《The Adventure of Two Mildly Sociopathic Siblings in a Poorly Designed VRMMORPG World》Chapter 11: We Were Never Playing the Same Game.



We Were Never Playing the Same Game.

‘Are we slaves? Mere pawns to be exploited under the powerful?’

Pale gnashed his teeth as he clutched at the small hidden vial within his shirt. No matter what he did, all of his actions would only be the consequence of some grandiose plan. The only problem now would be whether he chose to accept it.

In the end, he had to make a decision, and although the choice was difficult, the two siblings agreed that the events to transpire would be the best for everyone. Because of that, they had hardened their hearts and were resolute as they unwaveringly met the bewildered paladin trainee’s gaze.

Dawn was numb. She had recalled what Pale had said from the very beginning. Their ultimate goal here was to kill the keeper, but wasn’t this an unnecessarily hostile action? It was obvious that the quest was about to expand into something greater, so what on earth were they doing right now?”

“What is the meaning of this?!” Dawn demanded.

“Nothing personal Dawn, but it looks like our paths are going to split here.”

Red stained the corner of Dawn’s vision as her metal gauntlet bit deep into her fleshy palm. “And instead of talking about it, you just decide to cut me off altogether?”

“Please, Dawn, anyone could tell you aren’t going to let this go. What with your honor and role players code.” Roari smiled sadly.

“You can still joke at a time like this? Is this about the quest? I swear. This is the right path. I’ll ignore what you just did, so just follow my lead on this.”

Pale sighed and shook his head. “And I am sure you would, but the trust has already been broken…”

“I’m willing to look past that!”

“And what sort of villains would we be if we were to back down after beginning a dastardly deed? No, even us wrongdoers have our own pride.”

Dawn dropped her hands to her waist and felt the familiar carved pommel of the Crandor rest against her palm. Were they just trolling? She could turn them into a fine past with but a single attack, yet their thought process seemed to be getting more convoluted.

However, biting her lip, she removed her hand from her sword and stepped to the side. She hated herself, but she also made a decision.

“You can do whatever you want to this man. I won’t stand in your way.”

“What?” The Keeper seemed to have become more youthful, if only because of his shock at Dawn’s words.

‘And they called me a pushover…’ Dawn chastised herself bitterly. Her heart bled as she meekly shrank back, cursing herself as she already wanted to take it back.

At the very least, she hoped the Keeper could at least defend himself. He was in a level thirty area after all.

Pale and Roari were momentarily stunned at Dawn’s reply. However, Pale only smiled coldly. “Why, you’re not very heroic at all. I wonder why you’re trying to be a paladin.”

Dawn’s fingers trembled, yet she remained unmoved. What would even be the point of telling them? She would just be let down again. A tool like always, to be discards once it completed its function. As her heart iced over, she could only snarl back in contempt. “If you are going to keep with the insults, then don’t blame me for when I break my promise.”

“Why, that’s what I wanted all along. I humbly await your sword with great anticipation.


Roari snickered as she swung from Pale’s arm. Not just Pale but her as well? Roari’s relaxed manner was vexing, especially when Dawn’s own emotions were raging inside.

“Why?! Do you both have a death wish? Is that it?”

“Unless one seeks death, one will not die.”

“And is that what you want?”

This time, it was Roari’s time to pipe up. “Why darling, it’s interesting because then it would be fair.”

“What does that even mean?!”

“It means you will be the one to die!” Pale roared as he brandished the ring on his index finger. Instantly, the bloodsoaked shattered, and from within, a crimson miasma churned and flowed out.

The Keeper’s already haggard face seized up in fear. “This is?”

As the miasma spread, a sudden wind blew and swept the miasma into a vortex. Its red vapors condensed into slicked red ichor which seeped onto the dusty stone floor. The whirlpool screamed as a jet black hand emerged from within.

Along with the hand, the rest of the body soon floated out. A beautiful woman garbed in an intricate red robe. The woman had an ageless look as a mane of fire flared out behind her.

