《Another World's Trespasser》Chapter 7: Princess & knight


Foreword: Ugh...!! 2.3k words here .... drained my brain juices in the process... Grammatical errors may be seen frequently here so sorry bout that. Words per sentence keeps decreasing as the chapter goes on.

Well enough complaining here... at least its readable right?? Enjoy Reading :)

Congratulations you have reached level 70!

Immersing myself in the glory of my victory, I began jumping up and down in glee, making me look more like kids of my age.

“Haah ahahahaa! *Cough* Cough*Cough*”

My maniacal laughter was interrupted as dust entered my lungs after I repeatedly stomped at the pile of ashes left from the previous battle.

After clearing up my throat from the ashes I then noticed something underneath my shoes.

Ten tiny objects which glinted in the moonlight.

Upon a closer look they were rings seemingly made out of a sturdy material that survived through the intense attack.

Let’s see here….

With that, I began inspecting each and every one of the rings.

Mithril Ring of Flawless Destruction – Reduces mana consumption of all Destruction class magic by 24%

Mithril Ring of Flawless Conjuration – Reduces mana consumption of all Conjuration class magic by 23%

Mithril Ring of Flawless Alteration – Reduces mana consumption of all Alteration class magic by 23%

Mithril Ring of Flawless Restoration – Reduces mana consumption of all Restoration class magic by 25%

Mithril Ring of Flawless Illusion – Reduces mana consumption of all Illusion class magic by 24%

I stared wide eyed, reading the information written on those information windows.

I’ve got to it admit though, these info signs can be really helpful every now and then.

2 of each of these rings were previously equipped by the grand mage on all of his fingers. Making him capable of continuous invoking of high level spells without depleting his mana pool.

This could be useful …

With that, I tried to put the rings on my fingers in anticipation as to how will it affect my magic.

But the rings were too big for me, well it can’t be helped since it’s made for an adult’s finger not a kid’s.

After letting out a discouraged sigh, I decided to stuff the rings in my pocket as it could be used in the future… hopefully.

Confirming that the scene is safe I then proceeded to the door less entrance of the shrine and slowly walked to the middle of the hall.

As I arrived at the large magical circle located in the middle the figures of the prisoners entered my vision.

The Prisoners including the children were staring at me with frightened eyes as if they’re seeing a ghost.

Well it’s only natural after witnessing such a spectacle. The wide open entrance of the shrine enabled them to spectate the previous battle as if they’re watching a live boxing match in front of a flat screen TV.

Ignoring their expressions I fished out the keys from my pocket, recovered from the body of one of robed priests and started to unlock the shackles that chained the hands and feet of all the prisoners.

I then patted my lab coat, searching through all the pockets and eventually found a note pad and a pen.

That’s right, the only way for me to communicate to them is through written language.

After scribbling through the notepad with swift movements, I then showed the contents in front of the crowd.

Don’t worry I won’t kill you people

Seeing the words written on the paper, the adults from the group softened their gazes and relaxed their once tense bodies.

I urged the man who seems to be the leader to write a reply on the notepad, and he meekly wrote the message he wanted to express to their savior.


How can there be such a powerful little kid?

Wha?! Who are you calling a little kid?

Veins popped out from my forehead and my face contorted in anger as I reread the contents of the paper over and over again.

Hey! Hey! Is that the best thing to say towards the one who just saved their lives unconditionally!

I furiously turned back the pages of the notepad to my previous message and added a line on it.

Don’t worry I won’t kill you people

Unless provoked….

The crowd gasped in fear after scrutinizing the contents of the notepad with their slouched backs.

Noticing my change in expression coupled with the message, they eventually realized the insolent behavior they’re showing in front of their savior.

They began to prostrate themselves before me as if wanting to express their sincerest apology. The children who were confused on what the elders were doing, just imitated their actions unknowingly.

Ughhh maybe I’ve gone too far...

Realizing the consequences of my exaggerated reaction towards them, I began writing my next message as I flipped the pages on the note pad.

Alright! I accept your apologies! So can you guys please stop kowtowing in front of me!

On the other hand, I would be most grateful if you people could lend me a hand on transporting the loots to my home where it’s safe.

After scanning through the reply written on the paper, they obediently nodded and started carrying all the things of considerable value located inside the shrine.

Including books and maps that could possibly provide more information with this world. Elders and children enthusiastically carried their shares with smiles plastered on their faces.

With that, I led the group out of the shrine with them silently following my back.

We descended through the mountain trail, passed through Sjogren and were currently in the middle of the pitch black forest.

Signs of vigilance can be seen on their faces, but there are no monsters at the moment since I wiped them all out a while ago.

Half an hour had passed, we soon reached the premises of the ware house.

After surveying the surrounding area I then instructed them to build camps near the ware house where it’s currently the safest place in this region.

Thus, I began to cook at the makeshift kitchen and started to prepare a large amount of food enough for ten to fifteen individuals.


After smelling the fragrance of the served dishes in front of them, their tummies let out a loud growl. Seemingly embarrassed of it, their cheeks flushed red that I unconsciously released a slight chuckle.

After filling up their bellies with my homemade dishes, I began questioning the adults within the group on why and what led them to these parts of Aegoria.

And here’s the info that I’ve gotten from them:

A long time ago the elder mage of Sjogren, in pursuit of the path of immortality chose to sacrifice all the inhabitants of the city in order to lengthen his own life span.

Offering lives to the Abyssal prince of life and death Nixruer, the cult didn’t stop with the rituals and resorted to the abduction of people for sacrifice. The endless ritual eventually distorted the space surrounding Sjogren resulting to the spawning of orcs of demonic origin …

Therefore turning the city of Sjogren into a wasteland, a place of exile for notorious criminals, refugees and political outcasts.

