《A Skill Whore's Journey》23. Castle Adventures, Part 1
“Wakey wakey…Joat”
“I never slept beautiful”
“Ehe, did you spend all night watching me?” Her voice isn’t very feminine, but I guess I could still call it cute.
“Why of course; how could I sleep when you are here”
“Don’t lie hun, I did see you close your eyes a while back” She grins cheekily
“I was just enjoying the feeling”
“What feeling? Tell me more” Her breath wreathes around my ear, caressing it gently
“It’s a secret”
“Oh stop teasing me, or I will do ‘that’ again” I feel her warmth travel down to my neck and press lightly against it.
“Ahh, don’t do ‘that’; you know how I can’t resist it”
“Ehe, but I love to see you squirm” I feel her tongue slide up the side of my neck before she nibbles my ear.
Her hands travel down and grasp onto me, tugging lightly…at first.
“Ahh, don’t tug so hard”
“Mmm, don’t you like the feeling?” She giggles softly in my ear
“I don’t want it all over the floor again”
“Ehe, don’t worry, I’ll take all of it” Her other hand slides down my chest and joins in
“That’s what I’m worried about”
“Ehe. I’ll make sure you can’t move after this”
“I don’t doubt you there”
The conversation stops and only the soft squelching sound echoes around the room.
“Oh there’s so much, I’m always surprised”
“The more the, Agh, better no?”
“Mmm, definitely”
She tugs a little harder causing me to gasp a little
“Now now, don’t…ahh…finish me off so quickly”
“Aw sorry, thought you liked it rougher” She bites my neck with some gusto
“Ow. Don’t get me wrong beautiful, I do. But I want you to enjoy it too”
“Ehe, how thoughtful of you”
She begins to trace her tongue down my chest licking languidly on the way.
“You are very skilled at this I must say”
“Well of course; I’ve had mmm, a lot of practice at this”
She squeezes me a little with her hands *gasp* before giggling at my reaction
“And must I say Joat, you are delicious”
“I’m sure you taste better”
“Ehe, you’d love to have a taste wouldn’t you”
“I’d love to rip you apart”
“Oh” she licks her lips “I know you would”
The old manservant, Gimmath, bursts through the door, looking extremely distressed
Dammit, what’s he doing here?
Tarakiel stops playing with me and turns around
“What is it Gimmath”
“The Grand Cave has been invaded by large group. They’re decimating us as we speak!”
“Ugh, and I was just having some fun”
“Don’t stop ruling on my account Tarakiel, I’ll be waiting here just for you”
“Haha, true. You won’t be going anywhere. So just stay put and wait for my return”
She gives me a quick bite on my neck *gasp* before forcefully placing my intestines back in my stomach *GASP*.
“Take your time” I grimace as best as I can
“I’ll be back soon, to have some more fun. Ehe.”
With that she saunters out of the room, Gimmath following close behind.
Now how do I get out of here?
-3 hours Ago-
Following the small goblin through the courtyard, I really do wonder what that loud bang was.
Asking through our little group chat, no one has any clue; the only thing we know is that there seemed to be a scream of some kind before the bang.
Maybe some rocks came down?
Well nevermind it, have to focus on the situation at hand.
The goblin takes us through the front doors and we enter a long hallway, empty of everything except a dusty rug across the floor.
From the outside this place looked huge and it feels just as gargantuan in here.
Walking past rows and rows of closed doors and other corridors, we walk straight for a good 5 minutes.
Stopping at a large set of thick metal doors, the goblin stops in front of it and starts fumbling around in his clothes.
So we need a key for here then?
The goblin produces a fist sized lump of crude ore
Guess not then.
*Clang, clang*
After clanging on the door with the ore a few times there seems to be activity on the other side, as the door begins to slowly slide open.
Having a little peek through the crack, I see a black seat in the distance, devoid of any sitter.
Hmm, this just smells like trap!
The doors open fully and we’re ushered inside. Once inside, the goblin runs down the corridor telling us to stay put.
Time to explore!
“Well hello there…Joat”
Ah dammit, and I was looking forward to seeing what interesting things this castle had…
The light yet still masculine voice comes from behind the throne and following it is the speaker; a medium sized hobgoblin with shoulder length black hair, brownish tinged skin and blue eyes. His hands are small yet clawed and his chest is quite square.
