《Muzumi》Chapter 10 -- Arrival


(Chapter 10) Arrival

There was bright light all around me and I closed my eyes.

I felt some sort of pull on my body and then suddenly I felt extremely dizzy. After a few seconds my confusion faded and I slowly opened my eyes….

Ah! I was on beach!

Finally, I was now in the mortal world! What sort of amazing adventures would I be able to go on?

Feeling happy and excited I began taking note of my surroundings, in front of me was a never-ending body of water, the sea!

Behind me was a thicket containing palm trees and bushes.

I strolled along the beach marveling at the soothing smell of the ocean and the warm, gentle breeze that enveloped my body.

Oh? This is peculiar, the beach is beginning to curve into itself? I wonder why……..


Suddenly feeling a sense of foreboding, I began running quickly along the beach.

After a few minutes, my fears were confirmed………….

“You got to be fucking kidding me………”

I was……………I was on an island!

A very small island!

In the middle of the fucking sea!

“Oh god…….why…….why me?”

I bet Death is probably fucking laughing his head off right now………ha ha, I…………..I can already imagine the conversation between Death and the other outer gods…

“Oh, I have a good idea guys. Let’s make Muzumi a weak 5 year old. Make him go through an impossible trial and then….HAHAHA, get this, and then…………….We’ll leave him on an island! HAHAHAHAHAHA, in the middle of fucking nowhere!”

This Death guy had either a really fucked up sense of humor or I had accidently killed his parents in another life……Considering that the latter option was impossible it must be the first…..

At this point………I didn’t even care anymore. Everything seemed to go wrong for me, all I could do now was move on…….

Let’s see, how am I going to get of this island? I could make a raft from the palm trees but I would be taking a lot of chances………who knows how far I am from land? I could be thousands of miles away……

Oh well, I really don’t want to sit here and wait around for something to happen, raft it is!

I started to get hungry so I began mediating to use my soul energy as a tool to sense the soul energy of nearby creatures. It only took me an hour and when I gained the ability to sense nearby presences I noticed………..that the island was teaming with life!


Many fish swam in a nearby small coral reef, and there are crabs as well.

I went fishing with my spear and managed to catch a medium sized grouper after a lot of difficulty.

Firstly, I couldn’t hold my breath for very long due to not having access to my magic and I was also as weak as a 7 year old now. But my hunger kept making me try again and again until I eventually got lucky and skewered a grouper.

When I got back to the island with my catch, I used a very small amount of magic to create a spark. Then, using sticks and shrubbery collected from the island I made a fire. A spark was about the most I could do at this point with my fatigued condition.

I roasted my fish and had a large bite of the cooked flesh.

Bliss hit me like a wave.

I had been eating bland monster meat or magic made supplements for so long……

My first bite of real food in two years! The only thing I could feel was joy! The fish tasted so good!

While I was eating, I felt my Blood Mist slowly return to me, I could feel its presence again underneath my skin. It felt very faint though, it seems like it would also need some time for it to recover fully and be as strong as it was before.

Two days after, I realized that I could now use some weak frost magic. I started cutting the palm trees by slowly freezing a small section at the base of the tree and then chipping away at the frozen part with my spear.

It was very exhausting though. It took me a lot of time to freeze a portion of the tree, chip away and then wait for my mana to recover. Then i had to do the whole process over again.

Having my mana limited and my magic so weak made the whole process take………7 hours per tree!

-3 days later-

Somehow I had managed to make a raft. Making rope from scratch using the plants around me had taken a while but the raft was built decently and would be able to hold together through a small-scale storm.

I really, really, really hoped that I didn’t suffer through a storm while out on the sea though…….

I fucking hate storms.

Just because the raft would hold together didn’t really mean anything either. If the waves of the storm got too high, I would probably get shaken off and thrown into the waters.


Alright, today was the day that I would head out!

My days as a man of the sea had begun!

--Muzumi’s Mental Sailors Log—

- Day 1: Boring waves, boring sky, everything’s boring. All I did today was lay here on my back all day on this boring raft floating away with the boring ocean current.

- Day 2: I was mediating today and feeling my soul energy. My soul has changed in very interesting ways. There is a red aura around it which I am guessing is due to my devouring magic. Very strange though, I’ve never heard of magic that effected the soul this way. Maybe my old man might know something about it?

- Day 3: Couldn’t catch any fish today, but I am really smart and had already prepared for something like a food shortage. Back in the heavens dungeon I had made a pouch using my cloak right before the fight with Shardock. The pouch was filled with black pellets that are food supplements. I would be good on food for about 20 days even if I didn’t catch any fish. I really wanted to eat fish though……….

- Day 7: Bored

- Day 9: I’ve recovered enough magic to make life a little bit easier, I made an oar with ice and tried speeding up my journey but got bored of it after a while. Good exercise though.

- Day 15: Finally! Luck is on my side! I saw a ship far in the distance and its heading my way. Time to start waving and yelling like a mad man!


In a world that its inhabitants called earth, many different kingdoms and nations had sprung out from the aftermath of countless wars. There are currently five major powers that held control of 5 of the 6 giant continents on earth.

To the West is a forest continent that was ruled by the kingdom known as Elairva. It was exclusively ran by a race known as elves. The elves were similar to humans with the only differences being long ears, better complexions and a higher talent for magic. The elves are extremely secretive and only those who had extreme magic talent would be allowed within its country as students for its many prestigious academies.

To the North is a snow shrouded kingdom called Delvore ruled by a race known as the dwarfs. These dwarfs had created gigantic cites on the faces of mountains and cliffs using stone and iron. They are known as master craftsmen and had a friendship with all the other kingdoms. The other kingdoms sought out their expertise in forging and crafting weapons and other items used in warfare.

To the south is a chaotic land with many different habitats and dangerous wildlife. The demi-human race known as beast-men ruled over the land and had established the primal kingdom of Scarr

In the center of all the continents was the most mysterious continent known as Miasma. It was rumored to be ruled by a legendary humanoid race known as the Demon-race but those were only rumors and superstitions. The continent was filled with extreme danger! It was littered with monsters and chaotic landscapes. Entering it without being the strongest of heroes would mean death! Many strong adventurers had entered the continent seeking glory and fame but few had ever survived. All those who had survived and come back, only had one message for the masses….Death! That is all that awaits in this land!

To the East are two continents both occupied by humans. The north-eastern continent was ruled by the Kingdom of Rorak. The south-eastern continent was ruled by the Kingdom of Sarok.

All the continents were separated by large bodies of water that would take months by ship to cross.

In the south-eastern kingdom of Sarok are many small countries each ruled by their own kings and queens, but they all had to answer to The Supreme-king that ruled over all the countries and whose gigantic city lay in the center of the continent.

The 5th princess of a very small country within the south-eastern kingdom, was currently leading a voyage to the North-eastern kingdom of Rorak.

The 5th princess was very troubled due to recent events that had forced her to leave her country, little did she know that she would encounter someone on her trip that would change her life.

-Yuzu here, thanks for reading. If you were bored with this chapter the next one will be alot more fun (I had a plan for this chapter but it took me longer to write than I expected.)

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