《Purgatory=Resurrection》Chapter 6 - Secret no more
Hello everyone, I am back home after a looong week away from civilization, no PC, no internet. Well to tell the truth it was not all that bad(I had super time), we celebrated a day(it went for the whole week) as important as New Year or Easter appropriately - Spoiler : http://www.wincalendar.com/International-Condom-Day and St. Valentine too
Now back to my fiction, some said it moved too slow, do not worry, first volume is all about MC learning about the world, later volumes will have way more action. Now each volume will be made of 9 chapters and an interlude + maybe some bonuses. Interludes will contain some pieces of related short stories, they may be 100 years before or after, maybe at present in different location, have fun figuring out when I post them, I will leave clues.
As always, thanks for reading and comment, vote, review, if possible with more that a sentence, it is my motivation for continuing!
"Hmm Huhumm~" I hum while skipping a step.
At present I, together with my mother, walk to the west side of town where, supposedly, Beata the Ancient Elf lives.
At present winter is in its starting phase, just after my third birthday, neutral merchants that head south from the northern part of the continent fleeing the coming cold bring back many furs and all the other material specific to the north.
What is strangest, that even if countries are hostile, like our Valvinar Kingdom and barbarian Northlanders to the north, special neutral traders are able to carry out trade going between them, their only threat are rouges, monsters, spirits and bandits.
So it is a dangerous job, but a very profitable one, you cannot be officially a part of any nation to be a neutral trader though.
So, despite the many new, unseen, splendorous things to see in the market we are passing through, why am I just walking near my mother humming a tune?
First of course is the reason for our little trip, to see the elf as fast as possible.
Second would be the hand of my mother that locks my own like some sort of steel chain for me to be nearby.
And the last, third one, are the stares from the surrounding women - mothers and elderly, young ones treat me like air.
That is also the reason I am not to run around, those that look at me can be separated to three general categories:
1. Warm smiles - simple warm smiles watching a family outing
2. Gossiping whispers - mostly making me some kind of super child the king-genius or something?
3. Envy stares - mostly done by the women with children my age, some sort of competitiveness with my mother or the like?
It is actually the gossips not the envy that is her concern, well if I was a simple child such talk might make me a Pinocchio, stretching my nose from pride. I suppose this is the reason mother is worried about me in excess.
I also had a great discovery recently, my mature mind is being heavily influenced by my immature body, such thoughts as games and fun influence my resolve to train and right the wrongs of my previous life, turning harsh training into a game without lessening it, I do not like losing control of my emotions, but it helps to reinforce the child image I try to portray.
I dread living though teen years again though, all those hormones are gonna batter my reason good...
In my contemplation we soon reached the outer wall soon, one of the tower was a bit strange, no one manned it, no guards or patrols could be seen, and it gave a chill, as if a great power was inside.
It was hard to see, but after inspecting it as we walked closer to it a bright blue light was emitted from the roof part of the 6 meter tall stone circular tower. I will definitely have to inspect that!
This tower had the air that shouted !MAGIC! in a whole chorus of voices.
Magic is not that unusual, almost all people can use it, though without training only the most basic spells that control existing phenomena, such as making fire hotter, or wind to blow a bit faster. These 'spells' if you can call them such are so simple they need no incantations and are used mostly for simple tasks, cooking, drying clothes and such. You can use these spells without training only if you have affinity for them, training allows to improve them to casting and use simple spells without affinity.
This tower radiated magic so strongly you almost had to shield your eyes from it like from a bright sunlight.
When we approached heavy metal reinforced wooden doors that led inside mother pulled the bell attached to nearby wall three times.
As the bell rang, a small jewel atop the door emitted blue light, with time it changed into green. With the change wooden doors opened by themselves with all the cool grinding sounds made by the doors in haunted house horror movies. I might even skipped a beat, either from fear or excitement, I don't really know.
The inside was not what I expected from a outer wall guard tower, all walls were covered by shelves full of books and other things I can only describe as 'stuff'.
It was skulls, vials, globes, crystal balls and other misc 'stuff'. If I could make a comparison it would be stepping into a abode of a occult mad scientist mage that just got a hold of anything that interested him.
Then I think about it, ancient elves might have the lifespan to actually delve fully in all those things making full use of the experience. This might be better then I thought, I might learn that much more from this person then I thought, need to make a favorable impression.
With that mental decision I saw a shadow growing bigger under my feet, mother was already looking up with a smile.
"Got you little boy" I heard a soft whisper just above me, before I could react I was scooped into the embrace of a beautiful woman.
"Eh" I leaked a short sound of surprise.
"Don't scare him too much lady Beata" mother said chucking.
"Ha ha, little Astrid, why don't you call me aunty like you did before"
"Nu, don't make fun of me Beata" mother said getting a flush of embarrassment on her face.
