《Arks》Chapter 4: God-speed Impulse


"Defeat Rokudou Mukuro?! Are you kidding me?" Ryuuji exclaimed. "It's been years since I've read the manga, but even I remember how ridiculously strong he was!"

"Right. And it's your job to defeat him." God said nonchalantly.

"And can't Tsuna do it himself? He does that in the original story, right?"

God began to explain. "Well yes, he's supposed to. But something is off this time around…"

"This time around?" Questioned Ryuuji. "What do you mean by that?"

"Hmm… That's for you to find out! Think of it as a test. I don't have much time left, but I'm pretty sure you can handle it. Just ensure his defeat! See you around!"

As the God said its farewells, the presence present in Ryuuji's mind disappeared, leaving him alone with his dismayed thoughts.

'What have I gotten myself into this time?'

Ryuuji's reluctance was not uncalled for. In the original series, Rokudou Mukuro was an incredibly powerful illusionist that had escaped from a high security prison in Italy. Out of all inmates there, his crimes were especially heinous, including being the mastermind behind Lancia's familia in Northern Italy. The most troublesome aspect of his being was his Six Paths of Reincarnation, providing him with a wide array of devastating abilities.

“Now, how the hell does that God expect me, a normal person, to defeat a man like that?"

. . .

"Oh right, I was given powers of some sort." Ryuuji muttered. "Might as well see what I got to work with."

After making sure that he was in a somewhat safe location, Ryuuji concentrated on the slight tingling sensation in the back of his mind, opening up the interface. The second time around, he felt as if it was easier to access it, as if it had some time to fully integrate itself with his being.

The interface was defaulted onto the Status tab, which seemed to be a representation of Ryuuji's current, well, status. It was neatly arranged in a way that was not only easy to read, but also easy to navigate.


[Name: Nakamura Ryuuji]

[Age: 15 (25)]

[Strength: 7]

[Agility: 6]

[Vitality: 6]

[Spirit: 0]

[Equipment: None]

[Abilities: None]

'This feels exactly like those RPG games that I used to play with Nana.' Ryuuji reminisced as he explored the interface further.

Overall, most of it was straightforward, just from the definition itself as well as pop-up explanations conveniently provided by the system. While his real age was 25, the reconstruction of his body reverted him back to when he was 15.

'Before the accident, it seems.'

Continuing downwards, strength measured his physical abilities and capabilities, agility, his speed and reflexes, vitality, his overall constitution and defense. Spirit was one of the stats that Ryuuji was yet to fully comprehend. It referred to the magic or internal energy that the individual possessed, as explained by the system. Although such a concept had yet to be experienced by Ryuuji first-hand, he could somewhat imagine what it meant based on his current conditions.

From the numerical values that the system presented to him, it was difficult to gauge what the extent of his current abilities were, especially as he had no one to compare them to. That was something that he would have to eventually figure out.

The part that surprised him, and demoralized him the most, was the equipment and abilities section of the tab. Seeing that he would eventually have to be facing off against such a powerful opponent in the future, without any special abilities or weapons, he might as well be a hammer in water.

In the midst of his depression, however, was when he noticed an exclamation indicator on the [Shop] tab of the system. Curious as to see what it was, he changed over to said tab. Immediately, a plaque full of text appeared.

[Welcome to the Black Market Roulette. Here, you will be able to acquire all sorts of boons and riches, if you are lucky enough! As a commemoration gift, we will allow you one free spin. Good luck!]


'My powers are based on chance? That's not at all detrimental…' Ryuuji said sarcastically.

As the window dissipated, a prompt appeared on the tab. [BLACK MARKET ROULETTE]. As mentioned, underneath the button were the words 'free spin' in big, bold letters. Not one to shy away from freebies, Ryuuji selected the option presented to him.

A roulette appeared, immediately spinning at incomprehensible speeds. It was almost impossible to make out that there were, in fact, tens of thousands of tiny spaces that the needle could possibly land on. A couple of seconds passed until it began to slow down, and eventually stop, highlighting a section in bright gold.

[Congratulations! You have acquired: God-Speed Impulse!]

[The acquired skill card will be placed into your Inventory.]

[The card has been recorded into your Collection.]

After confirming his draw, came to the conclusion that each ability was ranked in terms of their overall power and usefulness.

Curious as to what this ability was, Ryuuji switched to the Inventory tab and noticed, within one of many slots, a large C plastered on a white book labeled [Rank C: God-Speed Impulse]. Wanting to examine it further, a small window popped up, showing more in-depth details.

[God-Speed Impulse]

[Type: Skill]

[Rank: C]

[Origin: Kongo Agon (Eyeshield 21)]

[Level: MAX]

[Ability Description: Allows the user to move and react at near-superhuman speeds. Additionally allows the user to learn complex physical maneuvers at an enhanced rate.

Passive: Increases user's reaction speeds to near-superhuman levels (0.11 seconds)]

Seeing that the normal reaction speed for humans was around .2 seconds at their most focused, this was definitely going to come in handy if he were to get into any altercations. But even though it was useful, Ryuuji still felt as if he was still far off from being able to defeat Mukuro. For now, he decided to use what he was given to its fullest potential as he selected the white book.

'So it seems that I can receive powers and abilities from characters, huh? I can't say that I'm familiar with this Kongo Agon fellow, but I'm not complaining.'

Two prompts appeared, giving him the chance to either use the item or sell it. Of course, being his only current survival asset, Ryuuji did not hesitate to use the book.

A wave of energy started to course from his brain to the rest of his body. Unlike the time when God stimulated his ability, a slight shocking sensation permeated throughout his body.

[Learned: God-Speed Impulse]

'Better than the first time. That's a relief.'

From this experience, Ryuuji knew that he was able to acquire more abilities in the future, from the drawing system, but now it was just a matter of how. Usually, in these types of games, you had to use special currency to draw again. The problem now was that he had no form of currency whatsoever, both real or system money.

"I guess that will have to come later." Ryuuji said to himself, directing his consciousness back from the system. While the whole process inside of his head was accelerated to a degree, a couple minutes still elapsed in real time. "But now, I need to find out more about my current situation."

In order to decide on his next course of action, Ryuuji headed towards the place where he thought he would be able to acquire the most information in a short amount of time: the downtown area.

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