《The Axe Master》Chapter 5: Wyvern Hunting


(Jokul’s POV)

I kill the last yeti of the group that attacked me. This time I managed not to fall, avoiding the rocks that they threw at me. I’ve developed a deep hatred for rocks too. Well, there isn’t anything else here for them to use, but still…

I have a fire going on, I want at least to have some warmth. It’s more of a phycological thing, to help me relax. After all, I don’t feel cold at all. I’m also cooking some fish that I got from the river. When I was testing my inventory, I noticed that time didn’t moved there.

The test was simple, I cooked a piece of bear meat and stored it still hot in my inventory. On the next day, I took it from there, and it was still hot. I take a bit of the fresh fish that I caught on the river three months ago. It didn’t rot at all, it was still fresh from the moment I took it on the river.

Unfortunately, I can’t put living beings on the inventory, but I can make-do without it. after eating, I relax a bit by the fire. I discovered that I don’t need to sleep for at least ten days. After that, I start to get tired.

After a few hours, the fire goes out. alright, time to keep going. I get up and turn to the mountain, jump fifteen meters and grabbed on the stone. From that, I use purely my arms and jump fifteen to twenty meters each time I jump.

I’m not using full strength since I don’t want to be caught by surprised again by the yetis. I want to have time to react while I’m grabbing on stone instead of being surprised midair. However, even after two hours climbing, going over the middle of the mountain, no yetis appeared, what is highly unusual.


I have a bad feeling about this. I slow down my climb, instead of jumping, I’m climbing normally. Eventually, I hear something flapping its wings, cutting the air and coming in my direction, trying to be silent.

I continue climbing, waiting. And in the last instant, I jump forward, going up ten meters in one go. Below me, claws break the stone, the creature roaring in frustration. It’s a wyvern! It was trying to take me by surprise!

If it was a normal human, they would be indeed, but unfortunately for the monster, the target was me. Impressive how a big creature like that is able to move so silently. I take off my axe from my back and kick the wall, going down rapidly before the wyvern can fly off.

I fall on it’s back, and the monster roars in anger as it flies off the wall. It immediately starts to shake to try to throw me off and I start to lose my footing.

(Jokul): “You’re not throwing me off, you bitch!”

I scream and swing down my axe, making it get stuck on the flesh of the wyvern after breaking the scales. Surprisingly, the scales of this monster are hard, so much that the Leviathan Axe only dug halfway in them, but still being able to hold me on the wyvern.

I tried to dig my fingers on the scales and was surprised to see that they didn’t break them! well, they cracked a bit, but they didn’t break. Nice! The wyvern trashes around, trying to get me off, but I hold tight. I feel some pain in my cheeks and realize that I’m smiling so hard that my cheeks hurt.

Yes… this is fucking fun!

The wyvern can’t shake me off, but I also can’t try to climb to the head without falling. The monster tries something new, it flies to the mountain, aiming to crash with it’s back. It should survive, considering how strong it seems to be. I’m not dying either, but it will hurt.


Unfortunately for this bitch, I’m not easy to kill. It dives, and I take off my axe and jump to the mountain, leaving the wyvern hit the stone below me alone. I fall on the stone, my feet making cracks on it.

I don’t lose time and jump again to the wyvern that is trying to run away. This time, I fall near the wings. The wyvern already flew up a lot, enough to cover a few hours of climbing. I guess I entered the area of these wyverns.

Bad luck for the wyvern, I haven’t gone serious yet! I raise the leviathan axe. Be honored, wyvern, you’re the first that made me use the powers of the axe! The axe glows blue, the head covered in ice, the runes shining with power.

I swing down with all my power, and I cut off clean one of the wings of the wyvern. It roars in pain and starts falling, hitting the mountain as it was flying close to it. I jump off, running down the face of the mountain, and jumping off again, raising the axe, nearing the head of the monster.

I swing down, on the center of the head as we fall on a flat. The axe damages the brain heavily, breaking the skull with relative ease. The wyvern dies, and I feel my body getting stronger. Wow… this is the same as killing several yetis that are stronger than the monster bears.

I jump of the head, leaving my axe there, on the skull.

(Jokul): “Fuck me! That was awesome! Now, to the main dish!”

I turn back and tackle the body of the wyvern, turning it’s bely up. I jump on it and raise my hand. From the head of the wyvern, the axe returns to my hand. I hold it with two hands, the head covering in ice.

(Jokul): “After I’m done bleeding you, I’ll make some steaks for dinner!”

I say, raising the axe above my head.

(hours later)

Well, that took longer than expected. The guts were big, giant. I didn’t throw away the organs, I stored it, as well the blood. It did take some time to bleed it out, but it was worth. Due the cold, the meat started to freeze.

I quickly started to dismantle the wyverns with the axe. The hide will be useful later, but to cure it I’ll need something big enough to hold it on the open, and the climate here won’t be of much help to cure it. Well, I can always store it in my inventory.

I’m sitting now in front of a fire protected by the shelter that I made at the start of my journey, enough to keep the cold out and the fire lit here on the mountain. In my hands, I have a stick stabbed through a steak of wyvern meat.

I’m now chewing on some of it. I nod to myself ai sweat mainly from my eyes. Indeed, delicious! It’s soft, melting in the mouth with a surprising taste for roasted meat! It’s divine! A gift from the gods!

I finish the meat and put out the fire, storing the shelter. I approach the wall of the flat and punch the wall, making a hole of the size of a head. I punch the wall a few more times, digging a crevasse for myself to sleep.

I enter the small hole and curl under my new white wolf mantle. Alright, when I wake up, I’ll hunt some more wyverns!

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