《Olympus》Chapter Eleven: Off the Trail
Hey folks! I know it's been a few days, and I apologize. Had a wild ass weekend however, and wished to enjoy it without the worry of keeping a schedule .
Here is chapter 11 of Olympus for you all however, with Blood Born chapter 1 to follow later tonight or early tomorrow morning. I hope you all look forward to the changes I place in that story when it's put in full swing. ^.^
As always, much love and cookies.
Status effect removed. Your injury has fully healed, and you may now walk without issue.
That was what I awoke too, and I actually shouted, a bit groggily, in joy. This caused my puff balls to startle awake and accidentally claw me. I winced at the pain and went about ensuring them everything was alright; ignoring looks of question as I did so.
When the cubs were assured all was right with the world they started moving toward the prone form of a sleeping Triscia.
I coked my head to the side as I watched them, slowly sitting up and stretching as I did so. What were they...Oh no.
Fang had just crawled under her dress on her rear, and it was hiking a bit more than I cared to admit I may have enjoyed, while Winter was licking her ear and suckling on it which caused the woman to make interesting sounds.
Dear god, my puff balls were perverted. I rushed over and collected Winter before she caused more damage; the few others awake laughing at the scene of me doing this, and contemplating out to remove Fang without causing a larger issue.
I frowned at the area he was currently at, and ignored the wiggle that came forth when he likely stroked an area he should not have.
Shit..."Fang! Get your ass out here you little brat." I whispered fiercely. Winter looked sad now, because serious tones that held anger seemed to frighten her.
I saw the wiggling mass freeze, and a moment later the black furred head of my Fang popped out, accompanied by a meow, he was apparently trying to seem innocent. I pointed to where we had been sitting a moment before.
I caught the gleam of a stubborn streak enter his eyes, but snatched him by the scruff of his neck. The back of my hand grazed Triscia's ass lightly, I ignored that bouncy soft feeling, along with the accompanying sound.
The laughter around the camp escalated causing her to wake up slowly. Shit...I rushed with the puff balls back toward my area and tried to look nonchalant as she rose up, and blearily blinked her eyes at her surroundings. When she looked at me, her face actually went beat red, kinda like a tomato, and she rushed to moved away.
'Hey! What the hell did I do to deserve that? What on earth were you dreaming woman!' was my almost immediate thought, followed by my head being flung forward slightly and a pain in the back of my head.
I yelped, and looked back to see the retreating form of Scillicia behind me. What the hell did I do? Women...confusing creatures.
I frowned at her backside, and muttered as I turned to regard two puff balls currently trying to be very cute and get out of being trouble. I ignored the fact they were cute and bobbed them both lightly on the head.
"No, bad babies. You do not molest the innocent youths in there sleep just because Daddy has a bit of a hard time controlling sexual urges." I whispered that of course, didn't need to be thought of as a pervert after all. Why did I suddenly feel a chill run down my spine, and that I was too late?
A thought for another time I suppose. Both my cubs were now meowing at me like I was a mean villain that never let them have fun.
I narrowed my eyes at the growing cubs, they each had to weigh almost eight pounds now, and rolled them onto their backs and assaulted their tummies with tickle pets.
Fang started to try to run, and Winter just froze from being startled. Ha! No escape you little brat. I nabbed Fang and started to tease my ferocious perv more.
After a while, Winter tried to escape as well, smart girl, she knew it would mean more pets, and playtime with me.
We did this until it was time to pack things up. Taking a small break for breakfast, I gave most of mine to the growing cubs. I was hungry, of course, but they were growing munchkins and I wanted them to never go hungry.
I didn't feel as useless today, Gallica put me to proper work, hauling the heaviest of the supplies and packing them back onto the death trap with wheels, as I have named it. I would not be sitting in there, willingly, again.
When everything was packed, and the five ex house slaves were loaded up, we headed out toward Sparta.
Gallica planned to bypass the town entirely and reached Sparta today instead via a shorter path that had us edge several miles out around the town. When I asked him why he had said - "I don't trust the town to be fully on Sparta's side. Too much has changed, Rome grown too strong to trust the common folk much more than any nobility. We need to reach Sparta first and foremost." - It had been an interesting reply to my question. Maybe even accurate. It also showed him as a paranoid bugger and I said as much; earned a laugh for my troubles.
So we took this detour, and I was bored beyond belief. I enjoyed walking again after a few days in the rolling death trap, but I was so very bored.
This was a game afterall, and little was being done to advance myself within it. It damn near brought a tear to my eye. The only fun I really had was Fang and Winter running along behind me, and pouncing on random bugs that flew buy, or eating the small birds they could catch.
It was really fun to watch them practice skills they would need to hunt, and battle. They had even gained some interesting things over the last few hours. Again, traits, no skills yet. I just took this to mean that until they were old enough to battle they would not learn actual skills related to combat.
It would probably take about three months in game before they reached adolescent age. Then they would be large enough to perhaps start learning combat skills, based on game statistics. Though until they were adults I would gain nothing from them.
I checked the few traits they had both earned.
