《A Wicked Tale Of Witches, Wands, Booze, and Swagger》21
Author's note. I have been permanently banned from posting stories on spacebattles due to this fic. I have also been banned on Sufficient 'velocity forum for a month. Those two sites were my reasons to hold back on the really R rated material. Prepare for the truly nasty side of JakeCrown to come out and play around in the Starwars sandbox. Prepare for bloodshed my friends. The story only gets more fucked up from here.
Chapter 21
We were utterly silent as the map began to spin. Inside of our unbreakable, weightless and space-expanded ship, We all panicked. Hermione just stood still like a deer caught in the headlights.
She began to mutter, “I'm sorry. I'm sorry.” Over and over.
I was hyperventilating and holding on to the broomstick steering column for dear life. “Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!” I yelled as the map's spinning intensified. “I'm gonna die a virgin!” I yelled. My entire life flashed before my eyes. All the fine bitches I never tapped. All the new weed strains I grew but hadn't tried yet. All the people I wanted to kill.
I flew into a rage at the fate dealt to me. I slammed my fist into a wall as hard as I could. I did it again, and again as my rage at impending death loomed.
Hermione sat on the floor, rocking back and forth. While I just kept screaming obscenities and punching every surface I could find. I cursed up a storm. “FUCK YOU, YOU PIG FUCKING PUSSY PEICE OF SHIT MOTHER-FUCKER. YOU KILLED YOURSELF, YOU DUMB SLIME DRIPPING PIZZLE!!!”
“Sir!” One yelled to get my attention. I ignored him as I continued to rage.
“We aren't dying!” The squeaky voiced hard-ass yelled to get my attention.
I turned on him, furious at everything. “What to you mean we aren't dying? We're flying into a fucking black hole!” I screamed.
The elf pointed at the map-wall that was no longer spinning.
“We have come out the other side already.” One stated in a bland tone. “I was glad to see you face your impending doom with rage instead of...” The elf pointed at Hermione curled up on the floor.
I'd have to work on that. She was still a thirteen year old girl however adult she behaved. I wanted her to be my attack-dog. I didn't want to have to protect her forever. She was supposed to protect me. She was supposed to be the one calming me when I started to freak out, not my fucking house-elf.
I needed to rethink our relationship. My relationship with my house-elf, I mean. I had already put too much work into Hermione to let it fly by the wayside by now. One was truly a little butcher. He would kill anyone on my say-so and steal anything at my whim. His companions were proving to be every bit as vicious.
I wonder if anyone in the Wizarding World had ever conditioned a newly activated house-elf to act with overwhelming violence before. I made the impressionable reformed criminals watch action and horror movies every day. It seemed to have had an effect of making them different from the other elves I'd seen.
I walked over to Hermione, who was curled into a ball murmuring apologies between sobs. I would not let her latest traumatic accident go without taking advantage of her mental state to manipulate her further.
“Hermione.” I called softly. “Your safe, now. Your with me.” I shook her a little to get her attention. “You are with me now, Hermione.”
Hermione stopped sobbing, though tears leaked from her eyes still. She sat up. One stood behind me, flipping a K-bar knife in the air and catching it by the point. Hermione looked at me with confusion. “Is this heaven, Draco?”
I smiled at her. “Its always heaven when we are together.” I pointed at the map that had stopped spinning. “I think we made it through the black hole, Hermione, though I don't know where we are.”
Hermione scrambled to her feet. “We traveled through a black hole!” She exclaimed in shock. She hugged me suddenly. Her arms wrapped tightly around my waist. “I thought I had killed us all. Killed you.” She murmured into my chest as she began to sob again.
“Why are you crying, Hermione?” I asked as I hugged her with one arm and stroked her back with the other. “We are alive and everything is fine.”
She sniffled as her sobs trailed off. “I am just so happy that you are alive. I don't care if I died, but for you to...” she trailed off “Without fulfilling your dream.” She teared up again and hid her face in my robes. “I wouldn't know what to do without you. You mean everything to me.” She confessed.
Success! My years of manipulation had paid off. Hermione Granger was utterly mine.
“You mean everything to me, too, Hermione” I lied. “I couldn't dream of being without you.”
“Sir! A collision is eminent!” One ruined the moment between Hermione and I once again.
I looked at the map as I took a seat on the floating broomstick in the middle of the room. The map showed a huge object the size of a planet straight in front of us. I say object, because it was shaped like an hourglass.
I pulled back on the throttle and we stopped relative to the object. There was no inertia to tell when we stopped. The stopping maneuver would have turned us all into pancakes if we weren't weightless and thus without inertia.
Hermione walked to the map-wall and zoomed in on the object. Millions of names were shown. It was a moon sized space station, full of people. It was 350 kilometers wide and 100 kilometers long. She zoomed out again. “There are thousands of space ships out there.” I muttered quietly. “And black holes everywhere around us.” I added
“Lets go explore it.” Hermione said, excited at the prospect.
