《The Wielder of Chains-Chronicles of a Patchwork World》Chapter 12: Scaled Razorback (Old Version)
Scaled Razorback
“Now that’s a big pig”
Scaled Razorback
Level 15 (Low Tier Zone Boss)
HP: ???
This monster is an evolved form of Spine Hog whose spines have grown to form an armoured coating that can also shred the flesh of anyone that comes into contact with it. This specimen has met the minimum requirements to be considered a Boss, therefore, when this beast is killed the System will give those who participated appropriate rewards.
“Alright let’s prepare,” Ulrich said, starting to equip his sword and shield before activating a Skill that made his armour’s seams glow briefly as his body’s Physical Defence increased.
Claire started whispering under her breath as she started casting Buffs over the Party paying special attention to the front-line fighters while Resald’s skin turned tough and his eyes glowed as his own Buff’s came into play.
“Before we begin can I ask two things?” Kyle whispered, and the others nodded silently in reply, “What’s my role going to be in this fight, I’m not even going to be able to damage the Boss? And, what does the System mean by ‘Rewards’?”
“First, stay as far away from the Boss as possible, try and distract a minion or two, but part of our job is to keep you safe, so no recklessness please, also the reward you get from killing a Boss, even one as weak as this, is Skill points, as well as whatever you can scavenge form the corpse,” replied Ulrich with a small grin on his face.
Kyle had to swallow the words that started to climb his throat and compose himself slightly, as Fi hissed under her breath, “Skill Points!?”
“Why do you think adventurers are interested in, places like Zones and Dungeons?” asked Claire rhetorically, “For the Skill Points given out for defeating Bosses of course. Dungeons in particular as the Bosses respawn there due to the power of the souls that went into forming the Dungeon, whereas Zone Bosses won’t.”
“I see, so that’s also why the most prosperous cities and towns have Dungeons nearby, despite the dangers,” Kyle mused.
“Right, now if we’re all ready let’s get started, we’ve got a hog to slaughter,” replied Resald with a feral look in his eyes as he nocked an arrow to his bowstring.
With smooth movement the elf’s bow bent as he took aim at the Boss, whose head was down as it ate something on the ground, releasing the arrow Resald quickly stepped back behind the tree as thorns erupted from the small injury ripping the flesh further and drawing a squeal of pain and rage from the massive boar which quickly raised its head to search for the source of what had injured it.
It’s mad eyes immediately noticed the forms of Ulrich and Theodore charging towards it and it squealed in challenge, rousing the smaller hogs around it. Resald stepped out again and shot a small grouping of arrows that deployed the same web of vines that had slowed down the wolves earlier wrapping around most of the Boss’ minions and allowing the vanguard to slip forward towards the Boss itself.
Claire matched her casting with Ulrich’s first blow casting a short-lived but powerful Buff on his blade just before it hit, blinding the beast and searing its flesh with holy power, Theodore roared seeming to grow huge briefly catching the attention of the minions, many of which struggled harder in the vines that encased them. What few of the beasts that hadn’t been caught immediately charged down the Companion who lashed out with a paw the size of a buckler catching the frontrunner and sending it flying back into the other monsters which got caught up in a heap of flailing limbs.
While all this was happening, Kyle was stealing around the perimeter to aid Theodore in handling the smaller monsters, he knew that he could only rely on his basic attack to deal damage as his Lash Skill had the risk of attracting more attention than Theodore could steal back with his own. His chain blurring towards the pile of monsters as he made his move he swore under his breath as the weighted tip bounced off with about the same effect as his unweighted one had in his first fight.
“Shit! What levels are these things Fi?” he asked his companion who was hovering just behind him. She quickly checked with her Identification Skill before replying.
“Between Levels 8 and 10, it’s no wonder you’re not doing much damage.”
“Shit, and I can’t use Lash because of the secondary effect, so this is basically the best I can do,” he growled as he continued to pummel the slowly untangling pile of bodies.
