《Six Pack》Six Pack Chapter 20 - Becoming a Part of the Pack (Geyser)
Michael had a lot on his mind: a new job possibility, moving for the job, moving onto the Shil’vati base, moving closer to the current bane of his existence, Joph’rena…
Talking to Jessica had kind of forced his hand that he had decided to take the job. That said, he wasn’t completely convinced yet. She had given him grief about working with the Shils, but then she revealed that she was ultimately going to be working with them as well. How dare she scold me for taking risks with unknown entities when she was doing the exact same thing? I think “unknown” but I have had personal experience with them. Did she? Did she? Michael hadn’t considered that she might have had experience with the Shil’vati. Surely, her experience will have been different than his. He didn’t think the “Purple Bitches'' would be aggressive with Human women. But who knows? He hadn’t even considered that she would. Maybe she had had her own problems with them but couldn’t do anything about them because no matter who you were or what you did, there wasn’t anything you could do about the invaders.
No matter, there's a great, big, beautiful tomorrow coming. There was light and life and hope…
And if all that was the case, why do my innards want to be outtards?
Nerves, no doubt. All of this is new and new is scary. New is unknown and unknown is not familiar and so on and so forth goes the spiral of anxiety. Swirling in his head; swirling in his guts.
“You okay in there?” Bill asked from the other side of the bathroom door leading to the kitchen.
Michael answered with an involuntary trumpet.
With minimal hesitation, Bill took that as a no, “Ok, I’ll tell them you’re out today. Feel better, buddy!”
I guess we’ll talk about these things later on. Besides, he’s got to go to work. Fuck, I’ve been missing a lot of work. Maybe shifting to this new role will be a good thing for me.
When Michael’s stomach had calmed down enough to walk away from the bathroom, he went back to his bedroom. He squatted to get down to his bed on the floor. He rolled onto his side. Looking at his tv, he saw the reflection of the ceiling fan above him and the window behind him. He caught a glimpse of something odd. There was a cube in his tv; rather, in the reflection of the window on his tv. He started to turn his body and he saw the cube shift a little. It was no longer a cube, it was a little longer at the new angle. As uncomfortable as it was, he rolled to his back, stomach churning again. He looked at his ceiling fan. From his periphery, he could see the object, like a dark shoe box. Or maybe a camcorder from the 90s, America’s Funniest Home Videos type of a camera. Is that a drone?
When he turned all the way around to face the window, it was gone. No matter. His stomach overtook him again.
Though, when Michael returned to his bedroom he made no outward appearance to look at the window. He looked at the floor. He looked at the bed. He curled his arm under and around his pillow, covered himself with his comforter and feigned closing his eyes. There it is. The dark object appeared again in the window.
Michael squinted at the tv. How much attention am I being given? Do they watch me 24/7? He shifted his legs dramatically. The object shifted upward in reaction to his shifting coverings. He chuckled quietly to himself. He kicked his legs again, scissoring them in an orientation opposite from where he’d begun. The drone swung in a counterclockwise arch around the window. Michael counted in his head. Twenty seven. Twenty eight. Twenty nine. Thirty! He spun himself to face the window. He saw the purple Shil’vati drone for what it was for only a moment before it spun around and shot into the sky away from his window.
Well hell, maybe Joph’rena would save on manpower, womanpower?, if I lived on base and they could keep cameras and microphones nearby whereas they weren't allowed to put cameras in my private residence; so instead they maintained a drone presence. What do I think of that? Ultimately, what’s the difference? I've been told that drones have been watching me, but now that I’ve seen one for myself, what is the difference? If I live on base, I’m sure there’ll be cameras everywhere watching me. Here, I have a drone that follows me. In either case, I’m going to be watched. I might as well have my rent paid, probably a new bed, probably a comparable income. There I know I’ll be watched. So far, it sounds like a better deal.
But what about this new job? What about living on a military base? I don’t know anything about the Shil’vati military? I mean, I guess I could talk to Bill about the human military, but if my family is any indicator, it’s not a good place.
“I’mma deck you old man!” His uncle’s words rang in his head still.
Not only that, but I don’t like...what’s the word? Authority. I don’t care for people yelling at me and giving me orders. Never joined a team because I didn’t want some dude yelling at me to do something that I didn’t want to do. Would that apply to me with this role on base? It’d almost have to, right? I’d become a cog in their machine.
Michael thought about his future a bit longer before deciding he needed to eat something that might settle his stomach. He got up and grabbed some crackers from the kitchen. He threw the unopened package onto the couch. He grabbed a plastic cup and noisily added ice and water.
Michael plopped himself down on the couch with the crackers, grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. What should I be doing with my time? Video games? A movie? Or maybe something a little more useful?
Michael opened up the smart apps on Bill’s big tv. He arrowed over to the YouTube app on the television.
Several hours later there was a knock on the door. Michael got up to look out the window. He saw Linnet’s tail wagging curiously at the door. He knocked on the window to see her tail shift into a happy gear when she saw him through the window.
Michael held a finger up and mouthed ‘Be right there’.
