《Earth: The Gods' Playground》Chapter 44


If I wasn't the creator of these skeletons then I would think this looked strange.

A girl without a part of her leg, covered in dirt and blood surrounded by skeletons and screaming her lungs out.


Considering the shit that's happening right now if it was me before this I would probably lose my shit too.

I approach them with hands in the air as a peaceful gesture.

"Hey there, screaming so loud will only attract more of these things or worse ones than the one who took your leg."

"Ah!? Who are you? What are those skeletons? Why am I not dead yet? What are you doing here?"

"One question at a time, we have plenty of time to talk, take a breath, and try to calm down as you aren't in a particular danger right now."

She glares at me but then takes a deep breath and tries to relax.

I wait for a bit before she is ready to talk.

"So who exactly are you?"

I try to smile and introduce myself.

"I'm Thomas, you may not know me but I live in Wostnik Village, in the flat beyond the river."

"Oh, there. Yes, I think I remember you a bit." She relaxed slightly.

Deep in thought she ran her fingers through her hair murmuring under her nose.

"I assume those skeletons are yours then? Seeing as they just stand here not doing anything threatening." She states as she points at Second and Third.

"Yes they are, I'm a necromancer." I subtly stare at First and close my eyes.

First stares at me full of question marks but doesn't speak to interrupt our conversation.

I sigh as my signal didn't went through at all.

"While all my skeletons are mindless, merely following my commands, they are still loyal and useful." Hopefuly this is blunt enough.

The girl nods at my words while First that stands behind her nods after a second, seemingly understanding what I tried to relay to him.

"I hope you aren't scared by them, they simply follow my orders and were standing near you to protect you in case a monster appeared here again."

"I understand, looking at my leg that seems relatively fine now I assume you healed it somehow? Are you a healer like me?" She casts her eyes at me as she touches the stump.

"You are a healer? No, that's not surprising considering you managed to stop the bleeding. It seems basic healing spell is not enough to properly heal the leg." I speak thoughtfully.

"About me being one, no, that is not the case here. I simply bought a healing potion from the shop to heal you, it was quite expensive I must add."

"I played video games before so I know about them, I checked the shop for various stuff before but even the weakest potion was way beyond what I had."

"Still, you don't need to ask, I will try to repay this favor of course."

I nod

"Any more questions? I have my own to ask."

"Yes, I have the last one question, for the moment at least. Did you happen to meet my brother by chance? He looks a bit older than you, his name is Michael. He went away to seek some help."


"You are his sister? I went off the road to see if he is still alive actually."

"You know him?"

"Yeah, we went to school together, if only for a bit as he is older. Regarding your question, no I didn't see him, I thought he would be here but I found you instead. Didn't know he had a sister."

"You must not have been very close then."

"I can't say we were, he is just someone I know and once let him borrow a video game from me."

"My brother first tried to go seek help in Wostnik but there was some kind of a nearly invisible wall there, he checked it out with a stick but when it went through a bit, he couldn't pull it out. It seems entry was free but leaving wasn't. As he was doing it, a Minotaur appeared wielding a big club and stood right in front of him, as if daring him to enter."


"Yes, my brother then ran away back, we debated our options and I was supposed to wait for him while he tries to check out Drewco village."

"He left a few hours before a boar attacked me and I lost my leg."

"Fortunely after it took my leg, it was satisfied and went to the warehouse, could you check it?"

"No need for that, my skeleton killed it a while ago. Sadly the leg wasn't there possibly eaten."

She slumps her shoulders.

"When it left I had a brief time to use my life spell to stop the bleeding, it was most of what I could do before I fell unconscious from using it too much and the pain."

"Then some time later I woke up and saw your skeletons."

"I understand now what happened. But how did you get a healing spell and class? Did you and Michael manage to both kill something to register as players?"

"Yes, just after the announcement and two hours mentioned, we were both home while our parents were in Oshen City working. A boar similar to one that took my leg spawned."

"Go on." I listen attentively.

"My brother managed to lure it to our garage while I opened it. It charged right through as my brother dodged and then fell into the rectangular hole used for repairing cars. It crashed right there and couldn't escape."

"We then made makeshift weapons with rocks that were laying around our backyard and some knives. Throwing rocks and stabbing with knives lead to results after a while and my brother became a player. Then with newfound powers he bought, he managed to find another boar near the road and beat it up enough so I could kill it and become a player."

"That was very resourceful of you, creating a trap for the boar."

"Thank you." She smiles a bit.

"So what class did you two choose? If I may ask at least."

"No problem, you saved me so you have right to know. My class is a Priest with free Life magic, while Michael class is Warrior with Muscle Strengthening Technique."

"Oh, that's interesting, he went for pure physical power, he was a bit thin last I saw him."


