《A Knight's Promise》Flash Back: Downfall


Flashback - 2 years and 11 months ago, before summoning to Ren'veil.

Within the newly established Dragon-Wolf Kingdom's territory, into the unknown regions of the Frontier. Over 3 star systems had been terraformed, colonized, explored and monopolized by the Zerrohnians.

Taking nearly a decade to reach the Frontier, the journey itself was terribly risky- a risk that the Zerrohnians would gladly take to get away from their brethren in the Empire.

Inside New Dawn's the ringed cities where the Zerrohnians live their lives in relative peace while the Knights of the Dragon-wolf protect the surviving citizens of Requiem at the same time training the next generation of knights.

At the Redridge Clan manor, the two brothers fought one another to hone their craft and perfect their art when the time it's needed comes. As blades, claws and fists clashed violently against each other, the force of their attacks enough to shake the entirety of New Dawn itself.

Chimera noticed his brother was having a difficult time controlling the ridiculously large amount of power his blade had to the point that it was fighting its master as if it were a newborn child.

He scoffed as he tried to lift his own, it barely budging as although the weapon heart had synchronized with him the blade itself still refused to see him worthy.

The Mulcher despite being a newborn blade with an experienced weapon heart it re-wrote the core personality of the heart and gave birth to a newborn being.

Sighing, he tapped his brother's shoulder " As frustrating as this is, we need to give it time to recognize us alright? So don't get too worked up " to which Kent nodded in response.

After many hours of practice, the two went on a small break when they spotted their long time friend Striker Eunicia.

A gorgeous lady with pinkish fair skin that made her long black hair and deep black eyes pop out. She wore a black mesh suit with white xerrohmite plating that helped excel her Close-Quarter Combat even further, although her true talent lies with Long Ranged Combat Shooting in the use of the next-generation Browning Automatic rifle with a multipurpose cartridge system.

Despite, her dangerous abilities. She is known to be a kind-hearted, friendly and caring person that has a strong determination to achieve her dream of getting the Striker family back into high nobility.

"Hey, you two! sorry for interrupting but . . . Kent we have to get moving, they're announcing the promotion exam today!" Eunicia exclaimed excitedly as she took a seat next to Kent.

"Sorry I forgot our sparring match got a little out of hand..." Kent blushed as he took a chug of his drink.

"Miss Eunicia, may I have a word with my brother before you go?"

"Sure, make it fast Chimera... We're going to be late." Eunicia stated as she checked her watch.

The brothers went into the manor, one dragging the other. And as the minute the door locked the interrogation began.

"What is it that we needed to go all the way over here to talk about? " The dragged asked with a raised brow.

"You like her, dont'cha brother? " The interrogator smirked as he caught his brother's surprised face and reddening ears. Bullseye.

" How- " " We're brothers, also with all the years we spent together. There has not been a day where you didn't try to get close to her, she's also turned our home into her second one with how often she comes over "


"I'm... surprised.. and impressed, with how observant you are then all you need is the outfit and a smoke pipe and you're pretty much our modern-day Sherlock Holmes my brother. " Kent compliments the younger, the latter wearing a prideful expression on his face.

"Anyhow with that over with, I ask you.. would you approve if I finally ask Euny to be my significant other, and also, we're twins why bother calling me big brother? "

"I will... reserve my statement when it is needed the most ... And I like calling you big brother since you were born ahead of me even if it was just for a few minutes so don't judge me."

"That doesn't make any sense but okay... If you need me, I'll be heading to the academy with Euny... Say hi to mom and sis for me." Kent said with a smile as he proceeded to return outdoors.

He looked out, seeing his brother and their so-called friend leave the manor. a shadowy figure creeping out of the dark corner of the room.

Lily nears him asking if Kent had left, a nod confirming her question as he closed the doors once more behind them.

"Are our suspicions correct, Lily?"

"Yes... The Judicators are already making their move. the one heading it is Judicator Sorrhen..."

"But have you gathered enough evidence?"

"Only enough to prove their plan to get Kent into hell's gate... I also sent a copy of the Evidence to Lord Victor and Lady Charlotte."

"Who else is involved?"

Lily showed him the list of names, his heartbreaking realizing that the one who would betray would be so close to them, He asked Lily to find his Brother immediately to save him before it was too late.

Several minutes later at the Iron Templar Knight Academy, this particular academy took a sacred charge of training for the next generation of Knights and Zerrohnian Marines.

Afloat overhead the Academy is the many ringed arena's that hold the sacred Trials, each one more difficult than the other.

Each trial represents the core values of the first founder and her 15 knights such as; Strenght, Honor, Trust, Devotion, Truth, Morality, Wisdom, Spirit, Sight, Temperance, brotherhood, Heart, and the trial of Duty.

Should a knight or a marine pass each trial successfully, they may reach the glorious rank of Champion or even Ancient Venerate, But for those in the nobility like the Redridge clan each of the 73 noble houses may try to achieve the rank of Archon by completing the 12 trials and with Faith's blessing.

Kent had already completed the trials of brotherhood, Wisdom, trust, morality, Spirit, and Honor in the course of 3 years which is an astounding record for a Neo Xar-gezh of his age.

