《Olympus》Proof reader search


Hello all! This is not a chapter, sorry.

This is my attempt to finally hunt down a proof reader for both Blood Born, and Olympus. I'll be placing this in Blood Born as well.

I feel I simply cannot properly maintain the sheer number of errors I induce while writing. It's a flaw of mine, and I understand this. It has also hampered several other: the Grammar Nazi's and such, from enjoying my story as it should be.

Due to this, I place out a call to anyone who wishes it, to PM me in regards to being my proof reader. We can discuss more intricate details that it will entail through the PM's.

Thank you for your patience, and of course the continued support of both stories. ^.^ Much love and cookies, also expect a chapter of Olympus in a few hours, or early tomorrow morning. Have a lovely day/night.

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