Resald was keeping an eye on Kyle and noticed that he wasn’t using the Skill he often did, wondering why briefly he shook his head and got back to firing arrows at the minions he had trapped previously, trying to keep them out of the fight before turning his attention to the Boss, which he sent one of his most useful attacks at, his Unique Skill, Arrow of Thorns at hitting it in its knee, causing it to scream in pain.
Ulrich, seeing his chance to do some real damage deflected the flashing tusks away with his shield before ducking underneath its head and slamming his sword into the injured knee drawing a plume of blood from it as he withdrew. Taking the next attack on his shield he felt his arm crack under the strain before one of Claire’s healing spells a Gentle Glow from how much better he felt after it restored his wounded limb, suddenly very thankful this Boss didn’t seem to have a healing ability he continued his attack.
Dodging a rush from a minion that got away from Resald’s Clinging Ivy Shot, one of his own Skills, the passive Combat Positioning Skill allowing him to keep track of his own position on the field of battle in relation to others he used his Ferocious Lunge to hit the Boss in its sensitive snout causing it to rear back just in time for a well-placed arrow from Resald to hit it in the throat. Feeling a twisted smile growing on his face as his excitement heightened, knowing there was a similar one on his elven friends’ face, both finding something in battle that they couldn’t find anywhere else.
Theodore roared again trying to keep any loose minions from attacking the back row as he watched that smile growing again on Ulrich’s face, ‘Heh, well at least someone’s enjoying himself,’ the bear-shaped companion thought to himself as he swiped at a boar growling as the spines covering it pierced the pad. As he shook his injured paw a small glowing orb struck it and the bleeding stopped as his master healed him, suddenly one of the boy’s chains flew over his head striking the boar he had just injured, while the attack didn’t do much it did damage a few more spines, so for that at least he was grateful, those things hurt.
Sweat running down his brow Kyle continued to send his chains whirling through the air, but the amount of damage he was inflicting was depressing, he felt like he was the only one not contributing to the fight, but he gritted his teeth and continued, this was the best he could do now, so that was what he would do. He owed them that much.
Slowly but surely the enemies weakened and then began to expire under the attacks of the group, when suddenly the Boss started to glow red and launched one of it’s spiky scales at Ulrich, who managed to get his shield between it and his chest, the armour plate ringing like a bell as is buckled under the massive impact, his arm now hanging loosely at his side Ulrich began to retreat in Theodore’s direction knowing that the companion would cover him while Claire healed his now shattered arm.
Theodore watched as Ulrich moved in his direction as arrows from Resald’s bow were followed by the elves scream of rage at his friends’ injury many exploding with thorns and vines to both prevent the beast form charging down the man and trampling him underfoot and to do as much damage as possible to the severely injured monster.
Claire watched with tears running down her cheeks as Ulrich’s arm flopped along behind him as he tried to fumble at the shield weighing it down. Her MP was getting low and she knew that if he took another hit like that it was all over for them, Theodore was strong, but he was no replacement for their main Tank.
Kyle continued to try and take out as many remaining Minions as possible, his attacks seeming to do slightly more damage now leading him to assume he had either once again levelled up his weapon proficiency or his base Stats had grown again. He finally decided to risk a Lash on a particularly wounded enemy the attack slammed into the beasts’ side causing a small spray of blood to come from its mouth as its ribs finally gave way, the creature could no longer draw a deep enough breath to squeal and yet it lowered its head and charged towards Kyle. Waiting to the last second, he stepped aside his other chain slamming into the same side he had previously injured causing the large creature to keel over as its eyes finally dimmed in death.
“Hah, another one down, but Ulrich’s looking pretty beaten up, wonder if we’re going to make it?” he wheezed, his hands shaking as he looked across the mud strewn battlefield that the previously quiet glade had become towards the large man who had watched over him as he had trained.
