《A Wicked Tale Of Witches, Wands, Booze, and Swagger》6
Chapter 6
Last night, I smoked a whole joint in the bathroom. That was a bad decision. I vaguely remember Crabbe and Goyle lifting me off the bathroom floor and putting me in bed. I was officially a lightweight again.
I woke up well before the other boys. Lying in bed, I pondered last night's incident.
I'd forgotten that young bodies who had never had weed before were going to have very low tolerances. Getting that high, made me start to second guess the reality around me. I know of no level of insanity that could make me feel that high off one joint. I was used to smoking blunts, back to back, for hours on end.
Was this really a vivid hallucination?
Perhaps I had died and this was heaven? I'd done nothing to deserve heaven in the afterlife, and I somehow doubted this was hell.
Feeling so anxious that I wanted to vomit, I knew what I had to do.
After I I rolled another joint with paper out of my history of magic textbook, I went into the restroom. Turning on all the shower stalls to full blast on hot, I waited for the room to fill with steam. I used one of the lighters Dobby had stolen for me, and lit the joint.
I took a single hit before putting the joint out.
Waiting in the improvised sauna, I waited for my fear and nervousness to go away. I sat down on the floor and meditated on my actions and the chances of this all being one long and vivid delusion.
The high was real.
I could feel my body tingling as I meditated deeper. Weed always helped meditation. It let you clear your mind of unwanted thoughts and think of a single thing at a time. I wanted to think only of what I needed to do if this was not an illusion.
Something kept distracting me. I could feel it, just on the tip of my senses. A kind of energy, inside of me. Every time I got close to emptying my mind, the feelings of the energy feeling in my gut returned.
I'd had this problem once, during an acid trip a few years ago. I'd tried meditating and felt weird energy inside me. I'd focused the energy into my pinky finger to to get it out of my mind.
I did the same now. I moved the energy boiling inside of me, and concentrated it into my pinky. The feeling nagging me was muted as I pondered on what I should do once more. It seemed so simple once I thought about it. It all boiled down to two things.
Gain power and influence people.
With those two things, no one could stop me. I needed to learn all the spells I could in as little time as possible. I needed all of the knowledge of this world I could get , in as little time as possible. I needed the right people on my side. I needed the right people behind me.
I needed to be clever.
Drugs wouldn't help me be clever. Alcohol couldn't help me be clever. They could help me influence people however. It could help me a lot.
I opened my eyes.
The bathroom was full of steam, lit by a bright shining light. I looked at the light.
It was shining from my pinky.
When Flint came to wake us all up, I was already dressed and ready to go. I heard the door open and covered my ears before the loud bang sounded from Flint's wand.
“Breakfast in half an hour.” He announced before walking back out the door. He started to close the door.
“Hey Flint, I need to talk to you for a moment.” I got his attention.
He sighed. “What is it, Malfoy.”
I hesitated. Did I really want to do this? Go down this route? Be 'that' guy?
“I have the hookup on liquor. I can get it into the school at anytime in any amount.” I said in a rush.
Flint Looked surprised and suspicious in equal amounts. “And why are you telling me this?” He said slowly. “I'm a prefect, remember?”
“I think we can come to an agreement, you and I” I said as equally slowly. “But its best not to talk about here.” I nodded my head at my sleepy year-mates as they started to roll out of bed.
'Flint nodded, looking even more suspicious. “Come with me Malfoy.” He jerked his head at the door.
We walked into the empty common room and sat on a a couple of plush chairs in front of an expensive looking table.
“Whats your game, Malfoy?” Flint asked as he took a seat. “Why come to me with your...” He paused “Information.”
I swallowed. This wasn't a game anymore. If this was real, there was no taking anything back. I was going to live it like it was real.
“I need money.” I began, “and a reputation.” I carried on. “I want to be known as the person here who can get anything, who will sell anything.” I looked Flint in the eyes. “And I need your help.”
“And what do I get for...” Flint looked around the common room. “Helping a first year sell illicit material?”
“A bottle of whiskey every week.” I tried to read his face.
His eyes widened as a sign of surprise, while one eyebrow raised in a sign of consideration.
“And a case of beer.” I added to sweeten the deal. “All I need is for you to spread the word to the upper year Slytherins where they can go to get the good stuff”
“Do you actually have enough on hand to supply all the upper years?” Flint asked. “Or are you just posturing?”
“It's all off-brand stuff, The ministry has spells against underage drinking on Ogden's bottles.” I lied. “But I have enough to last the whole year and more.”
Joey Fitzgerald was a liquor store clerk.
