《Dungeon Boss Player》Chapter 16 - Leveling up after a tough battle
[KAI! HELP!] A message popped in front of Kai. He didn’t had to think who the sender was, because there was only one player that would send a message like that, and it was Terra.
[What happened?] Kai answered after a few seconds.
[It is the Dungeon Dueler… he is back and is taunting me to have a PvP match with him!] Terra answered. [But I don’t want it and he will not stop… and he already killed three of my minions!] She added.
[It is that guy… try to stay calm, I’ll think if I am able to help you.] Kai said as he stood up looking at his new room, which was full of green. “I forgot to ask Isis if this had something to do with the level up…” He said with a wry smile. “And that Dungeon Dueler…”
[Come quick! I might not be able to stop myself from accepting his PvP invitation… just looking at this guy’s face makes my blood boil!] Terra send back.
Kai sighed because he understood that it was a mistake to accept the girl’s friend invitation.
[I’m a solo player, deal with your own problems!] He answered.
[I can give you a weapon my minions made…] She said as she sent a picture of a few wooden weapons. [They are quite nimble with their hands.] She added at the end of the message.
[I’ll think on your case…] Kai said but he was moving, he was curious to see what this ‘Dungeon Dueler’ was doing and which race it started with.
Terra stood in front of her dungeon with a round shield made of a piece of tree her minions had chopped off and gave to her.
“You’re not fighting me? Even with the handicap I’m giving you?” The Dungeon Dueler said as he sat on the ground with its legs crossed.
“No… I will not accept the words of such a low creature as you! You taunt people to fight and after that you don’t let them grow!” Terra said as two more minions joined her with their wood shield. “And the last fight was enough for me.” She added.
“Eh? And here I thought I could use this more…” The Dungeon Dueler said as it took an arm out of a Wood Doll that was lying on the ground. “It still breaks so easily…” He said looking at the weapon it was holding with shining eyes.
“I’ll not fall on your taunt anymore!” She answered, but in her head she couldn’t help but think what she would do if the player before her continued to harass her it would not take long before it entered her dungeon just to kill all the minions she had under her control. “Just go home and leave me alone!” She shouted slamming her wooden sword at her shield.
“No way… I’m here to make you grow stronger, as you can see I only brought my weakest minions and their first evolution.” He said with a big smile on his face.
“No! I’ll not accept your challenge!” Terra said as she took a step behind. “And aren’t you just a bully that fights fight you know you can win?” She asked looking at the boss.
“No no, I’m no bully. I’m just training you to know how to fight and answer when needed.” The Dungeon Dueler said as a smile floated on his lips. “Instead… I think I should give you a bigger handicap… maybe using just a few of my minions would be a better idea to capture such an easy dungeon like yours.” He said with his lips curled up.
“YOU!” Terra shouted but on her mind she was struggling just to keep calm and wait because he would gain no DP if it wasn’t a PvP match and he could be branded as a PK if his actions escalated. “I-I just remembered that I had a meeting with a friend… maybe we can leave that for another day.” She said trying to make take some way out of the confrontation.
“Eh? And here I thought I would have a great meeting with a fellow Boss… I’m feeling like I’m the only one worthy to be called a boss here.” The Dueler said as he shrugged his arms.
‘Kai! What is taking you so long? Come already or I’ll end up accepting this shitty face’s PvP match!’ Terra thought as she hide behind her shield.
“Yo doll… what did you call for- what the fuck? Bunnies!?” A black and white wolf suddenly appeared from the forest and cried as he saw more than hundreds of bunnies all over the place.
“This is the thing you lost to?” Kai asked the doll. “You’re so weak that even small bunnies can kill you?!” He added as if he wasn’t seeing the bigger bunny sitting in the middle.
“Well… he was stronger than I thought… and I had a small problem at the beginning of my development…” The doll said from behind her shield and Kai couldn’t help but sigh. “Besides… I thought I could win!” She said sure of herself.
“And that brought you to your lost.” Kai said nodding. “Oi, furry friend, are you sure you’re that great? All I see are small fluff balls waiting to be devoured.” He said as a wicked smile appeared on his face.