Well that really cleared a lot of confusion that lingered inside my head…

But I’ve got to say it… that old man is one heck of a villain.


Hence to acquire more information I ordered them to write all of their names, race, status and previous occupations on the pages of the notepad.

Half are humans, the other half was composed of elves and beast men.

Upon a closer look at them, one could easily notice the pointy elven ears, dog ears and cat ears located at the side of their heads.

Most of them are refugees from the neighboring country of Estad, an agricultural nation located between the borders of Sjogren and Roeania Empire. Estad was utterly destroyed since skirmishes were often conducted within its territory, getting caught in between large military forces with no means of self-protection.

The majority of humans were farmers. While the elves and beast men were primarily slaves bought from the Empire.

I skimmed through the pieces of paper and eventually noticed something unusual at the occupation part.

A princess and her knight…

Knight Geraint Holme

Princess Catherine Alder Clemence

I frowned after reading such ridiculous info and began to ponder on how and why a princess and her knight would be in here.

Maybe they’ve gone whacko after all those terrible experiences…

I sympathized with their current situation, thinking that the harsh and awful treatment given to them by the priests led them to the verge of insanity.

Deciding to ignore such preposterous matter, I continued in instructing the group on what they would do here.

I taught them that if a horde of orcs comes here. They were to get inside the warehouse and operate the tesla coil and warned them over and over not to touch anything besides the tesla coil.

They can continue living here since there is an abundant amount of food and water. Furthermore the fact that it’s a place known for its hazardous environment makes it safer to them as bandits and armies won’t make a blunder of coming here unknowingly.

Lastly I told them about my upcoming journey to Alteria Kingdom.

And with that they’re dismissed.

As I was readying myself on packing, someone swiftly snatched the note pad and pen from both my hands.

A haughty teenage girl wearing a soiled dress, underneath her shriveled blonde hair was a pair of ruby eyes and an above average alluring face. A body fitting for a girl in the middle of puberty as a slight lump can be seen on her chest.

A meek, dark haired teenage boy dressed in noble clothes could be seen behind her, trembling with his aquamarine eyes darting all over the place. He can be easily mistaken as a girl because of his delicate appearance.

Are they the crazy duo?

The girl hurriedly scribbled at the paper as if time was of the essence.

We will come with you!

I snatched back the notepad with a face full of displeasure and began to write my reply.

Why would I bring you guys with me?

She then seized the notepad again in a forceful manner.

We know the direction to Alteria Kingdom better than those outdated maps!

Now that I’ve thought of it, the maps that we recovered from the shrine accumulated a lot of dust and seemed kind of old.

Someone who knows the way maybe somewhat helpful instead of relying on outdated directions from the maps.

After pondering for a while on what to answer the pair, I began to write my reply to them.

I may consider it, on one condition… You teach me how to speak your language.

Making the best out of this situation, I decided to give consent to their request.

The girl happily nodded with a brilliant smile emanating from her face.

The boy behind sighed in relief, relaxing his tensed body.

With that, the duo will be tagging along the way. Judging from their looks they seem pretty normal to me, and not of mental incapacity.

Afterwards, I resumed in packing of all the things needed….. Books, money, preserved food, extra clothing and decided to hit the sack, feeling all of the fatigue that accumulated in my body.


The morning light illuminated the interior of my room as I slowly opened my eyes.

The hustle and bustle of the crowd can be heard outside the warehouse, as they are currently tasked on hunting for their own food.

I slowly got up from the bed, stretching both arms up in the air coupled with a lazy yawn.

With that, I walked to the bathroom and started to wash my face, fixed my hair and wore my clothes.

Then I rechecked the contents of my backpack, making sure that nothing important was forgotten.

Everything is set!

After confirming all of the things needed for the journey, I then proceeded to the front door of the entrance.

As I slowly opened the door, the smell of the lush greenery entered my nostrils and the sight of the makeshift tents of different sizes entered my vision.

The people cheerfully greeted me with radiant smiles as I slowly walked through the crowd.

I let out a wry smile, witnessing the revival of the once lifeless prisoners. It was a surprisingly fast recovery from that nightmare.

Following that, I began scanning the premises trying to find the whacko pair. But to my surprise, I couldn’t seem to find no matter where I look.

I then asked the crowd on where did the self-proclaimed princess and knight have gone to.

They pointed at the direction of the forest.

Trailing the direction previously given to me, I began to walk inside the thick forest.

*Kling *clang* clunk*

Sounds of weapons clashing could be heard from the dense vegetation inside the forest.

Following the source of the sounds I eventually found the pair wielding swords against a single orc.

Oh are they practicing?

Journeying with me will undoubtedly bring danger to them, so it would be helpful if they can at least protect themselves from enemies.

The girl brandished the rusty sword with an almost perfect stance, parrying and dodging all of the orcs attacks.

Pretty impressive for a self-proclaimed princess...

In contrast with the princess the boy was trembling non-stop, holding the sword wrongly with an awkward stance.

Realizing that it couldn’t possibly defeat the princess, the orc decided to change target with the harmless boy.


Letting out a battle cry that reflected its current desperation, the orc began to charge straight towards the boy holding its mace high up in the air.


Witnessing such a horrific scene the boy shrieked in fear, falling on his butt with his trembling intensified.

Oh no! This isn’t going to be a pleasant sight!

The princess on the rescue! Moving swiftly with fast footwork the princess slashed the orc with consecutive strikes.

“Hyaah Hyaah!”

The Deep wounds inflicted on its body eventually killed the orc with a *thud*.

I repeatedly face palmed myself leaving a red mark on my skin after witnessing such a surreal spectacle.

Eh? Why is the princess the one doing the protecting??

My head ached, thinking about the future travelling with this bunch.

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