《The Wielder of Chains-Chronicles of a Patchwork World》Classes and Companions (Old Version)
Classes and Companions
Walking down a worn-down patch of earth that was used as a path in the village where he lived, Kyle looked around at the small wooden and stone houses that dotted the area, noting that few people seemed to be around at this time, he hurried towards the church where Fi had appeared before him all those years ago.
Upon approaching the building in question, he noticed a man in shining armour waiting outside. The man turned his head as Kyle approached a stern expression on his scarred face, upon sighting the young man his face darkened and one his hands rose up to touch a black mark that marred the nearly mirror finish of his breastplate.
Years ago, the man had arrived in the village, a retired adventurer who had seen many battles, both with monsters and other sentient races. At the time a young Kyle had been living outside the village on a small farm with his parents. He had been in awe of the man as he rode past on his horse, his armour perfectly reflecting the light of the sun, a gift from the goddess of light he served as a Paladin. Next to him a massive winged leopard was running, this was the man’s companion, it had been raised to the point where it could be of use in battle, something many people couldn’t do.
Kyles parents had told him that the man had come to the village to become one of the guards that protected them. Though they lived outside the village walls the farm was still considered part of the village as it was difficult to raise enough food to feed everyone if they had to be confined to within the walls that protected them from the predators that roamed the wilderness.
Not long before Kyles tenth birthday a large group of monsters was sighted by a patrol and Kyles parents had hurriedly loaded as much produce and personal belongings on to the rickety wagon they used to bring their goods to town. Unfortunately, before they had reached the comparative safety of the village the draft horse that was pulling the cart came up lane and Kyles parents sent him on ahead as they tried to calm the beast which was panicking having smelled the approaching monsters. Kyle had arrived in the village shortly after and upon explaining what had occurred a group of guards was sent out to aid and protect his parents in their escape.
However, the guards were no match for the monsters and those remaining on the walls watched with pale faces as their comrades and friends were torn apart, the only survivor was the paladin, who had used his powers and prowess with his sword and shield to kill the leader of the monsters, a beast that looked somewhat like an oversized hyena with red eyes and a dark coat wrapped in shadows. The hideous beast had laughed, as the warrior, his sword lit from within by the light of his goddess had plunged the blade deep into its chest. The flying leopard had been blasting lightning down from above the entire battle and gave chase as the beast fled in terror.
The other beasts turned tail and the warrior had staggered back his once pristine armour rent and covered in monster blood, light was shining through the holes in his armour as he channelled what remained of his magic towards tending the worst of his wounds. Father Thomas the priest who ran the local church was called to help heal what damage the man could not heal himself, however shortly afterwards the two had started arguing. The paladin was blaming Kyle’s parents for what had occurred, while Thomas was trying to calm him down as the boy was still in earshot. “Those two idiots got all those men killed, for what? A few cabbages?”, the warrior had yelled, and upon hearing this the boy’s sobs had become uncontrollable his body quaking as tears rolled down his face.
Thomas had attempted to calm him down reminding the warrior that even if they had managed to get inside the village safely, something still would have had to be done about the monsters. Other surviving members of the guard joined in trying to make the point that Kyle and his parents were to blame for the deaths of the men.
The stalemate was broken when the paladin walked over towards the spot where Kyle cowered seething in rage he reached out towards the boy when he was sent flying as the priest, his eyes blazing smashed a hand cloaked in a blue light into his side. “You will not lay a hand on him”, Thomas roared as the other men looked on. Some of them started to approach and calm the priest down only to back away as a massive owl with blue and grey plumage landed in front of them. It glared down at the men as it wrapped it’s wing awkwardly around the still crying boy.
Under the combined stares of Thomas and his companion the men broke into a sweat realising that the man was far stronger than they had anticipated, “He is under my care,” the priest’s words brooked no argument as he moved away from the walls, the boy following silently behind him. Thomas looked back thinking for a while as he tried to decide what to do with the now homeless orphan. “I’m going to take you to the inn”, the man decided, “Al used to travel with me when were younger,” he explained to the boy gently as Kyle glanced up at him, his face shining in the moonlight.
Upon their arrival at Al’s inn Thomas had explained the situation to the man, Al sighed as he knelt to look the boy in the eye. “Right kid here are the rules: you work for me, and you can call this place your home as long as you need to, I’ll keep you fed, clothed and make sure none of the other villagers bother you while you’re here.” A small smile appeared on the gruff mans face as the boy nodded and he turned to Thomas remarking that the older man was getting soft in his dotage. Thomas’ wizened face crinkled in a smile as he turned and walked out the door. Kyle was then shown to the room that he would be living in for the next few years of his life.