“No.” I disagreed. “We don't know if they are hostile to strangers. We don't even know their language. What if they found us wandering around on their space station and called out their own aurors to attack us.”
I had a chilling thought. What if the wizards of this civilization could detect the fidelius charm? They appeared to be more advanced technologically than the Goa'uld.
“We don't know what they use for money, or what they do to people our age.” I explained. Maybe they eat teenagers or or curse Caucasians on sight.” I implored Hermione.
I pointed to one of the ships in orbit of the object. “Some of those ships are ten kilometers long.” I said in shock. “Even the largest Goa'uld warships would be little gnats in comparison.”
I used the thousands of years of memories to come up with a plan. “We need to capture a small vessel and learn what they know.”
Some of the ships were only a few meters wide, with one name present in them. I could see a plan formulating. Goa'uld first contact protocols with an unknown species was to capture a few and interrogate them.
I found it to be a sound strategy.
“We need to capture a small vessel and interrogate the inhabitants, Hermione.” I turned to face her. “I know you may find it distasteful, but by saving ourselves, we can save our entire world.” I reminded her.
I backed Freedom away from the station and farther into deep space the ships appeared to be coming and going into some form of faster than light travel a the same spot in deep space, It was like traffic lanes in space.
Utterly fascinating.
But how to steal a car without the cops noticing?
My muggle mind thought of a solution.
I used the stone to conjure a hunk of gold into the the size and shape of a chair, as Hermione watched, confused at what I was doing.
I turned the golden chair into a portkey, and sent it outside the ship, floating into deep space. If this civilization valued gold, there should be ships capable of picking it up on their sensors. We waited half a light second away from the space station surrounded by black holes.
We waited for thee days for a fifteen meter wide ship stopped and moved the chair into their ship somehow. We had no visual sensors, just the map to guide us. As the name Van Wesell hovered over the chair, I remote activated the portkey.
The chair appeared in our living room, with a human man sitting in the chair. He looked at us in shock for a second before reaching for a gun-looking weapon holstered to his hip. He was stunned and bound by One before he even got half way to the weapon.
“Thank you, One.” I gave the little brute a smile.
Hermione was in the control room studying the map-wall's recording of our trip through the black hole. She wasn't interested in seeing me interrogate someone. She'd asked and I'd explained how Voldemort taught me to interrogate once, and she never asked again. It wasn't a spell she cared to use, though she knew it. She had no wish to see it used either.
She still had a soft girl's heart, however loyal it was to a villain.
I levitated the man out of the gold chair and lied him down on the couch. The... man, looked human. He wore dirty black pants and a stained white shirt. His belt looked to be made out of a type of leather I had never seen before. I felt the fabric of his clothes. Softer than cotton yet stretchy. I stripped him of his clothes and belt.
I examined the pistol he had on him. It looked like a futuristic muggle gun, with dials, knobs and switches on both sides with a scope on top. I pointed it at a vase sitting on a coffee table at the end of the couch.
I squeezed the trigger. The weapon had no recoil as a bolt of green energy blew my vase into molten fragments. I felt no response from my own magic to the weapon. “Here, One. “ I handed the elf the energy weapon. “A new to for you to kill things with.”
One chuckled darkly and conjured a strap to sling the weapon over his back like a rifle. It pretty much was a rifle compared to his diminutive size.
I drew my wand across my wrist as I sliced deep into my veins. I levitated the blood onto the floor in the proper pattern of Norse runes. I levitated myself around the circle, as to not smudge a single droplet of blood. The flesh of my wrist sealed with a twitch of my nose.
“Enervate.” I cast with a flick of my wand.
The man's eyes were wide and startled as he found himself lying naked on the cold marble floor in the middle of a pentagram made of foreign script in blood.
'How frightened he must be' I thought as I looked into his wide eyes.
Well, not for long.
I held him still with an immobilizing charm and began to chant. Every syllable had to be perfect for this to work. Voldemort was so skilled in this technique, that he had learned to do it with his wand alone, without the ritual and blood magic to boost his powers.
“With your sacrifice, I call upon your knowledge, experience, and skills.” I chanted some more. The metallic scent of blood was in the air as I felt the magic gather around me. “With your sacrifice, let all that you are, become mine.”
I leaned down and looked into his eyes as my wand trailed across his throat. His blood began to flow into the channels carved into the marble floor. As his blood finished filling the channel, I fell to my knees, my mind churning with new knowledge.
Van Wesell decayed before my eyes. Soon, he was nothing more than a shriveled corpse as all he was flowed into me.
