《Rise Of The Dark Queen》Chapter: 1 - Goodbye Old World


"Ah...it's already this late...I have to go to sleep...but I can't log out just yet...." I looked at my phone it was 3 am...I need to go to sleep soon...I need to wake up in three hours..."sigh"..I hate exam days.

My name Alice Wilingson and right now I am playing a popular online game called Arvania Online...it's a popular online game where you chose one race out of many.

It's an MMORTS game where you start with one little village and you start developing it from the scratch...soon it grows into a town than a city and lastly you have a great capital city...of course, there are wars in this game...I like this game mostly because of that feature...the battles in this game a done fabulously...if I can choose simple words to describe the battles it would be something like the popular strategy game called total war I guess.

Anyway yeah, there are many wars in this game...but I don't really like wars...I have only one city in my possession...the one I started with from the scratch...believe it or not even with just this one city I am ranked second on the list of most powerful kingdoms and players..there is only one stronger than me...some crazy guy that owns three hundred cities.

Oh, I forgot to mention the race I chose didn't I...well to put it simply its one of the races that's not very popular...and those are undead....yeah I am playing with undead anything wrong with that...

Well, the undead aren't popular because of their relationship with the other races...seriously every race hates the undead even the demon race...the game is made that way and because of that stupid rule, the undead can't form any alliances.


And because of that, you can count the players that play with this race on your finger seriously...the most popular race is, of course, humans.

But not everything is so bleak as it seems, the undead also have advantages of their own..for example, they don't have upkeep cost for their armies...also no need for waiting to recruit your troops.

When you reach the highest level in the game you unlock special troops for your army...the undead, for example, have undead dragon knights...just like their name says they ride undead dragons..they the are the elite units and because of no waiting for recruitment even if they die they can be revived once again and ready to serve with their undying loyalty once again....that the reason I am still unconquered undead player in this game...even today I kept beating back waves of players that wanted to conquer my land and my city.

It really is exhausting...I don't even want to fight anyone...I just want to play peacefully....but I guess I chose the wrong game for that huh...but this is also fun in its own way...there is that thrill.

"Ah, I should repair the equipment on my queen.." I open the character information panel.

I look at my queen the ruler of the undead kingdom...I gave her a name Lisha it somehow seemed appropriate...my queen was a vampire..she was 170cm tall...she had white hair that extended all the way to her waist...she had a slender figure, I especially took my time with her face..if you ask me she looked gorgeous...long eyelashes, red eyes,her cherry lips,her small nose....ah I must be weird but I love my character.

Anyway, I got sidetracked I wanted to repair my equipment...


"Hmm, just my armour was damaged in that last fight huh..." I look at my equipment..I have the legendary class equipment and Its even the legendary vampire set meaning only vampires can wear it...also, I say armour but what I am wearing is more of a dress....a frilly black dress.

The equipment can be classified as common,uncommon,epic and legendary tho most powerful of them all....and when you have a full set it's even more powerful.

"Hmm, it's just my armour huh....well that good cus it really costs much to repair legendary equipment...good thing my queen is not a melee fighter..." yeah my queen is a caster class...a combination of dark mage and necromancer combined with her race a vampire great isn't it?

"Yawn!" hm it's best if I sleep right now...I pick up my phone and look at the clock..."damn 4am..."

I look at my great city before I turn off my pc.."Hope no one attacks me while I am away..."

I turn off my pc...and lay down on my bed...I quickly fall asleep.

"Good morning my beautiful queen."

"hmgdh...." I opened my eyes slowly and besides my bed a blond young man was standing....he was bowing down...he looks handsome....and he is wearing butlers outfit..... is this a dream?


AN:Small prologue chapter of what's to come hope someone likes it ^^

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