《Regis》Chapter 7 - Hide!!


Sorry for the delay. I was busy with class work. Here is your regular chapter. the next one will come out the day after tomorrow. I have class tomorrow sorry :p.

Ryu was reading everything with great concentration. Suddenly, a hand shook him out of his reading. It was his mother. Selina asked, "Ryu, have you had enough for today? We can always come back tomorrow, right?"

Ryu nodded, "Alright mom, let’s go."

Ryu picked up the books and brought them to the front desk to return them to Syra. Upon reaching the desk, Ryu discovered that Syra was not there. Ryu asked the man at the desk, "Excuse me. Is Mister Syra here? I have some books I have to give back to him."

The other librarian said, "I’m sorry, he’s not present now. Why don’t you give me the books and I’ll give them to him after he returns."

Ryu said, "Ok, here you go."

After he handed the books back to the librarian, the librarian took the books and flipped through them. He stopped Ryu from leaving and said, "Excuse me young master. These are not books from our library."

Ryu was confused, "Huh? But I found them on that table."

The librarian responded, "No, see here. If this was a library book, there would be an insignia on the last page. See on this book there isn’t."

As he was showing the books to Ryu, a little not slipped out. Ryu picked up the note and began reading.

To Ryu,

This is Syra. So I missed your birthday a couple months back. So just take these books as your birthday present. I heard you like reading right. So enjoy, I’ll give you some more books next year.


Ryu thanked the Librarian for his assistance and apologized for the inconvenience. He then walked back to his mother who was waiting for him by the door. Ryu showed his mom excitedly, "Mom, look. Mister Syra gave these books to me as a gift! He said its an apology for missing my birthday."

Selina said, "Ah yes. He had some work to do so he wasn’t able to make it. How nice of him to get you something. Did you enjoy them?"

Ryu continued, "Yeah the books were awesome. Also Mister Syra is Super Strong!!!"

Selina muttered, "Yes he is. Otherwise why would he be able to live for so long. tch."

Ryu asked in worry, "Mom, what’s wrong?"

Selina smiled and said, "Hmm nothing. What do you want to go look at now?"

Ryu asked with puppy eyes, "How about some weapons. Can we, Can we please. Just looking, we don’t have to buy anything."

Selina gave in and nodded, "If it’s only to look around…. I guess it’s fine."

Ryu shouted and ran in circles around Selina, "YES!!!!!!! Let’s goo…. Hey mom I just realized where is Dad?"

Selina said, "Hmmm. Syra said he needed your dad to help him with something. So they took off together."

Ryu thought for a bit and then said, "Oh. I bet they are bringing back more book! Hahaha, more books for me to read!"

Selina muttered, "Tch. More like getting drunk somewhere."

Ryu shouted as he ran ahead, "Mom!! Weapons now please…"


Selina called back at him, "Alright, Alright we’re going. Don’t be so impatient."

Ryu nodded and slowed down, "Ok."

So Ryu and his mother walked towards the merchant stores, looking for a decent weapons store. As they walked past Ryu saw a weapons store with lots of sword inside. He dragged his mother inside after pestering her if they could go inside. As they opened the store the merchant inside greeted them. The Merchant welcomed them as they walked in, "Welcome dear customers Wel-..... YOUR LADYSHIP what are you doing here??"

Selina asked with a frosty smile, "Oh, does that mean I’m not welcome here?"

The Merchant shook his head in a hurry, "Of course not, I was just surprised as to why your ladyship would visit this lowly one’s shop."

Selina said in a monotone, "My little boy wanted to browse through some weapons. Show us what you have."

Merchant nodded frantically, "Of course your ladyship."

Inside his head the Merchant was thinking, “Why is she here, Dammit. I heard last time a merchant pissed her off and the next day he went missing. Not a single hair was found. Must not offend her. Have to keep her in a good mood. I know, I heard that she dotes heavily on her child. Let’s impress/entertain the child. Maybe that will put her in a good mood.” He turned towards Ryu.

The Merchant turned towards Ryu and asked, "Young Master what kind of weapons would you like to see?"

Ryu shouted, "SWORDS! I read that all the heroes used swords. Do you have any good swords?"

The Merchant said proudly, "OF COURSE. We pride ourselves on our collection of swords. Over here you can see our best swords."

As he was saying this, the merchant opened some glass cases and pulled out a sword. The sword was long, thin and had a straight blue line running down the middle of the blade. The grip/handle was a shining silver engraved with grooves and the pommel held a small turquoise gem.

The Merchant explained, "This sword was created in Vane City, the capital city of Vane Kingdom. It is classified as an upper grade Normal class weapon. The small turquoise gem can be used to store a decent amount of energy and the energy can be used to attack."

At his comments, Ryu began staring at the sword. He was almost at the point of drooling. However, Selina was not impressed. She just evaluated the sword with a frown. Feeling that his life may be at the risk. The merchant quickly said,

The Merchant continued proudly, "Of course this is not our best swords. Over here we keep our prized collection."

As he spoke, he pulled out a key and opened a large shelf mounted on the wall. Inside there were 4 different swords. One was a orangish colored longsword. It had the carving of a lion on its blade. The pommel held a thumb sized orange gem. It looked fierce and powerful.

The sword next to it was a green colored rapier. There was an ornate drawing on its handle and the pommel held a pinky sized dark green gem. It looked as if it was swaying on the shelf.