The figure, which I am guessing is Tarakiel, quickly saunters to the throne and places himself on it.
Walking up the aisle, I start to notice the throne in a little more detail; it’s not entirely black; there are some dark purple shards embedded in it at odd angles…Oooooh!
So it seems like it’s a throne made from ore? The black does seem like deep stone and these shards look quite like gems now that I’m getting a closer look. Mostly because they glint slightly.
Momentarily ignoring the throne, I look back at Tarakiel; who is scanning me with an analyzing look.
BOSS:Tarakiel [lvl???]???
WELL…there goes the plan of killing him………….
In front of the throne is a small flight of stairs and I believe it’s probably the custom to stop at the bottom and address them there…
Yeah I don’t do that, because let’s face it; I really do want to get a better look at the throne
Tarakiel narrows his eyes as I nonchalantly walk up the stairs towards him, only stopping a few feet away.
Ahhh, I thought I smelled a trap.
Getting to my feet, I rub the growing bruise on the back of my head. Tarakiel is looking down at me from the throne in confusion rather than anger...I don’t think he quite understood why I just sniffed him…well her.
Tikari and Co. screamed at me firstly for the smelling and then because I got punched for about 89 hit points and was blown back to the bottom of the stairs.
My body finally feels a little better.
“Forgive my rudeness my lady” I bow slightly towards the confused Tarakiel
“How dare y-….what did you say?” Her eyes widen.
Hehe, glad she noticed
“How could I miss a delicate beauty such as you, and mistake you for a man?” I grin at her
“Come with me and we will discuss matters by ourselves” She replies with a mischievous smile
Sometimes, all you need is to be recognized for who you are.
“Are you going to show me your special place” I flash a grin
“Why…I’ll give you a tour of my chambers”
Well, I certainly wouldn’t say no.
“Lead the way my lady”
She gets off the throne, walks down the steps by me and then starts to walk off behind it.
“Ah, but before I go, what shall I do with my prisoners?” I gesture to my group who are standing drenched in drying blood, looking extremely confused.
At the snap of her fingers, the goblin rushes forwards for commands.
“Gimmath, take the prisoners to their cells”
“The squirrel is my…entertainer, so could you show her my room?”
“Now why will you need one of those?” She grins towards me
“An entertainer or a room?”
Tarakiel winks and continues walking
I grin and follow after her
Joat, what is going on?
Squirrel messages me as they’re being herded out the door on the other side of the room
Ah, it is quite a distance between them and me so they probably didn’t hear the whole
I’m going to have a talk with Tarakiel, You guys are getting imprisoned…so don’t and get out of here.
I can feel her gaze from all across the room. Well no point lying to you is there.
”Tarakiel, I noticed only Gimmath and you are here, is there anyone else?”
“Don’t worry, it’s just us” I can feel her grinning
Tikari, there’s no one but that little goblin, so beat him up and then get out of here
Boss…good luck with your talk
Right, talk...
Though it seems Squirrel has gotten the gist of the situation, maybe
Scratching the side of my head, I follow Tarakiel out a back door and through a corridor.
Hmm, everything about her does scream male, apart from her smell and the way she talks.
Never thought knowing that women have a slightly different musk to their sweat than men would come in useful someday…much less in helping me spot a trap…
Well last time I spotted a trap, I got my arm broken. So smelling someone yields less painful results it seems.
We reach some stairs going up and after going up those, for a hell of a long time, we reach an iron door
I step in after her as she opens the door.
Private Instance:Tarakiel's Personal ChambersThis chamber doesn't seem normal
*Drip Drip*
“Oh sorry, I forgot to clean up”
The room is circular with various different torture equipment set up around the room, while in a lowered center ring there is a set of chains hanging from the ceiling…accompanied a dead goblin hanging from it, which looks like its been dead for days. eugh.
Well done description, this chamber doesn’t seem normal at all!!
Something sharp…not to my left…Ah there’s something!
Spotting a screw shaped stick of metal, which looks wicked sharp, over to my right I start to lean towards it.
“What a lovely place you have here, mind if AAAGH”
The screw slices deeply into my right wrist and I hear the blood gushing out along with quite a decent amount of my hp.
