《Rise Of The Dark Queen》Chapter: 12 - Not So Warm Welcome


"So this is the capital city Karak Da Maz of the demon race huh?" I looked with amazement at the houses where all kind of demons lived, I am surprised how similar the demon capital looks like a medieval city back in my old world, well all except the sharp-horned demons that looked in wonder at my carriage and my escort.

"Well, your majesty what do you think about our capital amazing right?" Liadon looked at me with a grin on his face, even a blind man would see that he loved this city very much.

"Well it's not too bad, but I still prefer a little darker ambiance than this" I answered my question as I still looked outside the carriage.

"Hehe" Liadon smiled at my answer.

"Mistress look" Iris spoke and pointed towards a distant building that looked like a palace.

"Oh, that is our destination, that the royal palace where the demon king lives and his sons, a seat of power from where this kingdom is being ruled, meaning my father and my brother are there" Liadon spoke but this time his expression turned a little cold.

Wait, did his just say, father and brother? Then that would mean he is royalty? Wait maybe his brother and father are some kind of knights that serve under the king, well let's just ask him.

"Liadon, may I ask you a question?" I asked him.

"By all means please go ahead your majesty if it is withing my power I shall give you the answer" Liadon, bowed his head a little and tried to take my hand and kiss it, but he was stopped by a deadly glare that Iris gave him, to be honest, that glare sends me chills down the spine as well.

"Uhm, well please go ahead and ask your majesty" Liadon coughed once and returned to his seat.

"Well then who are you Liadon, you are no simple messenger that's for sure?" I asked him politely.

"Well it's not like I tried to hide it, let's see I think I should be the second prince of the demon kingdom" Liadon answered as his face turned cold for a second but it went back to normal almost immediately, I wonder what's causing his mood swings.


"I figured as much, I just wanted to confirm it" yeah he is a royalty now that makes me wonder why was he the messenger that invited me to this so called ball of theirs

"You don't seem much surprised, although you did mention you had your suspicions, and I can guess what you are thinking right now, you are thinking about why would a demon prince be a messenger right?" Liadon showed a smile as he spoke, and he is quite sharp.

"Hoh and you wouldn't mind answering me that question right?" let's see if he will reveal that, I wonder if there was some special reason.

"Of course, it is simple actually my brother sent me to you with hopes I would be killed or maybe just eaten alive by your undead hehe" Liadon laughed but I could sense deep down his heart was cold as ice, and I understand now whenever he talks about his family his expression turn cold, must be some real issues with his older brother but I shall not dig in any further it is none of my business.

"Well then thank you for answering my questions that will be all"

"What you don't want to ask about my relationship with my brother?" Liadon grinned at me and spoke.

"No, not at all, it is none of my concern" I answered his question.

"Well you are really different from the other nobility and royalty your majesty hehe"

"Anyway, it seems we have arrived your majesty, if you excuse me I shall go and speak with the guard at the gate" Liadon spoke and gave a small bow.

"Okay" I replied to him while nodding slightly.

I looked outside, this city is truly marvelous, I turned my head and looked at the palace it is really big now that I see it so close, the palace was surrounded by another thick layer of wall.

I glanced at Liadon who was standing with the guards at the gate, he glanced back at me and waved his hand towards us, it was a sign that we may enter the palace grounds.


The gate slowly opened and my carriage and escorts entered inside, I noticed a lot of gazes from the demons towards us, even these guards have those eyes, I think they are eyes of disgust, well no wonder even in the game no one could team up with the undead race, but beeing here and being invited to this ball just says that this is the real world now and not a game.

"Well than your majesty I shall head to my fathers, I apologize that he can not come out and greet you, he is really old and lately not in the best health, also these servants will show you to your quarters, your escorts will have their own private quarters as well" Liadon spoke to me as he presented a few servants tha wore some nice cloths.

"Okay I understand, also I would like to have my escort as close to me as possible" I spoke as I stepped outside the carriage, the black guard lined up when they saw me.

"Sigh" "Very well your majesty we shall give you quarters close to your escorts, but you need not fear for your safety here" Liadon sighed and spoke.

"Hehe, I am not worried about my safety at all" I chuckled, at Liadon who had a confused face right now.

"Well then let us proceed, the ball shall be held in the evening I shall guide you to your quarters as well as your escort, please come this way queen of the undead" one of the servants spoke as he extended his hand to me.

Well this is amusing the tone in his voice was that of a disgust instead of the eyes, I wonder why do they hate the undead so much but who cares.

"Mistress can I kill these flies right now, I have kept myself composed till now, but now a mere servant dares to disrespect you, could you please grant me the honor" Iris was boiling with rage and killing intent, that it was visible to the eye.

"No Iris remain calm, no need to create a scene, they can hate us and look at us with disgust but that is how much they can only do nothing more" I spoke to calm Iris down and now instead of hatred and killing intent her eyes brightened up and looked at me.

"As you say, mistress, I apologize for acting like that" Iris gave a deep bow.

"It is okay it happens, now let us proceed" I turned towards the servants.

The servants guided us, to run-down quarters of the palace, somehow I expected this but seriously I think they should show some respect to me I am after all the queen of the undead and night kingdom.

Also on our way, I saw many races, major and minor ones that existed in the game and they were all given better quarters.

"We are truly sorry for the state these quarters are in but, you requested to be close to your escorts and these are the biggest quarters we have" one of the servants bowed but I caught a glimpse of a smile on his face.

"You may leave now" I told the servants with a cold face.

"Y..yes!" they trembled a little and ran out as quick as they could.

"Mistress we should get ready for the tonight's ball" Iris spoke.

"Yeah but I want to rest a little now" I sat down on a chair, a really old chair.

"As you command, when you feel you have rested these two will be here to assist you with your dress" she pointed her hand at the two vampire maids, who gave a deep bow.

"As for the safety, leave those to me and the black guard"

"Alright, I leave it you" I am really tired of riding a carriage.


A comeback chapter, hope you like it, next time the ball finally begins!!!!!! ^^

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