《Why a goblin?!》Velora


Sleeping soundly in a bush that was far too small to cover his new size, is a goblin that was far larger than his previous self.

Standing or in this case laying down is a goblin who has a height of six feet tall and weighed approximately a hundred and eighty pounds. It was a massive difference from his previous self that was only around three feet in height.

His green skin is still green of course after all a goblin has got to be green but different from his usual green it was now darker and richer in color as if staring at it made you feel as if you were enveloped in the warmth of a forest. With his previous potbelly replaced with abs you'd expect to see on a bodybuilder, this goblin is nothing like his previous self.

This goblin was Rick, and his new body wouldn’t be the only surprise he’d be waking up to this morning after sleeping through the entire night.

Ah! I’m up! But my entire body feels extremely heavy for some reason, looking around I see that I safely made it through the night. Everything seems all good, and dandy except for the fact that my head is sticking out of the bush for some reason and my body feels really really heavy. WAIT I EVOLVED, I SHOULD BE JABA’S OLD SIZE NOW RIGHT ?! Sitting up to check out my body I could only stare in silence for a few seconds, I mean could you blame me? I’m flipping HUGE!

Why am I so big? Did I skip a tier? Is this one of those things that weird god voice thingy was talking about?



[No, I am one of your unique skills, Velora. You can liken my existence to a computer from your previous world. My current abilities are limited only to help in the processing of information, the use of the discern skill, providing suggestions, and explaining various details about your status card. Though I will only know as much information that you have been exposed to regarding most things, I already come equipped with knowledge regarding your status.


As you level up in power so will the abilities of this skill, I exist solely to help in your survival. There are some significant changes to your status card, would you like to see it now?]

Wow...this is a lot to take in for one goblin, first, a mysterious voice claiming to be some sort of god invades my dream, and spat out a whole bunch of mind-blowing information, and now you're telling me that I have my very own great sage-like in some novels as a skill?

That is a little crazy when I sit and think about it. Take one trip outside the tribe and everything's going crazy.

Stay home kids it’s a crazy world out there.

Anyway every now and then I’m marvelously reminded that this is a fantasy world and I should expect nothing less. This is going to take a while to process so let's take it one step at a time like a calm, sophisticated goblin such as myself should.

So Velora was it? I’m assuming you can hear my thoughts or do I have to speak out loud?

[Yes, I can hear your thoughts]

I see, before I ask the questions I have you can go ahead and show me my status card.


{Name - Rick}

{Age - 20}

{Race - Hobgoblin (Low)}

{Level - 35 (0/1050)}

{Health - 40/40}

{Mana - 5/5}

{Strength - 20}

{Agility - 15}

{Intelligence - 10}

{Endurance - 17}

{Stat Points - 10}


{Velora (Unique)}

{Dash (common) (5 Mana)}

What that's definitely a significant change. Ah, this is really a lot to process, but just gotta remember one goblin step at a time Rick! Okay, Velora why did I skip an evolution and what does the “low” next to my race mean? Also, what is this discern skill you mentioned?


[It wasn’t skipped, you just received enough of what you appear to call experience points to make it to the required level to evolve a second time. The “low” refers to your tier as a hobgoblin, and it is a race that is separated into three tiers, low, middle, and high. For example, the goblin you know as Jaba is a high tier Hobgoblin.]

Damn Jaba is still ahead huh? I guess that wolf was stacked with XP. By the way, since you mentioned Jaba does that mean you have access to my memories?

[Yes, but only the memories you’ve made in this world, the previous statement regarding likening my existence to a computer from your previous world is information that was imprinted upon me once I came into existence as your skill.]

I guess that damn dream invader played a part in that, which is a little annoying but what can a goblin do? Anyway, Velora, although your voice sounds a little robotic, it still gives me the feeling of talking to a person, so does that mean you possess any sort of emotions?

[I’m not a human being, but I do have some semblance of emotions to make me easier to communicate with, so that comment did indeed hurt a little.]

Haha, my bad Velora! But it’s good that you do, if you're going to be in my head forever it’s better for you to have even a little emotion, rather than some emotionless voice.

Now I have a partner! And you're gonna help me accomplish my new dream Velora, a dream I have been thinking about since I’ve been here, but I’m now firm in it.

With everything that I was told by that mysterious voice while I was evolving, the most glaring thing to me was that my goblin race is constantly killed by both monsters and human beings alike.

That’s not something that sits well with me.

I’m going to create a place where every goblin can live freely, regardless of their strength. In my previous life, I always thought about how amazing it was to see someone build a nation from nothing, it’s my time to do that. Gang Green is going to stand tall one day, maybe not today or tomorrow, but one day for sure, goblins will be on top. Now with that being said, do you have any suggestions regarding that Velora?

[Yes, you are currently still sitting naked in a bush, I suggest finding clothes.]

Ah!... I am definitely a large naked goblin in a bush...Close your eyes Velora!


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