《Jack's Journey》1. Jack


Ding … Your Base strength has reached lv. 7

Jack wiped sweat from his forehead. Finally! Now his strength had reached 7. Not that there was any large difference between 6.99 and 7. There was nearly no difference, but it is nice to have a higher number up front.

“That’s nice, but the wheat won’t mow itself.”

Jack opened his status window with the thought.

Name: Jack Age: 14 Class: Human Child Level:5 [CAPPED] 1% to next lv Stats: Base Essence reinforced (5%/level) Strength 7/10 8.75 Endurance 7.21/10 9.01 Intelligence 9.53/10 11.91 Mental Endurance 8.98/10 11.22 Agility 5.31/10 6.63 Perception 4.02/5 5.02 Class skills Skill level





Professions: 0/5 Unavailable for the first class tier life forms Skills:




Sword Handling

Spear Handling

Rune Shaping







Vitality 139/144 Stamina 58/90 Clarity 89/110

“It’s good that my strength and endurance are still rising, but until I choose the next class and level up, my intelligence won’t rise more…”

Jack took some wheat and started marching home. The local elder said that in 3 days it’s going to rain. Something about finding weather patterns using 11 different indicators. Elder had intelligence about the level 70 and not much to do. Together with neighboring elders they created the weather forecast system capable of predicting the weather for a few next days. 

Jack found an elder system and the corresponding village system weird. The imperial court partitioned land to separate villages. Jack couldn’t understand why bother with partitioning. No matter where he directed his eyes, he could only see plains and houses. Well, in the west there was a shadow of the Kenar mountains which were the western border of the interior and place where the imperial court resided. It was a bit depressing that you could see the opposite border of human realm. Here, however, were only plains. Why bother with different villages, when there no difference to placing of huts no matter where you look at?

Jack was getting close to his home. It was an earthen hut with a thatch roof. Near the hut there was a single tree. Most houses were near identical. Wood was a precious resource, as all the land was used for farming. Nearby forest, of which Jack only heard stories, was 20 kilometers deep into the exterior, meaning 30 kilometers from here. Land before the forest was once part of the interior and was deforested and used for farming. After the great migration, that 20 kilometers were lost. Jack had heard from the hunters that now, after 10 years from the loss, there were some young trees, but it was still mostly a huge grazing land.

Jack was greeted by his 8 years old sister Anne.

“Brother, come! I have cooked dinner with Alice. Dad and mom are already here.”

“Ok. I will just bring this wheat to the storehouse,“ Jack replied.

The storehouse was the same earthen and thatch construct as the home. It was just a one big room, while Jack home had 3 rooms, a living one, his parents’ bedroom, and another bedroom in which he and his siblings were sleeping.

In the living room, mom, dad and 3 of his brothers were sitting at the table. Anne and his second sister, 9 years old Alice, were serving dinner, soup with bread and some meat.

“There is meat today?” Jack asked.

“There was a large shipment of meat, skins and furs this morning,” his mom replied.


“Oh, I see.” Most remains of monsters killed at the frontier were send to the interior.

“Well, I bought a few furs so as soon as the harvest ends, I will make some new clothes.”

All clothes locals wore were from monsters. In summer, men and women wore fur loincloths and leather shoes, sometimes, with an addition of a straw hat. Additionally, old enough girls wore some fur to cover their breasts. In winter, everyone wore thick fur clothes.

Monster hunters and soldiers mostly wore armors from scales or a metal. Some also wore fur armors from high tier monsters, as their fur were very durable. Humanity had only piece of land of 200 kilometers in diameter. There was a severe lack of resources and everything was used.

Jack sat at the table.

“So, how’s mowing Jack? Can you complete your part before the rain?” Dad asked.

“Yes. I don’t have that much to do. My strength hit 7 today,” Jack boasted.

“That’s good. If we are going to talk about the system – when are you going to choose yours second tier class? Isn’t it already half a year since you are capped and two years since you hit the level 5?”

“I know dad… “

“Just choose something. Whatever it’s going to be the field worker class, or a fighting class, it’s better than being capped. You know, I talked about it with Rick. Even if you want to go fight at the frontier, you will be given the recruit class and a spear. Taking the spearman class today can’t be that bad.”

