《Earth: The Gods' Playground》Chapter 6
At the same time, in another place.
"So what do you guys think about our playground this time?"
"It's too early to say anything, but look how millions of humans already died on their world."
"That's right kekeke, maybe they would be swiftly dominated by other races?"
"That's possible but they know their home, they should work hard."
"Do you see any mortal that picked up your interest?"
"Their levels are too low to say anything about being worth our attention."
"Maybe in some time strong figures will reveal their determination."
"Right, let's wait and see, kekeke."
15min later, Thomas home.
"Ahh, I'm dead tired, whew. Better get some sleep now, but for now..."
"The other skeleton, leave that corpse outside my door, and come here."
'I must buy some weapon, we cannot go bare handed(boned).'
"Let's see what melee weapon shop does have."
"Hmm. Let's take a look at spears, shall we?"
Simple Wooden Spear with iron Tip 5c
Simple Iron Spear 15c
Simple Bronze Spear 10c
Simple Steel Spear 25c
"What about swords."
Simple short bronze sword 7c
Simple Short Iron Sword 12c
Simple Short Steel Sword 15c
Simple Long Bronze Sword 10c
Simple Long Iron Sword 15c
Simple Long Steel Sword 25c
"How expensive! I got measly 11c. Better buy something worth it."
Thomas looking at his bloodied hands remembered his broken spear.
"Wooden spear should from shop should be better than my non-existent craftsman skills."
Thomas has bought 2 wooden spears with iron tip.
"Second skeleton come here." He hands one of the spears to him.
"From now your name shall be Second. If you ever become strong with First, then you will get better name."
Thomas takes his new spear and thrusts in the air a few times to get the feeling.
"It's really nice, but let's get some sleep now and then rise Jeremy as another skeleton."
He takes his helmet and military boots off and leaps on the bed tiredly.
"Stand guard." Is the last word from him this day.
Next day.
"Wheew, uuh, good sleep." Thomas rubs his eyes while getting up.
"I forgot to wash myself. Better do it now." He stands up and goes to bathroom.
'I wonder how it will go today.' Washing his hands he reminiscent yesterday events.
"I killed Jeremy, well no myself but by my skeletons. Good thing he was bastard or I may have left a tear for him."
Now that he is somewhat clean it's time for breakfast, he goes to kitchen and eats some apples and conserved dish with bread, drinking water.
"It's not time to eat emergency supplies if I have normal food for now."
Thomas washes hands and steps into his room, there he sees First and Second standing guard.
As he sits on a chair he grabs map with marker to plan his day.
"Yesterday we managed to get on the bridge with Jeremy, two wolfs dead."
'Come to think of it, the third wolf that Jeremy summoned died just like that with arrow to the head, well of course piercing head is deadly, but wasn't it too weak?'
'This should've been this (only 20% of power) from not one class powers, since he was warrior.'
"Let's focus on today matters, bridge should be relatively safe now, if monsters haven's spawned which I haven's seen yet."
Thomas left the map and looked trough the window, what he saw was scary sight.
"Shit, I sleep for few hours and that respawn kicks in? And not like yesterday."
Thomas sees two Direwolfs patrolling just outside his house and in the further place, group of 3 Boars near his garage, and near the forest there is another one boar.
"So much to kill, last time I checked Direwolf was level 3 monster, let's check this boar now."
Fanged Boar
Level 2
Boar with thick skin and sharp fangs growing out of it's mouth.
"Good thing the last boar didn't hit me with those fangs." Thomas equips his helmet and reinforced boots and with his new spear and two skeletons get's ready to face them.
"First, you stay by the window and you will start shooting on my signal." Then he opens window.
"Second you get behind me, when wolves attack you pierce them."
He opens front door, and sneaks near them. Wolves pick up his scent but cannot pinpoint location.
"Growl..grr...Grrr." They walk slowly in his direction while he has spear ready to pierce one of them when they leap.
"Attack!" He pierces leaping wolf. "Auuu!" As beast cries arrows pierces it's lungs leaving it's last breath.
Thomas swiftly retracts his spear while jumping back from second wolf.
As Thomas retreats, Second sprang into action charging at attacking wolf.
Second tries to pierce the wolf but it has already learned how dangerous this stick is. It leaps to the side while preparing to attack again.
