《No matter what other person you are, I'll do my best to keep you all safe in paradise.》The girl beneath the tree


Chapter 2

The girl beneath the tree

The moon was shining bright, as it shone into his room it lit everything up...

His shaky eyes stared into hers…

Her soft voice ringed in his ear-“Don’t tell me, have you..”

“Of course I haven't, How could I forget that night”- he muffled in a hasteful response

Her eyes appeared to glow from the moonlight…

“How could I forget that night I met a girl beneath a tree”- he reassured

Her eyes began to fill with tears

“I… still remember what happened that day”...


The day, something unforgettable…, everything was ingrained in their brain, The cold feeling and the blank stares in that office, The doctor's office… It was then that she noticed everything changed…

“What, Doctor please tell me your kidding right”- A deep voice proclaimed

“Oh sir, I am very serious--”- A man’s voice replied

“It can’t be, my daughter can’t be a freak, she can’t”- The other man’s voice responded

“Sir, please your daughter isn’t a frea--- ”...”Of course she fucking is, what else would she be, she’s a freak”- The man replied to the doctor

“Sir, please just because your daughter suffers from, split mind disorder, doesn’t mean that...”...

For hours on end the doctor and her father kept arguing, with no sight of an end. But no matter what they said she couldn’t hear it or at least she didn’t want to and yet those words echoed in her head, a freak, someone who doesn’t belong. Those words haunted her from that moment on.

Hours later… after a huge screaming match...

“You know what doctor, i’m done taking your bullshit”- Her father barked

“Sir, please calm dow...”- The doctor being cut off

“No, I’m done with you, I’m taking my freak of a daughter and leaving!!”- Her father screamed

He stomped out of the room and walked towards Aamaile sitting in the corner of the waiting room with a pale expressionless look on her face, Her father yanked off the chair by her right arm and brutally dragged her out of the waiting room and then the clinic. She couldn't move, her body felt heavy, not a single limb would move, every time she tried her body wouldn’t respond. It felt like her body wasn’t hers.

The only thing for sure she could feel was the burning pain from being dragged on the hard wooden floor and out of nowhere the sudden drop onto the hard and rough concrete sidewalk outside of the clinic. The pain continued as she was dragged all the way to her fathers car, she could feel the pain on her face from being dragged on the hard concrete. The pain was immeasurable.

The left side of her face was horribly scraped, same could be said for the rest of the left side of her body, scrapes covered her arm and face, the skin being torn and ripped, blood covered her body. Her clothes were shredded and ripped, through the holes you could see her skin as red as it could be. Her father wasn’t holding back.

Once at the car, the horrible treatment didn’t stop, He swung open the door and threw her in there without a thought. She slammed against the door, head bouncing off the window, a scream of pain was let out.


“Da--Dadd---Daddy...why?”- She said stumbling on her own words

A tear rolled down his face, “shut up you freak!!”- He yelled as he slammed the door

Soon after she passed out



She collapsed, her head was down, tears rolled down her face and fell onto the grass filled dirt, her eyes were wide open with a constant flow of tears. He looked at her in shock, his body couldn't move.

“I… I...”...

“Please, Aamaile, calm down, Aamaile!, Aamaile!!”


Once they arrived at their home, she was yanked out of the car by the monster she called dad and brought into the house, she could barely move, he set her down on the hard wooden floor near the entrance.

“What happened, what did the doctor tell you---”- Her mother’s voice asked from a far, right before being cut off by the man's voice

“Don’t worry about that, i’ll take care of it...”- Her father asserted

Her mother entered the entrance room to find her daughter nearly passed out on the floor being dragged on the floor by her hand, by her own father.

“W...wh...why is she like that?”

“She got what a freak like her deserves ”

“What do you mean freak?”

“You see, at the doctor’s clinic I was told that this little freak suffers from some kind of split mind disorder”

“Wh..wha..what does that mean”

“It means that this little piece of shit has more than one person in her head”

“Yo..you...you’re lying right?, please tell me you’re lying”

“Please say something, tell me it’s not true”

He walked away, not saying a single word…


“I...I...I..”- she stuttered

“Please Aamaile calm down”- He said trying to not raise his voice

“Au...Aur...Auro...I...I...”-She said while raising her head

“Why...Why can't I move”- Auro thought to himself

He looked into her eyes, they were wide open, you could see the blood vessels in her eyes, tears ran down her face, slowly falling onto the dry ground.



She was slowly dragged across her house toward the back of it. She could barely see anything, the blood blinded her sight and yet she could recognize where she was being taken. Her room...

“Don’t worry you freak, after this you won’t be of my concern”- He shouted coldly

“D...Da...Daddy...w...wh...why?”- She said mustering up all the energy she had left

After that her body went cold, her limbs wouldn’t respond, her sight began to fade. Everything slowly began to blur away, an empty nothingness was all that was left, the last thing she could remember feeling was her back hitting against something and then nothing. She had passed out once again.

After that her father ended up giving her a beating of a lifetime while she was passed out.


“Auro.. I...can’t”- She said

“What, what?”- He replied

“Auro I can’t believe I can finally see you after so long”- She exclaimed while still crying

He was left in shock, a smile covered her face, the tears stopped flowing as she got up and walked towards him. He couldn’t move, he only saw as she slowly approached him.