“Ok, ok… I will think about that.”

“Just make haste,” replied Jack’s oldest brother Sam.”You may die first from the old age, otherwise.”

Most smirked at that. Jack inability to choose was becoming a joking matter. After a while, rest of the family joined them and they eat dinner while talking mostly about the harvest. After the meal, Jack once again took a scythe and went to his part of the field. While working, he checked possible 2nd tier classes again.

Human Prerequisites Level 5 Human Child Increased essence seep when: In place with a lot of humans Cap increase: Strength 10 -> 25 Endurance 10 -> 25 Intelligence 10 -> 25 Mental Endurance 10 -> 25 Agility 10 -> 25 Perception 5 -> 15 Class skills



Pack Instinct

Essence boost Strength 5% / level Endurance 7% / level Intelligence 6% / level Mental Endurance 6% / level Agility 6% / level Perception 5% / level Base vitality: 200

Most basic - the Human class, was a trash in Jack opinion. A pack instinct skill worked as a natural understanding of a moving group, especially in a fight. The recruit and the soldier class also got that skill, as it helped in battles with a lot of people. Jack felt the charisma and especially the crafting skill wasted, however. Class skills are special, as they feel natural. Wolves know how to mangle a throat and birds know how to fly even without a special teaching. Class skills also level way faster. Moreover, if you do not know some skill, (like the pack instinct in Jack case) you would get it at the level 1 anyway, with some understanding of what it is all about, like that knowledge is part of your being.

Field worker Prerequisites

Level 5 Human Child

Farming skill lv>5

Increased essence seep when:

In place with much of flora

Physically tired

Cap increase: Strength 10 -> 25 Endurance 10 -> 25 Intelligence 10 -> 25 Mental Endurance 10 -> 25 Agility 10 -> 25 Perception 5 -> 15 Class skills





Essence boost Strength 7% / level Endurance 8% / level Intelligence 5% / level Mental Endurance< 5% / level Agility 5% / level Perception 5% / level Base vitality: 200

The field worker class for Jack felt even worse. He would get farming as a class skill, so nothing new. He wanted a combat class. It was possible to fight with non-combat class, but he wouldn’t get anything from the class skills. They would be unused in a fight.

Cook Prerequisites

Level 5 Human Child

Cooking skill lv>5

Increased essence seep when:

Well fed

Mentally tired

Cap increase: Strength 10 -> 25 Endurance 10 -> 25 Intelligence 10 -> 25 Mental Endurance 10 -> 25 Agility 10 -> 25 Perception 5 -> 15 Class skills




Essence boost Strength 5% / level Endurance 6% / level Intelligence 6% / level Mental Endurance 6% / level Agility 7% / level Perception 5% / level Base vitality: 200 Sword warrior Prerequisites

Level 5 Human Child

Sword Handling skill lv>5

Increased essence seep when:

Killing another life form

Physically tired

Cap increase: Strength 10 -> 25 Endurance 10 -> 25 Intelligence 10 -> 25 Mental Endurance 10 -> 25 Agility 10 -> 25 Perception 5 -> 15 Class skills


Sword Handling


Essence boost Strength 6% / level Endurance 7% / level Intelligence 5% / level Mental Endurance 5% / level Agility 7% / level Perception 5% / level Base vitality: 200

The sword warrior class was good, but Jack’s only sword was a scythe handle. He had never got any instructions to swords skills or spear ones, as Rick – his teacher - was an archer. His skills were only from an amateurish training. Unfortunately, you can’t easily make a bow. You need at least some good quality wood and something for the string. In the military, strings were made from monsters’ insides. Jack didn’t have any access to dead animals.

