《MCU'S Ghost》Chapter 11 Specter Part 4


Casey Pov

Danny: I’m on the highway to hell. I’m on the highway to hell

Ari: Will you shut up Danny out of all the songs you could have chosen to sing with that tone-deaf voice of yourse you had to pick that one.

Danny: What wrong with my choice in music.

Casey: It’s kind of ominous dude.

Ari: It not kind of it is ominous it is ominous were literally about to go fight and evil ghost and possibly die and your singing FUCKING HIGHWAY TO HELL!

Eva: Will you two please stop fighting I swear to god I will turn this car around.

Casey: Check it out there the welcome to Cleveland sign. Of all places why did have to be Cleveland. Who plans for world domination in Cleveland this is not where the final battle is supposed to be.

Ari: Where would you prefer.

Casey: I don’t know New York, DC, I will even take LA. I feel like I am getting the shaft of final battle cities.

Ari: Well maybe next time you will get a better final battle city.

Eva: I prefer to be no final battle cities. I prefer someone trying to take over the world is only a one time thing.

If only she knew. We decide to go into a motel Ari pays cash because we do not want the bad guy to know we are here. The door man strangely looks like Stan Lee. Wait did I just get my first Cameo? I am getting off topic here let’s continue. I found out the bad guy is Marcus Payne owner of Payne inc. But that is all because apparently Payne like to keep things close to his vest and the only person the only person to knows him is his secretary Gwen Storm.

Casey: So how are we going to find him.

Ari: Yeah, I am pretty sure he is not going to have a neon sign that says hey here is my evil lair.

Danny: That why I have this baby

The two of us deadpan at the same time.

Casey and Ari: The Boo-marang really?

Danny: I redesign this baby so this will locate ghost tech instead of a ghost signature. You know Chris is always wearing some sort of ghost tech. With this will definitely find him

Casey: Are you sure this thing will work

Danny; I got this

He always says that when he says he has something but guess what he does not have something. He throws the Boo-marang out the window and it curves and hit me right in the face


Danny: Sorry forgot to switch the frequency

He rubbed thee back his head and he laugh sheepishly. We go outside and he through it but this time it does not hit me it begins to beep and we track on his cell phone we follow it all way the this mansion that looks like it was decorated by the Adams Family.


Casey: So, who wants to go in the creepy house first.

Eva: Ok the three of you get behind me. I will go in fist followed by Casey. Ari you will take the rear. Remember we have no idea what this guy can do. If thing get to dangerous, I want the three of you to run. I don’t care if you have powers. What kind of adult would I be if I let kid get into dangerous situation?

Ari, Casey and Danny: Chris

Eva: Quit being smart asses

Eva takes out her gun and we head into the gate she is about to pick the lock but the door open on it own.

Casey: It is trap

Ari: Such a Trap

Danny: My kid sister could even tell this is trap

Eva: You still going in

Ari Casey and Danny: Duhh

We get in and what see utterly shocks us. What we see is paraphernalia of the Cleveland Cavaliers. To be specific we see life size stuff of Lebron James.

Casey: It just me or does this guy have an unhealthy obsession with Lebron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Ari: Well at least we now know why his base of operation is in Cleveland

Danny; He got cups plate, and signed basketballs. He even has Lebron James cereal. Dude is obsessed

Ari: Quit touching everything you might trigger a TRAAAAAAAAPPPPPPP!

No sooner doe she says this the floor disappears and the four of us fall. I cannot believe we fell for some Team Rocket shit. Especially since I can fly I guess I had a brain fart moment. We end up in a cage. With someone HOLY SHIT BLAKE!

Blake: Casey what are you doing here they caught you too

Casey: What I am doing here what are you doing here

???: That was do to me Mr. Jones

We look up and see a man on the screen

Casey: I assume you are Payne

Danny: He know you name dude it not good when the bad guy knows your name.

Ari: Danny shut up.

Danny: Why are you telling the bad guy my name.

Payne: Do not worry Mr. Forte I have already known you and Miss Samir do with Mr. Jones. I also know about Miss Sanchez or should I call you Agent Ramirez.

Casey: Now what color is my underwear

Blake: I suggest you stop taunting the guy who is holding us hostage.