“I don’t know Kyle, but you levelled up from that last kill so maybe while we have the chance-” Fi began before noticing movement out of the corner of her eye, one of the remaining boars had noticed the wounded Tank and was preparing to charge, “-Or not! Kyle the boar!”
“Dump all the points into Agility and get me that Dodge Skill! He shouted leaping forward feeling the full force of his now 26 points of Agility burst through his leg muscles as he hurtled forwards, surprising even Resald had the highest Agility in his Party with the speed at which he was moving, noticing the monster charging at his wounded friend Resald shook his head and fired an arrow trying to hit one of its legs, cursing his low MP which was preventing him from using one of his more powerful Skills to help.
Kyle barrelled into Ulrich, knocking him to the side as Claire screamed in horror at the sight of Kyle about to be gored by the rapidly approaching boar leaping upwards Kyle flipped one of his chains around a tree branch as his new Skill gave him the knowledge he needed to avoid the attack pulling on the chain to gain some momentum, he reached over with his other hand as he turned in a somersault, flipping over as his chain came free of his wrist, he dropped down towards the beast spinning his body around to build up momentum sending the weight of his chain spiralling out and slamming into the side of its head. Slamming into the ground he felt his breath leave him as one of his shoulders popped from the impact, but the charging boar was worse off coming to a halt after digging up a small furrow in the muddy ground as it fell.
After that show of athleticism Kyle was pretty much out of the fight but it had brought them enough time to heal Ulrich who promptly took his sword in a two-handed grip and charged back into the fray, steam coming off his body as he activated a last-ditch Skill that improved his Stats by a large amount but had a large rebound that he knew from experience would leave him weakened for days.
Theodore stood over the young man and refused to move his ground as what remained of the boars Minions were pierced by arrows as Resald rained them down upon them Claire. watched carefully, not wanting to use a heal on Kyle unless necessary due to her low MP, Ulrich had still taken a lot of damage in that last attack and if he went down they all went down, despite her desire to help the boy she knew that she couldn’t risk it.
Kyle watched through eyes slit with pain as Ulrich once more engaged the Boss, his armour rent in multiple places from the battle, both blood and mud caked on in various quantities as the man rolled away from the slowly weakening attacks of the beast, his shield was a ruined hunk of metal, lying on the ground forgotten, the sword clutched in both hands flashing as he hacked at the beasts’ head trying to wear it down further, dodging the occasional scale launched at him, an act much easier now that he knew what the glow signified.
Dodging back from a lunge that swept upwards, the Boss’ tusks getting uncomfortably close to his chest Ulrich’s sword flashed out at its neck finally cutting deep enough through the thick scales that had so far protected the beast, a crimson spray coated the ground as the colossal Razorback fell to the ground.
The Boss has fallen!
Calculating Rewards…
Congratulations by participating in the battle the User has received:
1 Skill Point for each minion killed: x5
For participating in a battle where the Boss was over ten levels higher than the User rewards have been doubled!
Total Skill Points awarded: 10
Fi floated down to beside Kyle who grimaced in pain as he slowly moved to a seated position, “You went and did it again! How many times will I have to tell you that you’re too reckless before you listen to me!?”
“You’re the one who told me about the boar attacking Ulrich, and it’s a good thing you did Fi, no one else could have stood up to that beast,” consoled Kyle looking down at the quivering Fi whose eyes glistened with unshed tears.
“Don’t get me wrong kid, that was one hell of a move, but you were supposed to stay out of the way remember?” growled Ulrich as Claire continued her healing as he collapsed next to Kyle with a stern expression on his face.
“Sorry Ulrich,” Kyle hung his head.
“Like I said Kyle, we are supposed to be protecting you while you get some of the training you need,” started Ulrich, the stern expression on his face cracking into a smile, “and, as such you actually made a good decision, not the best decision, but your options were limited at the time so I’ll over look it just once,” he said clapping the younger man on his uninjured shoulder before going to help Resald skin the Boss taking a strange implement that looked like a flattened hook from Theodore as he did so.