Then arrow flies, which only grazes the direwolf as it's extremely cautious, but in the moment it dodges arrow, Second takes the opportunity and pierces it's neck.
Level up!
"Nice job, two Direwolves have been defeated this fast by us."
Thomas walks to Second and after checking he has leveled to 2 upgrades his status.
"Let's check my money and status."
Status Window
Name: Second
Level: 2 Class: Skeleton Spearman Race: Skeleton
Strength: 1.2 Agility: 0.9
Vitality: 1.0 Spirit: 1.2
Bonus Attributes:
Skeleton Spearman +0.5 strength
Money: 9
"It's quite strong now, I should buy it shield to so he can protect himself."
Looking at the dead Direwolves Thomas uses Rise skeleton spell and orders it to bring the other corpse near the door
"9 copper, I hope it's enough for shield."
As he mumbles to himself he goes home.
"So what shield I can buy?"
Simple Wooden Buckler 2c
Simple Round Shield 4c
Simple Tower Shield 6c
"Just about right amount." Thomas buys Simple round shield and another wooden spear.
'Let's give shield to second and spear to new skeleton.'
He steps outside. "Second take this shield, new skeleton take this spear."
"As of now you are named Third. You two work together to kill boars near garage.
"Second, you block charges while dodging to side and Third keeps attacking."
"First will provide support, while I attack when occasion shows itself."
'But now I'm level 5 I will crush these boars. Status'
"I need speed to dodge and strength to attack."
Status Window
Name: Thomas
Level: 5 Class: Necromancer Race: Human
Strength: 1.6 Agility: 2.0
Vitality: 1.4 Spirit: 2.0
Bonus Attributes:
Necromancer +1 spirit +1 agility
Money: 0
"That should be enough now to easily kill them."
Thomas and his undead move swiftly to bushes near the garage, First takes position in hiding while the other two circle them and then charge at 3 boars from two different directions.
Second leaped and stabbed first boar, Third charges at the other two.
"Whiii! Whiii!" Boars startled start attacking skeletons.
One of the boar charges madly increasing it's speed to the maximum.
Head on collision happens. "Crash!!!" shield barely holds! Second stands his ground agains one boar while Third runs around stabbing the one attacking Second.
The other two boars of course won't leave it's friend to death, they both charge at Third who keeps stabbing. That's the opportunity Thomas awaited for. He bolts with speed faster than even charging boars and stabs one of the boars in the rear with enormous strength of 160kg!
Just before Third becomes sandwiched between enemies.
This act startles the third boar but not enough for it to make mistake, seeing his two companions overwhelmed it tries to run, but just as it turns to flee, arrows arrives and mightily cripples it's rear leg!
"Whiii!" It cries painfully but just a moment later another arrows arrives to pierce straight trough it's eye.
Thomas not wasting time swiftly pierces the other boar all the way trough! Second keeps attacking while blocking boar he fights, and Third finally manages to kill it with Second.
"Whew." He sighs while wiping sweat from his forehead.
"Not enough to level again." Looking at his skeletons he sees only third leveled to 2.
He rests a bit and upgrades stats of Third to that of Second and then orders them all to kill last boar.
"I wonder how they will work together while fighting without me."
Skeletons run to kill the last boar while he simply walks behind them to see how it goes.
Fight starts with First attacking with his bow and the other two attacking while Second keeps boar in check.
After fight Thomas two undead take care of bodies by bringing the stock near home for later use.
While they are doing it He scouts for monsters with First backing him.
Running cautiously to the bridge they spot no danger, but as they are on it, Thomas rises his binoculars and observes for movement.
"Hmm? Could it be?" While observing something attracts his gaze, small being, in height comparable to few years old kid.
Long pointy ears, a bit big belly, mostly naked and only using some dirty cloth to hide their lower half, short arms and legs while having 4 fingers, in his hand he holds wholly wooden spear, however it looks more than found on the ground stick with somewhat sharpened tip.
"Let's check it."
Level 5
Monster of small built, cowardly alone, likes acting in group, most likely member of tribe.
"Level 5? So he's strong, and he isn't alone, fighting group could be tricky." As Thomas observes new neighbors his 2 skeletons come running."
Thomas looks at them and thinks.
'Will we be enough? Level 5,3,2,2, but we got good weapons."
'How much money do I have?'