“Oh? And you? Aren’t you a bit too big for a pet dog? I’m the all mighty Dungeon Dueler, no matter how much I fight, no can beat me in looks and in skills.” The ball of fluff and a somewhat tasty looking bunny said as it stood up.
“You look like dinner.” Kai said as he smacked his lips. “And what are you doing bullying such a weak player? Where is the fun in that?” He said looking at Terra.
“Hey! I’m not weak! I just had a bad start… that’s all.” She said looking at the wolf, which was bigger than the last time she had seen it. “And… you grew…” She said.
“I’m still young, did you think I would stay at that size I was before?” Kai answered ignoring the talking bunny.
“DON’T IGNORE ME, YOU GIANT FURBALL I’M FAR STRONGER THAN YOU AND I WILL PROVE IT BY MAKING YOU EAT YOUR OWN TAIL!” The Dungeon Dueler shouted as it hopped around, just like a bunny.
“Hey, can I eat him?” Kai asked the doll.
“You can… I don’t mind it.” Terra answered feeling that the bunny might have taken the short end of the stick. “But… what will you do with his PvP match setup?” She asked.
“Easy. Oi, tasty looking bunny, I, the Great Wolf Lord Kai, propose a PvP match against you as I will enter your dungeon where you have to defend yourself from my attack.” Kai said looking at the furious rabbit.
“I, the Dungeon Dueler Earthbunny Wisebone, accept your challenge! You can follow me to my dungeon and you will see who is stronger, you pet dog!” The bunny said as it started to furiously stomp at the ground.
“You can go on, I’ll find you using the tracking on the map.” Kai said as he gestured to the bunny to go already. “Just make sure to leave your neck clean, I want to have a piece of it.” He said as a wicked and dark smile appeared on his lips.
“You fool, you will have to fight all my mighty forces then! I won’t hold back!” The bunny said as it hopped away with his hundreds of minions.
“And that is how you drive an annoying tasty-looking bunny away.” Kai said after the bunny had vanished.
“I heard that!” A small squeaky voice reached Kai’s ears and he couldn’t help but laugh at the small voice of the bunny.
“And seriously… how did you lose to such a bunny?” Kai asked looking at Terra, who hadn’t get out from behind her shield.
“Well… he had too many minions under his control and he was kinda tricky…” She said a bit ashamed. “I could do nothing, because I didn’t have a good start all my minions were far weaker than they would normally be.” Terra added as she looked around Kai but saw no minions at all. “Where are your minions?” She asked.
“My minions… they are waiting a bit away from here.” Kai smiled as he looked at the doll. “And I thought I would receive something once I helped you…” He started as he looked at Terra’s dungeon.
“YOU! YOU’RE NOT A WOLF YOU’RE A SLY FOX!” She said but she took some of the weapons she had crafted and placed before him. “These are the ones I can give you… they’re not that great…” She said hanging her head down.
“Those are good enough.” Kai said stretching his shadow and taking the wooden weapons she had placed before him. “With these I can do what I want without fear.” He said before he walked away with a wagging tail.
“Dinner, lots of bunny meat~ I can’t wait~ Dinner will be bunny~ Jumping around~ Bunny bunny~ Let’s reap their meat~ Let’s eat, let’s eat~” Kai sang a weird song as he slowly walked to the place he had left his minions.
Kai stood before a cave with 30 of his minions because he couldn’t let his own dungeon unprotected and the female adventurer might try to run away as well, so he had to leave some guards there to keep eyes on everything.
The minions he had brought were the two Dire Wolves, six Black Wolves, 10 Grey Wolves and the remaining 12 were normal Wolves.
As Kai stood before the cave he was looking for any signal that meant the strength that cave the bunny his confidence, but what he saw made him think that it was nothing more than a normal cave.
‘This might be a trap.’ He thought without taking a step forward and he looked at the surroundings but nothing out of the ordinary could be seen, no strange mounds of earth, strange patches of grass… nothing out of the ordinary. ‘Is this guy… really that great to think that he can win against me with a normal dungeon?’ He thought taking a step forward.
You have entered the PvP area. From now on minions can be killed and won’t be able to come back to life if they are killed.
Kai received a message as he arrived one meter away from the entrance of his dinner.
‘This is just too weird…’ He thought as he growled to his minions to follow him inside.