Spear warrior Prerequisites

Level 5 Human Child

Spear Handling skill lv>5

Increased essence seep when:

Killing another life form

Physically tired

Cap increase: Strength 10 -> 25 Endurance 10 -> 25 Intelligence 10 -> 25 Mental Endurance 10 -> 25 Agility 10 -> 25 Perception 5 -> 15 Class skills


Spear Handling


Essence boost Strength 6% / level Endurance 6% / level Intelligence 5% / level Mental Endurance 5% / level Agility 8% / level Perception 5% / level Base vitality: 200

The spear warrior class was one of Jack’s primal picks, if he needed to advance right now. He was reluctant however, as he mostly leveled the rune shaping skill, needed for magic, while working on the fields created his strength and endurance stats. Jack’s agility wasn’t very high.

Rune seeker Prerequisites

Level 5 Human Child

Rune Shaping skill lv>5

Increased essence seep when:

Channeling a spell

Mentally tired

Cap increase: Strength 10 -> 20 Endurance 10 -> 20 Intelligence

10 -> 30

Mental Endurance 10 -> 30 Agility 10 -> 20 Perception 5 -> 15 Class skills

Parallel Thinking

Rune Shaping

Essence boost Strength 4% / level Endurance 4% / level Intelligence 10% / level Mental Endurance 7% / level Agility 5% / level Perception 5% / level Base vitality: 150

The rune seeker class was looking good at the first glance, but… that class looked like a bumbler trying to find some spells with the trial and error method. If he was going to learn spells, then he was going to use them against monsters to level up. If he level up he would be able to learn proper spells from the imperial court or the military. He also didn’t like decrease in the physical stat boosts and the generally lower caps.

Thinker Prerequisites

Level 5 Human Child

Intelligence lv>9

Mental endurance lv>9

Increased essence seep when:

Mentally tired

Cap increase: Strength 10 -> 20 Endurance 10 -> 20 Intelligence 10 -> 30 Mental Endurance 10 -> 30 Agility 10 -> 25 Perception 5 -> 15 Class skills


Parallel Thinking


Essence boost Strength 4% / level Endurance 4% / level Intelligence 9% / level Mental Endurance 9% / level Agility 4% / level Perception 5% / level Base vitality: 200

This one was a bit similar. Jack asked Rick about these skills. Parallel thinking was giving an ability to thing about two things at the same time. It helped in a fight and with creating complicated runes in your mind. The meditation skill was something the military was teaching mages. In a meditation state, your perception dropped to 0, but your intelligence was raised. When mage cuts all outside influence, he can fully concentrate on drawing spells. Not very useful in combat, but helps with training. According to Rick, it also helps with mental exhaustion. 

The next one was absolutely no way.

Stud Prerequisites

Level 5 Human Child

Endurance lv>6

Increased essence seep when:

In place with a lot of humans

Physically tired

Cap increase: Strength 10 -> 20 Endurance 10 -> 50 Intelligence 10 -> 20 Mental Endurance 10 -> 20 Agility 10 -> 20 Perception 5 -> 15 Increases quality and quantity of produced semen Class skills Charisma Essence boost Strength

5% / level

Endurance 15% / level Intelligence 3% / level Mental Endurance 4% / level Agility 4% / level Perception 4% / level Base vitality: 200

According to Rick, monsters were taking similar classes quite often, especially, since a female equivalent of the class allows for a shorter pregnancy and a greater liter. Beside that, Rick only heart once, that there were some women in the imperial court with that class.

Scout Prerequisites

Level 5 Human Child

Analyze skill lv>5

Increased essence seep when:

In place with no humans

Physically tired

Cap increase: Strength 10 -> 20 Endurance 10 -> 25 Intelligence 10 -> 25 Mental Endurance 10 -> 25 Agility 10 -> 25 Perception 5 -> 25

Class skills




Essence boost Strength 5% / level Endurance 6% / level Intelligence 5% / level Mental Endurance 5% / level Agility 7% / level Perception 7% / level Base vitality: 200

The scout class was also interesting for Jack, especially, as it increased perception by much. Agility and perception were transitional skills between physical and mental. Agility was a measure how good someone can control their body. Jack trained it a bit with a spear, by trying to perfectly hit the marked point on his home’s wall. Perception worked in the opposite side. The perception stat level measured how much information someone can get from sensory organs. Essentially, the perception cap was depending on capabilities of sensory organs. People trained their perception by distinguishing someone’s voice in a loudly room, or by recognizing specific smells in a place where there were many. Rick said, that some hunters who track monsters can even determine what kind of beast they are tracking from a monster’s shit’s taste. 

