《Purgatory=Resurrection》Chapter 2 - Status
This chapter is a bit longer and done better, later i will reedit first three to be like this. Please comment and rate my work, enjoy!
Hmm... Hello everyone! No, that's wrong... Well screw it, after recent brush with death, yes I survived, I decided to write something like a mental diary in this Index thing I learned to use, more about that later, first lets clear some thinks about my first year in this new world.
First three months after birth are ... not of importance so I use [Skip] on them. Since learning crawling, later walking and revealing crude baby language(fake) I was able to learn a bit about my surroundings, writing about all the small things is a bother so I'll again use [Skip].
First things first, I am no longer Paul Oaks but Egil Tamm and from now on will refer to myself as such.
My mother is called Astrid Tamm and is a herbalist of some renown in the region and a sort of teacher of small children around 7 years old. Many people come to our house to receive various potions and medicine my mother creates on daily basis. It seems there is healing magic, but it works almost only on physical injuries, as such can only heal physical discomfort, not the illness itself. According to mother there are [Cure] spells, but they are from a different discipline then [Heal] spells used by the priests.
Mother also has an unusually big(?) collection of books. That's about 10 handwritten books of various sizes, as expected of medieval-like world, no printing press. She treats them very carefully and never ever allows others to take them, even when I asked to show me one with big puppy eyes the only concession I got was to sit on her lap when she flipped the pages, some of the books were passed on by her parents and grandparents it seems.
Yup, my language translator(?) was totally not working on writing, it was all only scribble to me.
As a tall blond beauty with green eyes she still garners quite the attention on the streets despite being a married mother. Well considering she still is only 28 it is easily understandable, and I can say with confidence that even the antisocial 26 years old me before death would lock his sights on her walk-by ass on instinct. Not that anyone dares to make a move on her if they don't want to have a stick shoved up their asses and be left hanging feet up naked from the towns gate, ahh it sometimes is such a good thing that people think I understand nothing they say.
Now lets move to the perpetrator, I'm sorry, my father Baldr Tamm. Or I should say Baldr Tamm, second in command of the Red Bear Legion northern garrison, sir! As one of military newbies shouted out when he came to pick him up.
To tell the truth his sudden shout gave my a fright and this damnable body let it leak like a Nile on the rise. Considering I was in the arms of my mother, after taking a looks at my tearing up eyes(from humiliation) this interloper was soon driven away by the invisible laser eye beams of hers(not really, but it felt like that).
Returning to my father, yes he is second in command of the Red Bear Legion northern garrison, which is something like the special force of the region. Now some may wonder why someone of such importance lives a happy family life with free time to spare, I found the answer from the same newbie soon enough after he stealthily returned(mother went inside to get me a spare change leaving me with father).
It seems he asked for a temporary leave of absence to help with my birth, taking up residence in this town, which is few villages south of the main fortress of northern garrison right at the northern border of the country. The two were talking about some winter raids(?) of barbarians and a suppression force, the need for him to return. While they were talking about some strange distances my trusty companion Mister Translator(?) allowed me to understand that the fortress and the border are very close, only some 30 kilometers away, and that the other side is less than friendly.
With the return of mother newbie went away as smoke not leaving even dust rising from the gravel road. After my parents whispered something to each other father left for a few days.
Now lets talk about close NOT-family of the household.
First is our last permanent inhabitant of the house - my fathers beloved war horse called Arajev. How bellowed you ask, enough to have his own shed in the yard and not have to be left in the stables of the town.
First time I saw it I pissed my pants, it is shameful to admit but it happened often in my early days. This horse looked totally different from others I saw on the street, I would not be surprised if he actually could hunt down a lion, beat him to death and eat it.
He was a whole size bigger than other normal horses, black in color with bloodshot eyes and releasing its breath in visible puffs of white steam, it's a fucking end of the century horse! Though in time I learned that Arajev was a very gentle but hardy creature who loved carrots(they look the same only are white, thanks Mr. Translator!), I even got to ride it a few times with my father.