Stalking (trait) Your pet has gained the stalking trait. This owner of this trait is able to, with practice, blend into their surroundings, and stalk their prey without showing signs of their activities. Perfect for predator based pets, and hunting in the wild.
Now that trait was awesome! And I know why it said practice. They were adorable, but they failed a lot of the time when stalking the birds in the tall grass off the side of the trail. That told me that some traits were more practice oriented and could be improved based on condition, and practice, or made worse depending on the area.
Predator Sense (trait) This trait allows your pets to sense prey around them, it is unique to active predator pets, and allows them to gain skills based upon this trait when old enough to do battle.
Now that one was interesting as hell to me, it made me wonder if some traits would allow a unique pathway of learned skills, or skill sets for my little puff balls of adorable deadliness. Through this, I was also praising and guiding them slowly, showing them how to pounce, it looked weird according to Gallica, but he accepted it as me training what would amount to dangerous animals in the future. Strengthening my bond, so to speak. Though that was maxed thanks greatly in part to my class.
They trusted me, and thanks to my passive my bond was maxed. I had also managed to level up animal husbandry, and animal language a few levels as well during this process. I had even gained a trait of my own, not a skill, but another trait to match unnatural vigor.
This made it rather annoying, because it threw what I felt would help me gain these traits, which so far were passive and allowed unique bonuses that did not level, or change my overall stat base; but rather allowed me to do unique and interesting things through passive traits my body adapts too.
Trainer of Beasts (Trait)You have gained the trait of teaching beasts under your sway through practice. You exude a calm, nurturing aura when training your pets that allows them to understand from their mistakes and learn better, as opposed to growing frustrated and developing bad traits.
30% less likely to fail in learning skills upon reaching needed age to fight.
20% chance of gaining traits to aid in their future growth during childhood.
10% chance of instantly learning unique, and powerful skills upon reaching combat age. (Pets gained from birth only)
This trait, like my Unnatural Vigor, gained me a bunch of interesting and unique traits that aided my overall character class, and play style. It also gave me more incentive to get pets from birth, or their growing period, and raise them properly for a chance at a unique and specialized skill. This also meant that any pet I gained that I could not, in honesty keep for one reason or another, would be sold to a player or NPC I trusted to treat them right for a higher price. This of course is assuming they gained that trait. The percentage was low, but I think it can be affected by my luck stat.
It also increased the chance to gain new and more useful traits during their baby phase. This set home the fact traits could only be learned in a set period for pets gained at infancy.
That was good, honestly. It meant that I could not make them gods with traits galore throughout their lives. It also meant I'd have to be tougher with them before they left this phase of growth. That part made me sad, but I wanted them to survive in this game. I'd be devastated if they died because I could not be strict.
With that in mind, I let them play and follow me at their own pace while staying in sight. I was going to plan a strict training regimen for them to go through when I had the free time to put them through it.
I also contemplated the egg I had gained, and just what the hell it was. Oddly, the Vulture was still following us. It had made me curious after it started getting a little past the afternoon.
I handed my munchkins to Triscia, they behaved better with her, and told Gallica I wanted to check something out real fast, and that I would catch up.
He reluctantly agreed, and I went off the trail, ignoring the pitiful cries of my puff balls for 'mommy' as I did. Oh my heart, it stung after hearing those meows.
After a bit, five minutes or so of walking, I sat down and waited to see if the bird followed. It had, and was a LOT bigger looking. Oh dear god...it was coming down.
Now I know in my mind I wanted this, but it was a big bird. It had a relatively large wingspan, around ten feet from the looks of it, and it's height reached a little over my waist when it landed. That made it at least 3-4 feet tall.
It regarded me when it landed, it had been somewhat majestic in it's landing, it's face had no feathers on it, a bare pink color was what I saw, but from the tip of his head, and down its neck were feathers with white and black mixed in. The combination made me think of a rusty tan-ish white, honestly. Which fit considering it was from Egypt mostly.
It's talons were large, four inches at least, they also looked very sharp. The eyes were yellow, and cold looking. What you would expect from a raptor, even a carrion raptor.
I gulped, unintentionally, as it regard me with its head cocking to the side. It made a soft shrill sound before taking a step forward. It's eyes had gone from me to what I had in my hand the second I called it from my inventory, and that was the reason for it's step.
For some reason I had the sudden regret that I had forgotten my armor in the wagon. Goes to show how scatterbrained I could be.
It looked at the egg, then at me, and back and forth. It's plumage slowly rustled and it...it hissed at me. Oh dear god, I was gonna die.
I slowly, ever so slowly, bent down and laid the egg on the ground, backing up a foot or so. I ignored that I could have lost a lot when I realized the Vulture was literally a foot from me when I did that.
I was sweating a great deal in fear. No armor, no weapons, a vulture two levels higher than I was, and likely a hell of a lot stronger. But I was shocked as hell with what popped up on my screen.
Hidden Bonus Quest Completed! Return the Egg to its Mother. You have returned the egg of the Carrion Feeder to it's mother.