In the evening, Jack went home and ate supper. It was the free time in the evening. His two older brothers went to their respective girlfriends. They both wanted to get married and become farmers. Jack was spending his time rune shaping. It was one of the reasons why he wasn’t very social. After that, he went to bed.

Jack was woken up by the sound of buzzing.

“What’s happening?” Jerry asked. He was Jack’s younger brother.

“Stay here. I will take a look,” Sam replied.

“I will go with you,” Adam said. He was the second of Jack’s older brothers.

The two oldest persons in the room walked out. Everyone of Jack’s siblings were awake now. The buzzing sounds were growing louder and louder. Jack looked through the hole in the wall which worked as a window. There was nothing to see, as the buzzing sound was coming from the east, while the window was looking on the west. There was some talking in the living room, as Jack’s parents were also awake.

“Let’s get outside!” Jack’s father shouted.

“I can’t see anything! Damn, it’s middle of the night!” Sam replied.

“Let’s get back inside! Whatever it is, it’s probably way safer in the hut,” Jack’s dad said. “Kids! To the living room.”

Everyone went to the living room. Sam and Jack’s father stood by the window of the living room while looking outside. This window was in north-west direction. The sound was by now almost deafening. The rest was nervous, with Alice and Anne hugging each other. To the buzzing sound was slowly added a chowing sound. Omnidirectional chowing sounds. Sam and Jack’s father both suddenly pulled heads from the window, as a large insect flew inside. It was 10 centimeters long with pair of wings long for 15 centimeters each. It was violet, slim, with large mouth and spiked end. The insect swayed in the air, all Jack’s family members looking at it bewildered. The insect made two small circles and landed on the wooden chair. Then it ripped fragment of the chair and started chowing it dawn. Everyone took a few steps back from the insect. Soon another one of the insects flew in. This one, after looking around, flew towards Sam. Sam took a few steps to the side, but the insect flew straight to him. Sam quickly took another chair and used it as a shield. The insect buzzed angrily and swayed from side to side. It then directed 3 centimeters long sting towards Sam and tried to sting him, unmoved by desperately blocking Sam.

“You son of the bitch!”

Jack’s father took another of the wooden chairs and broke it by hitting the floor. Then, with the newly created stick, rushed at the insect. He hit it in the center. The insect got bisected, his half bouncing from the wall splashed with green blood. The first insect didn’t take that course of action kindly. He started flying toward Jack’s dad. Alongside that, three more insects flew through the window. Jerry, Sam and Jack’s mom broke another chair to use wood fragments as a weapon. Jack also took some fragment, a bit sad about waste of the precious wood.

Anne and Alice went to the corner of the room, with Jack’s two youngest brothers standing guard before them with the wooden sticks. Jack’s dad still didn’t kill the first insect as it was ably dogging, the two dancing with each other. The first of the new three insects flew speedily on Jack’s mom. She took a stance. When the insect tried to sting her, she took a step back and hit it precisely in the sting from the side and then quickly hit one of the insect wings. The insect hit the floor without the working wing. She then fallen the stick on it with all her strength, crushing it in the few still twitching pieces.

The second went for Sam. He tried to kill it like his father, hitting the monster in the side with all his strength. The insect however, not taken by surprise, dogged. Sam after missing heavy blow lost his firm footing, and was incapable of dogging. The insect stung him in his right shoulder, drew blood with its legs and took a chunk of meat with its mouth from the Sam’s face. Sam fell on the ground with a scream.

Jack wasn’t able to observe any longer, as the last insect went straight for him. He opted to solve the problem like mother, and damage one of the monster’s wings. Missing meant death. Fear gripped him hard, his buzzing dead was approaching. He thought of his dreams, about becoming a monster hunter. The real monster was coming for him and he was petrified by fear. The insect moved his end forward, and charged at Jack.

‘No! If I don’t do something I will die anyway. Even if I die in the end, it’s still worth trying!’

