《Double Rewards for Half the Cost》1 second victory and Tryst’s other side


A moment passed in complete silence.

“You serious right now?”

“You guys were gonna force me into a bet anyways, right? If you don’t think you can cross, you’re more than welcome to decline. Tell you what, I’ll make it even easier. If I come within five feet of the line, I lose. If any part of you crosses, you win. Of course, the guards can testify for this, right?”

These were the same two I ran into yesterday, so I might as well let them have some fun.

“I don’t mind.”

“At least it’s a break from the monotony. Count me in.”

I give my most annoying, mocking smirk.

“Whenever you’re ready.”

Brutus seemed a bit smarter than his buddies, and knew something was up.

“If all six of you run at once, I doubt he can stop you. Everybody has at least some equipment with an attribute resistance, so even if we get just one guy across, we win.”

All of them nodded, and turned to face me.

“Tick tock? I don’t got all day.”

“Get him boys!”

All of them ran towards us but I just smiled. Time for an otherworldly science lesson. All living objects in this world have mana. Normally, this mana is evenly spread throughout the body, and resonates in that organism’s unique signature. As I found out in the forest, trying to force mana out of anything when it’s already tied to its host is extremely difficult. On the contrary, concentrating all the mana in a person in, say, a finger is very simple. Unfortunately for these guys, it’s also painful. Excruciatingly painful.

The square echoed with screams. All of the people rushing at me fell to the ground clutching their left hands, screaming bloody murder. Ignoring them, I cock an eyebrow at Brutus.


“You wanna try your luck? Or can we enter?”

One glance at the guys on the ground seemed to be enough for him.

“I’ll pass.”

He hightailed it out of there, glancing back with something indescribable in his gaze.

“Thanks for that. He’s a real case, that one.”

“No problem. I hate people who use power as a reason to hurt others.”

Aren’t you the same though, Master?

‘Nope, I only repaid them in kind. Didn’t I tell you? Anything anyone gives to me, I give back tenfold.’

The guards go through the formalities and let us pass through. Inside the gate is a simple set of stairs leading underground. It looks like we’ll be spending some time underground.

“Oh yeah, I almost forgot. How do I send party invites, Tryst?”

Under the chat system menu.

“Sina, I’m going to invite you to a party.”

“But aren’t we already a party?”

“We’re in a party, but this will let you use my system.”

I send the invite, and the system gives me a quick notification.

Sina has joined the party.

As party leader, choose the settings for this party.

Exp distribution: (Equal, Contribution, Leader)

Sp distribution: (Equal, Contribution, Leader)

Drop distribution: (Equal, Contribution, Leader)

Wait... I understand EXP and Drop distribution, but if others can share SP...

"Do you see this all the time?"

"Before I answer that, is there a tab named store in your menu?"

"Tab? Menu?"

... Don't tell me.

Technical terms from Earth are exclusive to Earth. Master should recognize that the system can't implant knowledge of words into others brains.


Yes Master?

"Is your entire existence solely meant to reiterate things as soon as I realize them?"

Well, yes, but actually no.


"Why are you bringing up dead memes now?!"

I was never alive in the first place. I must side with my kind, for the living are my natural enemies.

" The point was not whether the meme is dead or alive, but your character design flew out the window! You are the embodiment of suffering and darkness, and darkness doesn't tell jokes."

Ignoring the blatant 4th wall break there, Darkness is actually the number one comedic relief at parties. Although it can be rather macabre humor, he pulls it off very well.

" You guys do know that I can only hear half the conversation, and even that half I don't understand."

" Sorry Sina. Anyways, do you see the words on the bottom right of the image?"

Sina immediately looks at the wall, her tail twitching.

"... You can't read, can you."

"I can read! Just... not a lot."

Should I say it? No, I have the chance, why wouldn't I say it!

"Yare yare daze."

Master has truly sunk low...

"I saw an opportunity, and I took it. Well we'll worry about teaching you to read later. I'll earn enough SP for a permanent language acquisition pill first, then teach you."

" Got it!"

" In the meantime, DEATH TO THE DUNGEON!!!!!!!"

May I remind Master that destroying a dungeon is cutting off all the resources a town has?

" Ehem. Let me rephrase: DEATH TO ALL LIFE IN THE DUNGEON!!!!!"

May I remind Master that Sina is living, as well as any other adventurers that may be in the dungeon?

" Forget it. I can't keep that gag going."

Mission failed, we'll get 'em...

"Don't. You. Dare."

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      To Be Continued...
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