《MCU'S Ghost》Chapter 1 Casey Jones


??? Pov

Huh what is going on. Why do I feel like I am being blinded? I slowly open my eyes AHHHHH GIANTS! I scream. Then I realize that he not big, but I am tiny. I look up and see a man in scrubs. What Sorcery is this. The last thing I remember I was watching Danny Phantom to reminisce in my childhood and suddenly nothing. Oh Yeah A FUCKING METEOR HIT MY HOUSE!

Doctor: Good It seems you have a perfectly healthy baby boy Mrs. Jones. Have you picked out a name for him?

Mrs. Jones: I decided I want to name him after my dad Bartholomew



Mrs. Jones: I was just kidding like I would name you Bartholomew I don’t even have a father he went for a pack of cigarette and never came back. Like I would name you after that asshole.



Mrs. Jones: Your name will be Casey Alfonso Jones.

Casey: Alfonso?

I look up and see my mom what she really looks like for the first time. She has light brown skin, brown hair and eyes. She is very pretty. The Doctor waves in people it a little girl around four. She looks like my mother except her hair is black. There is Also a man with dark skin and brown eyes he is wearing a gray jumpsuit?

Little Girl: Mom is that my little brother.

Mrs. Jones: Yes, Blake this is your little brother Casey.

Blake: He is no cute like other babies why does he look like a raisin.

Man, in Jumpsuit: Give it time with our family’s jeans My nephew will be stud that pulls all the girls.

Mrs. Jones: Hopefully he is not like you Chris.

Chris: Nala you wound me I am a great person who would not want to be someone like me I am a great person.

Nala: Chris your my brother and I love you but you’re a little…..

Blake: Uncle Chris is weird,

Chris: I am telling you Ghost are real and I am going to prove my research one day, I am going to get Lucas back Nala.

The room gets quiet. Who is Lucas? He must be important to them when the room. He must have a died.

Nala: Stop it Chris my husband is gone. Blake will never see her father again and Casey will never know him.


Chris: I am telling you he is alive my best friend your husband is alive.

Nala; HE FELL INTO THAT GREEN VORTEX HE IS NOT COMING BACK! I am sorry this was so to be a joyous occasion; I should not have yelled at you. I just miss him you know. I promise myself I would fine a good man and would not be a single mom like ours and I did I got my white picket fence dream, He was just taken from me to soon,

Chris: Yeah, I know. Don’t worry I will bring him back, Let get rid of this sad topic and let me hold my nephew.

She brings me over to him.

Chis: Hi Kid I am your Uncle Chis and I am going to teach you everything you need to know about ghost.

Nala: Chris

I think I am going to like this guy.

13 years later

It has been 13 years since I have been reincarnated in this world. I few things that I learned. I found out that I was in the Marvel Cinematic universe. I found out that Stark tower was in New York. I did not know anything until I saw Robert Downy Jr. on Tv. I guess he is Tony Stark now. The year is 2009 Tony Stark has just made his suit and came out as Ironman. That means in 3 years the avengers will be form and battel a new York will begin. All I can think of is,,,

Casey: Shit I live in New York

Well specifically I live in Brooklyn In a small apartment with mom Nala and my sister Blake. Let tell you a little bit about myself. I am Casey Alfonso Jones. I have light brown skin and black hair like the rest of family, but I have green eyes which I inherited from my father who I never met.

I head to school there I meet my best friends Danny and no his last is not Fenton it is Fort and Arianna Samir but never call her Arianna call her Ari. You call her Arianna and you die. Ari has dark black hair tan skin and hazel eyes. She is bit a tomboy always wearing a blue sweatshirt and a red stocking cap. Danny has blonde hair and green eyes. He also wears glasses and bit a nerd but he is my nerd,


Casey: You guys coming over to my Uncle house after school.

Ari: Your Uncle Chris always has the coolest stuff lying around.

Danny: Yeah not everybody has an uncle the is a mad scientist,

Casey: He is not a mad scientist.

Ari: Yeah, he is not mad he eccentric

Danny: You would defend his uncle you will be joining his family soon lovebirds,


Danny: Yeah whatever I just have on question is he cooking I can not have what happen last time to happen again.

Ari: Ahh who could forget the great Hot Dog Rebellion of 07 I will never look at a hotdog the same again. I am so glad I am a vegetarian. Well it was not that bad and now you have great story to tell.

Danny: I lost finger.

Casey: We found it didn’t we and it is good as new.

Danny: It is crooked

Casey: Semantics. Relax will grab some food before we head over there. There will be no cooking by Uncle Chris. Beside he is saying that he finally finishes his life work.

After that we head to class it the final day of class and I am officially done with Middle school. It basically just half a day. I just showed up so I could go over to Uncle Chris house with Ari and Danny. Suddenly a spitball flies at me I turn around and it is Richard the Dick Lawson. The kid is two head taller than me even though we are the same age.

Rick: I had to give you a goodbye present Stacey.

Rick is a bully that Danny and I have been his punching bag since we were 8 I swear this kid up steroids but one of these days pow right to the moon. He seems to like changing my name to something girly like, Stacey, Macey, or Lacey. He seems to be liking Stacey now. I am just glad that its summer break and there is no Dick Lawson for a whole 3 months. After classes Ari, Danny and I stop by McDonald’s and head to Uncle Chris house, We head down to his lab.

Danny: Looks like he has gotten more stuff, What is this.

Casey: That’s the Dixon Gabber it lets you talk to ghost.

Ari: What about this.

Casey: That is the Dixon Ghost Gauntlets it helps you fight ghost in hand to hand combat,

Danny: What is this?

Casey: The Dixon anti creep stick

Ari: It look just like an ordinary bat to me.

Chris: Yes, but is a bat with the name Dixon on it

Yeah, my Uncle tends to name his invention after himself. Christopher Dixon. My Uncle has spent the last thirteen years trying to enter or create one of those portals my dad was lost in to get him back. He also created weapons so that he can defend himself when he gets there. Yes, he is like Jack Fenton from that tv show but not. He is interested in ghost and does not want to tear them apart molecule by molecule. He just wants to find my dad.

Chris: Are you guys ready to see my life’s work here it is the Dixon Specter Gate. It leads to place called the Ghost zone.

Danny: Is that where dead people go because I am Christian

Ari: So what I am Muslim

Chris: No entirely Danny. Ghost can be created by the regrets people had in their pass life. Every ghost has something called an obsession and they will do anything to complete it. Now let’s turn this puppy on everyone get behind the Dixon Ecto Barrier

We all get behind the barrier he plugs in the portal, but nothing happens, and he seem disappointed.

Chris: Well I guess it back to the drawing board I am going to drown my sorrows in fudge,

Casey: Sorry about your portal Uncle Chris.

Chris: You have nothing to be sorry for, But I will not give up.

After that Uncle Chris heads, upstairs. Ari decides to go and look in the Gate

Casey: Ari what are you doing that dangerous.

Ari: It fine it does not work right I am perfectly safe. I just want to get a closer look.

I decide to get her out of the gate but when I start to leave to get out myself. I trip on my shoelace and I try to catch my self when I accidently press a button and I am electrocuted and explosion happens I flung across the room


Ari and Danny: CASEY!

Suddenly my world turns black

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