《Dragon Ball: Terror of the Gods》Chapter 21
The day to enter Ernst Institute finally arrived after a month of hard practice. For Zaraf the training speed satisfied him on the most part due to becoming a peak rank two warrior. As for his magus rank he became a high rank two earth mage without spells. He could buy them from the shop, but he figured he get them from the school or adventuring.
For the girls however, they were dissatisfied due to the speed they are going. Even if they had similar ranks as him they we only a high level warrior and low magus. This was due to the learning their tasks to speed up their magus training while he knew how to sculpted. The other thing is them complaining in their sleep at the unfairness of having a younger body. Now they would have to wait even longer to ‘eat him’ or something, which terrified him.
“Which dorm room are you two in?” Towa asked.
“Huh, what are you talking about, you two are sharing a room with a couple others. I’m the one crying since I won’t have Lily nearby or bathing partner.” Zaraf said as this is the first time outside of when they were three she wasn’t by his side when they sleep. When they were injured or took a nap doesn’t count, but not having her nearby is going to be different.
“What!” Lily shouted drawing head from students and random civilians walking by.
“I know it stupid,” He nodded his head as Towa lowered her head into her hands.
“It you two that are abnormal, since usually a boy and girl don’t do that unless they are married or extremely young.” Towa said.
“...Lies,” was all Zaraf and Lily said in sync before fuming at their problem.
“Fine whatever, just train your mage force at night and sleep between classes. I think boys are allowed in the girls dorm during the day.” Towa said as she gave up trying to convince them. “So who are your dorm mates?”
“Don’t know until I arrive there but I think it some guy called Dixie or something.” He shrugged as it didn’t bother him or he cared much. “As for the other two no idea.”
“Ah, ok I guess we split here to check out the dorms than.” Towa said as she watched a very dramatic scene. It was if Zaraf was off to war and Lily was behind wish him luck and goodbye. It was as if they weren’t going to see each other again.
Aren’t these two saiyan? They don’t act like any I read about or has a consistent mood. For a few months they can be strict, the next happy, than bored. Towa thought as she dragged Lily away with a small smile she didn’t know of.
Watching as Lily was dragged away, he decided to go check out his dorm which he found plain. The barest of essentials were there such as a bed, a bathroom and a kitchen. Everything else was empty except for one of the rooms where a ten year old boy was training. Lightning was flowing around him as he meditated, but didn’t didn’t destroy anything.
Ignoring the boy training he tossed a couple of things into the room next to it claiming it. Though he realized he didn’t really have much besides what has been gifted to him. It was mostly clothes he received though and he rather just keep them in his storage ring. So, he just placed photos Towa drew up of the three of them when she was relaxing from inventing.
“It not nice to stare,” He spoke as he found Lightning boy looking at him.
“Who are you?” The blonde hair boy asked. The boy had bright blue eyes, with long blonde hair that matched his high noble status. Well, the noble status was a guess on Zaraf part since they didn’t look cheaply made.
“I’m Zaraf one of your roommates.” He said crossing his small muscular arms.
“I’m Dixie Leon, now some rules. One, don’t interrupted my training, two don’t invite other over when I’m training, finally don’t be noisy when I’m training.”
“Yeah sure, just follow the same rules when I’m training.” Zaraf said sounding not very interested in the conversation or the rules.
Nodding to him, Dixie went back to his room to train some more, as he thought it was time to visit the girls. Leaving the dorm, he made his way across the campus towards the girl dorms ignoring some weird gazes. Barely able to sense Lily’s energy due to the distant, he walked until he found it.
Knocking on the door, a blonde girl around their age appeared. Similar to his roommate she had blue eyes but seems shy of him. Behind her, he found a spiky tornado launched into him as Lily seemed happy to see him. Though it barely been twenty minutes since they split.
“Come in and meet my other two roommates.” Lily said throwing him over her shoulder and slamming the door close.
“You have meet Delia Leon already or seen, and this is Alice.” She said pointing to the blonde girl than a bodybuilder girl? The girl’s arms are nearly twice the size of his head and giant making him guess she around fifteenish.
“Delia the same age as us, while Alice is fourteen nearly fifteen.” Lily said smiling.
“It's nice to meet you both, oh Delia do you have a brother named Dixie?” He asked causing her to nod.
“Well, you look similar to my roommate that uses lightning. That's why I was asking.” He smiled.
“Are you and Towa ready to go train?” He directed his attention to Lily and Towa who exited her room.
