《The Night Hunter》Chapter 3: The First Night


Chapter 3: The First Night

"Yo, Rex!....Did you work out over the summer?" Geo Rivera, a Mexican American and Rex's best friend, asked as Rex walked into their homeroom, taking his class schedule from the teacher's desk.

"A bit. It was kind of unexpected," Rex grinned, making a high five with Geo. "So what's your master plan this year?"

"Wooing the senior year magnet student beauty: Cassandra Williams. Whew. That girl is fine and she is smart," Geo sighed.

"You have better luck dating her best friend, Veronica," Rex said, shaking his head and pat his friend's shoulder. "Less humiliation there and she is pretty cute."

"She's got a nice bust, but I like bigger booty," Geo said, Rex rolling his eyes. "She's not skinny, but she makes up for it with her hot face and nice ass."

"And you wonder why you never have a girlfriend. So many girls confessed, but you always aim too high," Rex sighed and looked up Geo's status. It was official: he could only see his own stat distribution.

Name: Geo Rivera

Level: 0

Class: Mundane

Title: None

After two hours of math, nutrition (recess), two hours of marine biology, and lunch; Rex and Geo walked into the only class of today's block schedule worth their interest: Guitar. Rex had calculus, marine biology, and guitar on one day with three different classes the next. As Geo and Rex fiddled and tuned their guitars, other students arrived and took their seats.

Rex's eyes narrowed as three people walked in, their levels all above five. Without a doubt, those students were all Night Hunters. He would have to lay low as he confirmed the existence of Night Hunters in the student body.

Name: Gaoli Qin

Level: 9

Class: Mage

Title: Apprentice Undead Hunter

Name: Soji Akira

Level: 7

Class: Warrior

Title: Apprentice Undead Hunter

Name: Suna Akira

Level: 7

Class: Rogue

Title: Apprentice Undead Hunter

"Titles. It seems I was correct. They are Night Hunters," Rex thought as the three Night Hunters sat down in the front row, avoiding sitting with the others.

"Rex! Geo! We're in the same class!" a fat boy grinned as he walked in. His name was Gary Hill, also a close friend of Rex. People didn't understand why Rex and Geo hung out with Gary, but Gary had always been playing video games and watched movies with Rex and Geo since middle school. Rex and Geo even met Gary in the library as they looked for fantasy books and action movie DVDs. Rex and Geo had been best friends since elementary school and adding Gary made them the three musketeers.

"What? Gary's level 32?!" Rex cried, shocked.

Name: Gary Hill

Level: 32

Class: Dark Alchemist

Titles: Adept Vampire Hunter; Mad Alchemist; Crossbow Specialist

"He's level 32 and a powerful rogue. How could I not notice? Geo and I sleep over at his house several times during the summer or weekends," Rex said, as Geo waved at Gary.

"So why is the drummer of our band playing a guitar? You finally going on a diet and chose to play the guitar to impress the ladies?" Geo grinned.

"I don't want to take Jazz class. They already got enough students in percussion. I really didn't want to take AP Music Theory. The whole point of learning music in high school is to play it," Gary answered. "Well, it's not like I'm learning how to sing or play bass. That's your job. Rex has to do the rap, write the lyrics for it, and the entire music sheet for the song. Heck, I even write your lyrics. You just looking pretty. Still, Rex is more beast than you now."


"I make a plain, navy blue V-neck shirt and slim jeans work. Steel studded shoes with green camo shoes complete the image and short light brown hair. I could be a model," Rex laughed, the other two sighing and shaking their heads as Rex already qualified before but didn't seem to think so.

"He seems...stronger than the Mundane in this room," Gaoli said as he stared at him.

"His name is Rex Valentine. I heard rumors he just quit the varsity basketball team to play with those two in a band," Suna said, using her advanced hearing to catch the small gossips between the other students.

"You think he is a Night Hunter?" Soji asked.