Lastly is Shalala, yes he is a male despite the name, something of a hunter/servant of ours. It seems he had his life saved by father years ago and decided to serve him the best he could. He is a half-elf by the way, a fact I only learned today for he never took his leather cap of.
He does not live with us but in a cabin in the nearby woods and is the one who brings herbs and weeds for mothers medicines and most of his game that become our diner. Seems like even a well off families like ours would not be able to eat meat more then a few times a week because of the market costs, some points up for you mister. Usual diet is something like gruel or thin vegetable soup with hard bread without meat and poultry like ours.
Now about the place I live - it is the biggest town more than 100km around on the northern border called Schnell. It contains around 30 thousand people and is fortified with tall stone walls. So my parents and even my town is scarily familiar to the previous life, this is definitely a setup by JUDGE and Raismond for sure, I even can imagine them laughing in a high pinched way while looking down on me.
Now lets get to the interesting stuff - as my body(with help) was fighting against the illness I had a very fulfilling and interesting meeting, no, I didn't lose my marbles, death visited me, I mean THE Death of this universe. We even had a small tea party with a chat, a nice chap, a bit of a babyface but divine even to my male standards - Relur the God of Death and Life.
Unlike the A-holes(yes you JUDGE and Raismond) Relur actually was helpful, only refusing "It is not useful to you", "Mortals need not to know" or "You will learn in the Mortal Realm" questions.
Yes this word is called "Mortal Ream" or simply "World" and no it is not the only realm, in fact every celestial body is a realm of its own, for example two of the world moons are their own realms and something like hangouts for diverse divine beings, something of a neutral meeting places for everyone.
Oh, I never mentioned this world has two moons? Well it has something like rings too. By the way Mr. Translator seems to interpret some of the names told in a way I can associate with things from my previous life, the two moons for example: South Pillar - Atlas and North Dome - Uranus.
Relur also explained basic orders of beings in this universe, it goes like this:
Supreme God-Class - hold no relevance to mortals, by Relur
Greater God-Class - Four God-Kings of the Universe
Major God-Class - well, basically they are the ones that mach the term "God" best, Stars seem to also be in this class(I am not shiting you, stars are freaking gods too!)
Minor God-Class - these gods are much weaker then Major types, most are tied to some aspect of worship
Divine Hero-Class - They are something like generals of god armies
Avatar-Class - Elementals mostly compose this class of beings
Immortal-Class - weakest class of divinities, some are ancient divine races, some are ascended mortals
Mortal-Class made from three subclasses:
Upper - Heroes, Champions and so on
Common - most humanoid races
Lesser - insects, animals and such
Undead-Class - an irregular class that have no divinity, but in terms of power can range from Lesser Mortal to Divine Hero Class
Yup, basically with talent, skill, effort and HUGE amount of luck people can ascend and become immortal, there are few who clawed themselves to minor godhood and only one to major godhood. I thought my eyes would pop out then I learned that the one was Raismond, seems like he was all buddy-buddy with JUDGE even before reincarnating and going all 'God I Am'.
Then I asked about JUDGE it basically come to this:
Every universe has its own divinity, it may be a monolithic god, a pantheon or uncountable amount of spirits, they all are of different power levels and basically cannot interfere into other universes, they can visit them, but not as all powerful gods.
Then there is 'THE CENTER OF ALL THINGS' of the entire multiverse, so everyone decided to put up a system, someone would stay in the center and redirect souls to their most fitting destinations, as you are powerless in the center no god was willing. Then JUDGE went out with few conditions:
1. I can screw with the souls when they are in the center
2. My chosen destinations cannot be ruled over
3. No other god can judge souls on multiversal level
Everyone accepted and lived happily ever after, not. Well he was accepted because of his ability to be at all slices of dimensions at the same time, having no need to expend power to meet every soul that come his way, he can do it naturally. Holding the line my ass, could have sent me off with more dignity at least.
Now returning to the gods of this universe, I somehow managed to wrench out that Supreme-Cass Gods actually are out of the picture, literally, none of them are actually active, maybe some old fashioned god children against god parents rebellion play was going?
