《Professional Killer's Death Was Temporarily Postponed》Chapter 11:Final Judgement


[9:00 A.M.,April 13,2031 in United of Armed and Forces Main Prison]

It's been 1 week since that 'incident' happen.Right now,I'm still in this prison,waiting for the Head Chief to come and visit me.

If you are curious,after I stopped that 'time bomb',the Head Chief called the emergency team from the other 'organization' to be able to treat us.Actually it took 20 minutes for them to come since they are come in a different organization

The emergency team in this place also died,so we need to ask from other place.Unfortunately,all of the staffs here was killed except to me,George,Johnson,Head Chief and


The guard in my prison.

Also,when the emergency team come,while they take us to their 'own' hospital,they also the one who cleaned the 'messed' in this place.

They search and remove the bombs that was planted around the place,and they also take care the bodies lying on the floor.

I stayed in the 'hospital' for 3 days,since they are still building again the basement.

White also served as guard to me,even at the hospital.Though he didn't speak for that span of time.

Head Chief said to me they will take care first the reestablishment of the basement before they talk to me about my 'future'

After 3 days,after finished building this basement,I return to this prison,still have a bandage in my wound.

And right now,I'm still waiting for the Head Chief to come in order to talk 'our' plan.

"I heard that you are the one who implode the time bomb that was curled in Head Chief's body.Congratulations.I think that decision will make them changed their perspective to you,Mr.Murderer."

For the first time after a week,White finally spoke up to me.


"Not really.I just do that since the Head Chief will be the one who will determined my 'future'.I had no choice but to save him."

"I guess I didn't regret freeing you in this prison."

"Yeah.If there is someone who needs to be thanked,it should be you,White."

If White didn't freed me in this prison,all of us are probably in our graves right now.

White suddenly stopped talking for some reason.And after that he spoke up again.

"It seems like Head Chief will come to visit you right now.No actually,he is already in the front of this door."

After he said that,he opened the door and what approach is the Head Chief.

"Good morning,Mr.Holiday.How's your wound.Is it still fresh?."

"Actually,not anymore but I still don't want to remove the bandages."

" I see.So since I'm already here,let's talk about your 'future'.But firstly,I need to hear the 'condition' that you said a couple of days earlier."

Yeah.Last time,I only said I need two months.But right now,I will tell the full details about my 'condition'.

"So here's is my condition.I said that I will fully cooperate with the mission to you give to the 'leaders' on this organization.That's was no lie,but I want to create my own team instead of providing me by acquiring different people around the world."


"Not only.Of course I need money.A huge amount of money.Since I will acquire members,I need a compensation for them to persuade to join me.Well not all of people wants money but If I offer them,let's say 1 million dollars if they join,I guess no one will gonna be able to reject it."


Well there will be some other factors,like 'if you join my team,I will help for this and that'.Yeah something like that.

"That's all?"

"Actually,to tell you the truth,I will only acquire girls only."

Head Chief paused a little a bit and laughed.

"Hahahahahahaha.Are you trying to marry them all after you acquire them?."

"No of course.I'm not a romanticist.So are you okay with it,Head Chief?."

Head Chief laughed a little bit more then immediately go back into serious mode.

"That's fine with me."


I was kinda surprised since I didn't expect he will agreed immediately to it.

"But here is my condition."

"So you all have one to me?."

"Actually at first,none.But since I already hear your condition,I'm just made up one as this moment."

"Then what it is?."

"Don't ever let them died.In short protect them."

"Of course.I'm building a team in my own selfishness so the only thing that I could do to them is to protect them.Letting them died is the same as killing other people."

Since I will not engage anymore in that 'path' again,I will try my best to become a better person,for now.

"But Mr.Holiday.Don't forget that your death penalty was only postponed,not cancelled.So after we finished this mission,you will still be excuted."

"Don't worry.I know.I'm just want to enjoy what 'living a normal is'.Wait,what!?.So did you already persuade the officials to postponed my death penalty!?."

"Yeah.Somehow I managed to persuade them.I tell them that you savs me in that incident.And somehow,after some negotiations and arguments,they finally agreed to postponed it."

Well,that is good to hear.

I can finally fulfill my own goal.

After saying that,Head Chief look to White and said:

"And for your case White,since Mr.Holiday will 'temporarily' freed for a period of time,they said that you can go back to you family first and they will just call you again if they need you."

"Thank you very much for that news,Head Chief."

White bowed his head to show his gratitude.

"And laslty,I would like to thank the two of ypu for saving my life.I already thank George personally,so the ones remain is the two of you."

Head Chief paused for couple second and bow down his own head,saying.

"Thank you very much.Mr.White for making a very good and crucial decision and Mr.Holiday,for saving my own life even though I'm not asking for it."

"Don't bow your head to me,Head Chief.I'm just a guard here.

White said when he saw Head Chief bowing his head to him.Then I also said:

"As long as you keep your promise,then we will be good to go."

"Okay,since we are all in good condition now,it is time to take my leave.I'm still busy with my work.So Mr.Holiday,Mr.White,please excuse me."

After saying that,Head Chief finally take his leave from this prison.

"Hey,Mr.Murderer.Actually,my wife and I own a coffee shop.If you like,you can come to have a cup of coffee.You can also bring Mr.George.How about that."

"You have a wife!?"

"Yeah,we still don't have any child.Anyways,is my suggestion okay to you?."

"What flavors you have there?If possible,I like a cappuccino."

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