《A Skill Whore's Journey》21. Rising Powers
“…Tell me everything you know” That’s all I can say to this…because I’m positive a lot is being hidden from me.
The captain gets to his feet
“Sorry, but our current lord; Tarakiel, stopped us from speaking freely about the trial to any hobgoblins that arrived here”
“Because…the trial has already begun?” Seeing as though I’ve got a update for a quest that I don’t have…the quest must have already begun in secret.
The captain looks quite impressed “Smart and strong, you are truly the new leader”
“So, this trial is not only to make offspring go out into the world but also it is about us hobgoblins fighting for the right to rule”
“Yes and you can become the lord of these caves by killing him” All the other goblins around cheer somewhat
…Relatively simple…if not for the fact that I’ve got a 2.44% backing to Lordship
“Is that the only way?”
He shuffles around awkwardly…well I guess he definitely prefers the killing way
“There is…on the night when the trial is begun and finished you need to have more than half the cave supporting you”
Ah…so as I thought.
“And that deadline is the next night?”
“No, this night”
I see…so I’ve got a good 10 in-game hours to either gain 50% of the cave’s support or kill a hobgoblin…hmm not a hard choice is it?
CLASS QUEST:The Hidden Trial(Hobgoblin only)The goblins in Olden Caves undergo a trial every 4 years with their youngsters being sent out into the world to survive. Once they return, they will be put into a specific Cave befitting their acheivements.
However those who become hobgoblins have the right to challenge the current one.
Tarakiel is the current Lord of the goblins and due to his silencing, the trial of Lord succession became hidden.
There are 2 ways to become the next lord:
Kill Tarakiel and be recognized by the goblins as their Lord
Be backed by more than 50% of the goblins in these CavesTarakiel is alive
Backed by 2.44%
Time remaining: 9 hours 43 minutesRewards:
So this is a racial specific quest! And since it calls itself a class quest…I believe I have some idea on what my reward will be. OOOOH!!
Weird how I got the quest now, but that must have been triggered by gathering enough
information? Strange but then again the reason I didn’t get the quest upon entering is explained there…
“Captain, what is your name?”
“Rakartkas, if I command you to charge to the Kings Cave killing all those in our way…would you do so?”
“WE WANT TO KILL THEM”…Well not the specific answer I was looking for…but I think I’ve stumbled onto a bit of a gold mine.
“You want to kill them? Good, but tell me why”
Rakartkas spits on the ground
“The Nobles Cave, which is through that cave” He points to a cave in the distance which I didn’t quite notice earlier “Is where the bastards who rule live”
“Ok, but that must not be the only reason you are angry”
“No, it is because they take the women, no matter the cave”
Ah, this will be a complete bloodbath…
I look around and sure enough they’re all men…wow, now that I think about it, I don’t think I saw a woman in the Grand Cave either.
“YES LORD” Seeing tears form in my new subordinates is nice yet kind of creepy.
All my prisoners and Tikari are looking dodgily at me…oh; you do not know my plan…
“Spread the word to all your fellow guards, spread the word to those in the Grand Cave to join our cause. If I become your Lord…the first thing I will do is kill those nobles”
They all start cheering maniacally…well I am kind of giving their women back…and it has been Aiag knows how long since they’ve seen one. By the slight frothing of their mouths…I’m guessing quite a long time.
“Calm yourselves now though; we cannot fight till we have a larger number”
The frothing lessens somewhat.
Before I leave, I tell them one last thing…to not say anything about this…because two can play at that game
Immediately after, a few hundred disperse down the stairs and the rest begin training…without killing eachother.
Good, my subordinates won’t kill themselves since they now know they’ll get their women back.
Squirrel quickly re-clothes me and then stays close behind.
Then I signal for Rakartkas to lead the way to the Nobles Cave.
He walks us through the last level and once again I am standing under a quite impressive portcullis, my god.
This one is slightly different to the first one as the walls seem better kept and the murder holes have increased tenfold…
Well I sure as hell wouldn’t want to attack this place.
At these gates are two armored goblins, which kneel down to me as I arrive.
Oh so they’re with me?
One of them signals for the portcullis to open and with a creak, the heavy iron gates rise up.
Walking through, I look up and around to notice that if an army walked in here, it’d be a literal bloodbath with the enormous amount of murderholes littered all over the place.
Luckily, I just get to walk through here.
I’m not the only one who shivers, as I notice my prisoners and Squirrel shivered involuntarily at the kill zone.
This corridor is about as long as the last and we arrive on the other side within a good time.
The pungent smell of vomit, has lessened somewhat, so I think I’m sort of presentable to the king? I’m not sure how favorable being covered in vomit and goblin blood is to my first impression…
Apparently it’s pretty well suited…
We just exited the corridor and first thing we see is a goblin ripping off anothers head…lovely…
Seems like killing eachother is a common occurrence for goblins.