"That is revenge for the 'lady' you just uttered"
"How did you do that??" I finally freed myself from stupor observing their talk while still being in the arms of the elf.
"Did what? Ahh, you mean how I took you by surprise, it seems you trained a lot for your age boy. It is simple, I just floated to you from above, thus making no movement sounds"
"FLOATED???" I got riled up, if excitement could be manifest, my eyes would be spewing stars out of them.
"Yup, a spell of [Levitation] to be exact"
"MAGIC!!!" I got even more riled up.
"Egil, I think you are old enough to stand by yourself, do not bother la-, Beata too much."
"Ah, I am sorry mother, lady Beata" I hurriedly leave her embrace, embarrassed red as a tomato.
"Do not worry child, you can call me aunty like your mother, great-grandfather and great-great-grandmother once did" She said smiling. Wait, one generation is missing?
"Beata, how was your journey this time? Anything of interest?"
"I visited Argent City and met the Silver Lady and Obsidian Knight in their throne room, to tell the truth I did not expect such friendly demeanor from a former High Elf and 'that'. Well the ancient city of 'NORTH' is till the same, they are making some progress against the undead, but any real push is due only in some 200~ years so it is of no danger to Baldr, Orcmen still fight against the traitorous Wild Elves and barbarian Northlanders, if Vikos does not move against them they will remain in the east, on the other hand Frost Giants are coming south from the northern wastelands, Silver Lady asked me to warn Valvinar about possible push of barbarians as they are assaulted by giants and pushed south."
This talk is too high level for my present knowledge, I take it all in, but my eyes are still drawn to the shelves and all the strange things they contain.
"Huhuhu, boy, it seems like our talk is a bit boring for you, you can look at the things here, touching is ok, but please try NOT to damage anything" Beata says with a bit of intensity at the end.
"But Beata that is..."
"Do not worry Astrid, nothing dangerous is placed on this floor, lets return to our conversation."
I soon run to the nearest wall, these shelves contain mostly books and things completely new to me, inspecting this part alone would take me at least a day, to read so many books would be at least a year, so I start making use of my limited time.
"It is getting dark, maybe we should go, I still need to pack Baldr for his trip back to the fortress..."
"Astrid, you should let him to his own choirs more, even if he is a powerful and high ranking warrior packing his own things up should be manageable, you spoil him too much. I am a bit hungry, maybe you could make me some of your delicious sweets, here, take this gem, it should cover the cost of ingredients"
"But Egil is..."
"No worries, I will look after him, or you started to doubt my child rearing abilities after you grew up?"
"No, of course not, you looked after me at least as much as my own mother did, very well, I will return in a couple of hours with the desserts, Egil, listen to everything Beata tells you to do"
"Yes mother" I answer without leaving the new 'toys' I found, getting a sigh as a response.
After mother leaves Beata calmly approaches me.
"Now boy, lets talk. I see you are more than you look, you posses intelligence beyond your years but lack knowledge. Do you wish me to teach you a bit while I am in town?"
"Yes!" She even approached me by herself, now I don't need to try sucking up to her to learn things.
"Boy, what do you want to become? A powerful mage, or a strong warrior? A priest or simply to live your life in piece?"
"I train with father in martial arts and weapon handling, but magic is definitely something I wish to learn!"
"So the path of a magic fighter. You know, before the fifth year of ones life soul is still not synchronized with ones body, preventing the use of magic, but there is a way around this, it has its price though, that is the reason I sent your mother away."
"What is the price?" I ask gingerly. Why is she gets this heavy talk as soon as mother left, more so to a three year old brat that is possibly more than few hundred years her younger.
"It will lower your magic capacity, also reduce the effectiveness of the spells from divine schools if you have affinity for them."
"Those are some major demerits lady, why someone would want to do it?"
"Because you lose nothing, it is just redistributed to your other statuses, so what do you say boy?"
Hmm, it is not that bad of a deal I think, my mana capacity should still be big enough for many spells augmenting my fighting style, plus I will still grow for many years improving my abilities, but further this talk goes more wrong it feels, why did she make mother leave, should she not be here to help me make this decision, both my mother and Beata possess a strong trust for each other, this talk should be no different from the one before.
"I am ok with it, but we should wait for mother to return, she should help me make such an important decision."
"Don't worry, I myself had my soul stabilized, even became a mage. Your mother won't oppose this, let's make a surprise for her. Wait, I'll get the tool we need."
Beata again used [Levitation] and got to the second floor, after some rummaging sounds she came back with the said tool.
While I was cautious of what kind of tool it was, she carried a crystal ball filled with something like smoke, like the one used by the phony seers back on earth, easing my worries.
"Just place your hand on the ball, and it will be over, no pain or any sort of inconvenience" she said pacing the ball on the table.
