《Earth: The Gods' Playground》Chapter 3
I read the message as pain stops and I feel that information has been transferred into my brain.
It explains usage of status, shop, and allows me to see information about enemy I meet, albeit basic like name and level.
"Let's see if it really works, Status!"
Status Window
Name: Thomas
Level: 1 Class: Choose Class
Strength: 0.9 Agility: 0.8
Vitality: 0.8 Spirit: 1.0
Bonus Attributes:
Money: 1s
"So I can really see how good my body is?"
I look at the stats and as I concentrate on Strength I feel information how it affects me. Basically it's something like this if I'm correct.
Strength - overall muscle density, so my 0.9 means I can lift 90 kg? Last time I checked it was 80 something, so I become stronger with age.
Agility - reaction time and speed of body movement, I'm a bit big so lower than strength?
Vitality - endurance for body and resistances to diseases, pain, attacks, also regenerative ability.
Spirit - perception of world and power used to resist fear and calming the mind also limit to usage of magic, so if I upgrade it I will become sharper of my surroundings and more calm, if I use magic I will become more tired mentally.
"Oh and I got 1 silver? It should be used in this shop, but let's leave it for later."
"It's really like a game isn't it?" I look at my hands and notice blood on them, I think some blood also spluttered on my face when I pierced the monster neck.
"I should wash myself to not get infection or something. I wonder if water still flows. I should go home now." I take a look at further places trying to notice more monsters, but I guess this one was the only for now.
Taking last look at now dead Boar, I walk into my house.
"Did I forgot about something?" I wonder, there should be something I must do.
"What is it?" I look again backwards.
"Ah, corpse of Old Lady, When I rest a bit in home I will properly bury it. Thanks to you I saw that even boar is not to be underestimated."
"Thank you Miss." I bow to her.
At home I walk straight for bathroom. I try to use the sink.
"Oh, it still works, but the pressure is almost non existent." I wait for water to gather on my hands and rub them, then I wash my face.
"It looks there was blood on my face." I look at my face, I wouldn't say I'm handsome, maybe above average. My Dark brown short hair in tandem with green eyes really works, If not for my slightly square jaw, being 1.90m tall I would be quite a looker.
"Not that I need any girlfriend or even wife, as I am 21 this year, some people marry even at my age, but I always thought it's strange."
"Ooh, it's not good time to think about not important things, also who would marry when world is like that?"
I sit at chair and think, what would help me now? Something for spotting monsters from far?
My eyesight is slightly off at very long distances. There should be old military binocular in here. Rummaging everywhere again I find it, it has a lot of dust on itself. After some quick cleaning it looks good to use.
I walk to the window, rise binocular and look around.
"It's magnification is quite good, I can see some monster near the end of road, but I don't know what it is, all I see is brown fur. Is it another boar?"
"It will need to be taken care of sooner or later, I need to have secure are around home."
But I don't know if they will spawn again or something. Better leave it for after they die.
I'm quite close to forest and my flat is built on flat plain. Do monsters spawn according to environment? If so then I better find a map and study it some, now online maps don't work, paper maps will finally come to use.
I take a map from bookshelf, opening it I instantly find my region.
"Hmm, mid- sized city of Oshen, surrounding it nearby villages, and the one where I live, Wostnik, it's few kilometers from the city so in between there should be some monsters."
"The village of Wostnik is a valley surrounded by hills, thanks to that there is no chance of flood, as well as having a river in the middle of it flowing trough the whole village."
"I should be wary of water monsters, and since the forest is nearby maybe there will be wolf like monsters." I look at the road to my city.
"On one side there is plain with river, on other side there are hills and forest."
"Maybe I should just go by the road."
That's right, my plan is the city of Oshen and it's supplies, my food will give me week at most.
I must go there and find out how is the situation, from there in the direction of my Mom work.
"I don't know what dangers will lurk around the corner. What to do, what to do, I know!"
"Let's observe the situation from the roof, it should be possible to see whole village and perhaps a bit more."
I go out of apartment and up the stairs, using the ladder I carefully step up into the roof.
"What a sight"
Wind here is strong, but let's do what has to be done. I look in opposite direction of 1km away like facing my flat.
And I see fire, not just one but few. Do people want to scare monsters away with fire?
"Ah!" On the bridge connecting two halves of village I see some kid ripped apart.
"As I thought, a wolf, it's white and looks ferocious." After kid was ripped apart I see running mother who tried to save her child. But looking at this massacre must have been big blow to her mind.
The wolf spots her and charges straight at her neck.
Another casualty.
I go down into my apartment.
Let's rest a bit, I need to gather my information in order.
"Ooh... Whew, whew, That was good sleep"
"I have at least some peace of mind now, let's go bury Old Lady"
I run to garage and take my shovel, find some not far away place and make a grave.
