《Envy》Short Side Story 1


I was coming back with my husband from the nekker subjugation request when I saw a flash of light somewhere in the distance. It was barely visible because of trees that obstructed our view.

“Did you see that light? I have the feeling we should check it out.” I said to my husband.

“I don’t know, it could be something dangerous.” He replied.

“Oh please Ivor! You know my feeling was never wrong.” I said in a sweet voice. I knew my husband was particularly weak against it

“Ugh… Ok... But at the first sign of danger we turn back!”

Ha! It always works.

We went in the direction from which the flash has came. As we were walking we talked about what we may find there.

“Maybe another divine artifact has appeared.” I wondered.

“I doubt it. Probably another mage is showing off and that is why we should keep our distance.” Ivor replied.

“Oh don’t be such a moodkiller.” I replied playfully.

“Fine. I won’t try to dissuade you anymore.” He said..

As we approached the source of flash I’ve noticed a clearing. Everything about it was strange. Grass that was growing there was unnaturally long, it was one meter tall. The whole area had a mystic vibe, as if this clearing was created by magic, but what has caught my attention the most was a small burned area in the middle of the clearing.

“Why is there a circle of burnt grass there?” I asked confused.

“Where?” Ivor has asked me.

“Look it’s there.” I said as I pointed towards the burned patch of grass.

“Yeah. I see it. Maybe it’s the thing that caused this flash.” He replied while scratching his chin.

“I’ll go check it out!” I said happily and dashed towards the area.


“Hey Ember! Wait! Don’t just run there. You need to be more careful!” Ivor shouted then grumbled something to himself and followed me.

I knew that this thing that caused this would be harmless, because of the gift that Goddess of Fate gave me. It’s called sixth sense, it’s basically an additional intuition and today it’s screaming that I must check this thing out before anyone else does, even my husband.

When I approached the patch of grass I noticed a young woman lying on the ground, she was completely naked, but you couldn’t see her face or any private areas because she was curled up. I approached her to see if she is alive. When I wanted to check her pulse I realized that she was missing her left arm. The wound was cauterized so no blood was coming out.

She’s alive. I guess she lost her arm due to this strange flash.

As soon as Ivor appeared he shouted. “Hey, get back from her!”

“What? Why? She needs our help.” I replied confused.

“Can’t you see her hair color? It’s white a clear sign of a demon bloodline.”

“But she needs our help, if we leave her here she might die.” I persuaded my husband.

“Don’t you know what will people in the village say? They will say that we are collaborating with a demon race.” Ivor replied.

“Ivor what’s wrong with you!? 2 years ago you would have helped her without any second thought.” I exclaimed angrily

“Yeah I know, but the times have changed 2 years ago we weren’t at war with a demon race.” He said.

“This is why we should help her. Because now she is hated by both demons and humans and has no one to rely on.” I replied


“Ember please, we have a daughter. We can’t endanger her for another person.” Ivor said.

I knew he was overprotective and what he said was right, but my sense of right wouldn’t allow me leaving her here and also my intuition told me that helping her now will bring us a great fortune in a near future.

“Ivor we are going to help her or you are going home alone!” I said.

“Fine! But don’t say later that I didn’t tell you that it’s a bad idea.” Ivor exclaimed.

Wordrpess: http://omnicorporation.wordpress.com/

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