He liked his job well enough. It gave him a good discount when he ran low on gin. Gin was more of a lifestyle than a habit for Joey. It was a daily discount when he took a bottle home with him every other night, and just wrote it off as more shoplifting.
When Joey raised the steel shutters to the liquor store, he immediately noticed something was wrong. Just looking through the front door, he could tell something was wrong.
He hurriedly unlocked the front door and starred in shock at the view that greeted him. Everything was gone. He walked to the back store room. Even the pallets of cases waiting to be unloaded was gone.
“I'm so fired.” He sighed.
Hermione smiled at me as I passed her on the way to the Slytherin table. I grinned back and winked. She ducked her head and blushed. We were meeting in the library after dinner again, to go over our homework.
“Why are you getting so friendly with that mudblood, Draco?” Theodore ground out through gritted teeth. He took a seat next to me, Blaise took a seat on my other side.
“Shes so far below you, its not right for you to dirty yourself with her.” Blaise added his two cents in.
I grimaced. I was a muggle. It was not beneath me. “Have you ever wondered boys.” I paused “Just what it means to be superior than someone else?”
They looked confused.
I was a smooth liar. All drug addicts were. I was a smooth liar, a good talker, and, a fast thinker however. That made me superior to the average drug addict. I'd never tell anyone that though. That kinda shit would get you shot.
“Why do I need to rub my superiority in her face?” I looked at Nott. “Theres no reason to offend people unnecessarily. What good would it do to call her a mudblood?”
“Because she is one?” Nott looked angry now.
“Your thinking is flawed. Imagine if every adult pureblood were to suddenly treat every muggleborn in the world with the same contempt that you show to Hermione.” The muggleborns and halfbloods outnumbered the purebloods 3:1.
Nott looked confused again. “They would learn their place. Just like the dark lord attempted to do before Potter stopped him.”
“Do you walk up to a nundu?” I asked suddenly.
“What?” Nott was confused. “Of course not.”
“So lets say if you were an adult and a highly skilled auror were to walk up to you. You recognized each other and he was a classmate of yours in the past...” I trailed off. “What would you do if you had called him a mudblood every day for seven years and made his school life miserable?”
“What if he wanted revenge?” I continued. “What if he decided that you were better off framed for a crime and in prison than out and about in Diagon Alley?”
Nott turned pale. “I would...” Nott fell silent.
“Let me ask you again,” I paused “Do you walk up to a nundu?”
Blaise and Theodore both ate in silence.
I ate breakfast like a ravenous beast. The munchies had me starving for food like an ugly man starved for pussy.. I barely chewed before swallowing. I ate three bacon and egg sandwiches before the food on the table disappeared.
God Dammit, I was still eating!
Daphne Greengrass across the table stared at me like I was a zoo animal. Tracy Davis and Millicent Bulstrode were giggling behind their hands at the expression on my face.
“Off to class everyone.” Flint herded us off the table. And out of the great hall.
Today, we had double herbology with the Gryfindors followed by transfiguration with the Hufflepuffs and then defense against the dark arts with the Gryfindors again. A long day of learning magic. I was delighted.
I stooped at the boys bathroom outside the great hall and locked myself in a stall. I lit my joint roach and took another hit before putting it out. I had a pleasant buzz going when I arrived at the greenhouses.
“Partner up everyone, partner up into pairs.” Professor sprout said in a cheery voice. “Today I will be demonstrating how to properly weed a greenhouse. We'll be working in greenhouses 8 and 9.”
I walked over to Hermione who appeared to be the lone Gryfindor left out of the group. “Hey Hermione, partner up with me?”
“Sure.” She smiled at me again.
I took her hand and led her to greenhouse 9, following Professor Sprout. I noticed she blushed at the physical contact. I barely resisted rubbing my hands together and cackling like a madman. She was falling for my ploy! Yes!
We had a whispered conversation going all throughout class about this and that. I made her laugh a few times. I made her blush even more. She had a smile on her face the whole time we were working together.
I would have this girl as mine... but first, she must be groomed for the roll.
I told her about common pureblood customs, like not offering to shake hands with people of higher social standing. I told her again about introducing yourself to strangers before talking to them. I told her that I considered these customs old and outdated.
I was making her feel close to me. Girls matured faster than boys, and though I didn't have any carnal desires for the girl, the same could not be said of her to me.
All I could think about was her brains and ability with magic. After Dumbledore and Voldemort die, I don't think that there was anyone powerful or knowledgeable enough to take out Hermione Granger in a fight. I may be wrong, but I wanted her all the same.
