《The Adventure of Two Mildly Sociopathic Siblings in a Poorly Designed VRMMORPG World》Chapter 28: Prelude to the End



Prelude to the End

"Mmmmph Mmmph!"

The little sword maiden squirmed, completely trapped in her restraints. The chains that previously bound her had shattered, replaced with a layer of chain tattoos that marred her snow white skin.

The ritual had already progressed to its intermediate stage, and Road was deprived of all of her previous strength. Suffice to say, all she had to ward off Ketus's attacks were her mind and will, but even those were faltering.

As lightning coursed through her limbs, her eyes bulged as she screamed a wordless scream. Afterwards, sinking to her knees while the dark, pale-skinned man nearby smiled softly.

"It would be easier if you just gave up," Ketus whispered gently. His tone was full of concern and compassion as if he were truly empathizing with the pain coursing through Road's body. "Let me in, and it will all go away."

"Hrrrrg" Road grunted. She would not give up. If she could just hold out long enough, then someone of importance would surely notice her absence. Despite being a figurehead, she was still a symbol of the White Temple, and people would be searching for her.

"Nobody is coming." As if reading her mind, Ketus consoled her gently. "There is just you, me, and this room. Just give up."

A dark miasma swirled around the tip of Ketus's finger, darting from finger tip to finger tip as if it were alive. The darkness then condensed into an inky darkness, sharpening into a solid spike as Ketus traced it along Road's chin.

"You know. I do not wish to break you. Your soul is so pretty. So pure, yet so... human. It would be a shame not to extract it into a soul gem. I've even picked out a gem for you. A pretty violet crystal. Do you like it?"

Blood dripped down from the cut made on Road's face. She eyed the purple gem in Ketus's hands with a fury, but despite her rage, the claws of despair were already taking hold.

"Ahh, no rush. There is no rush. After all, I wouldn't want to damage you in any way. I can afford to wait. Not to mention, I have a cute junior to teach right now."

As Ketus was tracing Road's face, he suddenly thought of something dirty. An excellent way to break Road's will and finally push her over the edge into the pit of despair.

If he were to show the nice living conditions of Roari in contrast to her own, then he might be able to strip away the last dregs of Road's resolve. The effect may even double as the two of them were abducted at the same time.

Just as he was about to suggest such a thing, a dull roar echoed from far. In the same direction as his men's living quarters. His curiosity was momentarily piqued, but no matter. He had to focus on the task at hand.

But how. How could he swing Roari's situation in a way that would make the most impact?

Untroubled, he removed the spiritual gag that bound Road's voice. Perhaps some of her insight would give him ideas.

"You...monster. Wash your neck and wait. This isn't finished."

Ketus snorted. It seemed the little sword saint still had some fight in her. Something easily remedied.


"Oh, little goddess in training. You must have truly lived a sheltered life. Bound and gagged as you were, but still making threats."

"Not a threat, a promise." Road spat. The fury in her eyes amused Ketus greatly. If looks could kill, he would probably have been stabbed a thousand times by now.

"Well, you really shouldn't make promises you can't keep. I remember one time--" A second roar cut Ketus off.

This one far louder. If one were to listen closely, they would be able to make out the sound of men cheering.

'Just what is that racket?'

Ketus looked in the direction of the corridor. In fact, amidst the roaring, he could also hear the voice of someone shouting. A feminine voice.

"...Hey Road. Let's go on a little field trip."

"What are you--"

"Hup hup hup. Be quiet." Ketus muttered lazily as he reactivated the gag magic. The chain tattoos wriggled and coiled around Road, forcing her to stand up and follow as Ketus left to find the source of that noise.

Ketus was a relatively experienced man. Although he was apart of a darker affiliation, that did not stop him from traveling the world. Thus he had seen many sights and had many experiences.

However, none of his past experiences could've possibly prepared him for what he was about to see.

A tiny little girl, standing on a table before his men, screaming at them. And his men, listening to her intently, while whooping and cheering all the while. To be frank, it was quite surreal.

"Blood alone moves the wheels of history!" Roari shouted as she threw up her arms. Her newfound cries bringing about a hushed silence amongst the numerous men in attendance.

"Have you ever asked yourselves in an hour of meditation, which everyone finds during the day. How long have we been striving for greatness? Not only the years we've been at war, the war of work but from the moment as a child, when we realized that the world could be conquered."

The men nodded and clapped, clearly in agreement with Roari's words. Her eloquence, incomparable to the amateurish girl who had initially arrived. However if one were to look carefully, one would see that while enthusiastic in her gestures, Roari was, in fact, reading from a tiny little notebook.

"It has been a lifetime's struggle. A never-ending fight. I say to you and you'll understand that it is a privilege to fight!"

The men whooped, while Ketus and Road stared on with bemused expressions upon their faces.


Such expressions grew even larger as the men howled in reply. With many stomping their feet and beating their chests.

"Vermin, Brigands, and Bobby, I ask you once more rise and be worthy of this historical hour!"

"No revolution is worth anything unless it can defend itself."

"No revolution is made possible without the leaders to guide it."

Ketus stared flabberghasted at Bobby, who was now very much alive, sobbing into his hands while pumping his fist in his support.

"And You!" Roari pointed to the numerous men in metal armor. They were clearly traitors of the White Temple and thought they listened on intently, they were clearly uncomfortable with the proceedings.