Her appearance illuminated the dark cavern like a sun, and the entire catacombs were awashed in light by the boundless flames. She had a coquettish smile on her face as she looked down upon the Keeper of Flame, who was gaping at her in shock.

“Oh. Pardon my intrusion. I couldn’t help but listen in! I must say, the two of you were oh so wonderfully cutthroat.”

“Khali, you…!” The Keeper looked as if he just swallowed a pit, as color returned to his pale, waxy face.

“What is this?” Dawn started. She thought the Hidden Master’s scenario was apart of the main questline to save the world, thus she believed the Storm Sibling’s to have a similarly related quest. Their actions, however, suggested quite the opposite, unless the Keeper was secretly evil?

“Hello, Alric? My…the years have not been kind for you.”

“I will never yield the flame!” The Keeper shouted with far more force than could be expected from a decrepit old man. He quickly stood up, his spindly limbs trembling with the effort.

The red woman known as Khali sighed. As though she were expecting a session of playful banter, only to be disappointed by the fevered ravings of a decrepit old madman. “I wasn’t going to ask you for it, but I suppose words are wasted on you.”

“If you want it, then you’ll have to get it over my dead body!” Alric roared and flames erupted over his spindly frame. Despite such a spectacle, he did not burn, the flames gently flickering as they danced around his limbs.

Khali snorts and her hand was wreathed in a black flame as dark as ink. With a casual swipe, she sent the old man flying. The sounds of bones snapping could be heard as he tumbled to the ground.

“I fulled intend to.” She taunted. Seeing the retching old man upon the ground, her hand formed into a claw to finish him off. Her hands were raised up high like an executioners ax, but as it fell, but as it fell, sparks flew as it crashed noisily by a shining sheet of metal.

“You will not hurt him!” Dawn slammed her shield into Khali’s chest, pushing her back.

“A bit slow on the uptake there Dawn,” Pale remarked.

Khali snarled and brought her hands around to swipe at Dawn’s helmet, but all she received was the pommel of Dawn’s blade. The hilt smacked noisily against her head as Dawn unsheathed her blade in one smooth stroke. The illustrious metal glimmered, briefly flashing the various runes that had been etched out upon the blade.


Clutching her nose tightly, Khali’s voice muffled, “Kid, secure the flame. You’ll be rewarded later.”

“Yes Ma’am!”

“Sorry Dawn! Try to put up a good show!” Roari cackled. The day before, her brother had been taken in by one of the Grand Mistresses old friends. Although they had been complete strangers, just their statuses as creations of Azoth had granted them access to the lower echelons of another evil organization.

Although the quest did require them to make a choice, it was obvious that the evil side would always offer more lucrative rewards. It was a shame that it meant Dawn had to be shafted though. Despite the limited time they had together, Roari had become rather attached.

The sound of steel clashing continued ringing through the air. Instead of slicing flesh, each swing of Dawn’s sword was deflected off of Khali’s hands.

If it weren’t for her bonus resistances against dark and demonic elements, Dawn would’ve surely have fallen by now. Of course, Khali was still superior in level, but she was a flimsily equipped sorceress. When put against Dawn ho was more suited for tanking and melee combat, the gap between them was closed somewhat. In addition to that, Dawn’s constant stream of self-healing spells also served to prolong the battle of attrition.

“You…can’t.” The Keeper coughed weakly.

Despite his pleas, Pale nonchalantly walked up to the flame. As the Keeper’s limbs were broken, there was nothing to stop Pale.

As Pale appraised the flame, some flavor text updated in his journal.

The Mortal Flame (Unbound)

The amalgamation of numerous alchemical processes. Although it is not eternal, it has yet to burn out. Perhaps there is another use for it.

“And who’s going to stop me?” Pale whispered. They had already won. The only variable left was Dawn who was still fighting on for dear life, while the Keeper himself was rendered immobile.

“Don’t you know who Khali works for? She is but the lowest of pawns. Even if you gain her favor, so what? The ones far above her won’t care about you. They only wish to bring calamity upon the world. As for yourselves, you would be tossed aside if not killed once your usefulness runs out. Please. It is not too late. You can save your companion and protect the flame.”