Watching the two levering the scales from the razorback’s flesh Claire sat down next to Kyle, the young woman looking slightly frazzled after the stressful fight, she placed her hand on Kyle’s shoulder and used a spell that caused a cracking sound to come forth as the bones realigned themselves causing Kyle to gasp in pain and Fi to cringe.
“Sorry, I don’t have enough MP for a more powerful spell,” she apologised.
“It’s OK, it wasn’t that much more painful than it already was, and now I can go get my chain down from that branch,” Kyle replied getting up to do just that.
After he had done so he and Fi started to go over the gains from the last battle.
“Well you’ve hit an interesting milestone with your Basic Chain Fighting Skill and gained a couple of other Skill Levels today why don’t we take a look at that first and you can decide how you want to spend your points afterwards?” Fi asked as she brought up the relevant screen.
Kyle’s Skill Sheet
Currently available Slots
Currently available Skill Points
Skill Name
Basic Chain Fighting
Class Skill
Current Level: 5
Progress to next Level: 11%
A Passive Skill which indicates the wielders proficiency with chain-type weapons, higher levels will increase damage dealt and unlock special attacks.
Current Bonuses: Increases damage dealt with chains by 8%
Due to reaching Level 5 in this Mastery Skill the User can pick one free Sub-Skill from the Skill list, this Skill does not take up a Skill Slot, Skills the User already has can also be moved to this free slot.
Sub-skill of chain fighting (Active)
Level 3
Costs 5 SP per use
Progress to next Level: 71%
An active skill modified from a whip technique, causes increased damage and slightly increases the likelihood of target attacking the user, this affect increases with each successive use.
Costs 5 stamina per use.
Current Bonus: 15% to attacks.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Basic Light Armour Proficiency
Class Skill
Current Level: 3
Progress to next Level: 34%
A Passive Skill which allows one to equip and use light armour types, higher levels will give a small boost to certain stats provided by the armour and allow the user to unlock certain sub-skills.
Current bonuses: Increases the defence bonus of light armour by 6%
Basic Medium Armour Proficiency
Class Skill
Current Level: 2
Progress to next Level: 63%
A Passive Skill that allows one to equip and use medium armour types, higher levels will give a small boost to the stats provided by the armour and allow the user to unlock certain sub-skills.
Current bonuses: Increases the defence bonus of Medium Armour by 5%
Thick skin
Non-Class Skill
Level 1
Progress to next Level: 83%
A Passive Skill that decreases the amount of Physical Damage taken.
The User gained access to this Skill after taking large amounts of Physical Damage over a period of many years.
Adds 1 point of Physical Defence per Skill Level
Current Bonus: N/A
Spend Skill Points to unlock remaining Skill Slots.
Spend Skill points to activate unlocked Skills
Current unlocking cost: 5
Slots remaining for unlock: 2
Skills currently unlocked:10
“Well that’s useful, I didn’t know you could do that, makes it much more important to raise mastery Skills I guess,” said Kyle and Fi nodded in agreement. “Well I guess that’s a fairly easy decision, unlock the Control Sub-Skill I got earlier and let’s take a look at the rest.”
Due to your actions the following Skills have become available for purchase.
Skill Name
Skill Description
Basic Cooking
Non-Class Skill
Level 1
Progress to next Level: 0%
Cost: 5 Skill Points
Allows the User to cook basic food, while it is possible to cook without this Skill, the quality of such dishes is lower.
The User gained access to this Skill by observing food being prepared.
Current Bonus: N/A
Basic Riding
Level 1
Progress to next Level: 0%
Cost: 10 Skill Points
This Skill decreases the difficulty of riding more powerful mounts.
Current Bonus: N/A
Basic First Aid
Level 1
Progress to next Level: 0%
Cost: 5 Skill Points
This Skill allows the User to more efficiently stabilise Physical Status Effects.