"Some people might say that you are traitors. Those who would consider you a pestilence to society and half-mad zealots. But I see something different. I see loyal men and women who would give anything, even their reputations for their country."


Roari paused, allowing for some of the armored men to clap in agreement.

"Tis our duty-- to change their perception! It is only together that we hold the power to move the world. Look around you. Look at the men who you scorn, and understand this. In time, I say, and you will all feel, that it is a privilege to fight with them"

"We must never acquiesce for it is together, TOGETHER, THAT WE PREVAIL! We must never cede control of the motherland! For it is..."

"Together, we prevail!" The men on both sides howled as the tension between them broke and they surged into one another. Their blood was boiling, their pupils dilated and their breaths heavy, yet when they locked gazes with the men whom they previously looked upon grudgingly, their grudges dissipated, leaving them to see only one thing. Comrades.

"Ahahaha Ahahaha" While the men in both camps were cheering and stamping their feet, Roari was up on the table, laughing maniacally to herself, soaking in the indescribable pleasure that was power.

Meanwhile, Ketus and Road who had watched the entire proceedings were completely in sync for the first time.

{The fuck is going on.}


"Alright! Let's teach you soul force!" Bobby, who is definitely not dead was very excited. After all, this would be the first session where he would be teaching Roari their signature combat style. He had even repurposed a dungeon cell for that expressed purpose and was dressed in padded trainers clothing. To his side, were a pile of bricks, neatly stacked together.

"...Are you okay Bobby? I think you might need to see the healer."

"Nonsense! I am completely fine! Ahaha." Bobby completely ignored the massive welts that were swelling on his face as he dedicated his all to teaching. So what if he let things get a bit out of hand. A bit of skinship with the master as punishment might as well not be a punishment at all.

"...Oh...Okay then." The little girl was not convinced, but she agreed anyway.

"Good. So to learn Soul force. There are essentially two ways. Through a skill book and through practice. You naturally have experience with the former."

"I have," Roari confirmed.

"Yes, Skillbooks are excellent for complete amateurs. Just chew on a book, and you can suddenly use a skill. It does come with the shortcomings of a complete lack of mastery which you would then have to make up over time, but compared to the convenience, it's an acceptable trade-off."

"And I'm guessing you don't have a skill book for me."

"No. No, I do not. But that's okay." Bobby agreed. "Everyone starts from the basics... Actually, that's a lie. Most people in our organization start off as mages. Those more body oriented usually work as laborers."

"Cool. Glad I'm not a laborer."

"Indeed. Actually, it is because us mages are so out of shape, that close soul combat has been developed to compensate. Such a style relies heavily on parrying, deflecting and intercepting blows, thus it would be folly to think you would be able to learn it with a common skill book."


"Today, we're going to teach you how to dodge." Bobby smiled, showing off his bright pearly teeth.

"Oh...Can we start with something a bit softer." Roari's gaze was glued to the pile of bricks beside Bobby. It didn't take a genius to figure out what those were going to be used for.

"Nonono. I learned this from the master. If it doesn't hurt, then you won't learn. It is very effective. Most people get good at dodging after a day."

There was a sound akin to a baby seal crying that escaped through Roari's lips.

Naturally, after seeing the enthusiasm of his charge, Bobby cracked both his knuckles and a smile as he hefted a heavy red brick in one hand. It was only then that Bobby suddenly became merciless and extremely frightening in Roari's eyes.

"Well then, let's begin."


"You know, I used to be known as the greatest naked gorilla war chief of the West Indica Jungle. Unfortunately, that was name was too long for casual conversations, which is why friends call me Jakmongo...Well, at least they would if I had any friends."

"Uhuh." Roari agreed before smashing Jakmongo in the face. Two days. For two days she had had bricks constantly thrown at her face. And not gently either, mind you. And with a sadistic pleasure that she would never quite forgive.

Yes, whether by accident or design, Jakmongo, or Bobby had fully earned the full wrath of her ire, which made the transition into next lesson much easier. Beating the everlasting shit out of him.

"Sssss. What is your face made of? Iron?" Roari sucked in a breath through her teeth as she waved her throbbing hand from side to side.

"Impact force is only secondary. You're not supposed to slug me, but condense your residual soul force then hit me with it."

"What does that even mean?!!" Roari cried.

"Look, once you can feel the lines of soul coursing through your body, manipulation should be secondary. Do you need me to blast you with soul force again so you can feel it?"

"No. No. I got it." Roari hastily backed up, wary of Bobby's hands. The first time he did it, she felt nauseous for an hour. After taking a deep breath, she pivoted before unleashing a vicious uppercut against Bobby's jaw.


"Ssssss" Tears welled up in the corner of her eyes while Bobby boredly looked on.

"Mother Fuck--"









Bobby could only look down at Roari with pity. He had already explained the concept yet the tiny girl was still adamant at swinging at his face at full force. Hence, he was completely unsympathetic as she curled up into a fetal position, nursing her injured hand against her chest.

Actually, now that Bobby thought a little, could Elseworlders even learn skills through this method?

Ehhhh. He thought about it then shrugged. Bobby was sure she would get the hang of it eventually.

Bobby slightly lowered his head and sighed.

"Alright, back to the basics. Lesson One. Let's teach you how to dodge.

"I hate you."

Roari's grief and indignation were indescribable.

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