The victor is a large, muscled goblin with numerous battle scars littering his chest and arms.
NAME:Noble Goblin [lvl8] (Elite variant)Health:10/60Attack:20-20Defense:0
Not that scary? I mean I did expect it to be a complete monster…but it’s only a goblin.
Though it is twice as good as my goblins…hmm
The noble goblin chuckles as he tosses the head away and then saunters over to a small group of goblins, which when they yell as he flings them over his shoulder, give off their gender as women.
Never would have guessed…since they look pretty much the same as the men…eugh.
I turn to Rakartkas, who is glaring at the noble goblin
“Oy, you mongrels, what are you doing ‘ere?”
Well sir, I’ve been called Dumbass before but never mongrel, I am quite offended indeed.
Turning back to the muscled goblin, who has finished moving the women to his own small, well now larger, group of about 20…Damn, goblins know how to enjoy power.
Sorry got distracted there.
Focusing back on him, I walk up and offer my hand with a smile
“I am Joat, returning from the trial”
He sizes me up for a second before realizing that I’m above his station. Noticing that, he bows slightly
“Sorry, but I wasn’t talking to you lord, I was talking to those little shits over there”
“Haha! I see, no worries then” Well they are little but I wouldn’t call them shits…they are under my control afterall.
I feel some gazes of confusion coming from my goblins and of course the ‘prisoners’.
Wrapping my arm around the goblins shoulder, I share a hearty laugh with him before I snap his neck with an audible crack.
Dropping the noble goblin with a twisted neck, I turn to my subordinates
“Happy now?”
With that sorted, I dismiss them and they leave quite satisfied with my performance.
Now I’m just left with my people and those goblin women…
I walk over to the goblin women, who cower slightly as I approach
Crouching down by them I look deeply into their fearful eyes
“I will be visiting the houses of the nobles later, so make sure to help me give those nobles a bloody welcome”
Did they catch that or?
One of the women, the wrinklier one, I’m guessing older, nods.
Standing back up, I let those seeds be sown and now time to wait for my next escort.
That is a good point, where is my next escort…and actually a better point, where are we?
I got so distracted by this goblin that I didn’t actually look around the place.
Having a nice long look around, I see that it’s actually just a small room, with stairs on either side and a giant steel door on the far end.
Oh, so this is the guard room?
So where are all the guards?
Time to explore!
Motioning for the others to follow, I take one of the stairs and start to explore.
Going up the stairs leads to a strange sort of room; it’s a long corridor, but the left wall is curved into a dome shape, with long platforms littering it.
Walking down the corridor, I notice that by the platforms are murder holes. Ah, so that’s how it works!
Clambering up the platforms, I make my way to the top of the dome.
Swiveling round, I see a Giraffe-beastman, which is a human with an unusually long neck and giraffe coloured, struggling with the floor, as his legs have fallen through one of the murder holes.
Quickly, everyone grabs onto him and pulls him out without too much difficulty.
Continuing up, we all take a little more care where our feet go
Squirrels voice, unusually quiet, comes up behind me
“You noticed did you?”
This is why she’s my left hand woman.
I suppose a couple of the people here know or at least suspect that these murder holes, aren’t your usual murder holes.
They’re too big, since if a fully grown man can fit his legs through, a goblin can fit their whole body through without a problem.
Hence, instead of being murder holes, they’re more like access points for goblins to dive into the enemy.
Sounds a bit bizarre when I think about it but these are goblins, so that kind of sounds like something they’d do.
Anyways, we finally get to the top of the dome and lo and behold, there’s a corridor on the other side.
Climbing down to that corridor, I go towards the stairs and voila, I’m back to the small room.
“Well that was boring, yet oddly informative”
Most nod at that with our Rooster-beastman, with red hair, a small beak and some wings looking confused. I call him Rooster-beastman, because of the red hair, also spiked up.
DillyDally fills him in on the ‘murder’ holes and I go over to the steel door, because there doesn’t seem to be anything else to this place, except the goblin women who are still half cowering on the floor...could they not open the door themselves?
“Prisoners, open the door for me, I don’t feel like doing so”
Not that I’m too weak to do it or anything, just can’t be bothered, of course…
They grumble slightly, but it looks like they want to check outside too so it’s a win win.
With the effort of 6 of us, well them, we push open the door with a large screeing sound of metal on stone.
Behind these doors, is quite a sight indeed.
(Anoobis’ POV)
I hear the many snickers from the people around me but hah! I created my dagger, this beauty:
[table]WEAPON:Dagger(hand) (Beginner)+5 attackIt may not be the greatest thing, but it will allow me to travel down the path of making the greatest things!