“I guess we feel the same huh”- he was able to say

“Mmm… I guess you could say that ”- she proclaimed happily

“It’s really her”- he thought as she gave him a hug -“It really is the girl I met that day”.

Her warm embrace reminded him of those days, those sad and horrible days. He wished that this could be the last time that he would remember those days…


The days would pass and Aameile wouldn’t regain consciousness and yet somehow she would get up, this couldn’t be possible, she couldn’t see anything nor feel anything and yet she could hear a voice, a voice which wasn’t her own…

“Hey don’t worry, we got this”- a voice assured

“Who are you”- she asked

“We are you and you are us”- another voice replied

“Wh..What do you mean?”- She asked in a worried tone

“Don’t worry about that, Aamaile”- A third voice affirmed

“We’ll take care of this, you just sit back a heal, you’ve been through enough already”- the first voice said

“What do you mean“Take care of it”?”- She asked with concern

“Don’t worry about it-”- The voice replied as it faded away

She didn’t hear the voices again for a while… It’s as if they had disappeared from her sight. And yet those words “We are you and you are us”, would stay present in her mind until she would regain consciousness...

Until then all she could see was a dark place where nothing but her existed, only nothingness was left and nothing more…


“Why did you come see me so late”- Auro asked as she sat down on the grass

“mmmm... I don’t really know myself, I just felt like seeing you, it’s been a fair amount of time, ykno, since we last saw each other”- she replied as tears began to flow down her face.

“Hey look there’s no need to cry, I missed you too”

“Really you did even after all you had to go through, because of me?”

“Yeah of course I missed you, don’t be stupid how could I not miss the… the closest friend I have”

Her head jotted upwards as her eyes stared into his, tears covered both her faces as they ran down falling off their cheeks and onto the floor. Eventually a smile covered both their faces and yet his smile didn’t feel genuine, he knew what he wanted to say but he didn’t want to ruin the moment they finally had together. If he did everything could change and he had no way around it.

“Ykno Auro you should leave your room once in a while it looks stuffy in there”

“I can’t...”

“You have a window that leads to the outside, at least enjoy some fresh air for once in a while”

“Mmm… it isn’t as easy as you think Aamaile”

“Mphm… If you won’t leave on your own will… then I’ll make you leave it”

She grabbed him by the arm but then she froze…


Day’s passed as she floated around in the nothingness with no sight of anyone or anything. All she could tell is that her body slowly started feeling better as time passed…

Until one day…

“Ughh… mmmh…. Where...where am I?”

“Ahh so you finally regained consciousness”

“What, where is that voice coming from?”

“Shsss, not to loud or they’ll hear you”

“What, who will hear me?”

“Your parents will”


“Also there is no need to actually talk, thinking it is enough, I’ll be able to hear you no matter what”

“Who are you and how does that work”

“It works because I’m inside your head, and we already told you didn’t we?”

“Huh?, inside my head and no you haven’t”

“Then you should at least remember these words, “We are you and you are us”, sound familiar”

Those words, she was sure she heard them before but she wasn’t sure when she did, she just found them familiar…

“Anyways what would happen if my parents heard us...”

“Don’t you remember what happened last time”

“No what do you mean”

“That guy, he really did hit you hard”

“Hit me…? Who?”

“Your dad”

“Dad why?Did I do anything wrong that made him upset?”

“Well not really...”

“It’s not your fault, it’s that bastard’s fault”- a second voice intervened

“Watch your language, sure we might be more mature but she is still a child”- the first voice replied

“So what, the earlier she knows this the better”

“Allie please, let me remind you that this is still her body, we just exist...”


“So your names are Allie and Ellie, nice to meet you”

“Ah that’s right we didn’t even introduce ourselves did we”

“I still have one doubt though...”

“Yeah what is it”

“How are you in my head?”

“So you really don't remember?”

“Of course she wouldn’t remember Ellie, she was passed out for almost 2 whole weeks”

“I guess so Allie”

“What do you...”

That’s when everything came back to her, the memories of the past weeks, the clinic, the pain, the empty void and the three voices…

“It’s you”- she wept

“Huh”- Ellie responded

“Yo..you, you are the reason why daddy hates me”- she cried trying to hold back the tears

“What?”- Allie was dumbfounded

“It’s your fault, why, why do I have to be a freak because of you”

“Your not a freak”- A third voice intervened

“What do you mean of course I am, what else would I be”- Aamaile replied as tears rolled down her eyes

“Someone very special to us”- The trio voices replied in a cheerful tone



“Aamaile, are you ok”

“Yeah I'm all fine, all ...”, “all of us are”

A smile covered his face as he put his legs outside and sat on the windowsill, even after feeling the pain from the cut…

“I guess so eh, I can’t wait to see them again”-...-”mhm, neither can I...Auro”

Note: Split mind disorder is loosely based on DID. Dissociative identity disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder (MPD), is a mental disorder characterized by the maintenance of at least two distinct and relatively enduring personality states. It is in no way meant to represent or be this series equivalent to it, I do not intend to misinterpret it.

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