《Why a goblin?!》More Training


Having returned to the training goblins, with a captured horned rabbit in his hands, Jaba now realizes he didn’t think this all the way through. With the goblins looking on with expectation flooded eyes, Jaba really wants to come through here.

Hm, I have the rabbit, but how do I get it to attack me instead of just running away or attacking the goblins instead. Maybe I should’ve taken them one a time after all, but that would take forever.

Since I’m already here why not try it out first to see if it works, for some reason I really don’t want to disappoint my students.

What if I just toss it a couple of feet away then just hopes it charges? Or maybe I could put it near the group of goblins and hopefully, it charges at me to try and escape instead of running into the goblins?

Ahh, but what if it attacks them instead? I’m definitely fast enough to kill it quickly, but it might be able to fatally injure one goblin before I make it, and one goblin is one too many.

Any single one of my tribe members, now turned students dying because I was wrong, is not a thought that sits well with me.

I don’t think I’d be able to sleep well at night if that were the case. Alright, that option is off, I won’t risk a goblin dying just for a demonstration.

Now what? Guess I have no choice but to try and toss it a few feet away in hopes it charges right back at me. Seeing that it’s still feistily trying to escape out of my hand as I hold it by its ears, maybe it’ll be angry enough to foolishly charge at me instead of running away.

Alright here goes nothing, with my back towards the goblins, I toss the little rabbit as softly as possible around twenty feet away from me.


It landed then quickly turned around to face me, which made me think that it was about to charge. I readied my little spear in wait, but before I could even yell at the goblins behind me to pay attention, It darted off into the woods.

Disappointingly I turned around to the goblins and apologized for that failed training session.

“Sorry about that, I didn’t plan for the rabbit to run away. I’ll work out a different way to practice.”

They didn’t seem as down about it as how I felt inside.

Well, I guess this leaves me with just one option, which is just taking a few of them at a time to observe the hunting process. Maybe this will work out better anyway because I’d be able to give individualized advice to each goblin.

Alright, this isn’t so bad, let's put this plan in action. I quickly pointed at two of the male goblins in the front and told them to follow me.

“You and you, come with me, while everyone else just continue to practice the moves we went over!”

After the two goblins I pointed out came forward, and I received various nods of acknowledgment from the remaining ones, I then set out with two goblins in tow.

With the goblins following silently behind me in the woods, it only took a short while before, I spotted a lone horned rabbit.

After telling the two goblins to bend down and remain quiet, I slowly did exactly what I taught Rick before.

Although I can now quickly dash in and kill the rabbit before it even realizes what happens, the unevolved goblins won’t be able to do the same thing.

This is why I’m just walking up to the horned rabbit as slow as ever, and eventually it hears me and turns around growling and ready to charge.


Once it does, it’s a charge that seems glaringly slow to me now.

I sidestep at the most opportune time when it jumps to try and impale me. I then followed up with a rapid overhead slash that instantly smashes the rabbit into bits...It seems I’m not used to my strength yet.

Well, they get the point.

I go on to repeat this process for two more rabbits, and when we came upon the third one I decided to let one of the goblins give it a shot.

“Alright, this time you go try to kill it, just like how I did.”

The goblin simply nods, before stepping out and replicating the way I walked to the best of its ability. I remember having to tell Rick when to move, but I’d like to see if this goblin can do it on its own.

I’m fast enough to save it before something fatal happens just in case. It was then that the rabbit noticed the presence of the goblin and turned around in a similar fashion to how all its predecessors did, growling with fangs shown.

Now for the hard part, the rabbit began charging, and I know for me it seems as if it is charging slowly, but I know it’s the fastest speed that little goblin has ever seen.

Either way, the goblin held its ground before performing the sidestep in spectacular fashion! It then brought down its spear on the now airborne rabbit, quickly ending its life. Ah, it’s this moment that makes me smile more than I’d like to admit.

“Good job, let's do it again.”

The little goblin seems happy to be praised, and I then told the goblin who just watched that he’d be next to do the same thing.

The sun was already at its peak by the time we returned with a couple of dead horned rabbits with us. Both goblins performed well, which made me question if I was looking down on my fellow goblins.

Seeing the group of the goblins we left behind still diligently training, I told them to rest so I can swap out another set of goblins to take hunting. During the rest, I noticed the first group of goblins returning with freshly made spears in hand.

Hmm, I forgot about that group.

No matter I’ll just put off the hunting trip so I can get these guys up to speed on thrusting, sidestepping, and an overhead slash. No matter how many times I teach it, it makes me happy every time.

“Alright everyone get your spears and line up!”

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