《God of all system》Chapter - 9 Pratnership?


"Attacking people like that for no reason is a bad thing. If you ever do it to me again... You won't see tomorrow morning." he said with a cold voice and his eyes flashed with silver color.

Hearing these words, the Phoneix shivered in fear! All of her instincts screamed at her! This man is dangerous! She could do nothing; she was pinned to the ground without any ability to resist.

After seeing her fear, Viola released his pressure from her and asked her. "What are you doing here bird?" Even though she was crushed by him for only a few moments, for her, it felt like an eternity. Now finally being free again she stood up and took several steps back and answered: "I-i'm living here." She said with her voice now is full of fear. "Oh, well you don't need to be afraid of me, as long as you won't try to hurt me, I won't hurt you." He said with a calm face. Hearing that Viola wasn't interested in her life, she calmed down. But she still has her guard up.

Viola looked at her and said "What kind of a bird you are, and to what stage did you breakthrough to?" Hearing that she felt a little bit annoyed, what does he mean what kind of a bird is she?! She is a Phoenix! A divine beast! One won't be able to find someone like her even if he goes to the end of the myriad realms! Well, even if she wanted to yell at him and say that, she wouldn't dare to do that..."Hm, I'm not a bird. I'm a phoenix! I have extremely ancient bloodline! Not some fake tiny bloodline like these fake birds that claim to be divine beasts! And I just made a breakthrough to the God Realm!" She said in arrogance! Well, that information will definitely make anyone in this realm Awed! Well, Viola is not from this realm...


"Oh." Said Viola with an unimpressed face. For him what she said didn't mean much... and he also wasn't much interested in it. But then a thought reached his head! "Hey, do you mind answering a question for me?" He said in a solemn face. Hearing that the Phoenix got nervous... what kind of question viola going to ask her? Does she have an answer? Probably not! "What in me make you feel uncomfortable? That will make you want to attack me?" He asked her in an innocent voice. "Huh?" She said dumbfounded, What is he talking about?

"I got attacked today twice! First by some crowd after they saw me, and now by you for no reason. What in me make you feel uncomfortable that makes you want to attack me!" He said in a determined face! He wanted to change that, how is he going to adventure and meet people if anyone that sees him attacks him?!

"Are you asking that for real?" She said utterly unable to understand where this boy came from?

He is so handsome and he except people not to desire him? He is so handsome that it will be weird if people won't storm at him! Girls to have him! And boys to kill him! He is too handsome that is a sin! "Yes!" He answered. Hearing that she was even more shocked, how innocent was he to not even understand how good looking he was?!

"Hmm, well I can. The main problem is your look... You should change it... No, If you want to live a peaceful life you must! It will be the best if you will have a normal average face. " She said even though she thought it would be such a wast! She knew that it would cause that boy nothing more than trouble.


Hearing that Viola raised his brows and said "My appearance is the problem? Well, then I will change it" With that, a divine light enveloped his body... and with that, his appearance completely changed.

The light slowly Disappear, and in front of the Phoenix, there was a new boy.

His face was nothing special, just a normal boy; you won't bother to take more than one look at him, He wore a white robe simple robe with a black outline. That boy is Viola.

Looking at him the Phoenix couldn't find anything that connects between the boy she saw seconds an ago to the boy in front of her right now. 'Such a profound technique, I can't even tell that he used a disguise.' She thought to herself.

"Well that is a good look, now people won't bother you anymore." She said to him. True with that appearance nobody will take more than a glance at him. "Good." Said Viola with a smile. No, he won't be worried about getting attacked for no reason anymore. "By the way... What's your name? My name is Viola." He asked the Phoenix with a smile. "My name is Lixue." She said. "Nice to meet you." He said with a smile. "As thanks for helping me, is there anything you want? Or need help with? I will do my best to help." He said in a serious voice.

"Huh? There is something!" She said in hoping a voice. "What is it?" Asked Viola. "Well, I want to make a blood contract with you, and become your partner!" She said in a determined voice!

"Blood contract? I read about that; it means that we will be connected with life and death. And you will become my partner." He said calmly. Hearing him Lixue glued unsure if he will even agree... After all, he was so strong, will he even be interested in her?

"Such an impudence! A someone as lowly as that beast wishes to become your partner? I refuse to that!" Said Rose with her voice as cold as steel. "Even though that beast has a primordial bloodline and quite a bit of it, her talent is extremely bad if she only managed to reach to the God Realm, And even that she did today! "No. I will do it, even if she is as bad as you say, I won't go back on my words." He said with a serious face.

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