Trust has been maxed with Carrion Feeder
Carrion Feeder may now become your pet
Carrion Egg has been added to your inventory to hatch at owners convenience.[table]
My eyes bugged a bit, and the Vulture gently scooched the egg back to me with a curled tallon. It looked at me expectantly, and something clicked. Not as...deeply as with my cubs, but a bond formed. I was given the notification of accepting the Vulture as a pet, I accepted of course. From there I named her Ma'at, after the Egyptian Goddess of Truth, Justice, and Harmony. It seemed fitting, because she was all I could recall in that Pantheon being affiliated with birds that was female. I knew there was another, but I couldn't recall her name. Notifications assaulted me shortly after.
[table] You have Gained a Pet! Your Pet's level has been reduced by 2 to fit your current level. A debuff has been placed on her stats until she reaches her original level.You have reached the current max amount of pets you may own, this may be increased by leveling Animal Husbandry, as well as gaining true affiliation with your current pets to the point that they no longer consider themselves pets, but family.
Ok, that was awesome! I also learned that there was indeed a limit to pet ownership, at least combat pets. I'd be able to work around that with Animal Husbandry, and making sure my pets knew I saw them as family, not beasts. I felt Fang, and Winter were close to that.
It would take time to get Ma'at to feel that way. For one thing, she was a wild born adult, albeit a unique and unknown bonus quest reward, still a full grown wild beast that did not have a reason to trust man. I'd gotten lucky. I looked at her beak again, very lucky.
I checked her stats, now that I had full access to them.
Ma'at Level: 11-(13 origin) Owner: Crispin LeonholdtHealth:1000 / 1000Health Regen:75.50 / SecStamina:1000/1000Stamina Regen:75.50 / Sec-Strength:50 (-20)Agility50 (-10)Vitality:50 (-50)Intelligence:30 (-10) Skill Swoop - Dives down upon an enemy for a sweeping aerial attack.
Peck - Assaults foes with it's beak
Talon Strike - Lacerates enemies with it's deadly talons
Carrion Eye - Shows the location of the dead within a 200 meter radius (Usable only while flying) Traits Flight - Enables Flight
Keen Eye - Able to see things clearly from over 200 meters in distance.
Carrion Feeder - Gains experience by eating the recent kills of others.
Aerial Predator - Increased damage done while striking from above
Holy fuck balls! It was simple stuff, but I could train her properly, and her overall stats, even with the reduction, showed me how valuable a full grown pet was. It made me imagine the beasts my puff balls would grow into with the proper direction of a Beast Master like myself.
It also made it abundantly clear how much money I'd make off of taming, and selling pets when I was able. These stats were ridiculous. I'd have to speak to Clint in regards to what that would entail, because I know it'll be an option. Beast Master was a unique class, but pets were not reserved for them alone. Just the ability to tame them easily, and hold more than one combat pet, I believe.
Trait Shared! [/b Keen Eye You have gained the Trait Keen Eyes from your pet, Ma'at, increase your understanding of one another, or avian raptors more, to gain more of her traits.
Oh my god, fuck yes! Alright. This was perfect. I should myself from these messages after a moment, because Ma'at was looking at me with confusion. Through the link we had she could sense my emotions better and the sheer joy I felt was odd to her because she did not see what I did.
I just smiled at her, and slowly approached her, instincts at work (A.N His skills passively telling him what to do to properly handle such dangerous creatures.) I held a hand out slowly toward her, and she regarded it like so much dirt, but extended her head a bit, and let me scratch the thoughts of feathers on her neck. She crooned, before moving away. She reminded me of a cat I had a long time ago, weird since she was a bird.
I felt the little line strengthen a little, and instructed her to take flight and follow. It took a bit for her to understand. She didn't have the Obedience trait, and was a wild Beast not long ago. But thanks to my traits, and skills, along with my class she understood after a moment.
I got myself an adult Pet! I'd have to check if it boosted my stats later. For now, I needed to rush back to the group. It had been at least an hour. I had a lot of ground to cover. I smiled as I ran, hearing the cry of Ma'at above me while she circled and kept pace.
I was going to enjoy the looks of the group, and Gallica shitting a brick when I had her land down and peck him, gently, for revenge for something, I'd find it, haha. Introducing her to my cubs would be tricky. I'll be treating her like any other newly tamed predator, or animal. Slow introduction, and careful monitoring. I didn't want to risk her eating my babies.
Fuck! No more dawdling,The sun was starting to set I need to rush back. Today was a weird, fun day, full of surprises, and learning. Along with a new friend. Haha, I could hardly wait now to reach Sparta. I could advance better in the game now, with an adult pet to boost my Class, and stats along with combat aid.
Hello beautiful people! You're author for the second note section haha.
I hope you enjoy this chapter, it's not uber long, but it's decent with growth, and the acquisition of an adult pet, along with what that egg is. Next time, it will be action, I promise that. It's been slow as I goof off, and advance my MC, and give life to the world, and get him ready for the things to come.
But no more! Prepare yourself! Only warning. Mwuahaha.
As always, please Rate, Comment, and Follow. Much love and Cookies!
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