The 3rd sword was a light blue colored saber. The blade looked flexible and the grip hid a small pebble sized sky blue gem. It felt flexible and gentle.


The final sword was a broadsword. It was tinged light brown and there was some inscriptions on the blade of the sword. The pommel held a thumb sized dark brown crystal. It looked imposing and unyielding.

Ryu was standing there taking in everything, from the polish on the blades to the irregular shapes of the gems and crystals. Next to him, Selina finally showed different emotion than disappointment. She did not approve the swords but she did not find them lacking.

The Merchant explained the history of the swords, "These four swords were forged in the workshops of a famous smith. He also resides in Vane City. Each of these swords has a different elemental affinity. The longsword has fire affinity, the rapier has wind affinity, the saber has water affinity, and the broadsword has earth affinity. All four of these sword are classified as mortal class weapons. The longsword is a lower grade Mortal class weapon, the rapier is mid grade mortal class weapon, and the broadsword and saber are both peak grade mortal class weapons. "

Ryu asked, "Mom what’s elemental affinities?"

Selina told him, "Hmm. That will be a long discussion, so how about we talk about this at home honey?"

Ryu agreed, "Ok Mom!"

The Merchant asked nervously, "So how are they your ladyship?"

Selina said, "Hmm, so there are some good swords here. Good job."

The merchant felt as though Selina was telling him that he had just saved his life. After hearing her say this, he finally let out a sigh of relief. Suddenly, Selina turned towards him and said, "Since you have the capability to possess all these rare weapons, then you must definitely have a better weapon? Am I right?"

The Merchant said hesitantly, "This…. I do indeed possess a better weapon. However, it is not something people are willing to buy."

Selina said, "I will be the judge of that. Go bring it out and I will see if it is worth it or not."

The Merchant nodded and said, "As you wish."

Having said this, he walked into a side room and started rummaging around. As he was doing so, a large amount of smoke came into the room. Ryu sneezed, "Achoooo!"

The merchant came out carrying a large box. He set the box on the table and grabbed a cloth and began cleaning the dust off. After he was done, he slowly removed the cover. Inside was a golden colored spear. The only difference was that both ends of the spear had blades. It was a double sided spear. The blades were ornate and deadly. The handle was engraved and there were two gems on the handle. However there was 4 more empty slots along side the two blades.

The Merchant said proudly, "This is the best weapon that I have. It is a peak grade Magical class weapon. It also has 2 extremely pure lightning element gems. This make it able to be on par with lower grade and some mid grade Earth class weapons. Actually, the smith who forged this weapon could not finish it. See here, there are four more slots for gems. If you could find a smith to finish this and find some high grade gems, then this spear would definitely become an Earth class weapon, maybe even a upper grade Earth class weapon. However, this is a hard task to do. Another reason nobody would buy this spear is because nobody has ever mastered the way of this spear. To use this spear you would need a new martial art. That’s why no one has ever bought this before."

Selina said bluntly, "I’ll give you 100 gold coins for the four swords and 500 gold coins for this spear."

The merchant looked up in shock. He couldn’t believe his ears. Did she say that she was going to be buying the swords AND the spear?? And she was giving him more than the market price. The merchant hesitated because he did not like cheating customers. The Merchant asked to be sure, "Are you sure your grace? That is more than they are worth. And the spear-"

Selina interrupted him, "Hmm. Are you questioning my word?"

The Merchant frantically shook his head, "NOO Your Grace!"

Selina said, "Good. Then go and pack them up. Also since I’m paying you more than the market price, do me a favor."

The Merchant nodded, "Of course your grace."

Selina said, "Throw in a couple of those common daggers. "

Merchant asked in confusion, "Are you sure that what you want. I can give you something else if you wish??"

Selina said impatiently, "Of course it’s what I want you idiot. Hurry up and pack it all up and send it to the manor. Ughh. You are taking forever. Just hand me the daggers. You can send the rest to the manor later."

The merchant packed 2 daggers in a steel box and quickly handed it over to Selina before she lost her temper.Selina was holding the box as they walked outside. She turned around and faced Ryu, "What do you want to do right now Ryu?? We still have some time before we need to go back to the house."

Ryu was just looking around and observing the town. Suddenly, he tugged on Selina’s dress, "Mom."

Selina said, "Yes, dear."

Ryu asked, "Are you sure that Dad is with Mister Syra??"

Selina confirmed this, "Of course dear. Why are you asking."

Ryu asked, "Then how come I just saw him enter that house with another woman??"

As he said this he pointed to a shady house in an alley that was generally unnoticed. Selina asked frostily, "What did you say dear?"

Ryu repeated, "I said that I saw him enter that house with some strange woma-"


Ryu turned around at this sound and faced his mother. She had a scary expression on her face even though she was still smiling. What was even scarier was that the steel box with the dagger in her hand was completely CRUSHED. Pieces of broken box and dagger were falling to the ground. Selina’s hand was not injured in the least. And at the same time there was nobody on the street. It was as if everyone had vanished in mere seconds.

Selina said as ice covered the street, "Let’s go Ryu. It seems your father needs some punishment. Huhuhuhu. "


A few blocks over, on a house.

Syra was sitting there and watching.

Syra laughed, "Hahahaha, now how are you going to escape Zaenor. I want to see this. Fufufufu, This is why I like living near these two. They always make life so interesting. Fufufufu."

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