Kyles thoughts returned to the scowling man in front of him, his armour still marked where Thomas had struck him that night all those years ago. He walked past the man into the church a small winged cat glaring balefully at him from the man’s side as he did so.
Inside the church Kyle is greeted with a familiar scene, Thomas stands on the pulpit at the back of the church and the other villagers of his own age stand facing the large flat stone that both summons the companions that allow one to access the System. This stone also allowed one to choose and eventually evolve ones Class and he quickly walked towards it some of his peers turning to glare at him as he did so.
Placing his hand on the stone he looked up at Thomas who promptly cleared his throat and started the proceedings.
“Now those of you have not all ready done so place your hands upon the stone and ask your companions to bring up you class selection screens”, Thomas instructed.
Kyle looked down at the serpent who rested her head upon his shoulder, before he could say anything Fi’s scales and eyes started to glow with a beautiful blue light and he turned back to look at the screen which appeared before him.
Attention User please select a class from the list below. Please select carefully as this decision cannot be changed.
Swordsman-Common ranked class
A warrior class that wields a sword as its primary weapon. Can equip shields, all armour types as well as one and two-handed sword-type weapons
Stats per Level: 1 point to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution. 2 Distributable Stat Points.
Spearman- Common ranked class
A warrior class that wields a spear and wears heavy armour. Can equip spear-type weapons, shields and heavy armour.
Stats per Level: 1 point to Strength, Constitution and Endurance. 2 Distributable Stat Points.
Aspirant-Common ranked class
This class primarily uses basic healing magics. Can equip light armour and staff type weapons.
Notice: To further develop this Class one must pick a deity to serve.
Stats per Level: 1 point to Intelligence, Wisdom and Willpower. 2 Distributable Stat Points.
Rogue- Common ranked class
A class that uses stealth and guile to defeat its foes. Can equip light and medium armour and dagger type weapons.
Stats per Level: 2 points to Dexterity, 1 point to Agility. 2 Distributable Stat Points.
Brawler-Uncommon ranked class
A class that eschews weapons in favour of unarmed fighting techniques. Can equip light armour and heavy gauntlets
Stats per Level: 2 points to Strength and Agility, 1 point to Constitution and Endurance. 3 Distributable Stat Points.
Chain Fighter- Unusual ranked Class
A hybrid class that uses the chain-type exotic weapon. Can equip chain-type weapons and light and medium armour types.
Stats per Level: 3 points to Agility, 2 Points to Dexterity, 1 Point to Strength and Endurance. 3 Distributable Stat Points
User, upon reaching Level 5 you must make your way to the nearest Summoning Stone to upgrade your Class. All Stat point distributions and learned Skills as well as their associated Skill Levels will be considered, and a new list of Classes will be generated accordingly. Classes can rank up upon upgrading so development is of utmost importance to achieve the best possible result.
Kyle looked over his options noting he had received some of the common Classes people could unlock. These Classes though low ranked and as such allowed less stat growth per level were none the less not to be overlooked as their growth options were very varied. Many higher ranked classes had a lot less fewer viable options upon reaching higher levels. Looking down at Fi who turned her head towards him causing her feathered crest to turn blue reflecting the faint glow of the screen, the two stared at each other pondering their options before deciding to sit down and go over them in detail.
“So, we have a few options here,” Kyle said, “we can pretty much rule out the Aspirant Class right away, as it doesn’t seem to either have a high rate of survivability or a lot of attacking options, we are going to be alone at least until we reach the next town and I don’t really want to gamble with our lives”. Fi nodded at this logical approach as she wouldn’t have any way to aid him at this point in their growth and if Kyle perished she would also die due to their bond.
“Yes, but most of the other classes have their benefits and drawbacks, the Swordsman and Spearman Classes, while ordinary have a lot of options going forth that will allow us to fight many things, however”, she replied thinking deeply, “I don’t think the Rogue Class really suits your personality and maybe we should put that to one side as well?”
Kyle agreed with his little advisor, and looked at the remaining to Classes, a tight smirk appearing on his face as he looked at the Brawler Class realising that the times he had gotten into fights with some of the other village children were probably responsible for receiving this option. He then considered the Chain Fighter Class, his brow furrowing slightly while he had heard of people receiving a Class option that was slightly different before, something that Thomas had explained to him was due to the System detecting some form of hidden potential within the User he didn’t really know anything about the Unusual rank. He assumed that this was something like the Uncommon Rank but was uncertain as to what it meant and decided to ask the one person he thought might know the answer.
“Father Thomas”, he called causing the older man to come and sit next to him. “What can you tell me about Unusual ranked Classes?”, he asked, Fi wriggled at this as she was also unsure of the answer, something that, due to her link with the System was unused to.