He walked around and finding rooms filled with herbs, fruits, berries, veggies and many other green things he did not mind at all.
‘It is just too weird!’ Kai thought as he walked through four rooms but saw nothing more than lands and no minion whatsoever. ‘This feels too weird!’ He added as he slowly made his way to the next room and there he stopped with wide eyes.
The room was so big and wide that Kai couldn’t help feel hopeless as he stared at the big room.
“Do you like what you see?” The Dungeon Dueler said from the place he sat, near the room entrance. “I did my best to make this place suited for my own style.” He said walking to the center of the wide room.
“And here I thought you were laying traps… I think I shouldn’t have been so cautelous against you…” Kai said as he walked inside the room with his 30 minions. “And this numbers might be more than enough.” He added as a smile appeared on his face.
“Just those? You have no chance of winning with those small numbers of yours will never be able to defeat my hundreds of minions!” The bunny said as he hopped around. “Minions gather before the Rabbit King!” The small creature shouted but no rabbit appeared.
“…” Kai said nothing as he looked at the ‘Rabbit King’, who coughed as if nothing had happened.
“STOP FUCKING LIKE RABBITS AND COME TO FIGHT!” The bunny shouted and soon from the walls many rabbits, walked outside, slowly at first but soon the dungeon floor was covered with them. “Great! Now, let’s hunt those doggies!” The bunny shouted.
“You know nothing.” Kai said as he slammed his right front paw to the ground as he threw his head upwards.
A loud howl was released and all bunnies, flinched as they took a step back, away from Kai and his minions, who were howling like him, but not with the same strength as his.
Kai had noticed a few things as he walked to the bunny’s dungeon, minions could use the Boss’ skills but the minions’ version was weaker and they couldn’t produce the same effect the Boss’ ones could.
Stepping forward Kai set his wolves to kill all bunnies, no matter what they saw. They were to make the ground of the dungeon they were fighting a sea of the vivid red color.
“D-DO YOU THINK I’M SCARED OF YOU!?” The 1.5 meter tall Bunny Boss said as it hopped. “I’m stronger than anyone! I fought many battles with these rabbits of mine!” He said as he ‘stepped’ on the sky jumping once more.
“Oh, so you can jump in the sky.” Kai said as he watched the bunny run around in circles as he ordered the messy rabbits to stop running away and fight back. “But you’re still too weak to fight me.” He added as he stood up on his back legs. His front arms raised over his head.
He stood like that for a second before he brought it down with enough force to make the ground crack and form a small crater where the paws hit the ground.
“Danger!” The bunny boss shouted as it jumped in the air to its side but before him, a trail of blood could be seen as many rabbits, hares, horned rabbits and horned hares were killed by the strange move Kai released from his claws. “What was that?!” The bunny asked looking at the ten deep cuts that were on the ground.
“Nothing an inferior creature like you need to know.” Kai said as he watched amused by the force the Void Claw actually had. ‘If I could fire this continuously it would be great!’ He thought but he had to jump away because the white bunny boss had appeared before him.
“Power Punch!” The Bunny said as he punched towards Kai’s face.
Kai wanted to meet it head on but it was coming from below and if it connected he could probably be knocked out or would be possibly killed by the attack.
Using his front legs, Kai pushed the ground and stood up, making his 2.5 meter tall body to look even bigger, he looked like a giant wall of white and black fur.
Kai saw the bunny’s arm miss his head and he did not gave the other time to think, he brought his paw down and slammed at the head of the airborne bunny, which tried to evade by kicking the air, but he wasn’t fast enough and the paw hit his flank sending him flying towards a giant wall of furry rabbits that were on the ground.
“Tsk.” Kai clicked his tongue and he fell back on all fours. He couldn’t stay on his hind legs for too long but it was useful to give his frontal legs more strength. “Annoying little flies.” He said looking around but not being able to find the boss because of the number of rabbits all around the room.
The rabbits were scared but they were fighting back but their power had fallen to 50% because of the howl together with their simple mindset. They did almost any damage at the wolves that used their claws, paws and fang to slash, cut or rip their weak body.
“It has no end!” Kai suddenly said as he slammed his body on a wave of running rabbits sending many towards others. “DINNER, COME AND FIGHT ME!” He shouted looking around but he was not able to find the bunny boss he had came to kill, only hundreds and hundreds of rabbits biting and kicking the wolves that were making the ground turn red as more and more blood was spilled.