Payne: A smart mouth just like your father Lucas Jones

Blake and Casey: What

Payne: I guess you did not know I knew Luke when I was just a boy. You we both saw a ghost when we were children. Each of us saw something different that day. Luke was fascinated by the mystique I was fascinated by its power. The two of us spent years studying paranormal. Chris came in later. Luke and Chris manage to make our first portal, Something went wrong the two of us were sucked in. I manage to get out after several years, Your old man I have no idea what happen to him we were separated.


Casey: Why are you telling me this.

Payne: As a favor to old friend I will not kill you but get in my way and our ties will be broken. Nothing can stop me and getting in the way what is mine.

He laughs and the screen falls to black Than Blake looks at me,

Blake: Why does he think you can stop him

Casey: He scared of my high intellect

Blake: Cut the bullshit Casey we all know you have a B average at best what exactly is going one. Why does he think you can stop him?

Casey: It complicated

Blake: We have time we are not going anywhere.

Casey: Meh

I try to go intangible, but the cage shocked me I guess she is right we are not going anywhere for a while. I begin to tell her wat happen 3 years ago.

Blake: So the summer you kept losing your pants

Casey: Still working on my intangibility

Blake: So your ghost

Casey: No, I am not dead I am half dead. I still got a heartbeat.

Blake: does mom know.

Casey: No

Blake: Are you going to tell her.

Casey: Not yet

Blake: You know mom the longer she out of the loop the angrier she is going to be. Well I won’t tell I believe that is your secret. Now if only we can get out of here.

Ari: Oh, I took care of that two minutes ago

I see Ari walking out the cage she holding a Bobby pin? Wow a cage that was design to hold someone as strong as me disarmed by a sixteen-year-old girl with a Bobby pin. I do not know if I should laugh or cry.

Casey: I feel defeated.

Blake: There was a reason why I liked her

We escape and head to the main room we see Chris laying on the ground and Eva runs up to him. Blake feels confused and I feel her in.

Eva: Chris are you ok

Chris: Elaina or should I call you Eva

Eva: So you know.

Chris: Yeah Payne told me.

Eva: Are you mad/

Chris: Were the feeling real because they were for me.

Eva: Yes

Chris: Than it is fine

Eva: I lied to you about my job to get close to you. Shouldn’t you fell I don’t know pissed

Chris: I just found out my girlfriend a spy that is badass. Besides what other women would listening to me talk about ghost as much as you do.

Eva: You are strange man Christopher Anton Dixon.

Chris: A strange man that you love.

They kiss

Danny: Yeah, I don’t want be a mood killer but we have to I don’t know stop a guy from taking over the world.

Chris: Right sorry.

Chris goes over to his machine and open a portal.

Chris: Payne has already gone through if he get the crown it game over. Someone is going to have to go after him. I must stay so I can leave the portal open.

Casey: Guess I am up.

Blake: You cannot just go by yourself

Casey: I am not giving anyone else a choice. I am the one with ghost powers it is my responsibility he Ari If I don’t come back

I grab her by the waist and then I kiss her.

Casey: I like you. No regrets you only live once.


I see Chris and Blake and him fifty dollars. Even Eva hands him money who else was in on this bet?. Ari for the first time is stunned in silence. I wink. Than I go ghost and jump through the portal. I land in a ghost realm. If I was a crown where would I be. I am about to head off when somebody tackles me and I look up and it is Ari.

Casey: Ari what the….


Casey: Yes mam

Ari: You don’t just get to steal a girl first kiss and jump into a portal expecting death. You have to take responsibility for that.

Casey: Sorry

Ari: I am not done. You think I been waiting all this time just for you to go off and die. Do I look like a damsel in distress to you? Do I look like I am type of girl who would be quiet and sit at home and wait for her man to return?

Casey: You do not

Ari: Good if we do this, we are going to do this together. If we go down, we are going down together ok. Now come on we have a world to save.

She does that while cocking a blaster and taking out the Dixon family Bazooka. She even looks hot when she angry. Look at the way her hips are swaying. I just realize she has some junk in the trunk.

Ari: And stop looking at my ass.

How did she know. I really will never understand women. Well whatever I got a world to save or I will never have time to enjoy that ass anyway. Payne I am coming for you

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