Walking confidently to Jarken, I present my dagger…
“WELL DONE! Maggot”
Sauntering out of the blacksmith, I leave the dozen or so people in there to work on their weapons.
It’s waay too quiet out here, where’d all the shouting go?
What are these lowlifes trying to do?
(Krudel’s POV)
A dagger’s guard must be twice as thick as its blade. However the style and shape of dagger may change whether the blocking is done with the guard or with the blade and whether the dagger has a guard at all.
Small, concealable daggers usually don’t have guards, and are extremely thin in nature.
With the basic iron ore we have, the highest carat we can possibly get is 2 with a single piece, which would be too brittle for a normal knife or concealable one for that matter. Therefore if we thicken it, the thickness should be a viable replacement for the carat and stop the blade breaking upon contact.
However thick blades aren’t good for cutting and they require extra force for piercing.
In this scenario, the knife would work better serrated as then we have sharp points along with it being thick.
Hmm that’s a good idea.
Holding the thoughts on knife creation, I focus back on my surroundings:
Everyone has split off into groups, having members log off and research things about knives.
All in all a smart idea, however the internet is an expansive territory, so many different theories and instructions on knives have been found and are now up to debate.
I glance at Mistress and see she is looking worriedly towards the heated debates that litter the square.
Striding to the Gold bird-beastman and Black-lion beastman, I raise both by their collar and smash them on the ground.
…Much better.
With the sounds of them being flung to the ground, the rest of the square quietens down
“This ore is at most two carat, therefore with this ore the optimal knife would be a four carat curved blade with a serrated edge and no guard. There will be no pommel and the hilt will be a thin iron core wrapped thickly with leather. Blade length varies depending on ore usage, but an average length would be six inches and the width varying from two to three. We will need a work table to mark points and create an outline of the knife on. Then using the outline we will make a mold using some ores and finish with filling the mold with the liquid iron. A few strokes with a hammer will set the iron and the dagger will be formed. Do you all understand?”
(Anoobis’ POV)
Everyone is sitting down, watching a Skeleton stabbing a table with a skinning knife.
What are these lowlifes up to?
Walking down the steps, I sit down…next to the Redhead rabbit with the wonky ear…
Moving to another location very quickly, I sit down once more…by the giant red Minotaur…
Standing up, I go to the back of the crowd and look from a distance.
Everyone is in complete silence watching this guy…maybe he knows how to make knives in the real world? Ooh, I may have found worthy competition for my geniosity!
I take a quick headcount…only 61 people here. That’s 9 missing.
The strange silent lecture of sorts, continues on for a good 5 minutes, before the 9 missing return from the forest, wave to the skeleton, trade with him and then sit down.
“Now, using this outline, we will shape a mold. Whoever has dexterous hands and doesn’t mind getting burnt, stand up”
The skeletons voice is posh yet profound, not like the airheads that I know.
Immediately a good 18 people stand up and the skeleton chooses 6; a gnome with a long red beard, the redhead rabbit, A large wolf with silver hair, My rival in wits; the raven-beastlady, a donkey-head-beastman and a large human.
Oh! They are the leatherworkers if I remember correctly.
Not a terrible choice if I must say so myself…this skeleton has good eyes.
The 7 of them head indoors to the forge and the rest of the crowd heads off into the fields, to train I am guessing.
Hmm…I could train with my knife, but this skeleton has garnered my interest!
What was that?
(Miss Nameless’ POV)
Krudel left me…
Finally time to play! But Joat’s not here…
Oh! That Jackal guy who nobody really likes because he laughed at Joat…hmm maybe not then.
“Miss, I believe you were just thinking about me”
GASP! How did he know? Is he a psychic?
“No, I am just great”
How does greatness allow you to know what people think? I cock my head sideways at that…though Joat does know a lot of things I don’t.
But I don’t think I like this guy, for some reason he gives off a different vibe to Joat, more like those ‘friends’ my father has round on occasion.
Turning away from him, I do these really fun yet tiring things Joat names ‘burpees’ down the street and towards the village gate.
Jump up, roll, one step of sneak, repeat.
“Fool! You are doing it wrong!”
I turn round to the Jackal who is chuckling while raising his head high
“How?” I am curious since he does seem to know what he’s talking about
“Like this!” He jumps into the air, throws a copper coin and catches it in the other hand while kicking, drops and stomps before rolling and doing 1 step of sneak.
Taking his routine, I try it out for myself, and indeed it’s much more difficult but it’s fun!
Taking a short break, I start once again!
Why did I even try this? But it’s fun? I’m not sure. I’m just *Pant* so tired after this.
Another short break and I do the last bit of the street before walking normally out the gate.