“Horn attack!” A small voice came from the side and Kai felt a piercing pain on his left side and without thinking he shook his body sending a small brown rabbit up.
“WHY DON’T YOU DIE ALREADY?” Kai shouted as he looked at the running bunny. “No, you’re not running away.” He said as he crouched tensing the muscles of his four legs and with a powerful leap he shot forwards with far more speed than before.
‘PREY! DINNER!’ Kai thought as he locked at the running Bunny and he charged at full speed at the many rabbits that tried to stop him, but all he did was use his body as a giant and powerful mass to send the small creatures flying, some dead while others injured because of his merciless charge.
“Go away!” The bunny shouted as lightning quickly gathered around him and he suddenly turned into a blur.
‘Charge… hunt…’ Kai thought as he did all he could to run after the blur. He could follow it, even if it was only a blur, he knew where the bunny was going to.
‘So you’re thinking of using a wall?’ Kai thought as he saw the Bunny stand right before one of the walls. ‘Then let’s see what will you do!’ He said in his mind as he poured everything on speed making his body, which was already heavy and powerful, feel like a cannonball to the small rabbits, which were destroyed by the force he generated as he rushed towards the wall.
The Bunny waited and seeing that Kai didn’t stop his pursuit he smiled before he jumped and used his longs legs to kick the wall, sending him forwards like a small round.
‘It is now or never…’ Kai thought as he saw the bunny act. He ducked evading the rabbit and before he hit the wall, he jumped with a spin, landing on the wall with his legs. ‘It was not a good idea…’ He thought but he did not stop. He used all the force he had created and like a spring, he was sent back as his muscles released all the force back, he was sent after the bunny, with enough momentum to catch up to it within a small amount of time.
Opening his mouth, Kai bite into the bunny, which suddenly released a small electric current making his body go numb but he didn’t release it from his mouth, he closed it even more, making the blood start to flow from the open wounds.
“Ahahaha! This is the trill!” The bunny suddenly said as it used its free hand to punch at Kai’s muzzle trying to be set free.
Kai felt each punch that carried enough force to make him feel like a small metal ball hit his face over and over again, but he did not release the bunny, instead he used a move he had learned by watching his minions, he shook his head to the side, making the wounds even worse.
Kai crash landed on the ground, but he was lucky to fall over a bunch of dead corpses which ended absorbing great part of the blunt force that he had created with the jump.
As he crashed, Kai opened his mouth, allowing the bunny to slip away from the open mouth Kai released some of his breath because of the force of the impact.
“You’re dead.” The bunny said as it lifted its bloody body. “My skill will not let you walk for quite sometime.” He said trying to hold the blood that was coming out from the open cuts all over his body, but Kai saw it, it was slowly healing.
“You… you used all the points you got on Skills…” Kai said as he felt his tongue heavy and it was hard for him to breath.
“Exactly. I love to fight enemies! It wouldn’t be nice to them if I did a bad job on a fight.” The bunny said winking at Kai. “I had used so many time preparing all the skills I have right now… and to think the first mortal wound would come from a doggie.” He said laughing at Kai.
“…” Kai didn’t say a thing as he looked at the Rabbit Boss. It was slowly walking but the wounds were closing showing that it would survive. ‘I need to think of something to use…’ He thought and he remembered the female adventurer talking about magic.
He closed his eyes and felt the two hot places. They were his mana, his second nature.
‘Merge them… as one… compress… and move it around.’ Kai thought as he heard the bunny get closer.
“Did you forfeit already? You’re just waiting for me to finish you off now?” The bunny taunted but Kai didn’t open his eyes. “Then… I’ll make you pay for all the pain I felt with these wounds of mine!” He continued and Kai felt another stabbing pain on his flank, but he continued to have his eyes closed.
‘Feel it… feel it.’ Kai said in his mind as he circled the mana all over his body. He felt the way it moved, slowly at first but as if a dam was broken and all the stored mana rushed in his body.