Van Wesell worked for the Trade Federation of Cato-Nemodia, and was on vacation with his wife to see the Maw when he had picked up a large amount of gold on his ship's sensors. He had extensive knowledge on repairing automated constructor driod arms.
He was skilled with a blaster, and knew that traveling to the maw without a convoy was a dangerous trek. His wife was, herself, a skilled pilot and trade frigate owner. They decided to take the risk of traveling to the Maw without the expensive price of a convoy.
He was raised in a human crèche on Cato-Nemodia and spent his youth in the security field fighting Hutt pirates before being promoted to technician due to his skills in driod repair.
He spoke three languages.
Galactic Basic, for trade and watching holo-vids.
Nemodian, For everyday work and business.
Huttese, for understanding what the pirates he used to fight were saying.
I knew everything about him. I knew everything he knew. I knew where we were now. The Maw. A 10,000 year old space station built between a cluster of black holes.
I raced down the stairs to the command room to find Hermione watching the map recording of the black hole spinning us around again and again.
“Is that frigate still nearby?” I asked hurriedly.
Hermione turned to me and reverted the map to focus on the area we had left the golden chair bait. “I assume you mean the ship, but, yes, it is still there.”
I hopped on the broom control and raced towards the ship. I was pulling up alongside the ship whose name roughly translated to 'Fair Trade' in Huttese. The Hutts didn't have a real word for fair, according to Van's wife, Tam.
I looked at the map. Tam's name did not appear to be on the ship. Had she left on the escape pod?
Reaching out with my energy, I tried to get a 'sense of where we were in relation to the inhabitable parts of the cramped frigate. I had learned to reach out with my inner energy and feel what was around me. Hermione could 'feel better than I could. She always seemed a step ahead of me where magic was concerned.
I had her beat in the dark arts though. I learned from the most feared Dark Lord in centuries.
I sensed the frigate and felt Zam in the cargo hold, right where the golden chair and her husband had vanished from. “I'll be right back” I told Hermione.
I apperated through the vacuum of space and into the cargo hold. I appeared with a loud crack behind Zam and froze her before she could move. “I'll be needing your services Miss Wesell.”
I walked around the dusky skinned and black haired beauty, admiring her beauty. I could see the rage in her eyes as I held her captive with telekinesis. “You are a trade frigate pilot and know your way around the Galaxy. You have a ship, and speak several interesting languages.”
“I'll you boss from now on.” I said, facing hr with my wand pointed at her face. “I'll be taking that knowledge and this ship from you.” I locked eyes with her to do a passive scan of her thoughts. I wanted to feel her fear.
I recoiled “You aren't human at all!” I exclaimed, shocked. Her husband of three years had no idea she was not human. Her pussy was definitely in the right place if her husbands memories were correct. I locked eyes with her again. “I really need this knowledge, and I have no idea if the ritual will work on a non-human.” I said more to myself than her/it.
“I guess I'll just have to put up with you for awhile.” I sighed. I wanted to be the one to pilot the ship around a unexplored galaxy of millions of inhabited planets. I wanted to be able to speak twelve languages.
Oh well. I'll find a human just as skilled soon enough.
“Imperio” I cast and gave my first order. “Open the cargo bay doors in two minutes, and close them in ten.”
I apperated back to Freedom's control room. “I got us a local ship and a pilot.” I told Hermione.
I hopped onto the control broom and waited for the cargo bay doors to open. Hermione smiled. “You took over the ship?'
I nodded. “I took the trade frigate and took command of the pilot.” Hermione didn't ask what I meant by 'took command.' She already knew I used the imperious curse. “We are in a dangerous place, Hermione.”
I began to speak as I flew Freedom into the opened cargo bay. “We are in a giant galaxy with millions of inhabited planets.” I flipped a switch to set the ships weight to feather weight instead of weightless to set it down on the cargo bay's floor. “We don't know anything about the cultures or the species that live here. We have a great opportunity here, Hermione. We can learn the technology and magic of these beings and keep the wizards safe from the muggles. We can free the slaves from the Goa'uld.”
Hermione's eyes lit up in excitement at the idea of learning alien technology. “We would have to start learning from the ground up, we may even have to go to school!” She sounded even more excited thinking about attending an alien school.
The map showed the cargo bay doors closing. “We have to do some bad things to make good things happen, darlin'.” I reminded her. “We have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet.” Hermione agreed somberly.
“That we do.” I grinned.
She was learning.
I sat in the co-pilot's seat in the frigate and interrogated the Clawdite assassin the slow way. Asking verbal questions was so...
Hermione was recovering on the Freedom after I used the legilimency spell to send Van Wesell's knowledge into her brain.
I found a few surprises about my new pilot. She was secretly a freelance assassin and a shape-shifter. There was my proof of magic existing in the Galaxy. There was no way she could shape-shift like she did without advanced metemorphmagus abilities.