Status Window
Name: Thomas
Level: 5 Class: Necromancer Race: Human
Strength: 1.6 Agility: 2.0
Vitality: 1.4 Spirit: 2.0
Bonus Attributes:
Necromancer +1 spirit +1 agility
Money: 6c
'6 copper? Good enough. After I buy shield for Third at home(safe place if you don't remember) and resting a bit, I can start moving across the river and exploring more of Wostnik village.'
Half an hour later, on the bridge we can see 1 human and 3 skeletons positioning themselves while hiding from goblin sight.
"It still appears alone. How come I don't see more of them? Are they down below?"
After crossing the bridge, on the left side is tiny valley where stands water power station.
'Sad thing that from the bridge it's hard to see what is down below there.
"Let's see what it will do." Thomas grabs a pebble from the road and throws in the the direction of goblin but further.
Slam! Pebble hit's building on the roadside.
"Shkriee?" Goblin turns to where sound came and looks confused.
But moment after he grips his spear tightly and slowly walks to the building, while he does to he once again makes weird noises.
"Shkriee!" After a couple seconds of waiting Thomas sees a group of 4 goblins making it's way up the valley to the goblin.
"Shkrieshk?" One of the new goblins asks something the former.
"Shrikhshe, shrik shashik." Goblin point's at the house.
"They have they own language? They are quite intelligent bunch." Thomas wonders as he sees goblins circling the house and looking trough the window what is inside.
"There shouldn't be more reinforcement's for now. Can I do it?" He asks himself to gather courage.
He gathers his undead and starts giving orders quietly.
"First you remain on the bridge and shoot enemies coming at me."
"Second, Third you work together to hold off anyone who wants to fight us."
'I shall start with Dark bolt, maybe I can kill one with that.'
He crawls to the end of the bridge while Second and Third are waiting ready to finish their orders.
'Good, let's see how tough they are.'
"Dark bolt" He murmurs.
"Shkrieee?! Shkr...ie..shkr..eee." Dark bold hits goblin in the head and knocks him out after few seconds.
"Shkrie!" Goblin who leads the reinforcement point's at me and signals attack.
"Shkrie, Shkrie, Shkrie.!" They shout.
He quickly stands up and grips his spear waiting for what is to come, strongest enemies to this time.
Goblins start charging while goblin leader remains slightly behind observing situation.
That's the moment Second and Third sprung into action, they both hold off one goblin each while I bolt to the third one.
Goblin gives a smirk and attacks Thomas at crazy speed.
"Fuck!" He barely dodges the attack but is instead grazed, bloods tips off his shoulder.
"That bastard is fast."
"Shkrie!" Goblin insults and starts his attack again.
Thomas is prepared for it and while dodging he counterattacks!
"Shkrie?" His spear chippies a bit of goblin shoulder.
Goblin stares in frenzy at his wound and starts madly attacking, same time arrow flies!
It's target, goblin head!
"Shkrieeer!" He dodges, although barely, at the same time Thomas stabs him at his wounded shoulder.
"Shkreech." Goblin cries painfully but aims for giving what he took, it stabs!
"Argh!" Goblin spear stabs Thomas left shoulder, blood drip's off.
"Take this!" He stabs with all his might.
Goblin head is pierced.
Thomas turns to see how Second and Third is going.
"Not good." Skeletons are only defending and are not strong enough to switch to the offensive.
"First support your brothers!" He shouts while feeling weak from the pain.
That's the moment goblin leader bolts at him!
"Shkriee!!!" Goblin stabs Thomas.
"Oh no." He tries to block.
Thomas is too slow and spear pierces his shoulder again!
Level up!
In the meantime, Second thanks to First help killed the goblin, and they are attacking the one Third fights.
'Must hold on!'
Thomas retreats and while doing so fires Dark bolt.
"Drop dead already! Dark bolt!" It lands beautifully on goblin leader, but only causes broken rib bone or two.
Just as Goblin leader shakes away the pain, skeletons killed the rest of the goblins.
Now Goblin leader is alone!
Looking around he understands he cannot win alone, he retreats slowly and turning his hating gaze at Thomas he decisively jumps into the river, just as arrow hits his back!
It swims in the river and flees.
"Let's meet again Goblin." Thomas says while turning his gaze onto last goblin that he knocked off and revealing smile.
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