He willed his body to move. He took a step left and swung the stick on the target, the insect slowed a little to change its charging route and luckily took a hit. There was no damage. The carapace of the insect was too strong and Jack’s strength too low. The insect was forced back a bit, but started attacking again nearly immediately. It lunged for Jack to sting him. He once again took a step to the side and landed a hit on the monster.

‘Damn! If I go for the wing and don’t block the insect, it will sting me for sure. Its carapace is strong enough to take such hits and not break. With only my own strength, I need to hit it with everything I have.’

The monster once again charged, Jack - without any better option – repeating previous maneuver. This time, however, the monster slowed its charge and evaded. Jack quickly brought the stick to his body and blocked incoming insect’s sting, deflecting it to the left side, insect’s side momentary open to him.

‘But I can’t hit it with the stick in this position, my fist won’t do much… Unless…’

Jack threw his right hand after insect with tried to escape.

‘I need to risk it. If the fight continue like this I will lose.’

He grabbed insect’s wing and jerked it down, the insect lost balance and hit the ground. The insect caught Jack’s arm with its legs and tried to sting it. Jack let go of the wing and grabbed monster’s abdomen pushing it to the ground, insect’s legs scratching and blooding his hand.

‘I won’t be able to kill it with only left hand…’

He placed the stick on the insect’s head and leaned on the stick placing on it all his body mass. Monster’s head was crushed.

Ding… You have killed lv.6 Violet Locust

Ding… You have unlocked Monster Killer class due to your actions

Jack wasn’t interested in the new class for the moment, as class changing were taking a few days, during you went unconscious. Jack started looking around. His right arm was bleeding. The headless insect beneath him was still moving its legs. Jack wasn’t worried about it, since the system confirmed its death. Sam was lying on the ground, convulsing. There was only a sting with a broken sack in his shoulder, as rest of the monster was lying on the ground nearby. Violet liquid was oozing from the wound. Jerry was standing beside Sam, protecting him from another insect. His father was still fighting with the previous one. Or not. There were 2 insect corpses beside him. His mother was protecting the four in the corner against another 2 insects. His youngest brothers were using sticks as spears and were helping their mother.

Monster’s fur worked as doors in most homes, but right now some insects were eating those furs. There was a whole swarm behind the door.

‘There are also windows in sleeping rooms, but the front door should get destroyed the fastest.’

“Roof! These things are eating thatch!” Rick’s mother shouted.

Sam was no longer moving, blood running down from his eyes and ears. Bob, Jack’s brother who was only 2 years younger than him was fighting in another corner with an insect that had broken wings. New monsters were flying through the window.

‘I can’t stay still. I need to help.’

Jack rushed to Bob’s side. His brother had wounds on his legs from monster’s bites. Jack hit the insect on the ground from behind. He crushed two legs of the monster. A few more hits on the not very mobile insect killed it.

Ding… You have killed lv. 7 Violet Locust

“Thanks! I have thought that it’s over,” Bob said.

“It may be.”

Two more insects were flying in their direction. Suddenly, a bright light flashed. Jack looked at the source. Jack’s dad lit oil and then dipped his stick. He jumped on the table and with the stick high above his head, he lit the roof.

“What are you doing?” Rick’s mother shouted.

“I’m burning the house!”

“Damn! Smoke should chase away insects, but we will suffocate!” Rick’s mother shouted back.

“No matter! It’s our best bet anyway!” Dad replied.

‘Well, seems the fire is a valid strategy,’ Jack thought.

Meanwhile 2 insects had got to the boys. Jack was replaying his first strategy, stalling for time. He was hoping that the fire would solve the current predicament, as the roof was burning brightly. There was more and more smoke in the room.

“They stopped flying in, but roof will soon burn out!” Jerry shouted.

“We have to do something!” Jack’s dad shouted back.

“Screw this!” Jerry rushed to still burning oil and dipped his stick, then ran out of the door to the outside “Dad, mom, take care of rest of the family!”

“No, wait!” Both Jack’s parents shouted.

Jerry got out of the hut. Jack could see dozen of insects attacking him, stinging him, biting him. Soon, the fur- door returned in its place, hiding everything outside.

“Mom, what he is doing?” Anne asked tearfully.