Current Bonus: N/A
Basic Hand to hand combat
Non-class Skill
Level 1
Costs 10 points
A Passive Skill which indicates the wielders proficiency with hand to hand combat, higher levels will increase damage dealt and unlock special attacks.
Current Bonuses: N/A
Non-class Skill
Level 1
Cost 15 points
A crafting skill that allows the user to modify various items with various degrees of success. Later levels increase this ability and may allow the user to unlock a greater variety of skills.
Current Bonuses: N/A
Basic Dual Wielding
Non-Class Skill
Level 1
Progress to next Level: 0%
Cost: 10 Skill Points
Decreases the accuracy penalties caused by wielding two weapons at the same time.
The User gained access to this Skill by wielding two weapons in battle.
Current Bonus: N/A
Mana Manipulation
Non-class Skill
Level 1
Progress to next Level:
Cost: 20 Skill Points
Allows the User to use magic. Unlocks Mana Shot and one Magic School when purchased. Allows the User to unlock Spell Schools or an upgrade to this Skill every ten Skill Levels.
The User gained access to this Skill through meditating for an extended period in a Mana- rich area.
Unlocked Schools/Bonus: N/A
Basic Sneak
Non-Class Skill
Level 1
Progress to next Level: 0%
Cost: 10 Skill Points
Helps the User to pass unnoticed by enemies. Unlocks Sneak Attack for purchase.
The User gained access to this Skill by attempting to avoid enemies.
Current Bonus: N/A
Spiral Blow
Sub-skill of chain fighting (Active)
Level 1
Progress to next Level: 0%
Cost: 10 Skill Points
An attack that uses the momentum of a spin to increase both damage dealt and adds a slight chance to Stun an enemy.
The User gained access to this Skill by using a similar move to defeat a more powerful enemy.
Current Bonus: N/A
Costs 10 SP per use
Cooldown: 20 seconds
“Wow that’s a lot of Skills, it’s a good thing that there are other ways to get Skill Points huh?” Kyle said quietly.
“Indeed, so I’ll unlock another Skill Slot which will leave you with 10 points left, any thought?” Fi asked.
“While it’s tempting to get Sneak or Dual Wielding, I don’t really do much sneaking and I think that Hand to hand will be more useful right now so let’s go with that,” Kyle decided.
Fi unlocked the Skill, as she agreed with Kyle’s assessment but still wanted to get the Dual Wielding Skill later, his attacks weren’t always hitting their intended target when he used both chains, so this Skill was a must have. However, his weakness in Close Combat should be dealt with first so she didn’t regret his decision.
Surprised by a retching sound coming from Claire the two looked up to see the others crowded around the area that they had first seen the Boss. Walking closer Kyle saw what was causing the fuss, the beast had been feasting on human bones.
“Well, it looks like we were right about how the Zone was growing, guess we might have to take a trip to your village kid, sorry,” said a grim faced Resald.
Kyle nodded silently, he didn’t want to see most of the villagers again, but he knew that it was likely someone he had known.
“I’ll pull up my hood when we leave the forest, it has an enchantment on it that obscures my features, I’d rather not cause more problems for you guys than I have to.”
Ulrich nodded, “What if someone recognises you anyway?”
“Not many people were around when I left, the only one who could be a problem is Denzel the captain of the guard, but Father Thomas should keep him in line, there’s a large pocket in the coat that Fi can hide in, and besides if its someone from my village then letting them know what happened here is my responsibility.”
After this they started to head out of the former Zone, which was beginning to collapse making the journey much shorter than is had been previously as many of the monsters had also fled after the Boss fell.
A few hours later they had left the shadowy forest that the Zone had been to discover a group of people headed their way.
“That’s Thomas and Denzel in front, it must have been someone form the village after all,” said Kyle who quickly pulled his hood up, Fi diving into an inside pocket with a small grumble from Claire who had once again been petting her.
“Alright, well this is going to be fun, let’s go meet the locals,” said Ulrich as he raised a hand to his brow wearily before leading the others towards the new group.
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