Dammit, why’d I have to slip at a moment like this…
Although I slipped, I haven’t hit the floor…probably due to Tarakiel; who is holding me by the front of the neck “tut”ing.
“Hehe, you really thought you would grab that and kill me? Oh please Joat…I’m the one who causes pain around here”
For a split second I see her fist coming towards my face, and then blackness.
-Present time-
Dammit! I moved too much and my intestines fell out!
Oooh, that’s cold and weird and oh god I really wanted to forget that feeling of having your intestines on the stone floor…
To be fair, it doesn’t hurt as bad as I would’ve thought…but that may be due to the fact that it’s only 20% pain.
Though, it’s still my intestines being taken out of my body that we’re talking about…
Luckily, this time I kept her entertained enough to not make her go further…*Shudder*. Seeing your own ribcage was not a pleasant experience…satisfied some strange curiosity of mine but…not something I really wanted to experience this lifetime.
Also when I blacked out because of that, I didn't get anything out of it, apparently I need to be conscious for my skills to grow...
Anyways...my intestines aren’t really a cause of too much concern…since its only cold and not actually killing me.
What I’m really worried about is the kind of massive hole in my abdomen where my intestines came from…
Though…I don’t seem to be bleeding out from it?
Wow, she really is good at this.
I’ve got some superficial blood around my body from the many light cuts she’s caused by her nails. But apart from that and a little bit of blood from the cutting open of my abdomen…I’m still pretty fresh.
It’s been, around a day, maybe 2?
Must be like that because I am absolutely starving, and the only meal I got was my own blood, and some bread.
Well however long it has been, I really don’t want to be staying here any longer than I have to…though I did enjoy the free torture session. I found it very helpful.
Aagh not more!
Pain Tolerance has leveled up!
I definitely enjoyed this free torture session. But only as long as it doesn't knock me out.
Hmm, those chains aren’t going to come off my wrists anytime soon
Or are they?
The right chain is a lot more bloody than the left; because it’s slowly enlarging the hole I accidentally made in my wrist earlier, which hurts quite a bit must I say.
I am not going to like this
Ripping my right arm downwards, I hear and feel the ripping of my wrist.
Letting the pulsating pain die down, I try to focus on my now handless arm swinging free by my side.
That’s half of me free, now for the other half.
Feeling a strong pressure on my left arm, thanks to it holding up the rest of my body, I wiggle around…accomplishing nothing.
Well my entire plan is out the window…now what?
Oh god that’s the door.
The door swings open
Wait a second, that doesn’t sound like Tarakiel…
-Right after the BAAAAAANG-
(Anoobis’ POV)
“Owwwwie….Wheres Noir!?”
That zombie girl really has some obsessions with that rabbit
“Don’t worry, the rabbit is fine”
I sit up, miraculously alive after dropping down in a hellish elevator for a good few minutes
That’s a good question; how did we survive that?
“NOIR!” The zombie girl stands up and shakily makes her way to the open bit of the elevator,
supposedly to run after the rabbit.
“Stop running everywhere you fool” I stand up shakily and try to block her way but she just ducks under me and continues on.
“Noir come to me”
Seriously! How much does she love that damned rabbit?
Making my way out of the somehow still in one piece Hellevator, I notice that we’re on a raised platform of a sort.
The zombie girl jumps down and is already jogging towards a small black rabbit which is hopping its way through a large crowd of goblins
RAID:Olden CavesGoblin-infested caves, the origins are a mysteryRecommended party level: 10+, recommended party size 40+
RAID INSTANCE:The Noble's CaveThe cave where the 'noble' class of goblins reside
Thank you system for telling me where I landed…just a little too late!
Sure enough, every goblin in a giant circle is looking at me…and I’m at the center.
Quite a few are looking at the zombie girl, but most pay little attention to her and some even move out of the way for her
“M’LADY!” I deeply bow towards the zombie girl before jumping down and making my way to her.
The looks don’t lessen, but they no longer seem as hostile. Haha! Me geniousity is not to be denied!
While I follow the zombie lady, I try my best to look around the place where we fell:
Apparently we fell on a large set of cupped stone hands, which look to be part of a fountain because of a circular dish around it.