(Krudel’s POV)
“Reddwarf, the spine is slightly curved by your left palm, push slightly more”
“Yes Krudel”
Pushing the spine flat with his leather covered hands; the mold is once more back in a decent state.
This mold should do us well in creating successful knives…as the more of us who learn the skill, the better our leveling will be.
Having more smiths may not be more beneficial to us in the long run, but for now an extra level is beneficial for all.
Thus making as many people pass as possible is necessary.
“Baila ignore the onlookers” She guiltily turns back and focuses on the handle, which she didn’t let move…she has very good control of her hands that one.
The onlookers in question are the dozen or so players who are trying to create their own knives by themselves.
I commend their resolution, but they risk a lot for no other benefit than their solidarity.
Back to the mold.
The metal is cooling down fast, maybe a minute more and it will be set.
“Ouch” I look up at Lancel who is gritting his teeth in mild pain
“Has it burnt through the leather yet?”
“Not yet, but I can feel the heat a lot more”
Using leather gloves as a barrier, we can hold the metal in place without dying from burn damage, albeit it does cause constant tinges of pain.
I correct mistakes for another minute and with that the iron no longer presses against my fingers.
Sliding them out from the inside of the mold, I leave largeish serrated marks for the knife. That will do.
The mold is complete…now to let the mass production begin
(Miss Nameless’ POV)
“Noir pleasssse let me stroke you”
*Hop hop*
“Noir noooooo”
Walking as fast as *pant* I can go, I follow the adorable black bunny with deep purple eyes.
Father never let me keep pets, well not after Bubbles…
“Come here Noir, let me huggle you” I give my sweetest smile and open my arms as I walk toward the rabbit
*Hop hop hop*
Follow Noir!
I follow for quite a while, and it does stop and wait for me to catch my breath at times. See, you want to be hugged by me! Just let me!
Following it for a little while longer, the trees thin out somewhat and I end up in front of a large cave.
“What are you doing here?”
I whip around to see the Jackal, walking up to me looking very confused and somewhat scared
“Following Noir” I point towards my cute little rabbit that’s nibbling on some grass in front of the cave now.
“Get out of here, now” He glares at me
Why? Have I done something wrong? But I swear he sounded scared rather than angry
He stops glaring at turns towards the cave from which the ominous sound came from.
“Run away now!”
“But Noir”
“Forget the rabbit and go!”
A large brown paw with long claws slams into the light outside the cave. Quickly moving into the light is…a brown bear with scars littering its body.
Noir doesn’t seem to notice and continues eating the grass.
The bear looks down towards my cutie and raises a paw
Mini-Boss: Cave Bear has aggroed onto you
The Cave Bear slams its paw to the ground, narrowly missing Noir and starts charging towards me.
Jackal’s fist connects with the bears face but the bear just stops and looks angrily at Jackal
He jumps back dodging a claw and then rolls to dodge the other
Getting a graze on his arm, he tumbles to the floor and scrambles up somehow dodging the second claw.
I turn to leave Jackal who just took a slice down his arm when I spot Noir hopping into the cave.
Charging behind the bear, I sprint to the cave and quickly search for it. There you are!
Tumbling and rolling, I somehow dodge the claws of the bear that tried to get me and once up, I sprint to Noir, which is looking at some shiny white things in the corner and try to pick it up.
“Noir, now’s not the time, let me grab you and we get out of here.
I follow the hopping Noir *wheeze* deeper into the cave
The bear isn’t coming after me?
Oh! Jackal! He must’ve made it attack him again.
I want to help, but I don’t know what to do!
I ran into something…NOIR?
No, Noir’s just scratching its ear with its foot, by my face.
What did I walk into then? It didn’t feel like stone, more like metal?
Standing back up, I see that I had run into a pedestal in the middle of a cage-shaped thing.
On the pedestal is a lever
*Pant Pant Pant*
Ok got breath now
Running back towards the entrance of the cave, I see Jackal looking very wounded and the bear looking not too well off either.
“WHAT DID YOU EXPECT?” He ducks under a paw “THIS IS A CAVE” He stabs the incoming paw, with a knife!? He made one?!
“WHAAT?” He slams into the wall dodging the angry bear that bites the thin air.
“COME” I motion for him to come
I start running and I hear him come behind me with an angry bear slamming its paws into the floor as it begins to chase after us, thankfully with a limp hindering it.
Reaching the end of the cave, we’ve made a small distance from the bear and I rush into the thingy.
Jackal rushes in too and I pull the lever
Jackal pulls the lever with an almighty creak
The bear is about 5 metres away
3 metres
“ AN ELE-“
authors corner:
This chapter, nothing useful? happened so if the time gods allow i'll work/post another chapter by the end of this week. until then
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