Linnet nodded and licked her lips in anticipation.
Michael carefully padded down the stairs. His bare feet plopped on the tiles. He opened the door and welcomed Linnet in; he didn’t usually hug people, which was odd, why don’t I hug more people? Michael thought as he grabbed Linnet into as big a hug as he had given anyone in greeting.
Linnet went with it. “How are you?” Despite the odd timing, she leaned into the hug with her whole being.
“I’m so happy to see you.” Michael said in passable Shil’vati.
Linnet’s face was aghast. She asked in Shil’vati, “You’ve been drinking?”
“No. I’ve been on YouTube all day.” Michael smiled. In Shil’vati he continued with the best Keanu Reeves in Matrix voice, “I know Shil’vati.”
Linnet crinkled her muzzle and shook her head, “Let’s be realistic, you know Shil like I know English.”
Michael’s response was choppy Shil’vati, “Few hours clean learn no enough?” He held Linnet’s hand and pulled her upstairs.
Stepping up, Linnet corrected ‘sober’ from ‘clean’ and continued in English, “Not quite.” Her smile betrayed how proud she was of him.
They both sat down on the couch so he could show her what he’d been watching.
Michael smiled in English, “So maybe I’m at a third grade level?”
Linnet gave him a sly side eye, “Maybe. Maybe lower.” She saw his face droop and nuzzled him under his neck. He lifted his head again with a tickled giggle. “Does this sober dedication to learning the language mean that you’re going to take the job on base?”
Michael’s smile dissolved as he continued in English, “I guess so. I don’t know.” He looked down at the coffee table, “I kinda told Jessica I was taking it.”
Linnet tisked, “You told her you were taking it and now you have to take it?”
“I don’t know. It was kind of a heat-of-the-moment kind of thing, like, I felt like I had to commit to it then.” Michael admitted.
Looking at him, her pupils grew bigger. “Why?”
Michael pursed his lips, “Well, I-I don’t know. I’m not beholden to her for anything but child support and attempted coparenting.”
Linnet’s head cocked to the side, “Beholden?”
“I don’t owe her anything.” He stumbled on his words, “Except for you know, the money and the parenting thing.”
“Ah. Yes. Didn’t you say you would be married to her, for life? Isn’t that what your human matrimonial ceremonies state?” Linnet stopped for clarification. “And how did that work out?”
Michael smirked, “You mean, like I’ve already backed out on one promise to her, I don’t have to keep my word as bond with her regarding this job?”
Linnet gave a low whine, “You learn a little Shil and you think you’re a big shot. Then you go back to use these complicated concepts in English; you’re kind of an asshole for that.”
Michael smiled and shrugged. “Sorry?”
Linnet put her hand up to pat and smooth over Michael’s hair. “I’m saying you’re over complicating things.” She pinioned her head so that they were looking into each other’s eyes. “Do you want the job?”
Michael sighed deeply, “I don’t know what the job even is.”
Linnet blinked slowly, “You know how awful the Shil’vati can be. You know how to treat people fairly. We have elected you to come help us make life bearable. You’ll be helping us. You’ll probably help other people on base who have complaints but don’t have anyone to turn to; your job is to help the peoples under the Imperium rule on base deal with the Shil’vati.”
“Why would they listen to me and not you or your superiors? I’m nobody.” Michael whimpered.
“Because you are a male. Your planet is filled with males who don’t know a matriarchy like most of the rest of us do. You have a knack for languages. Those ‘Purple bitches’ will listen to a man who will stand up to them.” Linnet reasoned.
Michael contemplated that, I have spent a lot of time avoiding conflicts…
Seeing his lack of confidence, Linnet also bolstered with, “Plus, you’ll be a part of our pack.” Her eyes held a kind of welcoming feeling that Michael hadn’t felt in a long time.
Michael melted into this feeling. However, accepting that someone loves you is a hard thing to do for people like Michael. Instead of letting himself feel that, he interrupted with, “Oh, I did see the drone this morning.” Michael cleared the happiness out of his throat and mind.
Linnet’s keen eyes held for just a moment longer before replying casually, “Oh? You’ve finally noticed them?
“Finally? Like you’ve known about them the whole time?” Michael said exasperatedly.
“It’s a part of living under Shil’vati rule that I have accepted.” Linnet admitted. “It’s kind of hard to let go, but also, it’s sort of comforting. Your people always have your phones and watches and other devices? They do practically the same thing.”
The phone buzzed psychosomatically in Michael’s pocket. “I guess so.” He tried not to be paranoid about that kind of thing, to the point of accepting that the cameras on his phone or on the computers at work and everywhere around him were likely transmitting his visual information to someone; so what was the difference? “I guess you’re right. I’m being watched anyway, so what difference does it make?” He concluded.
“Only now, you’re closer to the people who are watching you. You’d be a person and not so much a target.” Linnet smiled mischievously. “Isn’t there some Human movie about keeping enemies close?”
“How do you know about the Godfather?” Michael blurted out.
“Classic Human culture. It seems to be a thing.” Linnet shrugged.