What should I do? This seems suspicious, but she would not dare to hurt the child of her dear friend, being unable to use magic for another 2 years means I lose the best times of childhood training, when you can learn easiest. What harm can a crystal ball do?
I slowly place my hand on the ball and feel no pain like she said, only a feeling like having your hand wet and all the water is being absorbed into the globe.
The globe itself start to slightly vibrate and the smoke inside to swirl.
You have used the Globe of Status before your fifth year forcefully fixing your soul to your body, gaining trait Bound Soul with all its effects
You have used the Globe of Status, your status is recorded in the globe and can be seen on material plane until it is recharged
You have used the Globe of Status before your fifth year forcefully fixing your soul to your body, unlocking 'Skills' and 'Traits' menus and their purchase options
Egil TammNorthlander HumanOtherworlderLevel 12SP 213Strength42(+36)Constitution60(+46)Dexterity40(+24)Agility35(+14)Wisdom27(+63)Spirit54(+43)Health410(+841)Stamina275(+465)Mana305(+835)DivinityMortal - Common[/tr]
"Oh shit!" shouting I try to turn around as Beata was standing behind me a few meters away.
Unfortunately as soon as I did that a great pressure assaulted me, as if gravity itself doubled, without being able to move I had my neck pierced by her estoc. Thanks all the gods it was only skin deep.
"Who, what, are you?" She asked with such intensity, with that the pressure seemed to increase, I couldn't move, opening and closing my mouth to get some air like a flapping fish out of water.
"It was a good choice to travel and seek advice from the Silver Lady after I found anomaly in you during healing, using the globe was a good suggestion."
"So who are you? I know some higher ranking demons can shapeshift to deceive others, they brought down southern empire like that, but your stats are way too low to be one, so talk or die!"
"I-I am human, m-my status show that too." I manage a stammer.
"True, but no one can get a class before their soul stabilizes, and your bonus stats from traits and skills are way too big, even if traits are from birth. I never heard of Otherworlder class too."
What to do??
Fight? No, she handles that estoc too well, I would definitely lose and die.
Run? No, it looks like I would die from her magic even faster and more gruesome.
Her eyes seem to pierce even my soul.
So what did I do?
I talked, as if I had no tomorrow, probably that was closer to the truth than I want to admit.
I told her what she wanted to know.
I told her what she didn't want to know.
I told her what she wanted to not know too.
We were around the third chapter of my mental book 'Life of Paul Oaks - by Paul Oaks' when she looked outside and sheathed her weapon, releasing her pressure at the same time.
"Astrid is coming back, I deem you not harmful, but come here tomorrow to finish your story, if you run, I WILL hunt you down."
To those words I am just able to wildly nod.
After all that we ate the sweets mother brought in a cherry atmosphere as if nothing happened before returning home.
"Look up your status again, we will talk more about them tomorrow" were the last words she whispered before I departed home. What did she mean by that?
- In Serial100 Chapters
Dreams or Another World - Not a Zero (Update 09/19/21)
(Updated 09/19/21) Hello and welcome. If you made it this far and the book title sounds interesting, I'm hoping you'll read a few chapters. Here's a sample from chapter 1 of "Dreams or Another World - Not a Zero."Slowly starting to wake up, I become aware. It's like coming out of a fog.Head hurts.Body hurts.There's a conversation in the room. This isn't my bed. Someone is touching my arm. I crack my eyes to look. She doesn't notice. Is she praying for me? Her hands do feel good…do feel... Slipping back unconscious, my eyes slowly close. I didn't notice the soft green glow under Jenn’s hands.*******************"It does look like he saved them or at least stalled them long enough for us to get there." says the man dressed more like a park ranger than an officer of the law. "I did think he was part of it at first" he continues "but the evidence shows he wasn't there and they were certainly fighting on that back road where we found them""I don't care who he is." says a woman as she enters the room. "He saved and protected my Jenn. I will make sure there's not a mark or a scar on him before he leaves". As she continues the few steps over to the men speaking, even though dressed simply in common clothes, there is no doubt the race of elves is in her heritage. The grace and lines of her form. The elegance and lightness of her step. She glances at her daughter, still watching over the young man in the bed. "Do we know who he is yet?" she asks no one in particular."Not yet dear" a man in a white coat responds. A handsome middle-aged man. Fit, but not that of a fighter or ranger. "I asked Talon to bring another identification stone with him. I was hoping ours was just broke, but it's reading the same.""What do you think is wrong?" Talon asks."I'm thinking we just have to wait until he recovers. I have heard of cases where the stone didn't work. Powerful spells can hide or wipe a person clean. I doubt he's a spy or a criminal. Spells like that are just too high level if, they're used at all. My best guess is, there is just some disconnect with him being unconscious. When he wakes, we can ask him or use the stone again then."I find myself waking up in a hospital bed. The attending Doctor finds it odd that he cannot identify my class. An Officer says I’m a Hero for saving a girl from being kidnapped, but he’s asking too many questions for my liking. I know an accusing tone when I hear it. I don’t remember any of it and I need to find my way home.Author’s notes. Original work. First draft and update of chapters 1-16. Inspired by various fantasy games and books. Written with a focus on character development and interaction. Combat, progression, leveling, classes, but no numbers or stats. I’ll try to keep the language clean, PG-13, no smut. I’m in the US, writing in English. Almost fifty chapters are completed as I pen this introduction. I intend to complete this story or at least bring it to a proper ending. I have a destination in mind. I find as I write, doors and ideas open, while others close and are discarded. The tentative release schedule will be once a week. I'm new to creating. My apologies now while I learn. I have not settled on a book cover or artwork, still looking for something that fits. Registered & Protected #20VjeKDv2U6nynW6
8 494 - In Serial212 Chapters
My Status as an Assassin Obviously Exceeds the Hero’s
Oda Akira, a high school student who excels in erasing his presence, was summoned along with his classmates to another world. In this world of sword and magic, Akira and his classmates were asked to become heroes and bring down the demon king. Having a bad feeling about the king and the princess who asked them, Akira uses his special skills to sneak into the king’s library, in hopes of discovering the truth. Whether to help or abandon his classmates who knew nothing, it all depended on Akira.
