《Jack's Journey》19.5. About essence and evolutions


The way essence can boost living beings was researched long time ago. Basically, everyone has a spell inside their bodies. A spell, that is using essence to form its shape. Nobody ever managed to create something like that. While spells can be created with nearly anything as long as a correct shape is maintained, essence is the exception.

Ability to form a spell from shaping essence is something countless researches spend their lives investigating. The main reason is essence economy. Measurements had proved, that spells in living beings are using essence. The amount is very small compared to the effect, though. If someone could replicate that, their spells could be extremely powerful.

One of changes in a living being during an evolution is a change in the boosting spell. Another is a change of body. It’s most likely related, but it had never been confirmed.

The possible classes for the evolution depends on four indicators.

Current class Professions Skills Stats Achievements

General classes as the human child class offers a wide range of possibilities, while a specialist class offers only advancements in that direction. A class like sword warrior offers only sword related classes for advance.

Skills, stats and achievements can unlock better classes in someone’s path.

Professions can help to change someone’s path. For example, Swordsman VI unlocks the 3rd tier Great Sword Warrior class. General rule states, that level of a profession needs to be two times as great as a tier someone wants to evolve to.

There are normal and better classes. Standard sets of stats for men are like this:

1st tier: 10/10/10/10/10/5

2nd tier: 25/25/25/25/25/15

3rd tier: 50/50/50/50/50/30

4th tier: 100/100/100/100/100/75

While for women are like this:

1st tier: 10/10/10/10/10/5

2nd tier: 20/25/25/30/25/15

3rd tier: 40/50/50/60/50/30

4th tier: 80/100/100/120/100/75

Women have lower strength and higher mental endurance, making them better mages and poorer warriors. Practically, changed stats are not enough to stop women’s careers as warriors. Most warriors in the 3rd and higher tiers are using magic anyway, only slightly changing women’s tactics.


Better classes can push stats further. It should be noted, that evolution is adding to the caps, rather than changing them. Any ambitious person will want to always pick the best possible class. Such classes are often hidden behind a skill requirement or an achievement.

Picking a class unlocked by a profession is disadvantageous, as the class is a basic one. Having four times profession level compared to the tier can unlock a bit better class, but an evolution on the direct path is nearly always better.

An evolution to strong class can be dangerous. During the process, most of a body mass is used for the upgrades. There may be not enough body mass to complete an evolution. Such occurrences usually end in death.

An evolution increases lifespan, which is true for both humans and other life forms. Different animals and plants can have a different lifespan, even while being in the same tier. The lifespan of humans is well known, with the exception of the lifespan of 1st tier people. Without killing, most humans can evolve to the 2nd tier at the age of 12-14, and to the 3rd tier at 30-40 years old, depending on the essence concentration in the place of living, and a person’s diligence.

Since 2nd and 1st tiers aren’t dying of the old age, it was hard to gain that knowledge. Many years ago an experiment was conducted, in which prisoners were put in a cell with a very sparse concentration of essence, to check when they will die. Similar experiments were rarely conducted for 1st tier children, as it was found too cruel.

The maximum lifespans are:

1st tier – 25 years

2nd tier – 50 years

3rd tier – 75 years

4th tier – 100 years

5th tier – 150 years


6th tier – 200 years

7th tier – 300 years

8th tier – 500 years

Most people reach the 3rd tier in their lifespan. Reaching 4th tier only on the natural concentration of essence in the air is rarely seen, at least with the normal concentration, but it is possible while living in a place with a high concentration of essence.

A few years before death, a person’s vitality drops. This results in lowering of all stat caps. The result can be pretty severe, making a strong person completely lose strength of their tier.

Many wonder if there is a possibility to change species through evolution. Generally, most scholars assume that no, it’s impossible. Possibilities of what may come out due to procreation are quite interesting, however.

In nearly all combinations, the outcome is the most generic class - the human child class for humans, or the wolf cub class for wolves. Variations are appearing in some generic classes. One of the most known examples is a practice of Drake dukedom. Many of their members have high tier generic classes, mostly elemental ones. A couple with the same generic class is producing offspring of the same class. Those children have classes like a Great Human Child, a Fire Human Child, a Water Human Child, or a Fire Champion Human Child, and so on.

Starting from the 2nd tier, their classes get an essence boost of the original class, of often 5th tier or even 6th tier. Unfortunately for individuals with such classes, caps are raised standard way each evolution. This allows for an easier start, but forbids from being exceptional at higher tiers.

When both parents have a generic class, but a different one, the results are mixed. The most children born from such union have standard the Human Child class. Some, however, can inherit a class either from father or mother.

Individuals with an advanced class can still go a different route. They get standard choice each evolution, with one of them keeping a current class.

Most of essence from fallen monsters disperses in the air. The rest goes to its killers, with the most of it to the one who dealt a finishing blow. There is a limit how much of essence a person can assimilate at once. With a high level pray it is actually possible that everyone who helped with a kill will get the maximum amount of essence.

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