She could be a great pawn in my rise in the wizarding world. Or, conversely, a great enemy.
I led her to the lake after class, after waving away my year-mates. They were starting to grate on my nerves. Hermione and I took a seat between two large rocks on the shore of the black lake. The rocks blocked us from view of the school.
“You are so much smarter than any other girl in our year. I don't know any other person that has memorized every book for the whole term by the second day of school.” I laid it on thick. “I think you are perfect. I don't see how the other Gryfindors don't see it.”
She looked across the lake. “Thank you, Draco. You are very sweet.”
“You really think so? I heard I'm a right rotten little shit from quite a few people, you know. I've heard foul rumors about myself.” I sighed “Harry potter wouldn't even shake my hand once Weasley told him my whole family was in Slytherin.”
“But why?” She wondered aloud “You are the nicest person I know.”
“It's because my parents are racists.” I turned a away from her with a fake sad look upon my face. “They don't think muggleborns should be allowed in Hogwarts.” Hermione flinched.
I turned to face her. Time to reel her in. “The other Gryfindors are going to try and make you stop being friends with me. They don't want a Slytherin and a Gryfindor to be friends. My parents are the same way with Gryfindors.”
“But you don't think that way, like your parents, do you?” I shook my head. Her voice lowered. “I've never had any friends before coming to Hogwarts. All the kids at school called me a bookworm and made fun of my teeth.” She brought a hand up to cover her mouth.
“I think you are beautiful.” I said, lying through my own teeth. She may be beautiful one day, but now she was a little kid with buck teeth and frizzy hair with a little too much baby fat. “I want to show you something.”
I brought out a fresh joint. “This is Magic Cani herb. Its a very rare plant. Only witches and wizards are allowed to smoke it. It prevents cancer, and other magical illnesses. It makes you feel happy. More importantly, it also makes you more powerful. I want you to be a powerful witch.”
Lets see how naive she really was. She had lunch and the history of magic after that. The weed would wear off completely by the time Defense against the dark arts started.
I turned away again. “I want to show my family how wrong they are about muggleborn witches. I want you to be the strongest witch of our generation. I want to be your Boyfriend. Can you show my parents how wonderful you are?”
Hermione looked stunned. She started to blush from head to toe. She nodded hesitantly. I smiled and made to kiss her on the cheek. She turned her head at just the right moment and it ended up on her lips. She froze in surprise.
Her lips were dry and yet warm. I held the kiss for just a moment. I broke away and she turned her head, a never ending blush afflicting her. I had just kissed a 11 year old girl. It took me three days to manipulating her into being my girlfriend.
Oh... I hate myself.
I lit the joint and took a big rip. I held it in and exhaled. “Just breathe it in once Hermione. If you don't like it, Then you never have to try it again.” She looked at me with trust as she took the joint and held it to her lips. “I want to show my parents how wonderful you are.”
She breathed in, and immediately began coughing her lungs up.
I fucking hate myself.
I patted her back as she coughed. I took the joint from her and put it out. “Come on, It's time for lunch.”
She was giggling by the time we made it to the great hall.
I think she just might try it again.
I fucking hate myself.
What would my wife think?
I got high with Hermione again after defense against the dark arts. We giggled together by the lake as we did our homework until the sun set. Once again, I barely made it to the dorms before curfew. Flint was waiting for me.
“I hope you have the goods we talked about.” Flint pulled me aside as soon as I entered. “There are a lot of students who want what you have.”
I nodded. “Tell them to meet me in my dorm then, in ten minutes.”
I rushed to my dorm room.
“Dobby!” I almost shouted.
He appeared with a pop. “Do you have the pouch?” I asked, impatiently.
Dobby held out a mole skin pouch. I took it. “Thank you Dobby.” I pointed to the far corner of the room. “Why don't you go hide in Blaise's bed over there and body-guard for me?”
“Dobby started to head that way and then stopped and turned around. “Master, What is bobby gardening?
“Body-guarding is where you pretend not to be here unless someone tries to hurt me, or steal from me, in which case you slam them into the wall until the are asleep.” I made a slamming motion with a fist into my palm.
Dobby copied the motion, eyes alight with fiery passion only an elf posses. “No one will be hurting or stealing from master.”
I nodded “Go hide then.” Dobby faded from sight.
My first customers all arrived in a rush a few minutes later. Almost all the fifth, sixth, and seventh years in Slytherin Tried to jam themselves into my dorm room at once.
“No need to push each other. I have more than enough for everyone. Form a single line, please.”