I take Old Lady corpse and gently lay her in the grave. I bury her.
"May you find peace in another life."
Let's go back home. Now to asses my strength I need to finally look at this shop, but before that in my status I saw option pick a class.
I shout " Choose a class!"
Screen appears before me.
Pick your class.
Class allows you to utilize 100% of class skills and grants bonuses.
Ex. If warrior buys affinity of fire magic, he can at most utilize it to no higher than low mastery and spells will be of 20% power.
Mage can buy dantian and cultivation technique but it effect will be of 20% of low stage. Warrior - Creates dantian in your lower abdomen allowing you to store energy.
Allows to pick 1st scroll of one cultivation technique for free. Allows coating melee weapon in energy to fight. +1 strength +1 vitality Mage - Grants one free affinity of Element magic.+2 spirit Archer - Creates dantian in your lower abdomen allowing you to store energy.
Allows to pick 1st scroll of one cultivation technique for free. Allows coating arrows in energy to fight. +1 agility +1 strength Priest - Grants one free affinity to magic of Life. +1 spirit +1 vitality Necromancer - Grants one free affinity to magic of Death. +1 spirit +1 agility Conjurer - Grants one free affinity to magic of Conjuration. +1 spirit +1 agility Monk - Creates dantian in your lower abdomen allowing you to store energy.
Allows to pick 1st scroll of one cultivation technique for free. Allows coating arms in energy to fight. +1 agility +1 strength
"So much choices, but I always wanted to be Necromancer, but I wonder what will happen if I make it so I can also fight in close combat." Necromancer Knight what a bad name.
"Hem? I think my senses gotten better? My surrounding feel sharper, like seeing ant moving with no problems, is it effect of +1 spirit?"
"Let's try running"
As I run I feel my body is lighter than before, am I two times faster?
Status Window
Name: Thomas
Level: 1 Class: Necromancer
Strength: 0.8 Agility: 0.8
Vitality: 0.8 Spirit: 1.0
Bonus Attributes:
Necromancer +1 spirit +1 agility
Money: 1s
It added to my stats.
I should get my Strength and Vitality to 2.0. Now I picked necromancer, but I really wonder how cultivation works. I should look into shop to really plan up my growth. I lock the door and open shop.
Shop Skills: Cultivation: Elements Cultivation: Fire God Technique 1st scroll 50c
Fire Immortal Technique 1st scroll 50c
Fire Devil Technique 1st scroll 50c Body Cultivation: Body Strengthening Technique 1st scroll 50c
Bone Strengthening Technique 1st scroll 50c
Muscle Strengthening Technique 1st scroll 50c Energy cultivation: Mana Body Strengthening Technique 1st scroll 50c
Mana Flow Control Technique 1st scroll 50c
Mana Coat Control Technique 1st scroll 50c Magic: Earth Magic: 50c
Low level:
Earth Spike 30c
Earth Wall 40c Fire Magic: 50c
Low level:
Fireball 30c
Firewall 40c Water Magic: 50c
Low level:
Water Blade 40c
Water Coat 60c Wind Magic 50c
Low level:
Wind Blade 30c
Wind Arrow 40c Death Magic 50c
Low level:
Rise Skeleton 30c
Dark Bolt 50 c
Curse 60c Life Magic: 50c
Low level:
Heal Wounds 70c
Cure Disease 40c
Stop Bleeding 30c
Boost Stamina 80c Telekinesis: 50c
Low level:
Mind Hand 70c
Force Push 50c
Force Bind 80c Conjuration: 50c
Low level:
Conjure Wolf 50 c
Conjure Eagle 30c
Conjure Lesser demon 70c
Conjure Elemental of choice 80c Languages: English 1s
German 1s
China 1s
Japan 1s
Korean 1s
Russian 1s
... Body movement: Hand to hand:
Basic Karate 50 c
Basic Taekwoondo 40c
Basic Boxing 30c
Basic Kick-Boxing 60c
Basic Wing Chu 70c
Basic Muay Thai 50c Bow Swords:
Basic Kendo 50c
Basic Fencing 50c
... Polearms Spears Staffs Shield:
Basic Blocking 50c
Basic Deflecting 50c
... Weapons: Blunt Slash Pierce Hacking Ranged Armor: Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor Plate Armor Robes Misc. Items: Rope 1c
Pillow 1c
Clothes set 5c Supplies: Food Ration of country of choice 20c
Water Bottle (1L) 5c Medicine: Bandage 1c
Antibiotic 3c
Adrenaline 5c
Insulin 2c
Pain Killer 5c Spatial compression Survival: Backpack 3c
Lighter 1c Relaxation: Book of choice 1c
I checked price tabs of some items, they should be cheap as I have 1 silver, but maybe that boar granted me more as it's my first kill?