Well, main point is the four God-Kings, they are the ones who basically run the whole show. Seems like each leads a faction of the gods, I even made a promotional shouts for each to relate to their ideology:
First faction are the Order guys - 'Order, Justice and a Stick up your ass!' they were the ones connected to the light spewing doorway, looks like I made the right deduction of them being the stuck up rigid types.
Second would be the Chaos dudes and dudettes - 'Chaos, Evil, MUHAhahaaa!' yes your classical evil villain and chaos is progress types, maybe they have some evil professors or the like up there? They were connected to the purple light doorway.
Then there is the Void faction that Relur is part of, to summarize them best is something like this "I don't give a shit', well they are basically those who care only about themselves, have their own small factions going or simply don't want to belong to other factions. They were connected to the black shroud doorway, damn should have taken that one.
And the last one, the one Raismond belongs is Balance - 'Balance ... Balance'. I don't know how else to describe those guys, well you can do what you want only if you do not tip the balance to order or chaos too much and maintain the balance between them in the realms. Why do you need to do that? I have no frikking idea. The mist doorway is theirs.
Relur even told me that in this world are 13 elements, NO shit, not 4, not 5, frikking 13! Those are:
Divine Elements:
Elemental Elements(I know, it sounds stupid):
Mortal Elements(?):
He told me nothing more no matter how much i pestered, saying 'You will learn that in Mortal Realm'. Considering he is Called God of Life and Death and is part of the Void faction gives him power over whole frikkin' 3 elements, Relur seems to be one of the top dogs, if not a God-King himself.
Now about the game like elements in this world, though Relur avoided the question why they were there, he told me how to access them, something about "Concentrate your mana in your mind and mentally give orders "Status", "Skills", "Traits" and "Index" and corresponding window will appear in front of you, only you can see it. It seems normally mortals only has access to only "Status" window, but my class seem to allow me full access to others, at first i thought cool, now it more something mnaaa...
As I could not test it the dreamworld I had to learn mana control after getting healthy again. With that our little tea party ended we parted on good terms, Relur even said he will give me a hand at times.
After awaking were two excruciating weeks of bed rest and bitter medicine. In the recent two weeks I was able to control my mana and opened my status window, though others beside index were for some reason blocked:
Egil TammNorthlander HumanOtherworlderLevel 5SP 35Strength11(+27)Constitution13(+37)Dexterity11(+12)Agility10(+7)Wisdom10(+57)Spirit8(+47)Health120(+326)Stamina105(+111)Mana90(+525)DivinityMortal - Common[/tr]
While Index is something like a library in my mind, connected to Aether(place of eternal knowledge) automatically recording every true piece knowledge I come across and has this neat diary function.
Using Index as a help function I also learned about my race and class, though the later was a bit of letdown:
Northlander Human
Northlander Humans are a human race that favor cold climates and are renowned for their hardy constitution and unyielding spirit.
A unique class given to reincarnated souls of other universes. Otherworlders are bestowed by JUDGE a wide variety of rights that are usually locked to the divine beings of considerable power, in turn they receive no bonuses to stats like other classes being alternate to commoner class.
[Class is locked and cannot be changed]
[Language Comprehension]
[Aether access Unlocked: Divine Hero]
[All Class Skills Unlocked]
[All Racial Traits Unlocked]
[Trait/Skill purchase Unlocked]
(Warning: Buying too many racial traits of other species my chance your own race, you will unable to use bought skills that your body is physically unable to perform)
Yeah, its kinda late game super class, but my early years are gonna be hell, though how did I get that many bonus stat is a mystery, maybe when skill and trait windows are unlocked it will be clearer.
"Honey-pie, your birthday cake is ready, everyone is at the table already, come quickly!"
Ups, I have to go, sweets are a rarity here, mmmnnn, a cream-pie and a fruit-cake, can't wait!
If anyone is interested JUDGE looks similar to the truth/God from Fullmetal Alchemist
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