《Another World's Trespasser》Chapter 9: Taken


Foreword: Guys! Im really sorry for the late release! Im pretty busy at the moment because of the upcoming finals exam in school. Furthermore, the fact that I don't have my own PC.. means that I cant always write during my free time.

And that's it, I don't think I can update my work regularly so I apologize for the inconvenience...........

Well Enough of the reasons here ... Please enjoy chapter 9 of AWT .... Happy reading :)

A soft sensation can be felt from my back as I was lying down comfortably. Feeling that my sleepiness is slowly fading away, I slowly opened my eyes, permitting my pupils to adjust to the light.

Where am I? Where the hell is this place?

I questioned myself as I saw an unfamiliar scenery.

A single wooden pole that supported a large tent made up of fine woven cloth, illuminated by numerous lamps.

Not wasting any time idling, I slowly lifted my upper body from the fluffy sleeping bag that was situated at the middle of the tent and began to reminisce the events that happened up until today.

The only thing that I remember... I was looking for Catherine and Geraint... And some people surrounded me...

Ack! …

After moving my head from side to side as to survey the interior of the tent, a slight pricking pain can be felt from my neck that I reflexively massaged it with my right hand.

That’s right, something or someone attacked me that I ended up losing consciousness…

“So your awake lad....”

A deep and gentle voice called out to me as I was immersing myself in my thoughts.

Feeling slightly nervous from the sudden sound, I slowly turned my head to the source and was surprised with what I saw.

A big muscular man clad in pitch black full metal plate was seated on a chair located on the far side of the tent. Brown hair with a fearless look on his face that resembles a gallant knight. He was writing some sort of documents using a quill and ink with his helmet laid on top of the table.

“Seriously... Kids these days have a knack of adventures at such a young age...”

Not bothering with my presence, he continued to write on the pieces of paper with swift and precise movements while throwing words of belittlement in front of my face.

Excuse me? Is he lecturing me as If I was a poor little kid?

Disliking the treatment that I was presently receiving, I gave him a look of hostility for the next couple of minutes. And soon gave up after reassessing the situation that I was currently in.

Calm down… Calm down, getting angry here won’t help me in any way…

“Uhmm... Where exactly am I and who are you??”

I immediately inquired him of the most important information that would enlighten me in my current predicament.


In response to my previous question, the black knight just gave me a sympathizing look as if he was seeing a hopeless child.

Hey… hey… hey! I don’t think I’ve done something that would get me arrested right? This isn’t fair, due process is needed for the issuance of a warrant of arrest!

Jumping into conclusions after seeing the expression of the knight, I went hysterical as soon as I got up from the bed, thinking that I was arrested for no valid reason.


“Calm down kid! ... Oh right! Lad my name is Horzak Beulford the commanding officer of the empire’s Crimson army and were currently in the military outpost just outside the border between the Empire and Estad.”

As if calming a kid throwing a tantrum, the knight immediately got up from his seat with a wry smile plastered on his face, and made his way in front of me.

So were still near in Estad huh…

Noticing that giving additional about the current situation gives a calming effect on me, the knight continued to explain in a manner of speaking as if he was talking to an innocent little kid.

“Wandering in the premises of a battlefield is dangerous lad...Well send you immediately to your parents after we’re done with here.”

What the heck so the war in Estad is still going on? Not having a bit of latest information about the world will surely kill me if this goes on!

After hearing the brief explanation from the knight, I was once again deep in thought and soon realized something was off with his trail of thought.

“Wait wait a minute! I’m not from the empire! I’m ughh a traveler … yes! A traveler!

I deliberately made up an obvious lie, hoping that it would get me out of trouble, with my eyes darting all over the place.

“Heh… Sure sure kid! And my hobby is flower arrangement! Listen here kiddo! You should be thankful that the scouts recovered you from Estad. They were originally assigned to track down beast men spies and accidentally stumbled upon your little camping game by sheer luck. They thought you we’re a beast man after seeing this thing worn on your head.”

Ignoring his words of mockery I changed my line of sight to his right hand, holding a familiar hat made out of cotton fabric that seemingly resemble cat ears.

I widened my eyes in astonishment and quickly snatched the hat from the armor clad hand without hesitation.

That's! Professor Hansen's…

As I was reminiscing the memories from the previous world, I unconsciously hugged the hat tightly with both hands in front of my chest.

Noticing my actions, the knight softened his posture and gave me an affectionate look. As if looking at an adorable cute little animal.

Grrrrrr… Stop looking at me like that! Or else…!

Furious of his continuous attitude of belittlement over me, I intentionally sneered at him with my tongue sticking out.

In response to my childish behavior, the knight let out a brilliant smile befitting of a father that is fascinated at the sight of his own children.


Enough! Enough of this! Let’s get to the point here!

Shaking my head vigorously, as to regain my composure. I redirected the conversation to the previous topic of me getting captured by his scouts.

“So is it just me? Didn’t you capture my companions?”

“Huh? What companions are you talking about now?”

I furrowed my eyebrows and my face contorted in confusion as to why doesn’t he know the whereabouts of the other two.

Not wasting any second, I began to describe the appearances of the two. From the color of their hairs, height, facial features, body build and even their corresponding attitudes. But then…

The knight just shrugged both his arms after hearing my descriptions with his head turning side by side, as if saying that he doesn’t know anyone with those kind of appearances.