As I look trough the items I focus on Races tab.
Available races represent current player knowledge of other beings than player. Only basic information can be seen. Races can be upgraded at level requirement with money, granting better stats and possible skills. Dwarf: 50c
Beings who like to live in a cave, short built, accelerated growth of beard,
Basic stats:
1.1 Strength 0.6 Agility 0.9 Vitality 0.7 Spirit Sun Elf: 50c
Elves who live by being one with nature, pale skin, tall, slim body,
Basic stats:
0.8 Strength 1.0 Agility 0.9 Vitality 1.2Spirit Moon Elf: 50c
Elves who walk path of bloodshed, tall, darker skin, slim body,
Basic stats:
0.8 Strength 1.1 Agility 1.0 Vitality 0.9 Spirit Draconian: 50c
Offspring's of powerful dragon race, tall,
Basic stats:
1.0 Strength 0.7 Agility 1.2 Vitality 0.8 Spirit Lizardman: 50c
Offspring's of lizards, tall,
Basic stats:
1.1 Strength 0.6 Agility 1.1 Vitality 0.7 Spirit Imp: 50c
Demon race, slim body, short built,
Basic stats:
0.7 Strength 0.9 Agility 0.7 Vitality 0.8 Spirit Gnome: 50c
Short race loving gold and using illusions,
Basic stats:
0.7 Strength 0.9 Agility 0.9 Vitality 0.9 Spirit Ghoul: 50c
Udead race of flesh eaters,
Basic stats:
1.2 Strength 0.7 Agility 1.0 Vitality 0.6 Spirit Vampire: 50c
Undead race loving blood, deforms body of player slightly, pale skin, tall,
Basic stats:
0.8 Strength 0.7 Agility 1.1 Vitality 0.9 Spirit Wraith: 50c
Ephemeral race, can fly, can only be attacked with silver weapon or supernatural abilities, must materialize to be able to touch things,
Basic stats:
0.8 Strength 0.5 Agility 0.9 Vitality 1.4 Spirit Skeleton: 50c
Undead skeleton of player race, receives trait based on current bone capability,
Basic stats:
0.7 Strength 0.9 Agility 0.6 Vitality 1.2 Spirit Hidden Hidden Hidden ... Hidden
I see some races are hidden since I don't know about them,
Let's for now forget about buying race, it's a thought for future. I skipped swiftly again on magic and bought Rise skeleton, I again focus on it and information flows in my thought.
Rise Skeleton
Humanoid look, must have a body with bones, flesh will be disintegrated, bones will be crushed to powder, bone dust reforms into skeleton, skeleton power is basic stats of Skeleton race,
0.7 Strength 0.9 Agility 0.6 Vitality 1.2 Spirit.
It can level up taking 30% of experience of user and divided by number of undead risen, spell can rise up to 3 undead.
To rise undead above limit you must reach mastery of Death magic from low mastery to medium mastery.
So having 3 skeletons each will take 10% of gotten experience, let's see what this mastery is about, I once again focus and screen appears.
Death Magic Mastery
Low Mastery
Medium Mastery Requirement:
Have undead kill 100 enemies.
Kill 100 enemies using Dark bolt.
Curse does not provide help in advancement.
0/100 killed by undead.
0/100 killed by you.
By buying Rise skeleton spell and Dark bolt spell I used 80 copper. I have 20c left, let's see if the skeleton I rise will have weapon or not.
I forgot to check how Dark bolt works, I focus.
Dark bolt - Bolt of dark energy, does piercing damage, strength of the bolt is relative to current spirit.
I go outside to the body of boar.
"Good, he can be used to rise this skeleton." I focus and shout!
"Rise skeleton!"
Flesh of the board has cracked and burned disintegrating into nothingness.
I see now boned body of that boar.I somehow sense magic gathering in the surroundings and enveloping skeleton of boar, it grinds bones to dust.
I see small hurricane that forms body of human skeleton from bone dust.
from feet's to knees, it goes up little by little, it forms breastplate, and finally arms with shoulders, only left is head. I sense magic getting stronger, and growing more tired, but not on the level where it is bothersome.
Head forms, and as hurricane vanishes I see purple light in it's skull.
It looks at me awaiting my order.
"It cannot talk? Maybe strong undead will have consciousness."
I point at myself and say to it. "Follow me."
It walks. "Stop." It stops. Looking around i see tree, I point at my spear and say. "Take it"
It looks like skeletons start bare handed or should I say boned?
It takes spear, I order it to stab the tree.
It runs at speed faster than it should be possible.
"Is it using theoretical 100% of one potential?"
It stabs the tree but 0.7 strength is not high so it leaves scratches here and there.
"Should I use corpse of Old Lady?...No, she was my neigbour so she deserves at least proper burial."
I bury her and go back home with my new companion.
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