“After coming this far, just why would I do that?”

“Because the flame also represents hope. Should the darkness comes for us all, and the gods refuse to intervene, the flame would be one of the lifelines that stop us from falling into the abyss. If Khali obtains it, then all is lost.”

“So you’re saying there’s another path?”

“Yes! Just don’t let Khali win!” Alric pleaded. His eyes were full of despair as the many years of his burden was quickly appearing to be for naught.

Off to the side, Dawn was getting desperate. Despite catching the majority of attacks on her shield, the damage still seemed to be seeping through. She had exhausted all of her healing spells, but Khali only had a few flesh wounds at most.

She quickly realized that she would have no choice but to use her ace in the hole. If it failed, then death was certain, but she had no other option.

Her named blade began to thrum as the light of cleansing began to radiate from within.

“Crandor: Hidden Ability, Ignite!”

Energy immediately rushed from the blade’s handle as tendrils of light wrapped itself around the sword’s edge. The gentle glow growing infinitesimally brighter, making it appear as if Dawn was wielding the very sun within her gauntlets.

Khali screeched in agony as the rays of light singed her skin. Taking advantage of the confusion, Dawn renewed her vicious assault, taking pleasure as every wound she wrought now was left steaming from the heat.

Her eyes twitched as she felt her healthbar continuing to lower, and just as Khali was about to land a finishing blow, she activated her final skill.

“Ultimate Skill: Matyrdom!”

Immediately, her remaining health and mana plummeted to one, as a golden light formed a protective bubble around her body. For the next sixty seconds, she would be immune to all status effects which included healing and death. Her lips curled before screaming out a battle cry as she began her final rush.

“My Sword Sings of Silver!”

Dropping her shield, she wielded her famed blade with both of her hands. The speed of her sword increased and the wind howled as she swung with unbridled brutality. Her reckless abandon also caught Khali unawares with the tip just slicing past Khali’s cheek.

Khali’s return blow struck Dawn squarely in the chest as well, but it might as well have been a mosquito bite as Dawn continued her vicious counter attack.

“Sorry old man. It sounds tempting, but I’m not into heroics. I only look out for myself…and sometimes my sister.”

Pale hastily corrected himself after Roari noisily cleared her throat.

The old man just dropped his head in defeat. There was nothing he could say now that would convince Pale otherwise.

Pale inched his hands closer to the flame. The flame itself did not radiate any heat, yet it still crackled and smoked like any regular fire. However, the moment his hand drew close, the flame leaped into his hands like a living creature, covering his hands with a blinding white light.

While it was surreal seeing his own hand on fire, the flame still entered his inventory like any ordinary item. Such an action did not escape Khali’s notice as she cackled victoriously.

“Good. Good! You have done well, young initiate.” Khali’s breathing was ragged. She was wounded all over and was tottering feebly. Her eyes were also bulging from exertion, and any resemblance to the startling beauty at the beginning was long gone. “Come! We shall present it to the master at your new home!”

Off to the side, Dawn was lying in a collapsed heap. Although she had put up a decent fight, the outcome was obvious. Though the gentle rise and fall of her chest suggested that she was still alive, she was obviously not in a position to move freely.

“New home?”

“Yes. At our hideout, you will be initiated into our order as a Pyromaniac, and should you work hard, you might even catch the attention of the lord.”

“Oh…cool.” Pale said agreeable as he rested an iron sword over his shoulder. “Let’s go sis.”


“She can’t come along.” Khali interrupted.

“Say wut?”

Roari threw Pale a panicked look, but Khali continued as if nothing was wrong.

“Unfortunately, she does not have the aptitude to become an initiate. We already have too many warriors in the Grand Fire Hall and our resources are not so abundant that we can just hire another. Even if you two are creations of the esteemed Lady Sibil, I’m afraid you will have to seperate, albeit temporarily.”

