《No matter what other person you are, I'll do my best to keep you all safe in paradise.》Prologue



I never really believed that friends existed, ever since I was young everyone around me avoided me on purpose as if I was a plague, it never really bothered me since I grew up alone in a stone cold house stashed away as if I was something to fear. My parents never even tried to understand me and what I was going through. The time I spent alone in my house always made me feel uncomfortable…. And yet somehow I never truly felt alone, maybe it was because of her…

As the years went by it felt weirder to be locked up in a home where I truly never felt loved by my own parents. Their hatred, their resentment... I could feel it all loom over me and pushed me down a dark path. Day by day I could feel myself falling into the darkness, losing a piece of me the deeper I got. Eventually they let me go to school and I was finally able to leave my room. I thought it would make it all better.

Oh how I was wrong, very very very wrong …

The day I was finally let out of my room it began… the abuse, the shouting, the punishments, everything got ten times worse. The look in their eyes looked colder and colder every day, their eyes looked soulless as if they hated me… maybe they did. It only got worse… Then it happened… that day the only thing I could remember was pain running through my body and the sharp sound of a knife cutting through skin and cloth as well as a sharp piercing scream, not from him but from me.

He had no pity, nor mercy; it was as if I were being punished for something I did. And yet I didn’t understand why… why is the world like this, why did the world have to revolve around inhumane people like them, they promised me I was special and that one day I would make a difference. Then why did I end up like this?


Nobody had an answer for me and I guess nobody ever will….

Since that day I promised myself that I would find an answer, not just to why I was getting treated as I was but to everything, why the world was treated as such, why people were so soulless when it came to people suffering and to why were abandoned by them, they made this world and then left it, so why just for everyone to suffer or are they even real or not?

One day I’ll find those answers and more…. I’ll even find freedom. The one thing that everyone strives for, the one thing that makes people feel like they’re the kings of the world in which they’re trapped in…. That’s what freedom is to everyone...

That’s the only thing I want more than anything else… Well there’s only one other thing I want more than anything, and it’s to be… together with ….

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