《Rise Of The Dark Queen》Chapter: 3 - Meeting With The General's


"......" Right now Iris, I and Kain have left my room and we are currently towards the throne room that Iris mentioned...on our way I saw many skeletons in black armours standing on both sides of our path...I know those skeletons....they are called the black guard they are an elite unit I used to keep in my city for protection.

"sigh" I really was reborn or reincarnated as Lisha...even the units are the same....but what I still don't understand how...and I might never find out.

"Is something the matter mistress?" Iris looked at me...ah my sigh just now must have caused a misunderstanding.

"No no, it's nothing Iris" she just smiled at me and faced forward....I took a glance at Kain who was a little further away from us....he had an ugly expression as he looked at Iris....if staring could murder Iris would be dead long time ago...the reason for his death stare..its because he wanted to stand on the right side near me but Iris sent him flying into the wall again and again...eventually, he gave up...but I don't understand why it's so important to him...

We kept walking for a few more minutes...all along our way the black guard were positioned....when I asked Iris about it, she answered with a smile...."The black guard refused to leave the path towards the queen's room unguarded...they have been standing there for two hundred years...they never moved an inch"

"......"Well what can I say....that's some hardcore loyalty....but to stand still and never move for two hundred years....makes me pity them a little even if they did it for me.

"hmm"I stopped to think for a second.

"Mistress?" "queen?" both Kain and Iris spoke in unison but I paid them no mind at the moment...I turned around and faced the black guard the still continued to stand in their spots....I inhaled the cold air and yelled.."Black guard my loyal servants...you have done well to protect me for all this time....but now that task has ended....and once again it is time for you to follow me!" I feel embarrassed saying all the stuff....but that the only thing I could think of.


"......"hmm nothing is happening....maybe they don't obey me anymore....that could be bad....I think.

While I was having my inner mind struggle something happened..."swish!" a sound was heard...I looked in front of me...all the black guard have turned towards me and bowed down...the red light in their eyes flickered fiercely..."gulp.." a small smile formed on my lips...you know this is....kinda amazing.

I turned around and started walking towards the throne room once again...I looked at Iris who just continued to smile...Kain as well...creepy...I can't guess what they are thinking at all...behind me a marching sound could be heard...that marching sound was coming from the black guard that walked right behind me in unison.

We soon arrived at the large black door...the door was how should I explain....evil looking maybe...the door was covered in bones and skulls...and it was black....it gave me shivers.

The door opened...I entered the throne room and looked at all the undead beings gathered there...all in front of me.

"The queen has awakened!" they started yelling and cheering in unison.

"Finally, our long waiting days have ended..." they kept saying various things...I looked in front of me...a throne that had a similar style as the black door just now...skulls...bones....evil looking spikes...black..."sigh"

I walked towards the throne and sat down...as I guessed that's where I belong...even a moron could figure that much.

Behind me and down from the throne the black guard lined up...I was surrounded...Iris was standing on my left side while Kain was standing on my right side...seems Iris allowed him..."heh" a small chuckle escaped from my mouth.

All the beings were currently speaking which created a disarray of voices but that was stopped soon by a harsh cold voice "Stop your talking you fools...you are in the presence of the queen....or do you want me to rip out your tongues..." nothing....absolute nothing was heard after the voice stopped talking.


I looked down and saw four beings that were bowing down....they clearly stood out...and I also know who they are.

They are my generals...I had four legions that protected four parts of my little kingdom...and these beings here are the generals and leaders of those legions.

The first one was the lich king "Arkenur" he looked like a skeleton except he was a lich and a lich king at that...he was a super rare general you could obtain if you were one of the top three players in the world...he wore a dark robe on his body...there were weird spikes growing out of him..he was also floating a little....in his hand he carried a black book with strange signs on it..

The next one was also one of the rare generals that I obtained on a lottery...the zombie general "DarakMorul" he was one of the sturdiest generals's in the game...I usually put him on the front line with the vanguard...he was really hard to kill and he sustained damage he was able to easily slip away from the battle...he wore a black armour with skulls that had red eyes....on his back was a large red sword...I should mention that all my generals have the legendary equipment.

Next to Darak was the third legion general the ghost princess "Elize Kor Tal" she was one of my first generals to obtain...but it seems in this world Elize can take a form of a human...flesh and blood....and again like with Iris...I am annoyed what's with those balloons on her chest....nevermind...anyway, Elize is a beauty as well...with her short red hair...and her dark blue dress....her curves that showed off her body....I don't know why I am jealous.

And finally the last general....and the one I obtained before Elize....the skeleton lord "Mortas The Corrupted" is his name but I just call him Mortas...he wore similar looking armour like the black guard...but his equipment is on a whole different scale that the black guard...also in order to recruit the black guard in the game you had to own Mortas and he had to be level 200 the highest level in the game...also the one who silenced the crowd of undead monsters was him.

They lifted their heads towards me and spoke "we have long awaited your awakening our queen....this world shall once again now your name...and all shall tremble before you." they spoke in unison....and what the hell how am I supposed to reply to that?!

Umm...think...think...."...."maybe I should just go with the flow? It's not like they would do anything without my permission right.....right?

Okay, let's go with that...I stood up from my throne..."Stand up my loyal generals....I have returned to you after a long slumber...and it seems the world has changed much in the time I was absent...so before anything I must learn more about this world that changed." that should do it right...

"By your command our queen!" they replied as they stood up..."gaaaaa!!!" the bone-chilling cheers erupted from the creatures that were bowing down....I guess they are satisfied for now...


An: Hope you enjoy! ^^

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