Thomas pondered the young man’s question for a while before hesitantly replying, “I don’t know much about the subject, but I can tell you my own Class line Priest of the System was once an Unusual rank itself, but as the years have gone by this has changed and now it’s ranked as Uncommon. Of course, this changed years before I was born, so if I had to guess I would say that is a relatively or possibly even completely new Class”.
Kyle rubbed his chin wondering what it meant that he of all people had received such a Class. “So basically, what you’re saying is that because of it’s strange nature the System doesn’t really know how to classify it causing the rank to become Unusual, but this doesn’t necessarily affect the power of the Class?”
“Yes, you could look at it that way”, a relieved smile appeared on the old priests’ face as he looked down at the boy, no the young man the boy had become pondered what this meant for him. “Would you mind showing me the Class Kyle? Perhaps I can give you some insight?”
Thomas’ Class, Priest of the System was a Class that allowed him access to certain Skills that most Classes couldn’t, and even fewer to anywhere near the same degree. This Class was very sought after as it was one of the few that could use the Summoning Stones that summoned companions and granted Classes. One of it’s other well-known abilities was a Skill that allowed the user to see the screens that would otherwise remain private allowing one to help advise the one whose power said screen represented.
Kyle nodded in relief as he was struggling to decide, and thankful that Thomas was willing to help. “Hmmm, interesting a class that wields chains, decent stat growth, however getting a chain one could use as a weapon in the first place might be a bit difficult”, the old man mused. “Well it’s certainly a viable option, I take it that Fi has already removed some options from the list?”
“Yes, we feel the ones that remain are the most viable options”, Fi quickly replied.
“Hmm, well if it helps I think that if this Class was ranked anything else it would be higher than any of the other Classes remaining on this list, and as you are aware, while rank isn’t everything, it is hard to receive a Class ranked higher than Uncommon on your first try, not unheard of, just difficult.”
Kyle looked at the priest for a while before returning his gaze to the class description in front of him, despite the many unknown quantities this Class possessed he found himself being drawn towards it. Fi watched her human partner for a while, “In the end you need to make this decision”, she said, “there is a reason most humans wait until 18 years of age before picking their Class. This is something that will have a large affect on your future growth and is also partly the reason for the existence of my kind in our current form. But, if this Class speaks to you, then you need to trust your instincts, its only the first choice of many and they will only get harder form here on out.”
Smiling down at his wise little friend, understanding for the first time just how much he relied upon her and her companionship. Finally coming to a decision, he reached out.
Class selection confirmed as Chain Fighter, assigning Class…
Skill Sheet unsealed!
You have 4 Skill Slots currently open and 4 Skill Slots which can be unlocked.
Kyle smiled at the new screens, finally he could access his Skill Sheet. “Fi we should have a look and see what Skills we have unlocked”, he said, excitement written across his face. Smirking at his childishness Fi complied.
Kyle’s Skill Sheet
Currently available Slots
Currently available Skill Points
Skill Name
Basic Chain Fighting
Class Skill
Current Level: 1
Progress 0% to next level
A Passive Skill which indicates the wielders proficiency with chain-type weapons, higher levels will increase damage dealt and unlock special attacks.
Current Bonuses: N/A
Basic Light Armour Proficiency
Class Skill
Current Level: 1
Progress 0% to next level
A Passive Skill which allows one to equip and use light armour types, higher levels will give a small boost to certain stats provided by the armour and allow the user to unlock certain sub-skills.
Current bonuses: N/A
Basic Medium Armour Proficiency
Class Skill
Current Level: 1
Progress 0% to next level
A Passive Skill that allows one to equip and use medium armour types, higher levels will give a small boost to the stats provided by the armour and allow the user to unlock certain sub-skills.
Current bonuses N/A
Spend Skill Points to unlock remaining Skill Slots.
Spend Skill points to activate unlocked Skills
Current unlocking cost: 5
Slots remaining for unlock: 4
Skills currently unlocked:3
Due to the User having an Unusual-ranked Class 10 Skill Points will be received upon levelling up which can be spent on unlocking Skill Slots, acquiring new Skills and boosting Skill Progress.
Would you like to continue?
“I think that’s enough for now”, a mildly irritated Fi stated, “we need to find a weapon and head back to the inn, Al’s waiting for us after all”. Kyle quickly agreed and stood up to leave, Thomas rose as well.
“I’ll come with you, finding something to use as a weapon will be difficult die to your class’ limitations and Al is waiting for me as well,” said the old man as he followed the pair out the door a small owl lighting on his shoulder as they left the building.
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