“Unfortunately kid we didn’t find anyone besides you.... but judging from the luggage left from the camp there we’re 3 of you right?”

I looked down disappointedly and gritted my teeth in vexation after hearing the words that I didn’t want to hear from him.

It’s all my fault from being so careless! If I didn’t left them alone, maybe I would’ve done something to protect them…

My shoulders trembled and I tightly clenched my fist. Frustration welled deep inside me as I was blaming myself for the disappearance of the hopeless princess and knight pair.

“But then… there is a high possibility that they’re captured by beast men...”


Hearing his words that gave me a small light of hope, I wiped off the worried look from my face and looked up to him with anticipation.

“You should stay here till we’re ready to depart ... The beast men seems to be making moves in this part of Aegoria so it will be more dangerous outside....”

Who would want to stay here doing nothing! I need to find a way to save my companions as fast as possible!

Finishing with that line, he slowly walked to the entrance of the camp with his armor emitting clanking noise with his every step.

So the beast men huh… The best course of action here is to persuade those scouts to help me find the location of the two since they’re the experts in this kind of missions …

But then… how can I possibly persuade that nonchalant bastard in loaning his troops to a 14 year old kid?

I remained there standing, contemplating on how I can find the two as soon as possible since each passing day are crucial if they could survive or not.


Suddenly a loud sound of a horn reverberated throughout the outpost, which made me come back to reality after thinking deeply for the past minutes.

Huh? Is there an emergency?

Followed by the ear shattering sound of the horn, signs of commotion can be heard from the people outside the tent...

Curiosity took over me as I walked to the entrance and slowly opened the curtain that served as the door of the tent.


Sounds of hammer pounding on steel and the smell of food being cooked welcomed me as I proceeded to the direction of the crowd. Numerous tents were set up all over the grasslands embedded with a symbol of a crimson phoenix.

Being new to this kind of environment, I asked a mister that was carrying crates of fruits and vegetables. Sweat dripped down from his forehead as he was repeating the same task over and over again, moving the crates from one of the tents to the roofed carts driven by horses.

“Uhmm Mister what’s going on?”

“Haaah… listen here kid I’m kind of busy here as you can see.”

The mister breathed out a large amount of air, signifying his tiredness, and evaded my question with a wave of his right hand.

Not backing down, I looked up to him expectantly, pleading like child wanting a new toy from his mother.

“*Sigh* Alright…alright! Jeez stop looking at me like that! The commander is announcing our mission so the soldiers are ordered to assemble at the bottom of this hill.”


After getting information from the mister I continued walking and eventually stopped at the edge of the hill where the outpost was currently located and saw something unbelievable.

There I saw tens of thousands of soldiers were neatly lined up on the grass fields.

Different types of soldiers. Swordsmen, spearmen, archers and horsemen were separated by groups.

The spearmen were approximately 5000, the swordsmen 2000, archers 2000, and the cavalry 1000.

The spearmen at the front, the swordsmen at the middle and the archers at the far back that enabled them to shootout arrows from a safe distance. While the cavalry are on standby at the furthest position from the frontlines.

The symbol of the crimson phoenix adorned the numerous banners attached to the spears of the spearmen.

Am I in a movie or something?

I repeatedly rubbed my eyes, refusing to believe the reality in front of me. And soon noticed someone familiar walking through the crowd.

The commander Horzak Beulford clad in pitch black armor with his helmet under one his left arm and an enormous Great sword sheathed on his back, walked with authority in front of the army.

He raised his right hand, signaling the soldiers in front of him to shut their mouths.

Noticing the gesture of the commander, the noise from the crowd immediately disappeared.

“Listen up soldiers of the empire!”

Commander Horzak shouted with all his might, gathering the attention of all the soldiers in the field that numbered by at least ten thousand.

Hearing the words of the commanding officer, all of the soldiers stood straight as if to show respect.

“The savage beast men are trying to invade our homes in front of our very eyes! And we are the main forces tasked to prevent that from happening!”

The soldiers began to murmur to themselves after hearing the mission that they’ll fulfill for the next days.

“This is a great opportunity for new recruits and it’s also the perfect time to teach those uncivilized bastards who they’re going against with...!”

Almost all soldiers nodded in affirmation after commander Horzak continued in the debriefing of the mission.

“So who wants to seek vengeance from the people who disgraced the first emperor?”

Using the history of the empire to fuel hatred to the hearts of the soldiers, commander Horzak had successfully raised the morale of the Crimson army.


The soldiers let out fearless screams that reflected their undying dedication in the task assigned to them.

“Now let us set off and bring back victory!”

Horzak finished his speech with that line and proceeded to the direction of the outpost.


Pumped up because of the speech given by the commander, the soldiers screamed once again.

Afterwards, they began to inspect their weapons and armor and sparred with their fellow soldiers as to reassess if they are ready for the battle...

So it’s an all-out war against the beastmen huh…

Thinking that sticking close with the army may provide me with more clues of the whereabouts of Catherine and Geraint, I decided to follow them by sneaking in the wagon full of fruits and vegetables that were transported by the sweat drenched man that I was talking with earlier.

That’s right, the goods transported in this wagon will be used as rations for the upcoming war between the empire and the beast men.

I concealed myself behind the crates and waited until the army reaches its destination…

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