Around that is an empty space and then houses embedded along the walls of the cave.
I don’t get much time to see and spot everything, as the zombie girl rushes into one of the houses; the big castle looking thing with 4 towers.
That rabbit is really getting on my nerves…
Following into a small courtyard, I spot the rabbit hopping through the main doors and into the castle.
“Noir come baack” The zombie girl goes in after it.
Dammit, stop for a second!
Sprinting forward, I catch the zombie girl and plant a hand firmly on her shoulder.
“What is it?”
“You’re never going to catch her if you keep running after her like that”
“It’s a he and how do I catch him then?” She looks both a bit angry and sad
How does she know it’s male? Well she probably has been following this critter for quite some time and saw some…defining moments.
I look around the place we just entered: a long corridor is infront while I can spot quite a few doors and corridors on either side…hmm.
“We will split up, you go through this left doorway, and I’ll follow the rabbit. That’ll herd him towards me, and then we’ll flank and catch him. Alright”
“Alright!” She looks happy at the idea and rushes through the door on my left.
Now that she’s out the way...
“Come here…thing” I begin to approach it cautiously
The rabbit stops moving as I approach and turns around, to look at me with its big purple eyes.
I stop when I’m towering over it, but it doesn’t run away. No; it just stays there looking right at me.
“Fool, you should have run when you had the chance”
(Miss Nameless’ POV)
Noir…why do you keep running away from me! I just wanted to cuddle you!
Opening another door, I walk through into another room and spot the next door.
Moving through that one, find another and into the next room…
Where am I?
The question just popped into my head for some reason.
Stopping, I look around and see I’m in a room, devoid of everything except a rug.
How did I get here?
All I remember was that strange elevathingy and then following Noir through a plaza of sorts and then into this place, whatever this is?…
Ah Noir!
I turn right and start walking up a corridor.
Where is my cutie? I’ve been following him for so very long, and I’m getting a little tired of running after him now…
Is it even worth it...because I really want to huggle him but he isn’t letting me…
Now that I think about it, I don’t even know why I kept going after him for so long. It’s just a rabbit, and I just like them for their taste
Why did I just say that?
I love Nooir!
Picking up my pace, I quickly turn right and almost crash into the Jackal guy.
“Careful there, no need to be in a hurry”
“Yeah, you’re right. Not going to find Noir anyways”
“How so?” The Jackal guy looks at me questioningly
“Because I ate him”
“Why did I just say that?” WHY DID I JUST SAY THAT!?
“Why did you just say that?” The Jackal guy looks extremely confused too
“Maybe I’ve been away from Noir too long”
“Hmm, I’m inclined to believe that”
“Let’s go find him!” I start to walk off in the general direction before stopping “Wait, weren’t you following him?”
The Jackal turns towards me and gives me a pitying expression
“Sorry, thing bolted once you left”
“ It jumped into my mouth”
Am I going crazy?
(Anoobis’ POV)
“Sorry, thing bolted once you left”
Well, it jumped into my mouth
"It jumped into my mouth”
That’s twice now.
The girl is looking extremely bewildered and quite frightened of herself…and I am mildly so too…
But the really worrying thing isn’t the fact that she has no idea what’s going on; the worrying thing is the fact that I think I do…
Damn rabbit!
Never liked it since I first saw the thing: First, It messed up my fight with the bear, then it caused me to go in the Hellevator and a few moments ago it literally just forced me to swallow it…which was a very horrible experience.
Eugh, I can still feel its fur in my throat.
I look at the girl; who is clamping her mouth and looking worried.
“Don’t worry, you’re just tired” I give her a light pat on her shoulder
“Ok, I guess..but what now?” She looks up at me with her murky, yet slightly purple, dead eyes.
Hmm, we could go back out there but then I don’t know how to get back to the surface.
Best option would be to continue exploring, but with just the two of us here…
I open up my friends list.
Raid Instance (16)
Aha! So that idiot from before is somehow still alive! Guess he is not as much idiot as I thought in some respects.
Best option is to group up with them. Since the raid did say 40+ and that gives me a slight bad feeling.
Hmm, don’t want to message that idiot…so how about, oh! DillyDally. He seemed like a nice enough guy.