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Neiero: The Journey(Dropped)
What would you do, if you were sent into another world?Freak out? Good answer.But what if, you were seperated from the rest too?Also freak out? Yeah, alright. 75 Points on repeating answers.To put it simply, this is a story revolving around two main characters, each of them being a student that was sent into another world, the world of Neiero. However, due to odd events, one of them gets sent to a completely random area, away from the rest of his fellow students. Meanwhile, his friend who was summoned with the rest of the students and teachers, quickly realised that he was missing, and goes out to find him, only for something else to occur, truly kicking the story forward. In this new world of Neiero, these two students will bump heads against many different obstacles, get dragged into unfortunate situations, and ultimately discover more of this world as they go! Oh? You're asking what're their names? Hehe...You'll have to find out... Okay, no. This story revolves around two close friends, Damian Alexander and Jake Darryl, and their different stories as they are seperated from each other, with Alex being sent to an unknown location, while Jake safely landed with the rest of his classmates. Alright, enough descriptions. In simple terms, this story will jump between two different characters. They will get sucked into different situations, and ultimately make stupid mistakes.Well, that's enough of me.*Knock, Knock*Oh, it seems my lunch has arrived too. Well, enjoy reading! FYI: I'll be updating the chapters every 2 days...to the best of my capabilities. Alright, enough stuf. Time to eat!
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The Isle (TOME2)
Vegeta, a wild, inhospitable planet, a terrifying jungle with terrible predators and volcanoes. A ship crashes and survivors try to organize themselves while waiting for help.Me? Well, I have very big teeth and I bite other predators. I hate violence, but there you go, you gotta eat. Blood, blood and more blood. Ew, I can't take it anymore. Then a shooting star and a fireball! Oh, it's cutting in half! A piece of it is coming near me and I'm going to check it out.An open tube with smoke, a luminous egg with a little monkey in it with a beautiful coat and a luminous plate with a female monkey singing? I'm interested and decide to settle down here. This metal tube looks comfortable. I'm going to make my lair here. TOME 2 of the Nest but can be read independently.You'll find out what happened to Wistala, Slipper and Akulatraxas and Marius and the shy Romeo later.
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The Sleeper's Serenade
An age ago, the last of the gods ascended. Centuries have come and gone without them hearing their true names. A poor fisherman and a worse drunk, Harpis Akkeri, is stumbling and struggling to find his place amidst the bitterly divided city-states of his home. Unknown to most, there is a secretive organization keeping order through manipulation and murder, but are they the puppet or the puppet master? Not all who work in the shadows are willing to suffer them, and the greater good for all does not always suit those who execute it. Facing death, in a moment with nothing to live for, Harpis finally begins to fight. If he can find his voice, the gods may yet have ears that listen.
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Captured By The King
Felicity Lowell is part of the royal family. She was raised to be a queen. Every human being looked up to her and expected highly of her.There was one thing that disgusted Felicity, she hated how her people enslaved vampires. She's disgusted by their hatred to these supernatural creatures, she promised herself that if she is crowned queen, she would wipe out all vampire slavery. She thought they deserved better.What happens if things go the other way around? As soon as the vampires were free, they got hold of the humans. They were all helpless, they all became slaves. Vampires vowed to themselves that they would make humans go through what they experienced under their power.Felicity Lowell, she became a slave to the King. In this story, the Queen shall never bow to her King.
8 246