"Yeah, he wanted to become more muscular for some reason or another."

I nod.

"So, was that your last question?"

"Yes, go ahead."

"That Minotaur from before is dead so the road to Wostnik is safe, survivors used an item that will make part of the village relatively safe in about 1-km radius."

"That's reassuring to hear." She looks towards the village side.

"If you want I can have one of my skeletons escort you to the survivor camp that is in the backyard of my home."

"I'm thankful for your offer but I have something to ask now, are you by chance going to Drewco now?"

"Yes I am, my goal is to see the situation there and beyond."

"Then... could you take me with you? I wish to see if my brother is there and if he is then to meet him."

I look at her full of thoughts.

"But your leg is missing, how do you expect to go there?"

She smiles and points her finger at my wolf.

"Speaking honestly now, you are a weakness that a monster or someone could exploit if we met danger, you can't expect to be perfectly safe if you travel with me. Putting aside whether I would take you or not. Are you willing to take that kind of risk?"

She gulps but nods after a brief internal struggle.

"Yes, I'm just a cripple now, excluding my healing magic which some other person could learn, my help in Wostnik, and worth will be neglible. But you are alone, I could heal you if you ever need it, or maybe learn new spells to support you as payment."

"Hmm, that's a valid reason and a good argument but still... I would have to assign my wolf and another skeleton to protect you, and if you are to get more useful I will need you to get some kills. What level are you?"

"Level 1?"

"Yeah, you will need some ranged weapon then, your level is abysmal for monsters you will face."

"If only you could walk, this could be easier."

"...prosthesis." I murmur.

"Wait here, I must check something."

I run to the house and open the shop after closing the door.

"Now, let's see if there are any prosthesis or something that would allow her to move."

Wooden Peg Leg 50

Simple Prosthetic Leg 200

Magical Golem Prosthetic Leg 2000

Potion of Regeneration ???

Flesh Graft Leg 3000

"What is Flesh Graft Leg? Seems disturbing. I have money for simple prosthetic Leg though."

I bought it.

As it materializes I can see it's similar to cheap modern prosthesis.

I then walk outside, carrying the leg.

"Wolf is no longer needed at least but you owe me another money for this leg."

I give it to her.

"Go on, try it out."

She looks bewildered.

"Thanks... but how do I use it?"

"Don't you see the system messages if you are unsure how to use shop item?"

"I don't see anything like that."

"Perhaps only the one who bought it can see it, give it here."

As soon as I get it back and question how to use it a message appears.

It gives quite detailed explanation on how to wear it, clean it and a warning about using it on cleaned stump due to the possibility of infections.

"I read the manual. I know how to use it, however you need to first clean yourself to decrease risk of infection."

It's the first time she looks at herself whole and see how dirty she looks.

"There is no running water now so I need to use our wellhole, could you carry me to the bathroom and bring some buckets of water?" She asks embarrassed.

I cough.

"Yeah, no problem."

I come closer.

"May I?"


I pick her up, due to my current strength she weights almost nothing to me.

We go back inside the house and I carry her to the bathroom.

Shortly after that I make her sit on the toilet while I go outside.

"Now, I need a wellhole and bucket."

I look around and soon find it.

"Seems easy enough, but it's still dangerous. Third, go and stand near the door to the bathroom and protect her."

He runs as I mention to First to follow me.

"Now, I'm sure you understand already, but you are my trump card. I don't know what situation is in Drewco so we can't have her mention intelligent skeleton."

"Indeed my lord. It would be wise to make her see me as a simple skeleton."

"So I would like you to act a bit less intelligent while she is around and don't talk if she can hear it unless it's a real emergency."

"Understood my lord. I presume now she is going to join us after she cleans herself?"

"She will, I just need to make her used to that prosthetic leg and give her some weapon, can't have deadweight around to worry about."

"Alright, I will get the water while you are to get the rest aside from second standing guard here to patrol the surroundings."

"Your will is my command." He nods and soon takes archer and spearman with him.

I meanwhile take that bucket and try to use the wellhole.

I tie the bucket with a rope and throw it below.

Instead of expectant noise I instead hear a hissing sound.

"Really? Inside a fucking wellhole?"

I carefully look below and see a big snake there, barely fitting inside. Similar to the one I saw inside the river.

"My luck huh? Better kill it now than later."

"Dark bolt"

I summon several dark bolts that strike with accuracy against the snake which can barely move down there.

Several attacks hit dealing damage and causing it to hiss in pain.

Soon after it's quiet again.

"Well, now I need to go to the river, wonderful."

As I take the bucket and go beside the house I hear her.

"Are you coming or not?"

I raise my voice a bit and inform her that wellhole is unusable and I need to go to the river.

"Unusable?" She questions.

"Big Snake"


I then leave the estate and enter the road after a while.

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