“Let’s go.” Lily said pumped. “Do the two of you want to come along?”
“Sure,” Delia said a little bit shy as she sort of stalked them during their training and now joining them. She wondered if they could give her any tips to speed up her training with them, as they will outpace her sooner or later.
Finding an empty area in the forest around the school, he pair Delia with Lily due to both using wind. So both of them were laying on the ground attempting to gain insights from the clouds. It was the hardest and the first stage of the training their wind. Towa just continued forming a fireball in her hand turning up the heat so her surroundings got singed.
Lets see what I carve today, he thought as he closed his eyes and thoughts began to form.
Soon an image of their ten meter Oozura form fighting a dragon formed with a large present. So, he got the feeling and image now it time to carve. Losing himself into the carving the sculpture, nearly eight hours went by as he add the finishing touches. Adding the final touch he hoped back and look at his near masterpiece. It was a peak expert level he graded, so he was pleased with it.
“Oh, I’m about to breakthrough to rank three already, amazing.” he said pleased that he peak of rank two in magus and warrior.
“Stop talking to yourself, and get onto Warrior training,” Lily said as both her and Delia was doing push ups will doing a handstand. Only Delia seems to be having trouble as her face was redder than a tomato and glad she didn’t wear a skirt.
Sighing as he nodded he quickly stored it into his ring before upping the gravity around him. He began his daily work out of gathering Ki from the surroundings, and training his martial arts. Even Towa has started training nearly daily as she was following Lily’s led as the female’s group leader.
Wait isn’t Towa Lily’s slave? He thought as he mentally shrugged as it didn't bother him much.
After a few more hours of training, he felt a stream of energy flow through his body as he smiled. He has just broken through as a rank three warrior before sighing. The first three ranks are easy to breakthrough, while the next three will take a month or two. Than the final three might take a couple years.
Quickly getting use to the strength surge, he decided to end training here. Delia collapsed to the ground groaning about monsters. Lifting her up, he could feel she managed to become a rank one warrior. On the way to the dorms they didn’t meet anyone which was surprising but works for them.
Dropping Delia into her bed, he said bye to Towa and Lily as he can’t stay inside their dorms when it's dark. So making his way across the campus he entered his own dorm where he found Dixie eating at the table alone.
“So, where are our other dorm mates?” He asked the blonde boy.
“There aren’t any as there seems to be an odd number this year. Where were you today?” The boy asked curiously.
“Training with my two friends and your sister since she one of their dorm mates. She nice by the way.” He replied, earning a nod from the boy. “She managed to become a rank one warrior today which was surprising. It usually takes a few days or so but she really talented.”
This earned a confused look on the blonde boy on why his sister was training as a warrior. As if reading his mind Zaraf decided to fill in the gap.
“I believe and so do my friends that a strong body supports a strong mind. Well most of the time since there are muscle heads that only care about their bodies.” He said earning a nod but not really understanding.
“Think of it like this, a magus trains his mind and soul in some cases. A warrior trains his body so why not train them both. Even if a magus only trains themselves to rank three it will help in the long run.” Zaraf explained getting a satisfying nod as Dixie was getting an idea.
“Do you mind if I join you in training one day?” The blonde boy asked.
“Hmm, I don’t mind but it only focus is training, not ogling my friends. Even if they are cute,” Zaraf said earning a blush from the boy.
“I won’t,” the boy managed to say as he finished up and hurried into his room.
Throughout the night, he continued to meditate as he couldn’t really fall asleep. He attempted to but he continued to toss and turn, and had a million thoughts going through his head. Most of them were about Lily or Towa and something happening to them. There were also ones where Lily left him because he wasn’t strong enough.
So, when the night passed, he made his way towards her with large strides. When he arrived he spotted her looking out the window. Seeing him coming, she vanished from the window and opened the door letting him in. Since everyone else was asleep she took him to her room and pushed him onto the bed. They hop next to him and curled up and went to sleep since neither had class until noon.
Sleeping soundly, he failed to sense movement until they were woken up by a loud boyish scream. Opening his eyes, he found Alice staring at him with daggers in her eyes as both Delia and Towa came running. Delia looked as if she was sore from the workout yesterday and Towa glaring daggers at Alice.
“Why are you screaming so early.” Towa asked in an icy cold voice.
“Why is there a male in here,” She replied angrily.
