《From FPS Game to Another World》Chapter 9


After walking for a couple of minutes without any particular destination, I see another gate inside the city, It's the gate of the wall I saw earlier after exiting the tavern. I get curious about what's on the other side so I walk to it but suddenly a Guard standing at the side of the gate block and stop me then say.

"Stop! Show me your recommendation letter or Noble Emblem if you want to proceed."

'So pass this gate is the Noble District huh. No wonder the houses are more bigger and fancy.'

I think while looking pass the Guard and I answer.

"I just lost my way."

"Are you new in this City?"


"No wonder. Careful next time."

"Will do."

I turn around and walk and think of something.

'I need to test some of my Guns and Weapons, I can't do that here inside the City so better go outside the City.'

I jump on one of the tall house that close to me after checking that no one can see me, I look for the gate to exit the city. After seeing the gate, I jump down and start walking again. It only take a couple of minutes then again I'm outside the city, the Guards didn't ask for payment this time so I easily walk pass the gate with some stare but lesser than last time.

I enter some forest, when no dots can be seen close to my position from my radar I start to run faster deeper in the forest.

'So with high agility stats I can run this fast while being low Level and not equip with my Agility Suit. A lot different from the game, my stats before are only used as requirements for my equipment and the increase in physical, flexibility and speed will be base on my equipment and not on stats.'


While thinking I keep on running, after 30 minutes I already travel a lot of distance. I check my radar and start to hunt some monster.

The first Monster I see is a black color Stag Beetle like, it's Level is 23 and size of a dog and hanging on a tree. I ready my modified M4A1 from my back, change the safety switch from Safe to Semi-automatic then aim at the Beetle's head. I press the trigger and a sound of air can be hear, it's the sound of my modified M4A1 with a silencer. I only shot once and the Beetle fall from the tree but to my surprise after falling, the Beetle start to run towards me with a cracked head, I shot another one and it pierce the cracked head and the Beetle stop moving.

'I guess normal bullets is not that effective against some Monster.'

I test a little and shot the other parts of the Beetle's body, to check if the outcome will be the same and the answer is only the head need 2 shots.

After confirming I look at the ground to check for the bullet case but can't find even 1, I shot another bullet then observe the bullet case that came out from the side of my gun then when it hit the ground, the particle swirl at it then the bullet case disappear.

'Nice. I won't have to worry about it anymore.'

Next I check my magazine at the lower right of my view and see that I only have 4 more bullets remaining on it, I remove it then put it in the ground and like the bullet case the particle swirl around it then disappear, confirming it I take a new magazine with full of normal bullets from my unlimited ammo pouch and put it to my gun.


I continue on hunting for a couple of Hours until it get dark. I confirmed that my normal bullets can't penetrate all types of Monsters but still effective at some.

'Maybe I'll try those Armor Piercing bullet that I saw from the Item Mall tomorrow, I need to return back now and I'm hungry.'

After deciding to call it a day, I start to run back to the City. It only take me a couple of minutes to reach close the gate, I stop running and walk normal and wait a little in the line before its my turn, then pay the Guard and enter the City again, with still some stare in the process.

I walk back to the tavern. When I enter, I check around for the others but can't find them, I see Pete still in his place and ask.

"Did the others return already?"

"Oh, it's you. No sign of them yet, repairing equipment usually didn't take this long."

"Maybe they got busy on something."

"Maybe. Are you gonna eat dinner now or later?"

"I'm hungry so I'll eat now."

"Ok, wait a little."

I take a seat again at the counter and after a couple of minutes my dinner is serve. I lift my face shield and eat slowly in silent and order some more additional food while waiting for the others. I finish my food and the others are still not here so I talk to Pete.

"Hey Pete, if ever they return later say to them that I'm already sleeping and I will see them tomorrow."

"Sure. Here's your key. Want some bucket of water?"


I take the key and hand him some Copper Coins as payment for the extra food and the bucket of warm water. After saying my good night to Pete I walk up to my same room, waiting a little the girl with the bucket of water knock and I receive it. I lock the door and close the window then put my Strength Suit back to my Warehouse and start to clean myself, after cleaning I put the empty bucket outside my door room then lock it again, I equip my goggles again and lay at the bed then think.

'Maybe I should have ask Pete earlier where the others go to repair their equipment. Well at least I get to know a lot today, I need to be careful at those slaver, the last thing I want to happen to me is becoming a slave and use as a walking weapon maker, I need to know how they slave a person or how to counter it.'

While thinking I materialize two types of bullet from the Item Mall to both my hands and look at it. One on my left hand have a slim tip and the one at my right hand have a flat tip.

'Before I get hospitalize this 2 types of bullet didn't exist in the game. Except this Armor Piercing bullet I need to be cautious at using this Explosive bullet huh, It will definitely catch the attention of the surrounding but will be effective on a lot of Monsters.'

After looking at it for a couple of seconds I put it to my Warehouse, I observe my radar for a couple of minutes after confirming that its clear I close my eye and rest and think something.

'I wonder if I can use this world's weapons.'

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