《The rise of the Dragon Age!》Chapter 3


----POV Primordial Dragon----

Dragon: Those fucking humans killing my kind, just for their cores! My kin arent some mindless beasts! Mark my words God Krana, ill make your precious humans pay with their lives for this! Hm.... whats this?

As the primordial dragon was making its promise it felt a disturbance and quickly concealed it, so the other primordials wont feel it. As it flew out from its gigantic cave, it searched for the thing it felt. Couple of minutes later it finally found it, a human killing other human with no end. Slaughtering them and absorbing their soul!

Dragon:Is it absorbing the souls of its victims??!!...Is that even possible?

The primordial dragon kept watching with interest and was filled with glee for the slaughter of human kind. She was still angry at them for killing her kin for simply their cores and as a sign of strength! Few days past with the dragon watching this amusing human.

Dragon: Truly fascinating.....killing thousands of humans as if its nothing. What an amusing soul this one! Hm... oh its going to a cave, probably going to rest. If i didnt know any better, it has the same habits of a dragon, not a human.....

While the primordial was pondering on this information, it also felt a bit sad. This soul has caused such a disturbance that will be noticed soon, Chaos will pulverize this soul without care!

Dragon: haa.....truly a tragedy, might as well enjoy the show until they find out.

After a day the soul came out, however it seemed different more focused and filled with curiosity, this amount of change truly baffled the primordial!

Dragon: what happened?...Its as if its a different person....What happened to this soul to cause such changes. I havent seen such a soul in millions of years! Hmm oh seems like something caught its interest.

The primordial followed the human soul, until they reached a fight between two God beasts battling each other for supremacy!

Dragon: Oh it seems fascinated by their power, however this is nothing. Well this fight is boring lets observe the soul, its more amusing.

After the fight ended, the dragon saw the soul blasted away like an insect! The primordial couldn't help but burst out laughing at the sight before it eyes.


A couple minutes later the primordial finally calmed down and saw the soul waking up from its daze. It started approaching the two beasts, however the primordial got worried. If it tries and sucks up a soul of a God it might explode!


Dragon: Damn...This stupid soul might get itself killed a bit too early! Might as well stop it and try to find out more about it.

The primordial emerged from its hiding and came flying towards the soul. The soul looked at it and was shocked!

Dragon: hmm, why is it so baffled by my appearance? Might be because it never saw my type of dragon before? Lets read it mind shall we!

Soul: What an enormous lizard! It even has wings..... Also why do i feel like bowing to a lizard? Really weird. What kind of person, who wants to strive for world domination bows to a lizard disgraceful!

The Dragon felt shocked, anger and humiliated! It called a primordial being thats a dragon a lizard! The dragon couldn't stop laughing in its mind at how ignorant this soul seems to be and even cracked a smile.

Soul: is it just me or is it smiling at me.......

Dragon was truly amused by this soul, so it wanted to hear its story.

Dragon: Mortal, how dare you call me a lizard!

Soul: fuck it read minds, i think.....well if you are not a lizard, what are you?

Dragon: Im dragon, you ignorant mortal!

Soul: hm those giant lizards from the fantasies?! Hmm ok so what?

The dragon was shocked, this was the first time a soul didnt care about it being a dragon and it stopped itself from bowing to it! The soul even seemed as if the thing in front of it was a mere lizard......

Dragon: ....you are truly fascinating, well tell me why did you slaughter thousands of souls? Also why did you absorb them, or better yet how did you absorb souls?!

The soul acted a bit surprised by the information, however it asked a question that the primordial didn't expect.

Soul: absorb? I can absorb soul? Hmm interesting, i should try to understand more about this ability...

The dragon was baffled! The soul didnt even know what it was doing, and ignored the dragon and started to think of ways to experiment with this new ability.

Dragon: lets just read your mind, im starting to get a headache trying to get answers from you.

Soul: huh...wait what did you say?