As they waited for the next trial to be determined by grand Judicator Sorrhen Tarakkova, a sense of fear and dread filled the air around them.

Sorrhen Tarakkova is known for his brutality in the trials and his desire to punish the Redridge clan for failing Faith during the Fall of Requiem. Eunice felt the fear and uneasiness as the Judicator was addressing the Fresh Bloods of the academy.

"Hey . . You okay? You don't have to worry, yknow. Everything will be alright " Kent reassures her, almost as if he'd read her mind, a wave of relief coming over her as she mimics his smile.


"Hey bossman, look they are announcing the team roster for the next trial!" Clayton shouted as he put his chain gun down.

"Awesome, Let's see what we got and rip 'em a new one!" Kent laughed out with a grin.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Clayton exclaimed with a fist bump.

"Um... Boss, it looks like we're up first..." Genji mentioned pointing at the holo board.

With over 300 teams of both Knights and double the number of squads for Marines, the Trials this year was going to be exciting as it was also set to be broadcasted all across New Dawn.

The Trials are held every 3 months, any fresh blood team can enter the trial so long as they clear their first year of training.

Each team composed of 2 - 3 knights and supported by 7 - 9 marines as a standard measure so Knights can learn to cooperate with their Marine brothers and sisters.

Kent led his team the Strike Team 00 with Rex as his co-commander; Clayton— a Devastator, Marky— the sniper, Genji— the Vanguard, Fenris and Fenrir— as the Defenders, Eunice and Lily as the Medics who was nowhere to be seen at the time, and Kent— as the all-rounder.

For the Trial is the Trial of Trust, Where each team must complete a set of obstacles ordained by Faith that will challenge the team's trust with each other and themselves. This trial is one of the most devastating of the other trials coming third to the trial of Spirit and the trial of the Heart.

It is extremely risky to hold the trials if the fresh blood teams are not prepared but will they ever truly be prepared unless pushed to do so.

As each team was pressed to face their deepest and darkest nightmares from within their minds and nightmares that may haunt whoever takes the challenge for years to come.

With 900 candidates for the Trial, it is expected to have these numbers plummet to single digits until Kent's team came to play. Though unorthodox and eccentric in every sense of the word, the level of trust they placed upon one another is strong that not even the darkest horrors inside their minds could break their trust.

"Looks like I need to get started or else I'll be left behind..." Kent said as he sat down and started meditating.

Knowing Kent the trial of the trust is something that he could easily pass but something was amiss when the Keeper of the trials stood from his throne and guarded the entrance to the sanctum of clarity where he resides.

"It is not up to you to decide what shall transpire here Judicator... Faith had ordained the young knight's trial for she shall head it... None may interfere... So she decrees... Should you interfere I shall show no mercy..." The Keeper warned as he guarded the door to the trial room.

Hours passed as the trials were already done for the others and surprising enough many had passed with an astounding record of 58 teams managed to clear one of the toughest tests ever made by Faith.

Chimera and the rest of the team awaited outside the sanctum when the keeper moved away saying that the trial is cleared. He went in first to see his brother sat in the center of the sanctum upon touching his skin it was colder than ice itself.

The keeper mentioned that he had passed the trial but his soul has not yet returned from the realm of Faith. It took days for Kent's soul to return from her realm as he mentioned it's peace and tranquility that soothes the tired soul.

It is a place where all the Knight's who gave their lives in their duty had come to receive their reward for their duty and service to their goddess deity. Everyone was happy to see him alive and well when the keeper and the other judicators asked what had transpired with his talk to their deity.

The only thing he could tell them is Faith is proud of the Dragon-wolf's efforts but he could not remember the rest of the details of what they talked about which is somewhat alarming. He was later carried off to the medical bay for treatment as his body was physically drained from staying in a fixed position for almost 9 hours straight.

Despite nearly dying from soul separation and dehydration, the team eagerly celebrated their victory over one of the major trials. Though they celebrated Kent could not help feel a sense of dread in the air as if there was something that clouds his instincts.

As the last few days of the trials were coming to a close Kent and his team reported to the Court of the Judicators one last test remained for each team. An honorable duel between the knight teams with only the clothes on their backs and swords for the knights and non-lethal weapons for their marine companions.

The combat record of the team is astoundingly high despite their lack of cooperation with commanding officers from other companies. Just as Judicator Sylas gave out the names of the teams who shall be participating in the last match before their graduation the team found out that Eunicia's name was not in any of the rosters.

Just before the match between Team Noble 99 and Strike Team Zero began as they finished their preparations for the match before their graduation. Eunicia showed up helping the team despite being removed from their team roster by the Judicators.

She helped stock up the team's equipment wishing them good luck and almost like something was going on as she sounded sad to say goodbye. Chimera realized that she was part of the list Lily gave to him but he could not bring himself at the time to tell his brother.

They made their way to the arena when they realized that it was a trap instead of facing off against more than they can handle. Fenris and Fenrir realized that the teams they were up against are those who don't exactly like the Redridge clan and the current state of affairs of the kingdom and would take any chance to Overthrow the current leadership.

With the odds stacked against them, the team had to come up with a plan or else they would fall and so too will the hope of the people for a better tomorrow.

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