“I haven’t even watched all of the Godfather.” Michael admitted, “But I know that line.”
Linnet folded her arms and sat back on the couch. “See?”
Michael sat back as well. “Hmm, could there be a movie night on base?”
Linnet leaned in closer to Michael, “It could be your job to set that up.” Her whiskers entwined with his beard. Her warm breath against his ear. He shivered.
“I could,” He paused until the shiver’s intensity had diminished, leaving only goosebumps up his arms, “Get used to that.”
He turned his head to face hers. Eskimo kisses were exchanged.
Before things could get too much farther, the apartment door downstairs opened. “How ya doin’, Poopsie?” Bill’s voice rang out. “You still a shit geyser?”
Following Bill’s voice was a mixture of laughing and shushing. Seemed the whole gang had arrived with him. Harley, Fala, Bel’a, Staff sergeant Remington, and Finley all tromped up the stairs with Bill. Who Michael hadn’t anticipated coming up the stairs was Celeste.
“Good afternoon, Mikey!” Celeste cheered.
Trying to appear unperturbed and not like he was just about to jump Linnet, Michael replied, “Good afternoon! And what brings you here? Have you met all of our friends?” He got up from the couch and stood behind it, offering seating for all of the guests.
“I did, they’re very friendly. We all got to talking outside of the apartment. It was clear that we’re all heading the same direction. You’ve become,” Celeste looked around the room, “Very popular.”
“Despite your illness.” Fala stood closer to Michael with a concerned look. “Are you feeling better?”
Michael unconsciously touched his stomach, “Yeah, I think I’m better now.”
Celeste didn’t know what Fala asked, but got the picture. “I just wanted to tell you that the lawyer we sent the video to has said that there’s likely to be a class action suit. You're not the only person who the Shil’vati have been ‘assaulty’ to; it’s an issue.”
“Yeah, I could tell from the bus full of men ready to give their lives to make sure a few fewer Shils were around to hurt them.” Michael said quietly.
Ssgt Remington asked, in clear English, “You have a video? Of Pennar’dun’s sexual assault of yourself?” He shifted in his seat. Finley copied the movement in a shaking pantomime, trying to get everything right. It’s clear to me that Finley thinks doing what Ssgt Remington does will get him promoted as well.
Celeste answered for Michael, “Yes, he managed to record it on his phone.” At which, Remington and a few of the others exchanged glances.
Michael tried to read the room. “Does that mean anything to you all?”
Harley spoke up, “Michael, no offense meant by this, but are you an idiot!?”
Michael chuckled in self deprecation, “Depends on your perspective.”
Bel’a chuffed, “You’re not getting that job on base then.”
Celeste broke in, “You’re taking a job on base?” She put her hands on her forehead, “Are you an idiot?”
Michael grabbed the back of his neck, “That seems to be the consensus.”
“Wait,” Linnet interrupted, “Why do you think that’s idiotic, Celeste?”
Holding her hands out emphatically at Michael, Celeste answered, “He’s going to go back to where he got attacked?”
“We’ll be there now,” Linnet corrected. “He’s going to be in a facility for us.” She reached behind her and grabbed Michael’s arm and felt down to hold his hand.
“For you?” Celeste followed the path of Linnet’s hand, then searched Michael’s face. “You’re going to protect him?”
Finley cut in, “Yes!”
Ssgt Remington added, “Though his new job would be about protecting us.”
Celeste was flabbergasted by the thoughts running through her head. “What? How does any of this make any sense to anyone?”
Michael smiled and shrugged, “I don’t know what it’s going to look like exactly,” he gave Linnet’s hand a little squeeze, “But I believe we can figure it out.”
Celeste palmed her face and put her other fist on the waist of her jeans, “They’re offering you a job protecting Rakiri--”
Finley cut in again, “And other species on base. There’s a diverse population of--”
Harley interrupted, “A diverse population of no one suing the Imperium!”
Bel’a rolled her eyes, “You’re not getting this job.”
Bill held his hands up to get everyone’s attention, “Hey now, are we actually hearing each other, or are we letting our assumptions lead us to panic?” He took a sip of his beer. “When Celeste mentioned the video and the lawyer and all of that, you all seemed surprised. Did none of you know about this?”
The Rakiri gathering all shook their heads no.
“Then we have reason to assume that the Shil’vati don’t know either.” Bill proposed, giving Michael a wink, “Maybe that’s your ace in the hole.”
Michael mouthed ‘Ace in the hole’ at Bill. What are you talking about?
Celeste got it, “If they don’t know yet, they’ll still give you the job. By the time it amounts to anything, you’ll already be there. It could either give you armor or paint a target on your back.”
The room murmured in agreement.
Michael quietly addressed the room, “What’s the worst that could happen? I’m willing to try anything four times.”
Linnet squeezed Michael’s hand and looked at the other Rakiri in the room. “And, you’re a part of our pack now, right everybody?” Linnet began a howl in which everyone joined, including Bill. Celeste joined for the hell of it.
Besides, what was the worst that could happen?
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