Who are you?
He didn’t seem happy or maybe he’s just surprised?
I’m Anoobis, and I just got into the Noble’s Cave
Really? What the hell are you doing here?
Long story, where are you all now?
Making our way to the courtyard of the castle, you?
Close to there, I have some zombie girl with me too
The more muscle the better. We’re breaking out of this place.
Why we doing that?
He kind of made it sound like we’re going to be running away
Joat’s been killed and the boss is too strong for us apparently
Apparently huh…so someone else told him this?
Joat? Is that the idiot who...wait a second…
I check the raid instance tab, and sure enough…Joat is alive…he's a sneaky one
Those fools don’t even know how to use their menu’s in the slightest. Ha!
I’m going to explore somewhat, I’ll leave zombie girl in your hands
Wait a second, why are you doing that?
Scouting for when we come back of course
…Do what you want, just try not to die easily.
You got it
Closing the conversation I turn to an expectant looking zombie girl who looks deeply into my eyes looking for an answer.
Soul Binding process: 2% complete
No time for this!
“I’m going to have to leave you now. Some others are coming this way, so just follow this corridor a bit till you see the big door to the outside and you’ll find them there. Ok?”
Soul Binding process: 1% complete
“But where are you going?”
“I’m going somewhere dangerous, and I don’t want to take you there with me, because I don’t want to get you killed ok?”
“Ok” She looks slightly downhearted but she recognizes the danger
Soul Binding process: 5% complete
Turning on my heel, I begin to jog down the corridor as far away as possible from the zombie girl because apparently something weird is happening when I talk to her…
It’s all because of that damned rabbit!
But the real question is, what the hell happens when this soul binding gets to 100%?
That’s a stupid question to myself; the answer is pretty obvious with the name…But still; Just because that rabbit forcibly made me eat it,doesn't mean I want to bind my soul with the zombie girl! It definitely doesn't since she liked the damn rabbit. Hell I don't even know why this is happening!
AAARGGH!! All the strange and bizarre things are happening to me today. I do not like it one bit!
Stopping, I take a minute break...Soon I've calmed down and now actually use my mind to think as to where Joat is…mostly because I bet he’s found some secret treasure or the like. Though with his stupid act of breaking down the walls himself, he’s probably not the type to hoard and be that selfish…probably.
Might as well be safe than poor.
Ah?! Maybe I can do that?
Opening my raid instance, sure enough there is a track button. The knowledge of a genius like me is unfathomable!
A few games that I had played used the tracking feature, but usually on a map, in dungeons and the like. This was to help keep the parties together, especially once some died and had to revive at the entrance of the dungeon.
Never thought ARIA would implement it, but seems I was wrong. Though by looking at the size of this castle… many people could get lost here for quite a while.
Turning on tracking, I see…nothing
Hmm, maybe I have to find his footprints?
Dammit, I have to go back towards the zombie girl then.
Soul Binding process: 3% complete
Making my way back, I end up at the entrance, but she is already gone.
Ah so the other group must’ve found and taken her already. That’s good.
Soul Binding process: 6% complete
Oh cmon! Is it going down because I’m thinking bad things about her now? And going up when I don’t know…I’m being protective of her?
These messages are going to make me insane, I just know it!
Following some glowing footprints, which I believe to be Joat’s, I quickly make my way to a throne room…
Oooooh! That’s quite the throne there.
The throne is made from deep rock, however there is also a purple metal sticking out of it in some places…That looks expensive.
I’ll come back for that later.
If Joat isn’t here, he probably found something better. Or thought the same as-Nah, he’s not that smart, for I am a genius! And he’s a bit less.
Going behind the throne and through another door, I follow the path for close to an hour, till it leads to some upward spiraling steps.
“Dammit Gimmath, I was starting to have some fun too”
“Sorry my Lord, but we must prepare defenses and our goblins against the invaders”
“I couldn’t care less about my goblins, but I guess those invaders will be a bit of a thorn to my life”
The one ‘Gimmath’ calls Lord sounds like someone I could get along with…but probably shouldn’t say hi at this moment.
Quickly concealing myself underneath the stairs, I hear the two come down and quickly walk off into the distance.
