It was an unwritten rule in martial arts fights there as group fights didn’t really happen once they reach a certain power level. This was mostly because the planet couldn’t handle the high level of energy happening around them.
Here, they didn’t really have the excuse as even a person above saint level couldn’t destroy this planet. How and why was what neither of the trio could find answers for outside they use energy differently. So, they had to get creative of creating the formations as more powerful ones were kept secret from the public.
For most of their formation, he ended up being the one to draw the enemies attention since he is an earth mage only currently. While Lily is either with him or Delia and Towa. Towa and Delia is a pair as Towa could throw fire and Delia will boost it power with wind. Lily could also, help out as Delia is also their healing support alongside Lyana. As it turns out, both of them are learning the human bodies for different reasons. Delia can see him and Lily injuring themselves and wants to help, whie Lyana is looking for ways to kill.
Finally when Spring arrived they were excited as no one in the school offers them much of a challenge outside a select few. The only one that could keep up with their progress was Linley but he was slowly falling behind. He was currently a mid rank three magus and rank two warrior, but his progress is slowing down.
After jumping through a few roadblocks to stop the from going they finally managed to get permission. The school wanted them to stay due to them being prodigies like they never seen before. They were nine and were reaching levels few made in decades and they don’t want the chance of them dying. It was only after they were told that training and safety can get them so far.
So, after packing and some shopping for supplies with dropping off more statue to sell, they were ready. Gold wasn’t an issue as Zaraf earns a couple million per statues as they are viewed as masterpieces instead of expert level. Where was it his place to tell them it not and not earn more gold easily.
“Let's get going ladies as we can reach the mountain by noon and get a spot to camp by nightfall.” Lily shouted like a drill sergeant. “And Zaraf remember pajamas.”
A small groan left Zaraf lips as he only wore them at random times and he sure all the girls seen everything he has to offer by now. He not embarrassed by it either as he did and still do sleep naked with Lily or bath with her. She doesn’t mind and he doesn’t see why the others do as well.
The trip to the mountain wasn’t interesting as Zaraf ended up sleeping on Lily until they silently swapped among themselves. Lily switched with Towa, than Delia took turn even if she blushed heavily from it. Lyana wasn’t planning on it, but somehow the three girls conned her into it. Finally Lily switched back so when he woke up he won’t notice something wrong, as she figured he and most aren’t ready. The harem is happening and she slowly using these chances to get the other girls ready for the future.
It won’t do for the girls to grow jealous over who he was currently giving attention to. Of course they would also, need to schedule how and when they will get the attention and in the future sleeping arrangement. When they are older they will want to do more than sleeping but doing it with multiple girls and being watched all the time is out. They could schedule that for the weekend and have the weekday for alone time.
“Come on Zar, we are almost there it time to wake up.” Lily said using his nickname they recently made for him. It really wasn’t used before as neither saiyan or demon really thought it was necessary. They only thought of it when Delia asked if it would be fine to call him that, did they make it.
“Ok, Lily,” He mumbled with a yawn as he woke up.
Arriving at the base of the mountain the group hopped off the carriage and began heading towards the forest. Looking up towards the mountain range, filled with trees and danger a small smile formed on his lips.
“Let's get this adventure started.” Zaraf said as he cheered walking towards the mountain.
Following a path where many before they entered the mountain or left the mountain they barely made it the first step before someone shouted.
“What are you kids thinking going into such a dangerous mountain. It filled full of terrible monsters that will eat you in an instant.” A middle age man shouted towards them covered in scars. He looked to be in his mid thirties early forties and from his strength Zaraf sensed, only a rank two warrior.
The man appears to want to help them as he appears friendly enough. Only, they felt something off with the man and silently went on alert mode. It not the man that alerted them himself, but they felt he part of a larger trouble in the near future.
“Don’t worry about it, we are stronger than we look,” Zaraf replied almost childish. “We are nearly rank rank three warriors. Sadly, none of us had any talent as mages.”