Pale stiffened as Roari whispered in protest. “Bro…”

“Don’t be upset. It is a rare honor. But how about this. I’ll leave behind a scroll of teleportation for your companion. Should you wish to find us, just talk to the old woman. I promise you, the benefits will be endless.”

Pale blankly turned away and stared downwards as he shuffled over to the gloating Khali. “Well…when you put it that way, I guess there really is no other choice. I’m sorry.”

Roari bit her lip, but did not say anything. However, she walked up as well as Khali pulled out a couple of sheep hide scrolls. “Brilliant! The chairman will be pleased. Now take one of these scrolls and …Kuh?!!”

Khali’s words caught in her throat as the tip of Pale’s borrowed sword pierced out the back of her robe.

“You…wretch!” Khali gurgled before coughing out a spray of blood.

“Sorry, but I cannot leave her behind.”

Having caught Khali unawares, he had scored a critical hit. His arm trembled even as Roari whooped from the side. Sadly, the blow was hardly enough as Khali twisted, wrenching the sword from his grasp.

As she hacked out the last few globules of blood, she glared at Pale, her face was ashen. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done? You would ruin out good relations for this girl? You would forfeit power?”

“Yeah! Because Big Bro is a massive siscon!”

“I will destroy you all then take the flame from your cold lifeless bodies!”

Even with a sword stuck in her, she seemed none the less dangerous. With the black flame coating her hands once more, Pale’s borrowed shield couldn’t weather the blow as it exploded into a shower of splinters. The resulting blast also sent Pale sprawling.

‘Fuck. I should’ve put more points into health’ Pale coughed as his inner organs were still trembling. Despite having blocked one attack, Pale only had the barest sliver of health remaining. Although Khali was worse for wear, they were still at most ants in comparison to her.

“Grab!” Without missing a beat, Roari immediately joined the fray.With a silly grin on her face, she knew that a player of her level stood no chance against someone of Khali's caliber. But having gotten the jump on her, coupled with her severely damaged state, her attack actually connected. Her claw-like hands found purchase against Khali's throat, which then clenched tightly as Roari pulled her down to the ground. The impact also caused a dazed effect, during which Roari was desperately trying to crush Khali's windpipe.

Though the name of the skill was mundane, ‘Grab’ had a unique effect where anything the skill user touched would not be able to escape their grip for two seconds. Although this didn’t seem like much, such an effect could be a death sentence depending on the user.

“The hell is she so hard?” Roari growled. Although her attack did negligible damage, it still drove the blade deeper into Khali’s gut. Even as a hand me down, Dawn’s equipment was still of superb quality and the sharpened edge sawed through Khali’s innards. A waterfall of blood gushed from the wound, but Roari soon found herself swatted away by a flameless hand. Although her brain rattled a bit as she slammed into a pillar, it was far from over yet.

Like a drunken zombie, Khali stubbornly stumbled to her feet, only to find a volley of translucent red spheres whizzing towards her.

“Flare Bubble!” x20

Wounded, Khali could not react in time as the bubbles burst, splashing liquid fire all over her body. Despite having a strong control over the element, she was not completely immune to its effects as her whole body was lit aflame. Her high pitched screams of agony were akin to nails on a chalkboard and sent piercing waves of pain through Pale’s ear drums.

Dawn, who had momentarily blacked out due to the combined effects of exhausting her stamina and Martyrdom work with a start at the noise. She shifted her eyes to find the Storm Siblings currently battling Khali. They were even putting up a decent fight, however in her addle minded stupor, Dawn’s head just slumped back to the ground. ‘I don’t even care anymore.’

While blanketed in flames, Khali still managed to pull our a teleportation scroll. Seeking to escape, but wanting the last word, she howled in indignation. “Don’t think I’ll forget this. I shall return! And when I do, I will—”

“Throat Grab!”

Before Khali could continue, a gloved hand burst through the flames and forced Khali to kiss the dirt once more. Having come this far, there was no way the Storm Siblings would let it end like this.