And just like that, my business had begun.
If I had tried this in Gryfindor, I would have been caught the first night. Gryfindors are known for their lack of cunning and inability to keep a secret. Hufflepuffs would have ratted me out to Sprout. Ravenclaws would only buy a little liquor, but Slytherin...
The house of the rich pureblood heirs...
They just wanted to get fucked up and forget themselves at the bottom of a tequila bottle.
“I'm selling hangover cure potions, in the common room before breakfast for a galleon each.”
They all scoffed at the high price, especially since I only charged ten sickles for a bottle of hooch.
But I made a killing the next morning before breakfast.
All together, I made 36 galleons in one night and morning. Thats roughly $2000 USD.
It had been a week since school had started and My tolerance for weed was still at an all time low. It would take me all year to work my way through my bags of weed. I felt the need to explore the weird magical I had experienced with my pinky glowing.
It was something unique to smoking weed and being a wizard, I believed. That or deep meditation. But weed helped with meditation, so it was a moot point.
I made my way to the seventh floor alone, Saturday morning. I looked for the entrance to the room of requirement for over a half an hour. I walked back and forth, up and down the corridor. Finally, I noticed a door appear where there was none before.
The entrance was opposite a portrait of a pair of dancing trolls.
Walking through the door, I found myself in a small domed meditation chamber, with a yoga pad in the center of the room. There was a small fountain on the far side of the room making a soft sound of trickling water.
I sat down and took a seat. I lit my joint roach and took two big hits. I soon found myself meditating.
I slipped deeper into my meditation as I sought to clear my mind of all thoughts. I went to that place you can only find after your mind has withstood multiple hits of LSD. Soon I felt 'it' once more. The energy In my gut.
In my center.
I felt my skin tingling once more. I felt the churning, boiling energy inside myself. Concentrating, I tried to feel the energy. I tried to memorize the feeling of touching the energy. The feeling as it boiled inside of me.
I tried to force the energy back to my pinky. It didn't work.
I tried to make the tingling on my skin move to my pinky. That worked, yet the energy stayed where it was. The reduced tingling on my skin allowed me to move deeper into my trance.
I finally found the way to move the energy was simply to imagine it moving. I moved it to my right hand. I moved it to my left hand.
I cupped my hands and imagined the energy between my hands. Opening my eyes, I saw a white orb of light glowing in my hands. I only saw it for a second before it dissipated with a soft whooshing sound.
I smiled. I didn't know what it was, but it was inside of me.
I could feel it in my center once more, even with my eyes open.
“Yes I'm sure Hermione.” I had my hand on the small of her back as I led her to the Slytherin table for breakfast Sunday morning. “I want you to eat with me. Not with those jealous prats who don't appreciate you.”
I held her hand as she sat down at the table. Food had yet to appear, though most of my house-mates were here. I sat at the end of the table, alone with Hermione as as the great hall stared at us. Whispering began as soon as she sat down.
“What do you think you are doing, Malfoy?” Flint demanded as he stalked over angrily from where his pack of sixth years and quidditch fanatics sat. “Why is there a-” He glanced at the head table where the professors were quietly watching the unfolding drama “Muggleborn Gryfindor sitting the Slytherin instead of where she belongs?”
“The other houses get to sit with their friends at different house tables. Why can't I sit with mine?” In a far quieter voice I whispered “A whole case of whiskey if you keep the others off my back over this.”
Flint pretended to think about my offer for a moment. “Fine.” He grunted and turned around to walk back to his pack. “But don't make a habit of it.” He shot back over his shoulder.
Hermione leaned close to me. “Did you just bribe a prefect with alcohol?”
I smiled and put a finger to my lips for the universal sign of silence. “I'd give anything to sit next to you for just one meal.” I reached out and took her hand in mine. “I told you, I love you.”
Her eyes shined “I love you too.”
I wanted to vomit.
I hated myself.
To manipulate such an innocent young girl with weed and sweet sounding nothings. What was the point of this again? To get get the witch with the highest intelligence points in the game on my side unconditionally...
I hate myself.
I smiled at her. “You are worth far more than a case of whiskey.” I whispered.
“Mr Malfoy.” I looked up 'Uncle Severus' looked down at me with a strange look in his eyes. “I would like to see you in my office after breakfast.”
I suddenly didn't feel so good. “Yes, Professor.”
Time LORDs/ Emperors / Find your future within. About a boy who awakens in a Virtual World. He finds clues about his origins from constantly progressing further within the game. With hectic trainings and ultimate fighting only to find that there is a great secret behind everything.
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