“What is the name of the magic users in this galaxy?” I started to get down to the real questions.
“Magic?” Zam asked, looking confused.
“People with special abilities.” I conjured a canary with a snap of my fingers and made explode into feathers. “Like this.”
“No one can do that, that I know of.” Zam stared off dreamily for a second as she tried to fight off the imperious curse again. Unfortunately for her, my will was like steel. My imperios had yet to break on anyone save Voldemort, himself. “There are a group of people with powers however they are called Jedi.”
“What powers do they have?”
“I don't know all of their powers, But I've seen one lift a crashed speeder off a trapped child with his mind.” She stared off again. “I've heard rumors of other powers, like controlling animals and jumping great heights. Its said they have the fastest reflexes in the galaxy. I have also heard that they can read minds.”
“Where do these Jedi live?” I asked another question.
I knew of Coruscant from the memories of Van Wesell. It was a planet of trillions and was the seat of power for most of the galaxy. They were run by a senate of representatives from various sectors of the Republic.
“Take me there. Take me to the Jedi.” I ordered.
She turned to face the controls of the frigate and began to press buttons and pull levers. A little floating metal ball called a 'navigation droid' hooked itself to a slot above the pilot's chair. Zam pulled another lever and the stars began to blur into lines of light.
“How long will the trip be?” I questioned some more.
“Two galactic standard weeks to reach Coruscant.” She added “We don't have enough fuel to get there.”
I sighed.
“Can your navigation droid prepare and print star charts with the directions to get to Coruscant?”
“Of course.”
“Stop the ship and have the droid prepare the star charts and directions to Coruscant.” I said.
Zam pushed a lever forward and the streaks of light became stars once more. She rose from the pilot's chair and left me alone to stare at star constellations I had never seen before. The floating little metal ball called a droid followed her.
I continued to stare at the stars for another few minutes before Zam returned with what looked like a modern tablet. “Here are the star charts and directions to Coruscant.”
I remembered how to work the object called a datapad from the memories of Van Wesell. I looked the star charts over. It listed millions of planets. “Thank you, Tam Wesell, you have been a great help.”
“Open the cargo bay doors in ten minutes, manually, without a suit.” I gave her a last and lethal order as I apperated to the Freedom.
It took me half an hour to show Hermione how to work the datapad. It took another half hour to prepare the tunneling system. It would take us around a week to get to Coruscant if Hermione and I slept in shifts. We decided to let to let each other take comfort from our nightmares in each other's arms and took nine days to tunnel to Coruscant.
“Are you sure these are the wizards we are looking for?” Hermione asked. “They live out in the open for the muggles to find them. I can't imagine wizards doing that.”
“Their civilization is 25,000 years old, Hermione. They must have found a way to coexist with the muggles and help people with their powers instead of hiding in the shadows.” I stated. “We need to learn from them. We need to learn their advanced magic and their technology if we are going to help our own people.”
Hermione sighed. “I hope you are right and these Jedi are welcoming.” She looked me in the eyes. “They could all be Dark Lords for all we know. All we have is hearsay. Theres a chance that they are more malevolent than they seem and will refuse to help us or even attack us.”
I nodded. She made a good point. “Then we will have to take that chance.”
“We haven't gotten this far by not taking chances
Heavenly Jewel Change
[Zen’s Synopsis]In a world where power means everything, and the strong trample the weak; there was a boy born from a Heavenly Jewel Master. Born in a small country which had to struggle to survive, the boy was expected to do great things. Alas he turned out to have blocked meridians and was unable to cultivate, ending up the trash of society. His father’s tarnished pride… his fianceé’s ultimate dishonour…Being almost accidentally killed and left for the dead, heaven finally smiles upon him as a miracle descends, awakening his potential as a Heavenly Jewel Master. Or… is it truly a gift?Join our dear rascally and shameless MC Zhou Weiqing in his exploits to reach the peak of the cultivation world, form an army, protect those he loves, and improve his country!An all new world, an all new power system, unique weaponry & MC! Come join me in laughing and crying together with this new masterpiece from Tang Jia San Shao![Translated Synopsis]Every human has their Personal Jewel of power, when awakened it can either be an Elemental Jewel or Physical Jewel. They circle the right and left wrists like bracelets of power.Heavenly Jewels are like the twins born, meaning when both Elemental and Physical Jewels are Awakened for the same person, the pair is known as Heavenly Jewels.Those who have the Physical Jewels are known as Physical Jewel Masters, those with Elemental Jewels are Elemental Jewel Masters, and those who train with Heavenly Jewels are naturally called Heavenly Jewel Masters.Heavenly Jewel Masters have a highest level of 12 pairs of jewels, as such their training progress is known as Heavenly Jewels 12 Changes.Our MC here is an archer who has such a pair of Heavenly Jewels.
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