“Oh shut up already!” Roari yelled. You would think that after being stuck with a sword and barbecued, Khali would just die already. Still, it wasn’t anything that couldn’t be remedied. Whilst Khali was screaming in agony on the ground, Roari jumped up and fell, dropping a vicious elbow. With a squelchy crunch, her elbow dug straight into her face, and the earsplitting screams that had plagued them so had finally come to an end.

You have leveled up!

“Aaaaaghhhhh! I think I broke my elbow!”

With the death of Khali, the adrenaline was suddenly cut off like a faucet and the Storm siblings both collapsed while gasping for breath. After a delay, various items also ended up appearing from her corpse. It seemed that the harvest was big, in addition to Roari fulfilling half the conditions to completing her own quest.

Roari grinned as she laid prone on the ground. “Hey…”


“Let’s never do that again.”

Pale snorted, but didn’t retort. What was the best way to maximize benefit? Why, to murder everyone and take all of their stuff. Although, with Dawn’s aid, they were thankfully able to preserve the vial of Eternity.

“Well…I hope you’re happy old man. Your girlfriend is dead.”

The focus shifted back to Alric who was staring at the unmoving corpse with his mouth agape. Although he looked soon to be a corpse himself, that didn’t stop him from sputtering. “Hot did you…never mind. I don’t have much time left, so listen closely. You have shown that you are not an agent of darkness—”

“You sure about that? I kinda did indirectly kill you just now.”

“…” Alric was momentarily at a loss for words, but as he was running out of time, decided to ignore that comment. “For someone like you, the mortal flame is but a tool, however, I cannot ignore the possibility that you may end up gifting it away. I beseech you. Keep it close.”

“I don’t understand.” Pale shook his head. “What would be the point of it all then?”

“Protect it. Because a time will come when it will be needed. I hope by then, you will make the right choice.” The old man reached out an arm, beckoning Pale closer.

Despite having his suspicions, Pale acceded and knelt before the dying old man.

“Give me your hand. I shall fill you with my power so that it may help you in the days to come.”


“Goddamit Boy! Give me your hand before I turn into a pile of ashes!”

The old man’s voice was faint but it count not betray his irritation.

Pale nodded and placed his palm atop Alric’s.

Almost immediately, their hands were forced together as if by a electromagnetic force. Luminous white flames also erupted from Alric’s skin, surging towards where their two hands were in contact.

Shaken, Pale tried to jerk his arm back, only to find it locked in place.

‘Fuck, the old man tricked me! He wants to kill me along with…wait, why doesn’t it hurt?’

The fire ran up along Pale’s forearm, turning himself into a living bonfire. Rather than heat, it felt as if his entire body was being electrocuted, but soon the sensation receded. As the final flames petered out, the entire catacombs descended into darkness.

“It is small, but I give you my strength.” Alric rasped even as his body began to slowly disintegrate into ash. “I only pray…I pray—” His voice faded as he finally crumbled into nothingness.

Class has been changed to Ember Guard

Living Fire

Tier: N/A

SP Cost: N/A

Restrictions: None

Mana Cost: 5/s

Cooldown Timer: 1s

Emits Flame from the caster’s body, increasing all physical damage by 10%, and deals 2 burn damage per second in a small range. While activated, mana is used to absorb all damage that is inflicted on the caster.

“I didn’t ask for this!” Pale roared as he lit up the entire area with his newfound skill. Although he howled in indignation, he was quite satisfied. All in all, this was a most suitable replacement to the Pyromaniac class that was promised to him earlier.

“Now. Now. Stop strutting and help me count the loot.” Roari chastised him. After sorting through the items, she counted a total of twenty gold coins and three teleportation scrolls in addition to an assortment of other items.

Gem: Salamander’s Eye

A gemstone containing crystallized fire essence.

Ring: Emblem of the Fire Lord

A plain iron ring with the symbol of a coiling dragon engraved along its body. It emits a sinister aura.

Skillbook: Flamehand

Tier: 1

SP Cost: 1

Restrictions: None

Mana per Cast: 10

Cooldown Timer: 10s

The caster’s next barehanded attack will be augmented by the power of flames, dealing an additional 50 fire damage.