"I doubt it. While this Rex feels strong, Gary Hill is a known Night Hunter who prefers to hunt alone and avoids all other Night Hunters. He only ever hunts with his father. That other boy is definitely a Mundane though. Either way, we have to prepare for tonight. The zombies and demons have laid low lately, but the vampires are sure to make their moves now that the three werewolf clans have been annihilated," Gaoli answered. "Tonight, we will clear any mundanes infected by the pure blood vampires. We can't allow mutations to roam the street. They are not bound by the truce and break into buildings to kill the mundanes. I got my cousin, Bingbing, to help us out. However, she is in the Magnet program and is also taking AP Music Theory instead of Guitar class. We'll have to make plans when you come over before sunset."

"Ah, are we hunting them with Bingbing? That's great. If the mutated vampires escape us, Bingbing can kill them. After all, she already got a class upgrade. Soon, you will too," Suna agreed. "With her help, we will definitely be able to survive. We'll hunt tonight then, right Soji?"

"Whatever, sis. You're the older twin. So long as we finally get our class upgrades, you choose what we do," her brother shrugged, satisfied so long as he got to kill something. Besides, Bingbing was a rising actress and became a Night Hunter before the three of them. When it came to the city's layout and hunting creatures of the Night, she was a major help.

After learning learning how to play simple notes, class ended and the three boys left to Gary's house to play. Rex took one last glance at Gaoli and wondered if he and his friends noticed what he was. He found it strange that Gaoli, Suna, and Soji didn't seem to stand out. They also had slim, lean bodies as Night Hunters. Suna was also a beauty superior to Geo's ill-fated crush: Cassandra.

After playing a few songs and discussing their homework, Rex left early and arrived took the bus to the city. Gary's parents were rich and Gary always bought junk food to eat as he watched movies or played his video games. His house was really a manor overlooking the city buildings from a hill. Rex had to walk to the bottom of the hill, passing the security guards as the hills were a private residence. It was there that he could take a bus back to the city instead of a limo that brought him and Geo there. Geo always slept over as his younger sister always had her friends sleep at his house for a sleepover.

"Time to sort out the stuff," Rex said as he sat against the ledge of a parking lot complex. It was his usual haunt, the view of the sunset was great and often played his guitar to relax there. There were also no security guards as the mall closed off the parking complex as people filmed at the bottom most floor as well as a storage area for the trucks of major store names that delivered refrigerators, beds, washing machines, and other items too big for a car.


As he took out all the items from the ring, he learned the dying man's name was Lionel Ventus from a journal. He was a Night Hunter who specialized in hunting werewolves. He used pistols, spears, swords, crossbows, poisoned darts, daggers, and other weapons. They were all enchanted and Rex learned that the rogue class could use almost any enchanted weapon. The only exception were staffs and spears as they knew no magic skills.

However, Lionel saw the world as a game and learned magic skills through skill books. While he could not use staffs or scepters, he could still use magic. As a rogue, he learned poison magic to make his weapons more deadly. Mundane weapons, like guns and even nukes had no effects of creatures of the Night or Night Hunters. This revelation shocked him. He also learned there were some factions that desired Night Hunters to rule the world openly while others controlled certain offices of power, even small countries, in the shadows.

As a game character, Rex would not have to wait for days, weeks, or months to heal from his injuries as he could just heal himself. Also, he had higher mana, health, and Ki regeneration than others. This was why many Night Hunters who saw the game were terrifying. Most of them really treated the world as a game, killing and killing without a care in the world if a civilian dies or if they cause destruction to the area.

However, there were Night Hunters with a special class called Code Keepers. If a Night Hunter broke the laws of their society, they were tasked with eliminating the Night Hunter or cleaning up the mess. They were recognized as one of the the most powerful among the elites among mages and rogues. There was no one they couldn't find and kill. There was also no destroyed area their mages could not fix and make it as good as new. They were tasked with keeping the existence of Night Hunters and creatures of the Night an absolute secret from the Mundane. Of course, there were instances that they could not find and eliminate the witness, like Rex's own case.

