《Envy》Chapter 13: Too much information


After we’ve exited the coach Vilea looked at me and said.

“Just don’t be disrespectful and you’ll be fine.”

She then grabbed my hand and pulled me gently towards the council building which looked like an elven version of coliseum.

“What is the purpose of this meeting?” I asked Vilea.

“Well. I can’t be certain for sure, but they will probably ask about The Event.” She explained.

“The Event?” I said confused.

“That’s how we call that catastrophe from 143 years ago, which… uhm… completely wiped out your race.” She explained.

“Wiped out 143 years ago!?”

“Primal demons were really seclusive and because of they were like a legend to common populace and because of that most governments decided to keep The Event as a secret.” Said Vilea

“Wait! You don’t know anything about The Event! How is that even possible!?” She quickly added.

I haven’t seen The Council yet and I’ve already made a mistake. Great!

“Umm… Truthfully I appeared near the Oakheart village few days ago with my memory fragmented. At the beginning I even thought that I was a human. I am still pretty confused about the whole experience.” I explained.

Well that wasn’t a lie.

“I see… I still have some questions, but I’m afraid they will have to wait, meeting with the council is top priority right now.” She replied.

We’ve entered the “coliseum” through a huge bronze gate. The inner part of the building was a completely different world.There were many trees, flowers and other plants I’ve never seen before. There was even a lake in the centre.

I expected something like an ancient greek or roman parliament, but not this. It looked more like a garden than a place where a council would debate.

While we were walking I subconsciously started searching for good sniping spots and escape routes, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to find any good escape routes, mostly because the entire place was so well lit, that you could barely spot any shadows. Sniping spots were out of question too. Well there were some good places, but I still didn’t know where the meeting will be held.


After few minutes of walking, we've finally stopped. Vilea brought me to a strange stone circle that looked similar to stonehenge. When I looked closer I noticed that there was one big stone plate at the center of a “stonehenge” which was surrounded by at least forty smaller plates.

I guess this the place, but where is The Council?

“So, what happens next?” I asked.

“Just stand in the center and wait for The Council to speak first.” She said and gently pushed me towards the biggest plate.

As soon as my foot stepped on a stone plate, elven silhouettes started appearing on the surrounding plates. When my second foot touched the plate, silhouettes have already changed into fully distinguishable people. Seconds later sounds started coming through. It seems that the meeting has already started, they were lively discussing something in elvish.

Magical holograms! How does it work I wonder.

“Analysing...” Hal replied.

Suddenly The Council members went silent and turned their heads toward me.

“Meark’h Astat.” Said the male councilor while simultaneously bowing his head slightly.

Was that elvish?

“I’m Gareth Valen miir Saeldem, because not everyone of us knows common language I was appointed to speak on the behalf of The Council. I guess you already know why we’ve requested the meeting with you.” He added.

“Is it because I’m the first Primordial Demon that has appeared since The Event?” I asked.

“That’s only one of the reasons. We would also want to know if you’re the only one Primordial Demon that has appeared and the cause of The Event.?” The Councilor explained.

“I’m sorry, but I’m afraid that you’ve brought me here in vain. I have no memories of what’s happened. My earliest memory is of me waking up in a Oakheart village. A certain couple found me unconscious in a local forest, at least that’s what they told me.” I lied.

“Oakheart village… I see… Weren’t they called Ember and Ivor?” He asked.


“Yes, but how did you know?“ I answered.

“Ha! Out of all people you’ve actually met Them.” He replied.

“Is there something wrong?” I asked.

“They didn’t tell you anything? Their actions made them the most famous human adventurers among the elves. But we haven’t brought you here to talk about Them. We can’t be certain about your memory loss, but we also can’t see the reason why you should lie. Your race was always full of secrets, but let’s believe you for now. It is as you say then, this meeting was unnecessary, all we need was to ask you personally.” He said.

“I’m sorry that I didn’t live up to your expectations. I truly don’t know anything about what’s happened to Primordial Demons.” I replied.

“You may also consider visiting our head thaumaturgist, he may be able to help you with your memory loss.” Said councilor.

He obviously does not believe me. I think that this “thaumaturgist” is going to read my mind if I agree, but declining on the other hand would seem suspicious. What should I do? It seems that I got caught between a rock and a hard place this time.

“I’m sorry, but I must humbl...”

“Analysis complete.” Hal interrupted me in mid sentence.

Suddenly a huge wave of knowledge filled my mind, it was accompanied by something similar to pain, but different. I felt as if my brain is going to melt.

“Warning! Information complexity exceeds tolerable levels. Ego Integration too low.” Said Hal.

Hal, you bastard! Why didn’t you ask me before putting that knowledge into my mind!?

“No prior request was ever made.” Hal answered.

Well then next time ask me before you’re going to overload my brain!

“Acknowledged.” Hal replied.

“Aaah!” I screemed and grabbed my head.

“What’s happening?” Councilor asked.

“Nothhhing i-it’s just a headache.” I replied through my teeth.

All of a sudden I felt a hand touching my shoulder. In normal circumstances I would deduce that it was Vilea’s hand, but because of my headache, my reasoning was a bit slower than instincts. I grabbed her hand and threw her over my shoulder.

“Ouch!” Vilea exclaimed.

“What is a meaning of this!?” Shouted Councilor.

“I-I’m Sor-ry I didn’t meean to do this!” I panicked.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine.” Although she said that, I knew that I broke at least two bones in her body.

Because of my actions, councilors started discussing something between themselves, while sending hateful glares towards me.

“Argh!” I shouted again, as another wave of pain came to me.

The pain was so intense that I stopped paying attention to my surroundings. In fact instead of wearing off, it was just getting more and more unbearable. I was barely able to form any thoughts. Just as I was about to be overwhelmed by this pain, something strange popped up in my already completely blurred vision.

Safeguards Enabled

Ego Integration at 20%

Ego integration too low.

Increasing Ego Integration...

Ego Integration at 25%...

Ego Integration at 30%...

Ego Integration at 35%

Process Complete.

As soon as the pain has vanished I opened my eyes. The scenery has completely changed, I was no longer in the stone circle surrounded by The Council, instead I was bound to some sort of chair in a room with metal walls, ceiling and floor.

“Well, well look who’s awake.” I heard the voice.

Sorry for this late update.

Don’t worry It will come on 15th of September.

I changed, my release schedule because I can sometimes have no “writing mood’ for longer periods of time and that way I won’t write because I must, but because I want.

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