The man just smiled and nodded as if he gave up trying to convince them to give up on entering. Watching the man walk away, a frown formed as Zaraf was sure they will see the man again.
“Why did you say we were warriors only?” Delia asked.
“Isn’t it a little suspicious a man with a rank two warrior to stop us from entering the mountain. Than when I said that we were almost rank three, he smiled before leaving? I think the man a bandit.” Zaraf gave them his couple seconds thoughts.
“How can you guess that even if it is a little suspicious.” Towa asked curious as the man was weird but didn’t seem like a bandit.
“I read about tactics that bandits like to use, and ones when they practice kidnapping children. They will send an older male and act like a kind gentleman, before leading them towards a spot to take them. However they will also, attempted to check the strength of their victims before making a move. Trying to take a genius child would only bring ruin to the group.” Zaraf explained as he did read about it one night. He didn’t want to risk the chance that Lily or the other girls being captured.
“What rank do you think the group leader going to be?” Delia asked.
“Since I haven’t heard of any big groups in the area lately, around rank four or five. Anything after that, most cultivators are well off and wouldn’t bother mostly with robbing or kidnapping for money.” Zaraf shrugged.
The girls nodded as that does make sense, as not everyone is able to improve and increase their strength. For every thousand rank one warriors or mages, only seven hundred will continue to improve. It could be the result of age, dedication, training methods or something more. So rank five or above start to get a little more rarer to higher as guards which increase their pay.
Not thinking about the man anymore but keeping in mind to watch out for bandits, they finally began up the trail. Following the trail they made it about half way through the trail before deciding to hop off and go their own way. The trail leads them to spots that many been before which isn’t what any of them want.
“So, I currently sense five rank three beast and one rank four heading towards us at great speed. I would guess it a wind element beast like a tempst wolf pack or something similar.” Lily said as she picked up movement in the wind. She has been making progress in her training, able to detect large movements.
Pulling out her two short swords due to not being big enough for a bigger sword she held the left one in a reverse grip. They were made out of steel and cobalt giving it a dark blue shade for it blades with a phoenixes engraved onto its blades.
Sending a pulse into the ground with his earth magic, Zaraf nodded as he detected the same thing. He didn’t managed to detect anything else in the area, and noticed that the pack ran in sync. So it's easy to tell they did this type before, on other beast in on the mountain or hunters.
“Prepare, they seem to have done this before.” Zaraf said as he raised his fists.
Wrapped around his hands, was a pair of goblets that allows him to hit harder and deal more damage. For some reason he likes his fist more than a weapon, though he does carry a small sword horizontally around his waist.
“Well they do live in a mountain that you learn to survive young or die quicker.” Towa said pulling out a couple black daggers.
The daggers were made out of volcanic metals which allows her to channel fire magic through the blade heating them up insanely high. It took a while to find metals that could handle fire magic without deforming or shatter after a couple of uses.
“What formation should we use?” Delia asked raising her sword.
Her sword is a rapiers with a shiny silver blade and flowers on the handles for guard. She requested it after she began training as a warrior. On her back was a staff with a large blue gem on top with gold and wood for a handle.
“Lyana and I will be in front, with Lily guarding close to Delia and Towa. You two look for gaps in their formations allowing and opening to take advantage of.” Zaraf said as the six midnight black wolves appeared around them. Standing behind the circle was the rank four with scars covering it head.
“Don’t let your guard down,” Lily said as they were in a standoff.
“Come here, wolf, or would you prefer doggy,” Zaraf said earning a growl, while he silently activated Earth Spikes.
The earth underneath the two wolves in front of him attempted to move when the earth move. Attempted was the keyword as they both earned a deep gash on their stomach. This however broke the formation and got the other wolves on the attack allowing a counter attack.