“You care why and by the looks of it they are sleeping. From what I know they have been like that since they were three and your lucky they got clothes on.” Towa said closing the door as she going have words with the bodybuilder.
As for Delia she just blushed at the comment and gained a sad look in her eyes. What anyone didn’t noticed was Lily who spotted this out of the corner of her eyes. She continued to pretend like she was asleep but made a mental note to talk to Delia later about joining. Towa was already on board, but didn’t feel like making a move yet as they are still young.
At the rate they are progressing they are likely to become immortals due to hard work in even their own universe. Not many know that when one access God Ki they gain a longer lifespan the more they use it. This is caused by the excess energy soaking into their bodies and cells until their mortal and ageless state merge.
As for this universe, she has a similar thought on how saint mode works. Only since the world energy and ki is more potent making it so not everyone compatible with it. As for why they are high compatible is due to their training in Ki and having large amounts. So their bodies really only need to convert their Ki into more compact form resulting in quick progress in the beginning or so.
So even if they are young they have a lot of time to get to together so no sense in rushing it. Besides, Lily need to work with him to get him to open up to the idea.
“Well, take a nap since class started today and we have training after class.” Towa said closing the door on them. “Come along Delia, we might as well chat since we are up.”
Falling back to sleep, Zaraf gave a quick thought on what the two girls were going to talk about. Thoughts of wonder left as quickly as it came as he wondered why a weird feeling for the future appeared.
Waking up a few hours later, he found he has about an hour until class for earth, while Lily already in hers. Towa was sitting alone at the dinner table looking over scroll she found in the library. It seems she has class after his so she will be joining their training afterwards.
Sitting down across from her, a feeling that something annoyed Lily appeared making head towards the door.
“Where you going?” Towa asked curiously.
“Someone annoyed Lily and feel more than one. So going to pick a fight since it has been a while since I had one.” he replied walking out the door.
He heard Towa following him, soon after as he heard her closing the door. Walking a few minutes, he found Lily and Delia being surrounded by about seven guys with three on the ground. Sensing their rank they all are around rank four or five magus making them stronger than them.
“Do you know who my father is?” a blonde kid who looked around fourteen shouted as he held his bloody nose.
“A seer?” Zaraf whispered in his ear as he pressed the pressure point knocking the boy out. “Now what going on here and who do I get to fight?”
“Zaraf, I already dealt with three, but they are all challenging you for my hand.” Lily said earning a nod from him.
“Very well, I don’t have to take it easy on them.” He grinned as they initialized a death battle according to Saiyan customs. If they backed off it would have only been a beating, but since they attempt to attack...death is the answer.
Striking the nearest boy in the throat, he instantly crushed his wind tube before moving onto the other ones. The screams and bone breaking filled the surrounding as Zaraf smiled as his prey attempted to run. Only, it was cut short when a rank seven healer mage appeared putting an end to it before he could kill them all.
“What's going on?” an old man asked as he leaned on his cane healing all the boys bone and windpipe. How that boy survived this long he doesn’t know as it seems that each rank add a boost in vitality. That or the boy is a survivor that very, very lucky.
“They enable the death battle for asking for my hand. I did try to warn them but they didn’t listen.” Lily spoke with a smile not fearing the man.
“...we are going to need a conversation and go from there.” The old man didn’t really look like he wanted to process with it. There has been many cultural conflicts over the years in the school and outside. Which they all need to processed with caution as one wrong move and it could cause more damage than needed.
Nodding, Lily began explaining about the important parts of the saiyan culture they follow while also courting or mates part. By the time it ended, the old man just sighed as he can’t expel them from following customs. He can’t let it go unpunished either but they are one of the school’s most potential students. They are only eight from their records and already rank two magus.
“Don’t let it happen again, and if it happens again don’t try to kill them.” He said collecting the injured boys. They needed more time to heal, and needed to be disciplined from picking on someone six years their junior. Normally it didn’t matter if it was centuries when they hit saint rank but the first hundred years are the hardest.
“Alright, but no promises.” Lily said with a smile.
“Well, come along Zaraf and Towa we might as well get an early lunch before he needs to get to class. Where you going Delia your coming along too.” Lily said as Delia was walking away and Zaraf, giving a simple shrug.
“Who paying though?” Delia asked.
“Who said anything about a restaurant.” Towa said with a sigh as she knew Zaraf and Lily like hunting more. Since they found out that it better and more peaceful to catch their own, so they don’t have other staring at them.
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