“He went to burn the wheat fields,” Jack’s mom replied sorrowfully.

Jack felt the urge to cough, smoke was invading his lungs. The room was filled with it. Jack continued his fight with the monster for a moment until his dad killed it, ambushing from the side.

Ding… You have participated in killing of lv. 5 Violet Locust

Jack’s dad quickly turned around to face two insects chasing him. Jack crouched, and coughed a few times. Suddenly, the roof fell as a wooden frame broke. The frame hit the ground, burning straw was flying in the air. Dozens monster’s wings flying above further blowing it up. Insects started to lower their attitudes, some getting close to Jack. He evaded them to the best of his abilities. Insects seemed dazed from the smoke, incapable of sticking to their target. Jack got lucky and managed to hit a wing of some insect. When it crashed on the ground, Jack landed his stick on its abdomen. When that happened some violet venom flew at Jack from the unlucky positioned sting. He instinctively blocked it with his right hand.

Ding… You have killed lv. 8 Violet Locust

Ding… You have unlocked Survivor class due to yours actions

Two insects flew at Jack. He abandoned defense and rolled to the wall. He didn’t want to risk facing two insects at once. Sitting on the ground, back to the wall, he looked around. It was easier to breath close to the ground.

‘Seems that everyone else grouped together after roof had fallen.’

They were using a strategy similar to his, deflecting incoming insects. Someone else was lying on the ground, but he couldn’t tell who because of the smoke.

‘Someone from my 4 youngest sibling, judging from the height.’ 

He looked up. Hundreds of insects were visible in the glow of the burning fields, if not thousands. His right hand started lightly convulsing and he could feel pain spreading through his veins. He looked at his hand. The violet venom was mixed with his blood.

‘Venom must have gotten in my veins. Shit!’

His brother dying from the venom was still before his eyes.

How many would die? Would they all die? His two older brothers were already dead. Pain was slowly spreading through him.

‘Even though I unlocked the monster killer class’

He was losing control of his body. Left with nothing else he willed his status screen and then possible class advances.

Monster Killer Prerequisites

Level 5 Human Child

Kill a higher tier being of not your species

Increased essence seep when:

Killing another life form

In place with no humans

Cap increase: Strength 10 -> 30 Endurance 10 -> 25 Intelligence 10 -> 25 Mental Endurance 10 -> 25 Agility 10 -> 30 Perception 5 -> 20 Class skills




Essence boost Strength 7% / level Endurance 6% / level Intelligence 6% / level Mental Endurance 5% / level Agility 6% / level Perception 6% / level Base vitality: 250

Jack know about the specifics of the monster killer class, and later the monster hunter class from Rick. It was the most popular class unlocked by achievement. Such classes were always a bit more powerful than standard ones. He was already dying, so becoming monster killer was already only a dream. Curious, he looked at the survivor class.

Survivor Prerequisites

Level 5 Human Child

Engage in combat with at least 10 times more numerous group and survive, with personally killing at least 3 higher tier life forms 

Increased essence seep when:

Killing another life form


Cap increase: Strength 10 -> 25 Endurance 10 -> 30 Intelligence 10 -> 25 Mental Endurance 10 -> 30 Agility 10 -> 30 Perception 5 -> 20 Improves natural regeneration and expands it on all body, including internal organs. Class skills

Economy of Movement


Essence boost Strength 6% / level Endurance 7% / level Intelligence 6% / level Mental Endurance 6% / level Agility 7% / level Perception 6% / level Base vitality: 400


The survivor class looked great, especially regeneration. As Jack learned about the minor regeneration spell from Rick, he also learned the spell shortcomings. Since the spell only boosted natural regeneration, it was impossible to heal an internal damage, as humans do not regenerate internal organs. The class had also higher caps and the essence boost than even the monster killer class.

‘I never heard about this “Economy of Movement” skill and scavenging looks like crap, but regeneration… Maybe that could help me.”

The pain had already spread to half of his body, and muscles refused to obey. 

‘Whatever. It’s probably better to die in my sleep anyway. I can’t help in the fight in my current situation anymore.’

He chose the class and slowly got asleep.

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