A stronger howl made the air and the cave to shake so violently that it looked like a small earthquake was happening while from the front, visible grey sound waves burst from Kai’s jaws completely covering the rabbit boss forcing him to try and resist but was eventually thrown against the wall until the howl stopped. What was amazing was that more than half of the still living rabbits all died from heart attack and the rabbit boss was holding his chest.
“What did you do?” The Bunny boss asked as he tried to lift his body.
“I did nothing.” Kai said as he stood up. His legs were trembling because of the strain they were put before and from the electric current that the rabbit boss threw at him but he didn’t stop. “I have to thank you for helping unlock the best thing I could ever have.” He said as he stood up lifting his front legs.
Like a towering mountain. Immovable, Overpowered, Giant, Unbreakable, Overwhelming, Towering before small ants, Kai stood. The air around him seemed to tremble and all the wolves that were around started to howl and together they created a giant sound wave that made all rabbits hold their ears.
Taking his time, Kai looked at the Rabbit Boss and with a smile he swung his front legs down.
The force was totally different than before, while before he was strong enough to leave pawprints on hard stone, this time his paws sunk halfway down and at the same time, ten wind blades were sent flying.
They cut through the ground, bunnies, and even the wall that was behind the rabbit boss and they continued for a few more meters before they slowly died leaving a deep scar on the wall.
The wolves stopped howling as they saw the biggest rabbit fall, cut in four by the powerful wind.
With the death of their leader, the battle turned into a single way massacre, no lives were spared as the wolves killed all the fleeing rabbits.
You won the PvP match against Earthbunny Wisebone.
You received a “Small Treasure Box (?)” and “500 DP”
Kai dismissed the window as he let his body fall on the ground.
“Gather everything you can.” He said tiredly at the surviving minions. He had lost three of them, one being a Grey Wolf while the other two were normal wolves. “Be it berry, fruit, saplings, everything.” He said and all the wolves started to reap all the plants and gather them before Kai, as well making a pile of dead bunny corpses.
“You… what you did here?” Isis said as she appeared from his bracelet. “This place is totally broken!” She said looking at the tired Kai.
“PvP Match…” He said shrugging. “Had to win, no matter what.” He added as he lied down.
“And… are you going to consume his Dungeon Core?” Isis asked pointing to a shining red gem that wasn’t cut, even though the place it was had been cut all the way to the other side.
“I don’t know… maybe.” He said looking at the sphere.
“Just saying, doing that is the same as killing his dungeon, you will allow him to start over from square one, but he won’t need to buy the races, or skills he had and he will only be limited by the DP he has.” She said taking the stone and placing before Kai. “The benefits you get from this is that you will get about half the DP he had stored.” She said with a gentle smile.
“That is pretty damn good.” Kai said looking at the stone. “And what is the catch?” He asked the AI.
“Well… the downside is… he might come to have another PvP match with you.” She said with as she played around looking at the crushed bodies. “You should have made a cleaner job here… you broke so many of them… what a shame!” She said dropping her shoulders.
“I couldn’t help.” He said as he looked at the red gem and biting into it.
It melted on his mouth and another window appeared before him.
You ate another dungeon core!
You received 250 DP
“WHAT!?” Kai suddenly shouted as he looked at his status.
Name: Kai
Race: Canine Dungeon
Boss Level
Minion Level Range
Dungeon Points
Minions Number
Deaths: 0
Kills: 4
Minions Races
Wild Dogs
Grey Wolf
Black Wolf
Dire Wolf
Dungeon Skills (Hide/Show)
Boss Skills (Hide/Show)
“Two levels and… THAT AMOUNT OF DP IS SCARY!” He said looking at Isis.
“That is pretty normal, you know? That guy used a lot of DP on skills, so he had little on himself, but he was pretty strong.” Isis said as she lied on Kai’s back. “I think he was at level 15 and the amount of DP he got from PvP match was great as well.” She said rolling around Kai’s back.
“I wonder what I’ll do with those…” Kai said as he couldn’t think what to do with the amount of DP he had on him.
“You will think on something.” Isis said as she vanished. “It would be better for you to leave this place, it will soon crumble since you ate the dungeon core.” She said as she giggled.
“Say that before I do it!” Kai shouted as he stretched his shadow and making all the bodies and the greenery sink on it. “The next time, you will suffer under my rage!” He said as he slowly walked away, his legs felt like jelly.
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