Smashing his fists onto the heads of the two wolves he managed to cut, Zaraf ended up with two corpse as he rattled their brains into mush. This ended up attracting the leader attention as the girls paired off. He figured that they didn’t need to use a formation but better to experience where it on weaker beasts
Lily easily sliced through her opponent with her sword as Towa and Delia stabbed through their wolves heads. Lyana was the only one that was having trouble as she could decide how she wanted to kill the wolf. She either wanted to rip the beast apart or stab one of her bone knives into it.
Lyana choice of weapons was a ranked nine dragon bones carved into pair of knives passed down in her family. They were white with a red glow in them from years of cutting down enemies. He began wondering if the weapons were gaining a sentiment to them or if it will happen in the future.
Finishing off the rank three wolves with ease, only the rank four wolf remained angry. He just watched his who pack die effortless by kids. It was only grew angier as Zaraf appeared in front of him without like teleportation.
Punching the wolf beside the head, it shook off the attack as it went berserk and lunged at his throat. Side stepping, Zaraf kicked the underside of the wolf leader making it lift a few feet into the air. After a few more beating, the leader, finally prepared to launch his final attack using all it lifeforce.
A large tornado came out of the wolf mouth as it roared, but it was easily dodged as the wolf aimed to far left. The only conclusion Zaraf or the Girls could come to is the wolf was seeing double of them. Though none of them felt bad about it as it is going to become their dinner tonight as they stored away the corpses.
“Well, that was interesting and gave us experience in a formation?” Zaraf said putting his hand behind his head.
“Yep, so what are we going to do now?” Towa asked looking around as the sun barely pass noon. It too early to make camp, and they have yet to find a good spot for it.
“Finding shelter and water should be our goal. Though it would be nice for some distance between the two as water beast are known to live in larger body of water.” Delia said.
“Hmm, that is true but if we find a creek or small river it wouldn’t be bad either.” Towa commented.
“We could just build our own living quarters in a tree. Haven’t lived in one of those yet could be fun.” Lily said.
“Let just see what we come across first before deciding.
The group continued to walk for a while not running into any more beasts, or spots to set up camp. By the time the sun had an hour or two before it completely down they have yet to find camp. So, they decided to make a makeshift camp, sitting up basic traps, alert system, and smokeless and smell fire pit cooking the wolves from earlier.
“Should we take shifts in case we are attacked?” Delia asked shyly.
“Hmm, sure what order do you want?” Zaraf asked her.
“I will go first, than Lily, than Towa, than tomorrow night it will be Towa, Lyana, and you sitting up a rotation.” Delia said.
“I’m ok with it.” Lily said shrugging.
“I don’t see the problem.” Towa said.
“Ok,” Lyana replied.
“So be it,” Zaraf said.
The next morning, he found Lily by his side with Towa staring off towards the top of the mountain. She seems to be focusing hard as small beads of sweat covered her forehead. However when he looked in that directed he didn’t notice anything or sensed anything.
“What wrong Towa?” Zaraf asked.
“I felt something emitting something similar to the Demon realm swords that has been used for thousands of years and slayed countless enemies.” Towa said.
“Should we go investigate it?” He asked getting a head shake.
“No, something or someone wants it there and whoever it is could kill us with a snap.” Towa said.
Nodding as he lost interest in the possible sword, since it didn’t really matter if he gets it or not. If anything he was most likely going to give it to her, if it was a sword since she could use a longer weapon. Also, if she could sense it from here than it probably work well with her fighting style.
“We might as well check it out, as it might give us a ruin to explore if nothing else.” Zaraf said nodding with a shrug.
“But what happens if that being is watching the place.” Towa asked almost sounding afraid.
“Than we won’t take the sword, but that doesn’t mean other treasure won’t be around. If you can feel it from here it must be releasing large amounts of energy. Think about it if it has been there for centuries, the amount of metals, herbs or treasures that been exposed.” Zaraf said. “It will be an adventure.”
This ended up giving him a blank stare as she just ended up rolling her eyes at him. They aren’t really hurting for money nor treasure as they haven’t found a need for them yet. So, it was easy to tell it just him wanting to see what it has to offer.
“Fine, wake up the others and we can go.” Towa said.
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