The primordial ignored the soul and started to read its mind, it saw all of its memories. How it was never sociable, with its own kind. How it never cared about anything except inventions and new potions that should be impossible. It even saw the the regeneration potion and how it caused a problem to the soul resulting in its death with its family in the cruelest way possible......The primordial felt truly sorry for such a soul, betrayed by its own allies and killed like cattle in their own home just for a potion! The primordial had a strange facial expression as if one of pity.


Soul: it seems like it read my mind alright......i feel naked....whats worse its not a women, but a gigantic lizard that makes me feel like i got raped somehow....

When the dragon heard that it, couldn't help but burst out laughing again. Even though it felt sorry, pitty and had a mood of sorrow it couldnt help but laugh. At how this soul thinks.

Dragon: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA....Your truly are amusing!

Soul:....Aha thanks...i think?

Dragon: So the reason for the slaughter of humans souls was for this? You want revenge?

As soon the primordial spoke those words the soul changed its expression to a cold one and couldn't help, but release killing intent. The primordial was surprised by the cold look and the killing intent, it even shuddered from the amount!

Soul: Ill make humanity pay for what they have done...they will all pay dearly.....

The words the soul said were cold as ice, with no hesitation. The words seemed more like a prophecy that will happen as if a matter of fact.

Dragon: hm...arent you also human?

Soul: Ive abandoned humanity! All i did was for the better future of humanity during my life! And what do i get? I GET BETRAYED BY MY SO CALLED ALLIES! MY FAMILY SLAUGHTERED WITH NO REASON JUST BECAUSE OF GREED!

The primordial felt like it just caught a unpolished gem that can bring about its promise to the human God Karna! The primordial couldn't help but bestow upon this soul a new life!

Dragon: Ill give you a choice mortal, you can choose to accept it or not. However know this, because of the slaughter you have made the primordial being called chaos will kill you! A being above the so called Gods, that the humans worship.

Soul: hm....alright lets hear your offer, however you make it sound as if those Gods are insects...What are you?

Dragon: hm....Not bad a bit sharp arent you? You are right, im no God. Im a primordial being, something that transcends Gods. primordial beings were created since the dawn of time! Anyways you will find out later if you accept my offer. I would like you to be reborn, again in the mortal realm! However this time not as a human, but as a dragon!

Soul: hm...seems like you also hate humans.....well seems like a good deal. Why not might as well do something. I accept your offer primordial dragon, by the way i never did catch you name?

Dragon: you will know of it, when you are worthy! Well then as a dragon you will be my new child, also in the world you are born in there are heroes from summonings and demon lords. So why not give you something extra to help you on your journey, shall we?

The primordial dragon started looking at the hero system created by the gods and looked disgusted!

Dragon: hm....truly despicable, they made sure that the hero uses the system. So they could put a limiter on him, Fucking Gods lets create a new system, shall we!

The dragon smiled mischievously while, making the new system! Without a limiter and especially made for the soul in front of it. The dragon while doing this made a time bubble, so time would stop. Thus the primordial stayed centuries developing the system without stopping. When the primordial finished it broke the time bubble as if it was nothing.

Dragon: Hu....im done took a few centuries, however i made something that truly deserves to be called the dragon system! Only bestowed upon worthy dragons!

Soul: centuries?? You stayed there for a couple of minutes......

Dragon: hm..never mind you will understand later lets send you on your way shall we!

The dragon smiled and opened a portal. The soul was instantly surprised and started trying to study the portal!

Soul: hmmm fascinating, truly looks as if it would take someone to a different dimension!

Dragon: well then, your new name will be Lasarth! Meaning the clamity dragon, also try to be caring to your new family! My kin loves their own kind and cherish each other so do the same to them, however they are a bit arrogant....anyhow Ta TA.

The primordial simply brushed the soul with its tail into the portal!

Soul: Agh... WAIT!!

Thus a new disaster came into being, not a demon lord but something much worse. A dragon that will always be remembered as Lasarath the calamity dragon! A name that will always bring a sense of fear to all the humans in every dimension!

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