Rex stored the journal and began to look over all the items. There were dozens of potions with red, blue, and green liquid. Rex was ecstatic. Why? Red potions were health potions, blue was mana potions, and green had to be Ki potions. The journal also indicated there was a chance items would drop when he killed, including money. It was why those kinds of Night Hunters chose to make hunting a full-time occupation.

There was also a secret, online black market that Night Hunters used to buy and auction out items. You had one chance to make an alias and all purchased items would be delivered within ten seconds, cash payment required upon the exchange. This was to protect the identities of Night Hunters and their existence if a Mundane ever discovered and hacked the site. The scary part was that even creatures of the Night were sold as slaves as well as some Mundanes, in certain countries.

So long as Night Hunter did not expose superhuman abilities to the world, as well as the true terrors of the Night; then such actions were tolerated by the Code Keepers who served a mysterious master. Even the High Council of Night Hunters didn't dare antagonize Code Keepers. Code Keepers were the not most powerful and were the smallest faction. However, each member of the faction was rumored to be over level 200. If each member attacked the same clan or target, how could anyone resist if the identities of the Code Keepers were a mystery? Lionel strongly suspected that they were like him, Night Hunters who saw the world as a game. As far as level caps, Lionel did not know as his last journal entry only said he passed the 100 level mark.

Many jealous Night Hunters referred to them as Cheat Hunters, their levels rising higher and faster than any other. This was their strength, and weakness, as their success depended on their stat distributions and tended to lack more experience as they increased their levels. Rex had to agree as it was much easier to level up at lower levels. Also, if they depended on levels, simply killing any random creature of the Night would not make them stronger.

The strength and weakness application also applied to the three classes. Warriors tended to specialize in close range fighting, some rarely using medium ranged weapons or skills. Long distance fighters, magic, and stealth attacks were their weakness. Rogue specialized in quick, hit-and-run tactical fighting. They could use almost any weapon, but spent less time honing their skills with each weapon with each weapon they add to their arsenal. Their weakness was if they were slowed or detected before they could strike. Their defense often paled in comparison to the stronger warriors while mages had the widest variety of spells and abilities.

Finally, there was the rarest class. Mages had the advantage of two pools of spirit energy: mana and Ki. They were a class that fought from medium to long range in combat. They had the least physical defense as they specialized in magic and not close combat fighting. All one needed to do was get in close range and a mage tended to die if they had no means of instantly increasing the distance.

The one exception to the weaknesses were the so-called Cheat Hunters as they gained stat points with each level and could distribute them. That was the reason Code Keepers were suspected to be Cheat Hunters as they had a closer relationship to the mysterious system that Cheat Hunters were a part of that catalyzed everything in the world.

"Got to use these potions if my life is danger," Rex said as he stored them and all the books he found. Unfortunately, there were no skill books inside the ring. By reading it once, it would disappear and he would learn the skill. Other Night Hunters would have to study it and practice for weeks, months, or years.

*Ring. Ring*

"Hello?" Rex said as the only thing in front of him were weapons and a strange mask.

"Rex? Are you coming home tonight or hunting?" his mother asked.

"I want to see how well I can do on my own. You're right about not needing to sleep. I really wanted to doze off in marine biology, as I am always the top student in science class, but my body did not need to rest. It is really weird. I can nap if I want, but don;t have to," Rex answered.

"HAHA! He is a Cheat Hunter. Tell him to come here before sunrise so I can speak to him," an unknown male voice said in the background.

"Mom? Who is that?" he asked.

"My father. His name is Sean Gorgon. As you are a Night Hunter, I might as well tell you that my real name is Gretel," Mary answered. "Yes, like the fairy tale. I will explain everything when you come home. Remember, do not fight in populated areas or you will break the Code."