Upon seeing the loot, Pale was slightly disappointed. From a boss like Khali, he somehow expected more. That said, he eyed the skill book greedily. It was far superior in efficiency and damage than his measly fire bubble, but it also had a skill point cost for learning it. According to Dawn, they would gain a skill point every five levels, and none of them were to be wasted.

Although he wanted to take it, he stopped. From the looks of how Roari was clutching the book tightly against her chest while leaving the rest of the loot behind, it would seem that she was dead set on learning it. She stared him down as if daring him to ask for it, making Pale sigh in exasperation as he could only relent.

“Fine. Learn it. I’ll just take the rest.”

Pale snorted as he snatched up the rest of the drops. While Roari was busy perusing the book, Pale eyed the remaining items. Although he was unsure what the jewel could be used for, it still looked very valuable.

There was a brief flash of light as hot fire exploded out of Roari’s palm and spread along her arm. Such a flame did not have the same cold devouring aura of Khali’s skill, but it still looked extremely imposing. She repeated the movement again, and a blazing fire flared to life on her other hand. Black smoke streamed from her fist as she threw a mock punch with a piercing scream.

As her handle sizzled, Roari smiled at her newest acquisition before looking at Pale who was sure to be jealous of the flashiness of the skill. “I suppose we’re done here?”

Pale turned to her with a sad smile plastered upon his face. “Not quite yet.”

It took a while before Dawn finally stirred. She was currently in a weakened state and was probably going to stay that way due to her exhaustion debuff. Although her passive regeneration had started to kick in, she was still in critical condition with her entire body feeling as though it went through a meat grinder.

That said, all was not well. The sound of footsteps thumping against the stone floor had barely registered in her mind, before something metallic ringed off the ground before her.

Her blurred eyes instantly shot open, and she was surprised to find a grey ring, spinning gently on the ground in front of her. With shaky hands, she squeezed it between her thumb and forefinger, wondering what this was all about.

“For your troubles.” A familiar voice spoke softly.

With great effort, Dawn lifted her head to see Roari and Pale looking down at her. Her body relaxed but then tensed up once more. These people had betrayed her!

“What is this?” She murmured weakly.

“Payment. After all, a Lannister always pays his debts.”

Dawn froze as she looked at the ring more closely. This was…This was…

Instantly forgetting their casual betrayal, she tried to get up onto her knees, but found she had no strength remaining in her arms.

She had really gone overboard with that final push, but still she managed to force herself upright. Wobbling unsteadily, she gave them a clumsy bow. “Thank…you…”

Her voice cracked. All her suffering had not gone in vain. But in her stupor, she did not see the wolfish smiles of her two ‘companions’.

“Don’t mention it. Just think of it as compensation for how we treated you before…as well as what’s to come.”





Fear plagued Dawn’s eyes as she immediately tried to scramble away, but Roari immediately sat down on Dawn’s back, restraining all movement.

“You will understand I hope.” Pale warmly said in a manner both civil and condescending. “My dear sister here has just finished slaying a villain with over a thousand infamy, and all she needs now it a hero with over a thousand fame. And I do believe you said that very few monsters would exceed that number even after reaching level thirty. So Dawn, what level were you again?”

“Please don’t do this.” Dawn realized she was helpless. Even if she could fight back, her weapons were lying on the ground, useless. Thankfully, they were still considered equipped even if she wasn’t actively holding onto them. “You don’t have to do this! I know you’re both good people.”

Roari giggled, baring her teeth down at Dawn. “Good? No Darling, we are most definitely evil.”

Roari’s fist began to glow before it ignited into a brilliant red torrent of flame. From the heat alone, Dawn could feel it scorching the skin off her face.

“Sorry Darling. If we meet again, I do hope we can still be friends.” Roari lamented. Perversely enough, she seemed genuinely regretful that it had to end this way.

“Wait! I can find you someone else. Someone better! We can move beyond this! Just wai—”


Dawn’s eyes lolled back as once more, and for the second time in 2 days, she died.

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