Quietly walking up the stairs, I have slight doubts about what Joat found…and what he’s up to as well.
Finding myself facing an iron door, I open it with a slight creak.
Walking into the room, I see that hobgoblin, Joat’s face
“Well hel- ULRLPURGPH”
OH, that’s dis…gusting!!
Thanks for reading!
I'll post the next part next saturday so look out for that. (Sorry bout the late post, was having tiny bit of a writers block)
Hope you enjoyed it and Please please review/comment :D
- In Serial19 Chapters
Tainted Bloodline
Kori is the half-human daughter of a nobleman and the female demon who raped him. After performing an act of heroism, Kori is accepted into the Royal Castle. At this time a wolf demon and its werewolf minions threaten the entire realm. Can Kori defeat a demon worse than her birth mother? This story tells how Kori finds new family, new love and new troubles in the world of Royalty. The following summer, Kori is scheduled to return to the Royal Castle, but evil is once more at work in their land! Kori and her uncle Rudolph must fight the Swarm - evil cultists who are followers of the Lord of the Flies.
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As nineteen-year-old Alex Dash cares for his six-year-old twin siblings, Henry and Annabelle, he is forced to navigate a post-cataclysmic world full of hostile entities. Dogs that seem more aware than they ought to, sentient plant-life, nomads aimlessly wandering...Rescued by a farming colony called Community, Alex meets Eva Monroe. She is mysterious, but also familiar somehow. When Alex sees strange lights in the fields, he begins asking questions that no one seems willing to answer. Together, Alex and Eva discover a secret. A secret that no one in Community saw coming...or did they?
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Fortuna Verto
A girl’s luck changes when her world changes upon itself, sending her back and forth between a world she knows and another that shouldn’t even exist. Working with her parallel self from that other world, the two must adjust to their alternate form when visiting the other’s world, as they search for a way to escape the chains of misfortune they are bound to. While this story is the conclusion of the trilogy, it is also fully capable of standing alone in its own light, as the world of Celese itself is no longer a place the characters will be journeying through. However, the events of the story are a spoiler for all previous books, in case that matters to anyone. This book has an additional chapter after the final chapter that represents the trilogy conclusion, and should not be read until all three books are read first. Fortuna Verto continues the events of Essentia Animus to advance society into a sci-fi interpretation of Celese, bringing events to a distant world of another star. At the same time, events interpret a real-world advancement into a similar sci-fi age of another planet that shares Earth’s galaxy, a planet that has also been linked by the Celesi Veil. English remains predominant in both worlds of the story, but the presence of both sides makes certain Aethyx terms stand out, while Earth-styled scientific terms will also stand in a powerful contrast. Instrumentation remains an important aspect of the Elemental Era, but the influence of the gift has grown distant after discovering the superiority of the elements. Harnessing the elements had eliminated some of the original limitations of instrumentation, allowing for a self-sustaining focal source that provides solutions to problems such as automation. This turns the development available from the previous modern-day sense of a fantasy to one that is deep-future. Finally, opening access to the passage across the veil will open this progress in comparison to a very similar deep-future parallel world without such fantasy elements, contrasting the laws of physics with the laws of elements in a convergence of time and space.
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The Savior Of CHS
(EG Harem x Magical Male Reader)Since day one, you were gifted with magical abilities. You weren't sure where they came from or how you got them, but they've been a part of you. Besides having powers, your life has been relatively normal. That is until you had arrived at a city called Canterlot and went to its high school. This leads to you experiencing adventure, romance, and many other things to come. Magical times are about to occur at Canterlot High School that's for sure. So this story came as an inspiration from LordStarX101 and Shadowlight2784 who also helped with some of the ideas for it. Be sure to check out their stories as well because they are very well done! Anyways, hope you guys enjoy!Disclaimer: Any and all photos and videos that I use are not mine. All of them belong to their respectable owners. Equestria Girls and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic are both owned by Hasbro studios.
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Image, a man obsessed with automation and machines, gets killed accidentally by a beginner god and has been reincarnated in that god's world. [WARNING: THIS IS A SIDE PROJECT THAT I WONT ALWAYS WORK ON, SO DONT EXPECT ALOT OF UPDATES.]
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The ABDL transformation
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