"I know. I'll be fine. Bye," Rex said as the call ended and frowned before turning his attention to the mask. He couldn't spare the thought about his grandfather or mom as he had to survive the night first. He looked at the mask and inspected it through the system.


Inspection CompleteMask of Illusions

This red mask with three black stones, forming a pyramid above the area between the eyes, used to belong to a demon general that specialized in illusions. By wearing it, the wearer's clothes are exchanged with a simple white cloak with a white hood covering the head. Any who gaze upon it will see the mask cover the upper portion of the wearer's face, the bottom half containing the cheeks, mouth, nose, and chin covered in wisps of darkness.


Mask cannot be destroyed or removed by anyone other than the owner.

Owner cannot be identified while wearing the mask.

Mundane cannot detect the owner or anything magical item the owner uses.

Immunity to illusions.

All kills while wearing the mask returns 5% health, and 2% of mana and Ki.

Restriction: Mage class of any race to be the owner. Only owner can don the mask.

Current owner: Rex Valentine.

"Wow! No wonder Lionel kept the Staff of the Witch King. If he were a mage and wore the mask, he could hunt and no one would recognize him. No wonder he said I would be a mage. Maybe the red energy made me a mage? I know the purple energy from the staff made me a Night Hunter, but that red energy hasn't done anything yet," Rex wondered as the sky darkened.

As the sun set, Rex grinned and donned the Mask of Illusion. He stored his backpack and guitar into his ring and made his staff appear. As he suspected, the tattoo on his hand contained all the items if he made the ring change into a staff. His staff had a black shaft, seemingly made of smooth obsidian glass. A white dragon coiled the staff below a red diamond almost as dark as blood as it was clearer and reflected light like a mirror.


Inspection IncompleteStaff of Fire

Formerly an ordinary staff of the Witch King now bound to a mage successor. Its true power is unlocked and granted the power of witch magic to the owner. This staff is one thirteen ultimate weapons of power. Its true form and power remains beyond your reach at your current level.

All Night Hunters of the witch class will befriend you as you possess the energy of one of their own. The Witch King has felt his staff awakened and will hunt you down with the Sword of the Witch King in the hopes to complete his weapon set once more. Only his sword can sense the true identity of your staff. The souls of the past Witch King are pleased that the two weapons have awakened once more and look forward to the coming bloodbath.

Note: the current Witch King is the first human to possess the title, killing a demon that evolved into a devil to take the title and all its power.


24 to 31 damage on physical hit.

43 to 48 damage per flame wisp bolt.

Unlocked: witch magic.

All other effects locked.

Hostility from the current Witch King: 100%

Hostility from demons: 30%

Friendship with witches: 80%

Restriction: Rex Valentine.


[table]System Announcement Title unlocked: Fire Lord

You who the Staff of Flame have become one of the owners of an ultimate weapon of power. Each ultimate weapon of power governs one of the thirteen elements. You have the potential to govern over fire. The other Lords of the Elements will know that the Lord of Fire has awoken and will seek you out with their own agendas. Do not let the other Lords of the Elements beat you down and show them that Fire governs over all!


Immunity to fire and burning effects.

Mana increase: +100

Increased fire and burning damage: 5%

Control over fire: 100%

Control over fire elementals: 100%

Title effects will update depending on unlocked access to Staff of Flame.

Title only visible to other Lords of the Elements[table]

"WHAT?" he cried, but no one was able to hear him. "Turns out this staff really is special. I even got a title! This is too awesome! My Meteor and Witch Fire skills are sure to be boosted in damage and control output! This settles it. My main attack magic will be fire, but I should still learn other magics in the event of the enemy possessing high fire resistance or complete immunity."

"Now, let's go find creatures of the Night. I should also be wary of Night Hunters," Rex mused as he walked among the Mundane, his excitement for his first fight trumping his fear over death. If all else failed, he would use the Meteor skill and wipe them all out in a isolated area.

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